Center for Social and Educational Work

Center for Social and Educational Work

Zauresh Shaimerdenova

Astana, Beibitshilik str. 49 a,, educational and administrative building, office 206 
Working hours: From 08.30. to 17.30 h.

Student admission time: 14:30 - 17:30



Promoting the intellectual, social, patriotic, spiritual and physical development of student youth, the formation of a citizen-person capable of living fully and being useful to society.

The content of the educational process at the university is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the personal and professional development of students, the formation of professional and general cultural competencies, such basic social and personal qualities of university graduates as citizenship, hard work, responsibility, organization, independence, initiative, discipline, effectiveness of social communication , ability for creative self-expression, spirituality, morality, patriotism, commitment to a healthy lifestyle.


  • As part of its activities, the Center conducts cultural events, motivational meetings, preventive, patriotic, sports and other events, as well as coordinates volunteer activities among students and interacts with the student government of the university.

    Projects such as "MED Talks" are actively implemented, with speakers from the world of medicine and other fields.

    The University has created conditions for students to develop themselves in various areas of activity, and is working to coordinate the activities of student organisations, particularly in scientific and social work.

    In total, there are 12 student organizations at the University, in which 826 students participate, which is more than 8% of the total number of students, including: the Student Council of the University, the Student Council of the Dormitory, KazMSA-MUA, the Student Scientific Society Enactus-MUA, the Charity Organization "BONUM", the NGO "Medical Youth", the Surgical Club "Veritas", the Dance Group "MHR", "Surgery Trends", the Debate Club of the IPK "Aesculapius", in addition, 5 new student organizations have been established, including: Journalists' Club "Nelibris", Student Organization of Young Dentists - KADY (Kazakhstan Association of Dental Youth), Student Scientific Club "Surgery Trends", Student Organization "Counselling Therapy", Student Organization "Volunteer Nursing". Currently, work is underway to create new creative student clubs and communities, including for international students, such as "Indian Students' Community, Jordanian Students' Community and Pakistani Students' Community.

    Cooperation has been established with the Department of Youth Policy of the Akimat of Astana, the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in Astana, the Youth Wing of the Amanat Party "Zhastar Rukhy", the Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Astana, the National Security Committee, various public associations and foundations, and other organizations interested in preventive work with young people.

    Within the framework of sports activities of the university, 5 sports sections are organized, such as table tennis, arm wrestling, basketball, volleyball and football. In addition, 6 national teams of the university have been formed in Kazakh kurts, athletics, togyzkumalak, chess, draughts, skiing. Athletes of the university take part in sports events of the city and the republic, such as: short track, judo, asyk ata, besyk, running, and also visit gyms and fitness clubs.


St. Beibitshilik, 49 A
2nd floor, office 206

Center for Social and Educational Work is recruiting for hobby groups, sections and clubs. If you want to sign up, follow the link

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phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47