Dear teachers and students!

Dear teachers and students!

We are pleased to announce the start of the competition for the award “Universitet Uzdigi” (“The Best of the University”) aimed at encouraging the best employees and students of our University. The competition includes the following nominations:

“The Best Teacher”,

“The Best Researcher”,

“The Best Young Researcher”,

“The Best Clinical Mentor”,

“The Best Clinical Site”,

“The Best University Curator”,

“The Best Department”,

“The Best Volunteer of the Year”,

“The Best Student Organization”,

“The Best School”.

We invite everyone to take part!

Documents are accepted from September 26 until October 7, 2024, till 10 a.m., and the results of the competition will be announced on October 14, 2024.

Participants can participate in the competition:

1) full-time (at least on the position 1.0) employees of the University – for the nominations “The Best Teacher”, “The Best Researcher”, “The Best Young Researcher”, “The Best curator”;

2) specialists of healthcare organizations that are clinical sites of the University, involved in educational activities as clinical mentors – for the nomination “The Best Clinical Mentor”;

3) healthcare organizations that are clinical sites of the University – for the nomination “The Best Clinical Site of a Medical University”;

4) departments and schools of the University – for the nominations “The Best Department”, “The Best School”;

5) students of the University – for the nominations “The Best Volunteer of the Year”, “The Best Student Organization”.

Full information about the competition is provided in the evaluation methodology.

Documents and applications should be sent to the e-mail

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© 2022. Astana Medical University
Astana city, Beybitshilik street 49a
phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47