Gazaliyeva Meruert Arstanovna graduated with honours from the medical faculty of the Karaganda State Medical Academy with a degree in General Medicine in 2005; in 2006, she completed an internship as «Doctor»; in 2007, she studied Management of scientific research at Columbia University (USA); in 2009 - she specialized as a «Doctor immunologist-allergist». Also in 2011, she graduated with a second higher education in «Economics» at the Karaganda State Technical University, in 2014 Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics, speciality «Management», in 2017 speciality «Psychology» at Central Kazakhstan Academy. She is the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work experience:
2006-2007 - Assistant of the Department of Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine, Karaganda State Medical Academy;
2007-2010 - PhD student, Karaganda State Medical University;
2012-2013 - Associate Professor, Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Karaganda State Medical University;
2013-2019 - Head of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Microbiology, Karaganda State Medical University;
2018-2022 - Chief Physician of the Regional Allergological Center "DiVera" LLP «OLYMP MEDICAL GROUP»;
2018-2022 - Chief allergist of the Karaganda region;
2019-2022 - Dean of the School of Medicine, NJSC «Medical University of Karaganda»;
2012 - a member of the working group on the implementation of corporate governance principles and the development of a mechanism for granting autonomy to universities;
2012 - expert on scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an expert on education documents issued by foreign educational organizations in accordance with the mandatory state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2013 - the initiator of the creation of an allergological centre based on the clinic of the National Center for Occupational Health and Diseases of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide specialized care to the Karaganda region population;
2013 - a member of the working group for the test examination items in medical specialities;
2014 - a member of the working group on the revision and development of clinical protocols;
2015 - a member of the working group on the development of a standard for the allergological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Membership in public organizations:
2007 - Member of the Association of Doctors and Pharmacists of Kazakhstan;
2015 - Member of the European Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists;
2015 - Member of the Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists;
2016 - Member of the Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Author of more than 210 scientific papers on allergology, immunology, internal medicine and healthcare organization, including four monographs, seven pre-patents, seven intellectual property certificates, one teaching manual, and four study manuals. h-index Scopus - 4, Web of Science - 3.
Winner of state awards and honorary titles: laureate of the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008), winner of the Republican competition «The best teacher of the university» (2009), laureate of the Head of Karaganda region «Young Scientist of the Year» award (2011), holder of the state scholarships for young scientists (2013), Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2015), badge «Densaulyk saktau іsіnіn uzdigі» of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021).

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Meruyert Gazaliyeva