Students’ Scientific Society

Students’ Scientific Society

Subordinate units
The Student Scientific Society (hereinafter – SSS) of the NJSC «Astana Medical University» is the scientific association of students and undergraduates as well as young researchers from the number of doctoral students and teachers of AMU, who are actively involved in scientific, organizational, and research activities.


to create conditions for the disclosure of creative abilities and students’ education, for preserving and replenishing the intellectual potential of AMU, stimulating the departments’ work in order to organize students’ research activity (hereinafter - SRA), contributing to the AMU’s work to improve the quality of specialists’training with higher professional education, and the further development of integration of Science and Education.


1. To develop motivation to a more in-depth and creative development of educational material through participation in research work; - To foster students' creative attitude to their specialty through research activities, promoting the development of personal and professional qualities of future specialists;
2. To promote an interest in research among AMU’s students for cultivating new knowledge;
3. To disseminate various forms of scientific creativity among AMU’s students according to the principles of the Unity of Science and Practice;
4. To assist in publishing and to put the results of research activity of young scientists into practice;
5. To assist AMU’s students in participating in the international and inter-university conferences,
Symposiums, seminars, and scientific congresses;
6. To assist in the presentation of scientific works of young scientists for applying for grants, scholarships, prizes, and other forms of moral and material encouragement;
7. To put the students’ results of scientific and pedagogical activity into practice;
8. To assist in increasing the reputation of AMU and dealing with other tasks, contributing to the achievement of the goal mentioned above.

All interested students are invited to join the SSS by following the link

Instagram account for the SSS- @SNO_MUA
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Astana city, Beybitshilik street 49a
phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47