Chair of laboratory medicine

Chair of laboratory medicine

Moldabayeva Altyn
head of chair

History of creation

since 2012, the discipline "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" was part of the Department of Internal Medicine internship. In 2019, an independent department of laboratory medicine was created.

Training of 6th year students of general practitioners is carried out in the discipline "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" In addition, the department conducts advanced training and retraining of laboratory service specialists.


  • organization of educational, clinical-diagnostic and scientific activities of students, as well as carrying out continuous professional training in the specialty "Clinical laboratory diagnostics".
  • planning and conducting scientific research in fundamental and priority areas for practical health care, the implementation of the results of research work and innovative diagnostic methods.


  • implementation of educational programs of the state educational standard of higher professional and postgraduate education;
  • implementation of organizational and methodological support and the introduction of innovative technologies in teaching;
  • attracting students to research work;
  • familiarization with a wide range of modern laboratory research and drawing up a plan for laboratory research, taking into account the study of indications and contraindications for examinations;
  • the formation of a dialogue between the laboratory and the clinic, by optimizing the laboratory diagnostic algorithm for solving clinical problems, meeting the requirements of clinical information content, timeliness and analytical reliability.


The department is located on the basis of the GKP on the REM "City polyclinic No. 4" of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan,

st. Shevchenko, 1 (3rd floor)


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