School of Medicine

School of Medicine

Ainur Sariyeva
Dean of the School of Medicine



Preparation of in-demand, qualified bachelors of medicine in the specialty “General Medicine” meeting the modern requirements of the labor market.

History of creation

In 2007, the training of doctors in the specialty “General Medicine” began with the adoption of the Concept of reforming medical and pharmaceutical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The implementation of the Concept in the NJSC “Astana Medical University” began with the creation by Rector Zh.A. Doskaliev of the Faculty of specialty «General Medicine» in August 2007. Raushan Baykanova, c.b.s. Associate Professor of the Chair of Biological Sciences, was invited to the post of deputy dean of the faculty, who organized the work of the dean’s office and made the first set of students. Then Associate Professor Bakhyt Igenbayeva assumed the duties of the deputy dean of the faculty. In the same year, the first dean of the faculty was appointed MD, Professor Turlybek Tuganbekov.

In connection with the new set of students, Lyazzat Tayzhanova, Bakhchagul Nurkhan were appointed deputy dean of the faculty. In the future, the faculty of specialty “General Medicine” was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD Yerzhan Kuspayev.

In subsequent years, the position of dean of the faculty was held by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Aygul Sumanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ayzhan Kalieva.

From February 2011 to the present, the dean of the faculty is MD, Associate Professor Kaiyrgeldy Makhambetov.

Currently, the Faculty of Medicine consists of 38 chairs and more than 40 chairs of the University are involved in the implementation of the educational program of the specialty “General Medicine”. The faculty has more than 4,000 students, which is more than 60% of the total number of undergraduate students. In 2012, the first graduation of Bachelors of Medicine (457 students) in the specialty “General Medicine” took place.


The activity of the faculty is to develop a strategy for the development of the faculty, strengthen and develop external relations with employers and educational authorities, develop and improve educational programs together with structural divisions and chairs of the university, monitor the organization and progress of academic work, analyze the results of examination sessions, develop proposals to improve the organization of the educational process and improve the quality of training. Together with the heads of chairs, the faculty selects the staff of the teaching staff, ensuring the educational process at the faculty. The faculty is engaged in directing the work of the Faculty Council, monitoring the implementation of the faculty's work plans, coordinating them with the University’s development plans. Organizes the preparation process and takes an active part in the accreditation of educational programs and post-accreditation monitoring. It conducts constant work on the organization of a summer school for the development of additional competencies of students, continuous analysis of the development of graduate competencies in the specialty in the context of courses and disciplines/modules.


In connection with the actualization of multilingual education, which contributes to the formation of a competitive generation in the context of globalization, owning a language culture, in 2009, for the first time, an experimental group on the English language of instruction was created at the faculty. As part of the implementation of the multilingual program, since 2012, multilingual groups have been formed at the faculty, the number of which today is 31, where 593 students study. Since 2018, four inclusive language groups have been formed at the faculty.

In 2012, the faculty together with the Cchair of General Surgery created the student surgical club “Veritas”, which became the winner of many international competitions and Olympiads (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Ufa). In 2019, the student therapeutic club “Consilium” was formed in five areas of therapy.

In 2019, the implementation of the summer school at the University began for the first time with the participation of students of the NJSC “AMU” and other universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan in surgery and rehabilitation. Currently, the summer school program consists of 14 cycles in current areas of medicine. During the pandemic, the summer school was held in offline and online formats. In 2019, for the first time, an international summer school in surgery and therapy was organized at Akdeniz University (Antalya) with the participation of students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.

In 2019, for the first time, the faculty held the I International Olympiad in Medicine at the University with the participation of 23 teams from 6 countries (Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia).

Since 2012, the Faculty has been implementing a program of academic mobility to near and far abroad (Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, South Korea, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Turkey).

Every year, undergraduate students of the specialty “General Medicine” are the holders of the nominal scholarships of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after V.G. Korpachyov and the Kazenergy grant .

Students of the faculty organize volunteer movements: “Diabetes Day”, curation of University veterans, curation of “Baby House”, “Nursing Home”, . They also participate in city, republican and international events.


Nur-Sultan, Beybitshilik str. 49A, 4th floor, offices 205, 207

Tel.: 8 (7172) 53 94 37, 53 94 40

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