The Research Institute of Radiology named after Academician J.Kh. Khambayev and the Public Association "Kazakhstan Association of Young Healthcare Leaders," with the support of GE HealthCare, invite ultrasound diagnostic doctors to a unique masterclass!
Lecturer: Vladimir Pavlovich Kulikov – Head of the Department of Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics at Altai State Medical University (Russia), Director of LLC "Altai Medical Institute of Postgraduate Education."
Date: March 14-15, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Astana, Abai Ave., 47, "GE Academy", 4th floor, office 407 (Research Institute of Radiology named after Academician J.Kh. Khambayev, NAO "Medical University of Astana").
Target audience: Ultrasound diagnostic doctors specializing in vascular pathology (at least 5 years of experience).
Training format:
Offline: Lectures + Practical sessions.
Equipment: The latest GE HealthCare devices – Voluson E10 (version BT24).
Free participation with issuance of a certificate from the Medical University of Astana (30 hours).
Number of participants:
Lecture part – up to 100 doctors.
Practical part – 20 ultrasound doctors (by prior registration).
Registration is mandatory! Contact: +7 775 175 13 19
Responsible: Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Radiology – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Zh.S. Abdrakhmanova.
Don’t miss the opportunity to upgrade your qualifications with a leading expert!