For the first time, a doctoral graduate of Astana Medical University was awarded a PhD degree without a dissertation based on scientific publications

For the first time, a doctoral graduate of Astana Medical University was awarded a PhD degree without a dissertation based on scientific publications

For the first time, a doctoral graduate of Astana Medical University was awarded a PhD degree without a dissertation based on scientific publications

For the first time in the history of Astana Medical University, a PhD degree has been awarded without a traditional dissertation, based on a series of publications in prestigious scientific journals.

Chingiz Nurimanov is the first doctoral student of the University who completed his studies externally in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Approval of the Rules for Awarding Degrees”.

Dissertation research of the doctoral student was carried out within the framework of the consortium agreement with JSC “National Center of Neurosurgery” under the guidance of Akshulakov Serik Kuandykovich, d.m.s., Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

His scientific work includes six articles published in high-impact international peer-reviewed journals: five of them - in journals of Q1 quartile, one - in Q2 (Journal Citation Reports, Web of Science). Specializing in vascular and functional neurosurgery, he has published 21 scientific articles during his doctoral studies (2021-2024), 14 of which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, and in nine of which he is first author. In addition, he has fulfilled all the requirements for the title of Associate Professor (Assistant Professor). Nine articles have been published on the topic of his dissertation, and he has also received an author's certificate.

During his doctoral studies, Chingiz Nurimanov introduced robot-assisted thalamotomy for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in Kazakhstan. He developed and patented a unique technique for assessing the effectiveness of anastomosis in brain bypass surgeries, which has no equivalents.

He has also participated in international projects. In 2023-2025 he was a researcher in the project A Study of Germinal and Somatic Mutations in Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations (grant AP19678106, MES RK). From 2025 to 2027 he is the project leader of Reduction in Volume and Prolonged Shrinkage of Brain Aneurysms After Combined Endovascular Interventions ( ID NCT06541275).

The Astana Medical University graduate continues to actively develop global neurosurgery, combining cutting-edge research with the implementation of innovative techniques in medical practice. His example demonstrates the high level of scientific potential of Kazakhstan and opens new perspectives for domestic researchers.

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