The results of the summer school on the course "The right to a safe environment"

The results of the summer school on the course "The right to a safe environment"

The course "The right to a safe environment" was held as part of the summer school. The main purpose of the course was to study the legal aspects related to ensuring a safe environment for human habitation and activity. During the course, participants received information on national and international legislation in the field of environmental safety, got acquainted with the basic rights of citizens in the field of a favorable environment and its protection, the role of public organizations and government agencies in protecting environmental rights. We got acquainted with examples of successful projects and programs to improve the environmental situation, the procedure for interaction with local communities and authorities to ensure environmental safety. We analyzed the implementation of the National Project "Green Kazakhstan", got acquainted with the specific indicators that should be achieved by the end of 2025. We got acquainted with the work of the Akimat of Astana on the implementation of a large-scale eco-action "Taza Kazakhstan. Astana is a model of cleanliness and order". During the training, participants gained skills such as applying environmental laws and regulations in practice, protecting citizens' rights to a safe environment, including using legal tools to go to court and other instances, skills in planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of environmental projects. The course included lectures, practical exercises and discussion panels.

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