Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company "Astana Medical University"




NJSC "Astana Medical University" with the City Hospital No. 2 of Astana are planning to hold a conference: "Selected issues of surgery and medical education", in honor the 100th anniversary of the Honorary Citizen of Astana, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tsoi Gilen Vasilievich.

Organizer of the event: NJSC "Astana Medical University", City Hospital No. 2 of Astana, Astana city scientific and medical community.

Date and place: May 19, 2023, Astana city, Beibitshilik 49A st., conference hall.


Conference topics:

1. Selected issues of surgery

2. Innovative technologies in surgery

3. New educational technologies in medical education


Forms and conditions of participation in the conference:

- full-time (appearance with a report presentation and following article publication);

- correspondence (article publication only).


Language: Kazakh, Russian, English;

Means to participate in the conference: Report, article, theses, listener.

The Organizing Committee will determine the presentation and reports to appear at the Conference


Deadline for submission of applications for participation and article publication:

In order to participate in the conference, please fill out the form (Appendix 1) and attach the article. Participants will receive a notification of acceptance for publication within five working days. Applications for the article publication article are submitted until April 19, 2023 (inclusive).

The articles will be published in the Special Issue of the journal "Astana Medical Journals". Articles must be submitted in an electronic version saved in Word format. One file must contain one article. E-mail:

Requirements for the articles formatting are attached

A message containing information about accepting the article will be sent to the email address you specified.

Travel is at the expense of the conference participants.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials in case of inconsistency with the conference topic.

Materials that are not formatted in accordance with the requirements or submitted later than the specified dates will not be accepted.

No more than two articles are accepted from one author.





Appendix 1


                                                                                                                  Appendix 1







            All articles submitted to the editors undergo double-blind peer review. Comments of the reviewer (s) are sent to the author without indicating the full name of the reviewers. The final decision on the submitted article publication is made by the editorial board after receiving reviews and comments from the authors. The language of the journal is English, Kazakh or Russian. Full responsibility for published articles (legal, scientific, ethical, etc.) rests with the author/authors. Articles that do not meet the specified requirements are not considered. The editors reserve the right to reject an article without giving reasons. Rejected manuscripts are not returned to the authors. The editorial board has the right to make scientific and literary edition of works and abridge them without the consent of the author. The order of publication is established in accordance with the editorial plan for the publication of the journal. If the article was revised by the author in the process of preparing for publication, the date of receipt will be the day of receiving the final version.



    Manuscripts are processed using the Microsoft Word software. Should be sent in electronic version and PDF format. Tables and figures are placed in the text of the article.

The works are presented in the following sequence:

    1. Title page

    а. IRSTI (interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information) (14 p).

    b. UDC (14 p).

    c. Title of the article (in bold, 16 p).

    d. Initials and last name of the author/authors (in bold, 14 p).

    e. The full name of the institution /institutions, country, postal code, city, street, house (14 p), The author-institution connection is made with the upper-case digit as shown below:


    S.V. Akhmetova1, N.A. Murzagulov2

    1NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda", Kazakhstan 100012 Karaganda, Gogol 40

    2NJSC Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, Kazakhstan, 020000 Kokshetau, str. Abay 76


     i. List of all authors with full name, scientific / academic degree, academic title, position and place of work; E-mail; ORCID (in English, Kazakh and Russian!!!).

    j. Annotation (abstract) of original articles, which should be structured, i.e. highlighted in a separate paragraph: purpose, material and methods, results, conclusions (12 p).


    The abstract of the review articles should be in the form of a single paragrapsh, contatining information about relevance of the selected topic. Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract.

    Clinical case abstract – no more than 300 words.

   k. Keywords.

   l. All of the above - in English. If the article is in English or Russian – in Kazakh (12 p).

   m. All of the above - in Kazakh. If the article is in Kazakh or English – in Russian (12 p).

    2. The text of the article (14 p).

    3. List of references (12 p, italics).

    4. The author for correspondence: Full name, academic/academic degree, academic title, position and place of work, address (postal code, city, street, house, sq. m.), phone, E-mail; ORCID (12 p) (in English!!!).


        Received: (date of submission)

        Accepted: (to be filled in by the editors)

    In original articles, the number of words should not exceed 4,000 (excluding annotations, references, tables, figures).


    Title page

    The title for the original articles should not exceed 100 characters, and the articles of the section "Experience. Practical cases" - 80 characters. The volume of the abstract / resume should not exceed 400 words and 200 words for cases from practice / work experience. The annotations of the original articles should contain: purpose, material and methods, results and conclusion. Abbreviations are not allowed. The number of keywords should not be more than 5.


    The text of the original articles should contain information about relevance or introduction, purpose, material and methods of research, results and their discussion, conclusion and/or conclusions.

    “The Purpose” of the study should be clearly defined, not in the form of a task.

     “Material and Methods” should include the date and design of the study, a description of the object / subject of the study, a listing or, if necessary, a description of all specific methods, including biometric ones.

    “The Results” contain the obtained data and statistical processing using computer programs.

    “The Discussion” contains the interpretation of the results of the study in comparison with similar data of other researchers listed in the references. Abbreviations should be avoided whenever possible. They can be used if they were previously indicated in brackets.

     References, tables, figures should be numbered.

     The list of references is limited to 30 sources for the original research and 50 for the literature review. All units of measurement must be given in accordance with international standards for letter designation.

   The text of review articles should consist of sections: introduction, purpose, title of sections, conclusions or conclusion, list of references.

     The text of the description of cases from practice should consist of the following sections: introduction, description of the clinical case, discussion, conclusions or conclusion, list of references.





    All literature is stated in the original language. The list of references is typed in italics, size 12 p. References should be consecutively numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text in Arabic numerals in square brackets []. The number should be placed at the end of the sentence, before the dot. If several digits are given, then they are set in ascending order, separated by commas [1,2,6,10]. If three or more digits are given, then the first and last ones are hyphenated [1-5]. If the author/authors are given in the text, then the initials come first, then the last name; then the number in accordance with the list of references [1]. The reference index should include the following information: the last name and initials of the author/authors (if there are four authors, they are indicated after the title of the article or book; if there are more than four authors, the first three are listed and then “et al.” is stated), the name of the journal or collection (materials, abstracts, etc.), year, volume (issue), number, first and last pages. For books and articles from collections, you must specify: city, publisher, year, pages. The name of the journal may be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus system.

     Links from magazines:

     1. Belov B.S. Acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease: diagnosis, treatment, prevention /B. S. Belov // Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. - 2006. - V. 5, No. 3. - S. 13-18.

     2. Chronic heart failure in real practice /S. N. Tereshchenko, T. M. Uskach, O. S. Akimova, A. G. Kochetov // Heart failure. - 2004. - V. 5, No. 1. - S. 9-11.

   3. Blood pressure control and the reduction of left atrial overload is essential for controlling atrial fibrillation / Y. Tanabe, Y. Kawamura, N. Sakamoto et al. // Int. Heart J. - 2009. - Vol. 50.-P. 445-456.

        Links from books:

     1. Yaroshevsky A. Ya. Endogenous hematopoietic stimulants (erythropoietins): Textbook / A. Ya. Yaroshevsky. - Moscow: Medgiz, 1963. - 102 p.

    2. Genes S. G. Carbohydrate-protein metabolism in diabetes mellitus / Actual problems of diabetology / S. G. Genes / Ed. E. A. Vasyukova. - Moscow: Medicine, 1972. - 359 p.

    3. Paul W. Immunology: in 3 years. / W. Paul; per. from English. - Moscow: Mir, 1987. - 321 p.

    4. Goldstein A. Biological and clinical application of thymosin: structure and function of immunoregulatory peptides: Results of science and technology of INITI. Series. Immunology. T. 26. - Moscow: VINITI, 1988. - 186 p.

     Links from collections, materials:

     1. Kozlov Yu. A. Paleo- and non-hematopoietins / Yu. A. Kozlov // Congress of Physiologists of Siberia and the Far East. - Novosibirsk, 1995. - S. 207-208.

     2. Kevorkov N. N. Endocrine regulation of bioenergetic metabolism and immune cell function: abstracts, reports of the I Congress of Immunologists of Russia / N. N. Kevorkov. - Novosibirsk: [b.i.]. - 1992. - 206 p.

     3. Kevorkov N. N. Hormonal regulation ... / Neurohumoral regulation of immune homeostasis: abstracts of the All-Union. sympos. - Leningrad, 1986. - 42 p.

     Links from abstracts/dissertations:

     1. Stroev E. A. Molecular bases ...: Abstract of the thesis. diss. … doc. honey. Sciences: 00.00.00 / Stroev E. A. - Tomsk: NIIBB TSU, 1996. - 22 p.

     Link from patents for invention:

     2. Device for determining capillary pressure in periodontal tissues: patent of the Republic of Belarus for the invention No. 15437: IPC A 61 B5/02 / Denisova Yu. L., Denisov L. A.; publ. 02/28/12.

     Links to electronic resources:

     1. Paltsev M. A. Features of building a corporate governance system at a university [Electronic resource] / M. A. Paltsev. - Electronic data - Moscow: Book, 2007. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); in a container.

     2. Milken Study Highlights America's Biotech and Life Science Clusters. -

     3. Webb S. ICT cluster strategic plan // ITC cluster executive group. - 2001. - 1.



1. Russian text with foreign sources in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008.

2. In transliteration of Cyrillic letters (literature in Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, etc. languages) in the Latin alphabet.

There is a free software for Cyrillic to Latin transliteration (LV or BSI variant) available at /

Example of transliteration:

Modern possibilities of early comprehensive rehabilitation of children with neurological pathology/ Batysheva T.T., Klimov Yu.A., Kvasova O.V. et al. // Child and adolescent rehabilitation. – 2017. – No. 1. – pp. 5-10 [modern possibilities of rannej kompleksnoj rehabilitation of children with nevrologicheskoj patologiej (modern possibilities of early complex rehabilitation of children with neurological pathology) [in Russian]./ T Batysheva.T., Klimov Yu.A., About Kvasova.V. et al. // Child and adolescent rehabilitation. – 2017. – Vol. 1. – p. 5-10].


    The editors recommend that the authors familiarize themselves with the international standards for the presentation of various types of studies:






Study of diagnostic tests


Meta-analysis of RCTs


Observational studies


Meta-analysis of observational studies



    The article must be provided in an electronic version with signatures of the authors and accompanied by a letter from the organization or a letter of application.

     The electronic version of the article must be created using the Microsoft Word text editor of any version.

     Book orientation. Font - Times New Roman. Size depending on the section - 10,12,14,16 points.

     Line spacing - single. No text wrapping Indent - 1.5 cm.

     Margins top, bottom and right - 2 cm, left - 4 cm.

   In the text body it is not allowed to use to “space” charatcters in a row, paragraph and other indents.

     Numbered and bulleted lists are generated automatically.

     The title of the figures is placed below, aligned to the left.

     Tables (size 10 or 12 points) should have titles located above the table on the left, be compact, descriptive, have links in the text. The headings of the graphs must exactly match their content. Mathematical and chemical formulas must be clear, with indication of the letters of the alphabet (lowercase, uppercase, Latin, Greek), exponents, superscripts and subscripts in the margins.

    Submission of an article for publication in the journal "Astana Medical Journals" implies the consent of the author(s) with these rules.




1. The title of the article should not contain common words. The exact terms of this scientific direction should be used. There should be no "smart" headings containing catchphrases, little-known terms, idioms.

         An informative title of the article should contain only the most important informatuion, be sure to include keywords and be no more than 20 words. It should not contain questions, a description of the method, abbreviations (except for the generally accepted ones), the words “new”, “first”, “innovative”. Should contain 2-3 keywords. Readers, especially foreign ones, first of all get acquainted with the metadata of the article. If they are not interested, then the full text is not even considered.


2. It is extremely important to pay close attention to the abstract formulation. Often this takes precedence over the text itself. The abstract must be structured and consist of:

- introduction (2-3 sentences, 40-50 words) - why is this research (topic and problem);

- purpose of the research;

- material and methods – what has been done;

- key results – what has been found; Numerical values must be presented.

- conclusion – conclusions and ways of use (implications).

Keywords must be used at least 10 times in the abstract

3.Keywords – use only the correct embedded international terms.

According to the price list of other planned services of NJSC "MUA" for 2020, from 02/28/2020, the cost of publications in the journal "Astana Medical Journals" is 1,000 tenge per page.

Your article will be assigned a digital object identifier (DOI). The cost of the service is $1, which will be included in the total amount of payment.

   Banking details

NJSC "Astana Medical University"

BIN 080940008218

Kbe 16

IIC KZ 066010111000096257 (KZT)

JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"


KNP 861




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© 2022. Astana Medical University
Astana city, Beybitshilik street 49a
phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47