School of Nursing

School of Nursing

Zaure Baigozhina

Baigozhina Zaure Alpanovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Dean of the School of Nursing of NJSC "Astana Medical University" since September 2022. In 1993 she graduated from the Akmola State Medical Institute (Akmola) with a degree in General Medicine.

     The total work experience is more than 25 years, in different years she worked in practical healthcare as a doctor, teacher in medical education organizations, the last place of work of the RSE on the REM “National Scientific Center for Health Development named after Salidat Kairbekova” as director of the Department of Medical Education, Science and Personnel Policy in Healthcare.

     In 2010 she defended her thesis and was awarded the degree of candidate of medical sciences (14.00.33 - "Public health and healthcare", 2010). She has extensive experience in reforming nursing in the Republic.

    Since 2010, she has worked as an expert in the implementation of the WB Project together with foreign experts from the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH), McMaster Canada, LAMK Universities of Applied Sciences, JAMK Finland, University College London (UCL) London on the issues of modernizing the system of medical education, development of nursing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    She was the head of the WB National Project "Development of the professional environment of nursing specialists and improvement of the system of retraining of nurses" (2019-2021).

    As part of the working group, she took part in the development (updating) of the Professional Standard in the specialty "Nursing".

    As part of the National Commission (Deputy Chairman), she assessed medical colleges with the aim of reorganizing them into Higher Colleges in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Order №188 dated March 9, 2016) “On the establishment of a commission for the development of a system for training nursing specialists ". According to the results of the assessment, 37 medical colleges were reorganized into Higher Colleges.

   Since 2015 - member of the expert council, independent expert on accreditation of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2018 - Member of the Accreditation Council of the Eurasian Center for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Education and Health (ECA), Chairman of the ECA Expert Commission on Nursing Education -obrazovaniyu-vneshtatnyj.pdf.

      He has a letter of thanks, a diploma of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the owner of the badge of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For contribution to healthcare" (2017), a letter of thanks from the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Togzhanov E. in connection with the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021).



    Author of more than 85 scientific articles, abstracts of national and international importance, more than 10 guidelines and 5 guidelines in the field of healthcare and medical education.




Providing a high professional level of training for nursing professionals who are able to critically evaluate and implement safe patient-centered care and disease prevention based on evidence-based nursing practice in order to meet the population's need for qualified nursing services.

History of creation

In NJSC "Astana Medical University" (hereinafter referred to as the University), the training of bachelors in nursing has been carried out since 2007. The Faculty of Nursing was established in 2019 by the decision of the Board of Directors of NJSC "Astana Medical University" (meeting of the Board of Directors №7 dated July 24, 2019). In accordance with the new structure of the University, the School of Nursing was established in September 2022, which is a structural unit of the University that provides training students in educational programs of higher professional education on the basis of the requirements of the State obligatory standard of education (SOSE).


- ensuring, in accordance with the requirements of the State obligatory standard of education, the high-quality implementation of the educational program in the specialties "Nursing", "Kinesitherapy", "Ergotherapy";
- training of nursing professionals and specialists in the field of rehabilitation in accordance with the principles of the trinity "education, science and practice";
- study of the market of educational services and the labor market in the areas and specialties of training specialists in the field of nursing and rehabilitation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- implementation of external interaction with authorized bodies in the field of higher education, state and public organizations, stakeholders on the implementation of educational programs and training of nursing and rehabilitation specialists.
- cooperation with republican and foreign medical universities in educational and research activities;
- participation in institutional, specialized accreditation and in international and republican ratings (QS, Atameken);
- implementation of the program "Academic Mobility": planning of internal incoming / outgoing academic mobility of students and teachers;
- ensuring the organization and conduct of effective clinical practice on the basis of medical organizations with the involvement of mentors/mentors from among experienced nurses;
- organization of joint work with practical healthcare organizations on prevention and promotion of health.
Implemented educational programs
The School of Nursing (hereinafter referred to as the School) implements three educational programs "Nursing", "Kinesitherapy", "Ergotherapy", with the following terms of study: 4 years; 2 years 6 months; 10 months.
1.     Specialty: 6B10101 Nursing, study period 4 years, requirements for the previous level of education - general secondary education, technical and vocational education (TPE), post-secondary education or higher education, academic degree - bachelor of health care in the educational program 6B10101 "Nursing".
2.     Specialty: 6B10102 Nursing, study period 2 years, 6 months, requirements for the previous level of education, general secondary education, TVE, post-secondary education or higher education, academic degree - bachelor of health in the educational program 6B10102 "Nursing".
3.     Specialty: 6B10103 Nursing, training period 10 months, requirements for the previous level of education - post-secondary education in the specialty "Nursing" with the qualification "Applied Bachelor of Nursing" and work experience of at least 1 year, academic degree - Bachelor of Health in Education program 6B10103 "Nursing".
    Employment areas: medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (primary health care, hospitals, medical universities, research institutes, scientific centers, higher medical colleges, medical colleges. List of positions: extended practice nurse; chief nurse, deputy director for nursing (if there is a certificate of advanced training , work experience in a medical organization in the specialty for at least 5 years), nursing manager, valeologist, statistician, methodologist, teacher, etc. (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 № RK MH -305/2020. "On approval of the nomenclature of specialties and specializations in the field of health care, the nomenclature and qualification characteristics of positions of health workers").
     Upon completion of the educational program, graduates are given the right to enter a master's program on a competitive or paid basis in the specialty: 7M10101 "Nursing" - a scientific and pedagogical direction, the duration of study is 2 years.
   The School also implements two educational programs: "Kinesitherapy" and "Ergotherapy".
1. Specialty "Kinesitherapy"
1.1 6B10115 "Kinesitherapy", 4 years, 6B10116 "Kinesitherapy" - 2 years 6 months, requirements for the previous level of education - general secondary education, technical and vocational education, post-secondary education or higher education, academic degree - Bachelor of Health in the specialty 6B10115, 6B10116 "Kinesitherapy";
1.2 6B10120 "Kinesitherapy" - 10 months, requirements for the previous level of education - higher medical education in one of the specialties "Nursing" / General Medicine / "Dentistry" and a specialist certificate, no requirements for work experience, academic degree - Bachelor of Health in the specialty 6B10120 "Kinesitherapy".
Object of professional activity: adult and children's population in need of rehabilitation.
2. 6B10117 "Ergotherapy" - 2 years 6 months, requirements for the previous level of education - secondary vocational education in one of the specialty "Nursing" / "General Medicine" with a specialist certificate or higher education in the specialty "Physical culture and sports / Pedagogy and psychology”, academic degree - Bachelor of Public Health, specialty 6B10117 “Ergotherapy”.
The purpose of the educational program: training of specialists in the field of ergorehabilitation and habilitation, restoration of lost or impaired motor functions of a person, adaptation of a person to normal life, achievement of independence and self-sufficiency in everyday life.


      All educational programs of the specialty "Nursing", "Kinesitherapy", "Ergotherapy" have passed specialized accreditation for a period of 5 years.
     Employees of the School and specialized departments participate in the implementation of the international project "Improving nursing at the level of master's and PhD doctoral studies in the higher education system of Kazakhstan - AccelEd", aimed at reforming nursing science and research in the higher education system of Kazakhstan, under the Erasmus + program. The projects are coordinated by the JAMK University of Applied Sciences and supported by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Association of Nurses "Paryz", medical universities in Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Kazakhstan.
     During the academic year, teachers of specialized departments actively take courses, master classes, webinars on pedagogy and on the profile in order to increase their potential and continuous professional development.
     During the academic year, the staff of the department regularly publishes articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as publications of abstracts in international and republican conferences.
    Doctoral student Uakkazy Gani Bazarbekuly in the specialty "Nursing Science" was admitted to the department of "Nursing", he is a doctoral candidate for 3 years of study, the topic of the dissertation is "Improving the organization of nursing care for patients with deep brain stimulation in inpatient and outpatient settings".
    6 undergraduates are assigned to the Department of Nursing. Employees of the profile department are scientific supervisors and scientific consultants of undergraduates of the second year of study, a total of 6 people. Topics of master's theses cover various topical topics related to the provision of nursing care, nursing care, as well as the training of nursing professionals.
   Second- and third-year students have the opportunity to study at the military department under the reserve sergeant program in order to form a military-trained reserve of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to additionally recruit positions for sergeants of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 294 academic hours are allotted for military training under the reserve sergeant program during one academic year.
   Students of the School lead an active student life and are actively involved in volunteering, they regularly visit Amara Investment Hospice. During a visit to this hospice, volunteers help create a homely atmosphere, help nurses in caring for patients.         Volunteers organize walks, communicate with hospice patients, help in the implementation of hygiene procedures, requests and instructions from patients.



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