"Summer School - 2024" "Microbiomes in Everyday Life: from A to Z" Additional Training

"Summer School - 2024" "Microbiomes in Everyday Life: from A to Z" Additional Training

From June 24 to June 28, 2024 at the Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasova NJSC " Astana Medical University" within the framework of the "Summer School-2024" at the courses of additional training "Microbiomes in everyday life: from A to Z" took part applicant medical university Zhambyl Madina.

In the summer school, a calendar-thematic plan has been drawn up for a week. Topics of medical microbiology included determination of morphology, bacterial physiology, antibiotic sensitivity properties.

The applicant got acquainted at the department with theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills, studied bacteria by microscope.

Zhambyl Madina's desire to enter Astana Medical University in the future increased, and she gained confidence in choosing a profession.

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