President's messages

Послание Главы государства Касым-Жомарта Токаева народу Казахстана. 1 сентября 2022 г.

Уважаемые соотечественники!

Уважаемые депутаты, члены Правительства!

В соответствии со статьей 59 Конституции Республики Казахстан объявляю третью сессию Парламента VII созыва открытой.


Уважаемые депутаты!

Поздравляю всех с началом очередной сессии Парламента!

В этом году наша страна вступила в новый этап развития.

На общенациональном референдуме большинство граждан поддержало курс на политическую модернизацию.

Конституционная реформа стала основополагающим шагом в созидании Нового Справедливого Казахстана.

Продолжением политической модернизации должны стать структурные экономические преобразования.

Нам предстоит глубинная перестройка отношений в триаде «гражданин – бизнес – государство». В первую очередь, государство обеспечит равенство возможностей и справедливость для всех.

Будут гарантированы высокий уровень общественных благ и поддержка социально уязвимых категорий населения, в том числе граждан с особыми потребностями. Будет создан соответствующий институт Омбудсмена при Президенте.

Государство будет всецело поддерживать экономическую свободу, но в то же время будет решительно защищать граждан при чрезмерных колебаниях рынка. Мощное развитие получит малый и средний бизнес.

Теперь обозначу конкретные направления реформ.



Системные проблемы нашей экономики хорошо известны. Это сырьевая зависимость, низкая производительность труда, недостаточный уровень инноваций, неравномерное распределение доходов.

Безусловно, все это – сложные проблемы, но существуют конкретные пути их решения. Это макроэкономическая стабильность, диверсификация экономики, цифровизация, развитие малого и среднего бизнеса, человеческого капитала, обеспечение верховенства закона.

Однако ощутимого прогресса в этих вопросах до сих пор нет. Очевидно, нужны новые подходы.

Базовая цель нашей экономической политики остается неизменной – качественный и инклюзивный рост благосостояния наших граждан.

Приоритетами нового экономического курса станут:

– стимулирование частной предпринимательской инициативы, то есть отход от госкапитализма и чрезмерного вмешательства государства в экономику;

– развитие конкуренции, то есть обеспечение равных возможностей для всех;

– и, конечно, справедливое распределение национального дохода.

Все это предполагает решение ряда первоочередных задач.

Первое. Административное регулирование цен снижает инвестиционную привлекательность целых отраслей, приводит к дефициту товаров и зависимости от импорта.

Поэтому предстоит поэтапно отказаться от вмешательства государства в ценообразование. Исключение составят неконкурентные рынки – тарифы монополистов останутся под плотным контролем. Но контроль вовсе не означает давление.

Сегодня участились случаи, когда государственные органы, включая силовые, кинулись проверять бизнес и требовать снижения цен и тарифов. Подобные популистские действия надо прекращать.

Важно соблюсти баланс между необходимостью ограничения прибыли монополий и обеспечения инвестиций в инфраструктуру.

В стране изношены две трети сетей электроснабжения, 57% тепловых коммуникаций и почти половина водопроводных сетей. Эти цифры говорят сами за себя. Искусственное сдерживание тарифов чревато веерными отключениями, авариями, и, как итог, угрозой здоровью и жизни граждан.

На монопольных рынках необходимо перейти к новой тарифной политике «Тариф в обмен на инвестиции». Показатели износа сетей и мощностей нужно сократить минимум на 15%.

Тариф будет предоставляться в обмен на вложения в инфраструктуру и участие в системе государственного мониторинга для обеспечения прозрачности. Весомую часть инвестиций собственник должен внести из своих средств, а не за счет тарифа.

Следует разработать действенные стимулы для внедрения инноваций, разрешить перераспределять часть затрат внутри тарифной сметы и сохранять определенную долю дохода.

Предстоит постепенно отказаться от перекрестного субсидирования тарифов, при котором цены для одних потребителей сдерживаются посредством повышенной стоимости услуг для других.

Второе. Для дальнейшей демонополизации экономики требуются институциональные решения.

Следует на законодательном уровне определить понятие «конгломерат». Связанные друг с другом субъекты рынка обязаны получать разрешение на экономическую концентрацию. Все их сделки должны тщательно проверяться, в том числе на признаки применения нерыночных цен.

На развитие рыночной экономики негативно влияет деятельность единых операторов. Поэтому следует отрегламентировать данный институт.

Существующих операторов нужно передать в конкурентную среду либо признать монополистами и регулировать их деятельность в рамках специального антимонопольного права.

Третье. Устойчивый экономический рост напрямую зависит от понятной, предсказуемой налоговой политики.

В целях перезагрузки фискального регулирования в 2023 году будет подготовлен новый Налоговый кодекс. Его наиболее проблемный блок – налоговое администрирование – должен быть полностью обновлен.

Предстоит также обеспечить полную цифровизацию налогового контроля, исключив любое очное взаимодействие.

Еще один приоритет – повышение эффективности налогового стимулирования.

Для этого следует перейти к дифференцированным налоговым ставкам в разных секторах экономики. Нужно внедрить механизмы снижения или освобождения от корпоративного подоходного налога с прибыли, направленной на технологическую модернизацию и научные разработки. Потребуется упростить специальные налоговые режимы с тем, чтобы минимизировать соблазны для уклонения от уплаты налогов.

В новом кодексе следует предусмотреть недопущение намеренного дробления организаций с целью снижения налоговой нагрузки.

Для развития цивилизованной торговли предстоит расширить применение розничного налога с адекватными ставками и простыми процедурами.

В рамках налоговой реформы важно рассмотреть возможность введения так называемого «налога на роскошь». Он будет взиматься при приобретении дорогостоящих объектов недвижимости, транспортных средств и не затронет средний класс.

Отдельно остановлюсь на теме сборов при покупке автомашин.

Всем известна проблема с автомобилями из некоторых стран ближнего зарубежья. Они остаются вне правового поля, создавая угрозу общественной безопасности.

Необходимо принять решительные меры для перекрытия всех нелегальных каналов ввоза машин впредь. При этом надо урегулировать ситуацию с такими автомобилями, ввезенными до 1 сентября текущего года.

Для их легализации предлагаю применить в разовом порядке единый сбор за утилизацию и первичную регистрацию в размере, не превышающем 200-250 тысяч тенге. Эта мера должна коснуться автомобилей, не находящихся в розыске и прошедших таможенную «очистку».

Четвертое. Эффективная налоговая политика тесно связана с прозрачным таможенным администрированием.

Важно завершить полноценную интеграцию налоговой и таможенной информационных систем.

Далее. Множество проверяющих – одна из главных причин неэффективности.

Поэтому на границе необходимо внедрить механизм интегрированного таможенного контроля. Центры таможенного оформления должны работать по принципу «одного окна».

Пятое. Нам нужно научиться жить по средствам.

Модель бюджетной политики будет реформирована путем перехода от «управления бюджетом» к «управлению результатами».

Непосредственно в Бюджетном кодексе предстоит закрепить предельные нормативы, обязательные для соблюдения при планировании и исполнении бюджета.

Будет прекращена практика неэффективного расходования ресурсов Национального фонда. Это крайне важно. При этом трансферты из Нацфонда продолжатся, но исключительно на развитие критической инфраструктуры и проекты общестранового значения.

Предстоит кардинально упростить бюджетные процессы. Нужно также позволить государственным органам переносить неосвоенные средства на следующий год. Это решение позволит избавиться от неэффективной практики возврата денег в бюджет.

Одновременно предстоит запустить систему управления бюджетными рисками, охватывающую в том числе квазигосударственный сектор.

Мы начали передачу в регионы налоговых поступлений, данную работу нужно продолжить.

Зарекомендовавший себя проект «Бюджет народного участия» следует масштабировать на города районного значения и села. При этом с вовлечением общественности должны формироваться не менее 10% расходов на ЖКХ.

Для эффективной реализации обозначенных подходов необходимо принять новый Бюджетный кодекс.

Шестое. Системная поддержка предпринимательства.

Здесь, в первую очередь, необходимо запустить полноценное «регулирование с чистого листа». Это поручение волокитится уже два года.

Вместо бесконечных корректировок сотен и тысяч подзаконных документов и инструкций следует утвердить новые компактные и понятные правила работы. В полной мере такой подход нужно реализовать с 1 января 2024 года.

Далее. При оказании финансовой поддержки государство будет отдавать приоритет конкурентоспособным малым и средним предприятиям.

Базовыми критериями для такой помощи станут рост фонда оплаты труда и увеличение налоговых отчислений. Параллельно будет внедрена автоматизированная система определения получателей мер господдержки.

Предстоит выстроить качественно новую систему государственных закупок. В приоритете должно быть качество закупаемых товаров и услуг, а не минимальная цена.

Закупки государственных и квазигосударственных организаций необходимо перевести на единую платформу. Для реализации данных подходов потребуется принять новый закон «О государственных закупках».

Седьмое. Следует перейти на новую модель государственно-частного партнерства.

Сегодня многие проекты ГЧП стали «кормушкой» для недобросовестных предпринимателей и чиновников. Контракты в этой сфере должны быть прозрачными и заключаться на конкурсной основе. Для повышения эффективности данного механизма нужно принять соответствующий закон.

Восьмое. Серьезной проблемой для отечественного бизнеса остается нехватка кредитных ресурсов.

Недофинансирование малого и среднего бизнеса в Казахстане составляет около 42 миллиардов долларов. При этом в банках накоплена многотриллионная ликвидность, которая фактически не работает на экономику.

Нацбанк, Агентство по финрегулированию, Правительство должны найти конкретные решения, обеспечивающие стабильное и доступное кредитование реального сектора.

С учетом сложнейшей специфики ситуации Нацбанку следует проявлять большую гибкость, я бы сказал, изобретательность. Положительные примеры за рубежом имеются.

Девятое. Земля – базовый фактор производства. Без доступа к ней ведение бизнеса невозможно.

До конца года нужно выработать действенные подходы для оперативного и прозрачного выделения предпринимателям земельных участков.

В каждом регионе и крупном населенном пункте следует провести оценку наличия незанятых или не используемых по назначению земель. Эта информация должна быть полностью доступна бизнесу.

Уверен, указанные меры повысят конкурентоспособность не только предпринимательского класса, но и экономики в целом.



Прежде всего, потребуется значительно упростить законодательство и процедуры для привлечения инвестиций в разработку недр.

Нужно завершить создание единого банка данных геологической информации.

Поручаю Правительству повысить инвестиционную привлекательность индустриального сектора.

В прошлом году по моему поручению была проведена оценка эффективности всех специальных экономических зон. По ее итогам определены проблемные места и намечены новые подходы.

Теперь нужно перейти к принципиально другой политике по развитию СЭЗ. Особую значимость этот вопрос приобретает в связи с релокацией в Казахстан зарубежных предприятий.

К предоставлению инвестиционных льгот для СЭЗ следует подходить дифференцированно. Главным здесь должен быть принцип: чем больше вложения, тем больше льготы.

При этом инвесторам, не подпадающим под приоритетные виды деятельности, но реализующим важные индустриальные проекты, можно выдавать земельные участки без применения налоговых и таможенных преференций.

Предстоит также решить вопрос права земельной собственности на территории СЭЗ для предприятий, добросовестно выполнивших все инвестиционные обязательства.

В целом, необходима системная работа по привлечению инвестиций. Это приоритетная задача Правительства.

Далее. Как уже говорилось, государство будет последовательно снижать свое участие в экономике.

Фонд «Самрук-Казына» трансформируется в инвестора, владеющего только мажоритарным пакетом, достаточным для контроля ключевых секторов экономики. Другие активы и акции Фонда будут приватизированы, в том числе через механизм «Народного IPO».

В качестве соинвестора «Самрук-Казына» будет участвовать только в критически значимых проектах, которые не могут быть реализованы частными инвесторами. Такие проекты будут определяться Президентом.

Следующий вопрос – укрепление транзитного потенциала страны.

С учетом текущей геополитической ситуации Казахстан становится важнейшим сухопутным коридором между Азией и Европой. Нам нужно в полной мере использовать открывающиеся возможности и стать транспортно-транзитным узлом действительно мирового значения.

Казахстан уже начал реализацию таких крупных проектов, как создание контейнерного хаба в Актау, развитие Транскаспийского коридора. К данной работе будут привлечены передовые логистические компании мира.

Национальная компания «Қазақстан темір жолы» будет преобразована в полноценную транзитно-логистическую корпорацию.

Отдельное внимание нужно уделить качеству строительства автомобильных дорог, в том числе местного значения.

Несмотря на огромные бюджетные вливания, эта проблема не сходит с повестки дня. Ранее я поручал к 2025 году довести долю местных дорог, находящихся в хорошем состоянии, до 95%. Правительству нужно взять данный вопрос под прямой контроль.

Необходимы конкретные результаты в работе по выявлению нарушений при строительстве дорог.

До сих пор наблюдаются перебои с обеспечением битумом. Это нонсенс для крупной нефтедобывающей страны. Правительство должно окончательно решить эту проблему.

В целом, говоря откровенно, системные провалы работы Правительства, постоянно возникающие дефициты то топлива, то сахара приводят к справедливому негодованию граждан. Это следствие неповоротливости, нерешительности кабинета министров. Если так будет продолжаться, придется вновь принимать конкретные кадровые решения.

Далее. Важное место в структуре национальной экономики занимает строительный сектор. Он генерирует 5-6% ВВП страны, а с учетом смежных отраслей – значительно больше.

Между тем сегодня в Казахстане архитектурно-строительную деятельность регулируют свыше 2,5 тысяч различных документов.

Сформирована запутанная, забюрократизированная система, которая плодит коррупцию. До сих пор используются устаревшие строительные стандарты и нормы.

Поэтому поручаю Правительству принять концептуально новый документ – Градостроительный кодекс. По каждому городу следует создать функциональные интерактивные карты земельных участков и схем коммунальных сетей.

В земельном кадастре карты участков промышленного назначения нужно дополнить актуальными схемами транспортной и коммунальной инфраструктуры.

Одной из ключевых остается проблема развития сельского хозяйства.

Состояние отрасли напрямую влияет на продовольственную безопасность страны. Предстоит решить стратегическую задачу увеличения объемов производства и повышения добавленной стоимости отечественной сельхозпродукции.

Время, когда можно было просто продавать зерно и скот, ушло в прошлое. Правительство должно подготовить новые долгосрочные подходы к субсидированию отрасли. Бюджетные средства должны давать эффективную отдачу.

Государство больше не будет разбрасывать деньги направо и налево. Необходимо усилить контроль за выделением и освоением субсидий.

Большие перспективы для развития аграрной сферы открывает сельская кооперация.

Был реализован соответствующий пилотный проект. По его итогам урожайность в сельхозкооперативах, участвовавших в нем, увеличилась в два раза, а прирост поголовья – почти на четверть. Данный успешный опыт нужно поэтапно масштабировать по всей стране с учетом специфики регионов.

Отрасль остро нуждается в передовых технологических решениях.

Сейчас для развития сельского хозяйства нет полноценной информации. Все разрозненные сведения о состоянии сельскохозяйственных земель, водных ресурсах, ирригационных системах и транспортной доступности будут объединены на единой цифровой платформе.

В целом, со следующего года агропромышленный комплекс страны должен заработать по новым и стабильным правилам.

Хочу отдельно остановиться на деятельности Комиссии по изъятию неиспользуемых земель.

В рамках ее работы государству уже возвращено около 2,9 миллиона гектаров сельхозземель. До конца года планируется возврат не менее 5 миллионов гектаров.

Общая площадь неиспользуемых или выданных с нарушением законодательства земель, составляет около 10 миллионов гектаров.

Правительство и акимы должны принять конкретные решения по ним до конца 2023 года. Тем более, что мораторий на проверки, связанные с земельными вопросами, снят.

Серьезным барьером для устойчивого экономического развития страны является нехватка водных ресурсов. В текущих реалиях эта тема переходит в разряд вопросов национальной безопасности.

Сокращение внешнего притока воды усугубляется ее неэффективным использованием – потери доходят до 40%.

Другие характерные проблемы сферы: высокая изношенность инфраструктуры, низкий уровень автоматизации и цифровизации, отсутствие научного сопровождения и дефицит кадров.

Для их решения необходимо активизировать работу Водного совета при Правительстве с привлечением экспертов. В целях подготовки востребованных специалистов требуется определить сильный базовый вуз.

В целом, для развития водной отрасли нужно подготовить трехлетний проект.



Люди – главная ценность нашей страны.

Поэтому справедливое распределение национальных богатств и предоставление равных возможностей каждому гражданину – ключевая цель наших реформ.

Гармоничное развитие общества возможно только при условии обеспечения здоровья нации. Несмотря на реформы в сфере здравоохранения, состояние данной отрасли оставляет желать лучшего.

Очевидно, что весь комплекс накопившихся проблем невозможно решить одномоментно. Поэтому следует сконцентрировать усилия на критически важных аспектах, одним из которых является система финансирования.

Хроническое недофинансирование отрасли приводит к тому, что застрахованные граждане недополучают положенный им объем медицинских услуг.

Усугубляет ситуацию искусственное разделение медицинской помощи на гарантированный государством и страховой пакеты.

Приходится констатировать отсутствие страховой модели как таковой. Это большое упущение.

Необходимо наконец запустить систему добровольного медицинского страхования. Поручаю Правительству пересмотреть подходы к финансированию здравоохранения и социальной сферы в целом.

Особое внимание следует уделить комплексному улучшению медицинской инфраструктуры, в том числе посредством государственно-частного партнерства.

Медицина – инвестиционно привлекательная отрасль, нужно только создать правильные условия.

Мной принято решение уже со следующего года начать реализацию национального проекта, нацеленного на нужды сельских жителей нашей страны.

В течение двух лет будут построены и полностью оснащены медицинские и фельдшерско-акушерские пункты в 650 селах, в которых сегодня нет медучреждений. Тем самым государство обеспечит доступ к первичной медико-санитарной помощи более чем миллиону граждан.

В рамках нацпроекта 32 районные больницы будут модернизированы и преобразованы в межрайонные многопрофильные учреждения.

В них появятся инсультные центры, отделения хирургии, реанимации и реабилитации. Это позволит повысить качество медицинских услуг для более чем четырех миллионов граждан.

Кроме того, получит развитие телемедицина, которая откроет доступ к квалифицированной помощи жителям отдаленных районов.

Для повышения конкурентоспособности отечественного здравоохранения нужно последовательно совершенствовать систему подготовки врачей. При медицинских вузах будут созданы многопрофильные университетские больницы и клиники. В течение трех лет ежегодное количество грантов на подготовку в резидентуре будет увеличено на 70%.

Все эти меры позволят не на словах, а на деле улучшить здоровье нашей нации.

Следующий важный вопрос – состояние системы образования, которая играет решающую роль в повышении потенциала нации.

У нашего народа есть пословица: «Ел боламын десең, бесігіңді түзе» («Будущее страны формируется в колыбели младенца»).

Поэтому сфера дошкольного воспитания должна быть приоритетной. Однако сегодня в Казахстане дошкольным образованием охвачено лишь чуть больше половины детей в возрасте от 2 до 6 лет. Подобная ситуация недопустима. Необходимо кардинально решить вопрос обеспеченности детскими садами.

Вместе с тем следует принять действенные меры для повышения социального статуса и заработной платы воспитателей. При этом нужно установить четкие требования к специалистам данной сферы и поэтапно снижать рабочую нагрузку.

Движущей силой прогресса в образовании являются преданные своему делу педагоги. Поэтому аттестовывать нужно не детские сады, а воспитателей.

Еще одним значимым фактором формирования успешной нации является качество среднего образования. Каждый казахстанский школьник должен иметь достойные условия для обучения и всестороннего развития. Именно на это нацелен новый национальный проект «Комфортная школа».

До 2025 года мы создадим 800 тысяч ученических мест, отвечающих современным требованиям. Это позволит полностью решить проблему аварийных и трехсменных школ.

Данная мера также значительно нивелирует разницу между качеством образовательной инфраструктуры в городах и селах.

В целом, строительство новых школ должно быть одной из приоритетных задач Правительства и акимов.

Все незаконно полученные средства, которые поступают в распоряжение государства в результате судов над коррупционерами, должны расходоваться на строительство школ.

Правительству следует принять решение о юридическом оформлении этой акции. Крайне важно обеспечить максимальную доступность школьной формы для всех учащихся. Считаю, что детям из отдельных социально уязвимых категорий государство должно предоставлять ее за счет бюджета.

Целевые государственные заказы на приобретение школьной формы нужно направить на развитие отечественной легкой промышленности.

Глубоко убежден, что решающую роль в построении Справедливого Казахстана сыграют школьные учителя. Для повышения привлекательности этой профессии в последние годы государство сделало немало.

Однако в данном направлении все еще требуются положительные изменения. Предстоит принять новый стандарт аккредитации педагогических вузов и выработать рамку компетенций педагога.

Учитывая глобальный научно-технический прогресс, важно усилить в старших классах преподавание предметов естественно-математического цикла и английского языка.

В обществе ведутся дискуссии вокруг преподавания в школах казахского и русского языков. Скажу предельно ясно: мы должны воспитывать детей, хорошо владеющих и казахским, и русским языками.

Это в интересах подрастающего поколения. Министерство просвещения должно исходить именно из интересов детей, не идти на поводу у популистов. Подрастающее поколение в плане полученных знаний, в том числе владения языками, должно твердо стоять на обеих ногах. Их знания – наша сила.

В свою очередь, учебным заведениям технического и профессионального образования нужно ориентироваться на реальные потребности рынка труда и соответствовать задачам нового экономического курса страны.

При этом необходимо последовательно выстраивать партнерские отношения с родителями и учениками, которые должны нести свою долю ответственности за качество и востребованность получаемых знаний и навыков.

Именно с этой целью планируется внедрить персональные образовательные ваучеры.

Все средства, предоставляемые государством на обучение ребенка, в том числе внеклассное, будут аккумулироваться на единых образовательных счетах.

По сути, это станет первичным целевым капиталом детей, который они смогут инвестировать в свое образование. Данный шаг позволит на практике реализовать принцип равных возможностей для каждого гражданина страны.

В этой логике развития необходимо продолжать реформы и в сфере высшего образования. По мере повышения качества отечественных вузов будет возрастать и стоимость обучения в них.

Поэтому государство планирует выделять образовательные гранты, которые в зависимости от результатов ЕНТ и иных показателей будут дифференцированы по размеру – от 30 до 100%. Будут предоставляться и льготные кредиты на обучение под 2-3% годовых.

Указанные меры сделают высшее образование более доступным, а также укрепят в обществе идеологию партнерства и взаимной ответственности.

Следующий чувствительный вопрос – обеспечение студентов общежитиями. Для решения этой проблемы нужно активно внедрять механизм государственно-частного партнерства с вузами и строительными компаниями.

В то же время считаю, что перекладывать решение всех проблем на плечи государства неправильно. Поэтому наличие общежитий должно быть одним из критериев доступа частных вузов к государственному финансированию.

Разумеется, такие требования к учебным заведениям следует внедрять постепенно. Можно также проработать возможность субсидирования затрат на проживание для отдельных социально уязвимых категорий студентов.

Ключевым звеном развития образовательной экосистемы должны стать эндаумент-фонды при вузах. В ведущих университетах мира такие фонды целевого капитала являются основой устойчивого финансирования науки и инноваций.

Базовым фактором повышения благосостояния народа является рост зарплат, адекватных рыночным условиям. Государство внедрит новую методику определения минимальной заработной платы, которая позволит поэтапно увеличивать ее размер.

Мной принято решение поднять уровень минимальной заработной платы с 60 до 70 тысяч тенге. Это напрямую затронет доходы 1,8 миллиона граждан.

Предстоит существенно перезагрузить пенсионную систему.

Следует последовательно довести минимальную базовую ставку пенсии до 70% от прожиточного минимума, а максимальную – до 120%. Вместе с ранее принятыми решениями это позволит к 2025 году увеличить совокупную пенсию в среднем на 27%.

Более того, учитывая широкий социальный запрос, планка пенсионного возраста для женщин будет до 2028 года зафиксирована на уровне 61 года.

Необходимо разработать эффективную инвестиционную стратегию Единого накопительного пенсионного фонда. Туда можно привлечь частные компании с безупречной репутацией и высокопрофессиональными командами.

Потребуется скорректировать и систему социального обеспечения.

Мы увеличим период выплат по уходу за ребенком до полутора лет уже с 1 января 2023 года. Родители дольше будут со своими детьми в самом важном младенческом возрасте.

Для участников системы соцстрахования выплаты по потере работы повысятся до 45% от среднемесячного дохода. Это поможет им легче и быстрее вернуться к трудовой деятельности.

Важным элементом благополучия граждан станет создание единой системы адресной социальной помощи. С 2023 года планируется внедрить Цифровую карту семьи и Социальный кошелек.

В рамках этих инициатив будут интегрированы различные меры государственной поддержки. Они станут понятными и, самое главное, – точечными и проактивными.

Всесторонняя поддержка молодежи – один из наших безусловных приоритетов.

В следующем году различными мерами занятости будут охвачены около 100 тысяч молодых людей. Для поддержки молодежного предпринимательства будет запущен отдельный механизм льготного микрокредитования под 2,5% годовых.

Предлагаемые меры позволят повысить эффективность системы социальной защиты граждан, сделают наше общество более гармоничным и справедливым.

Принятые на общенациональном референдуме поправки в Конституцию стали символом Справедливого Казахстана.

Мы закрепили в Основном законе ключевой принцип, по которому земля и природные ресурсы принадлежат народу. Это не просто красивая декларация, а лейтмотив всех реформ.

Каждая семья должна получить реальную отдачу от использования национальных богатств страны. Поэтому считаю исключительно важным в рамках объявленного мной Года детей дать старт принципиально новой программе «Национальный фонд – детям».

Предлагаю отчислять 50% от ежегодного инвестиционного дохода Национального фонда на специальные накопительные счета детей до достижения ими 18 лет, без права досрочного снятия.

По достижении совершеннолетия накопленные суммы будут направлены на приобретение жилья и получение образования. Эти средства дадут подрастающему поколению настоящую путевку во взрослую жизнь.

Фонд действительно обретет статус национального и будет служить интересам народа. Учитывая необходимость тщательной проработки этого масштабного начинания, поручаю запустить проект с 1 января 2024 года.

Еще одной инициативой, соответствующей духу Нового Казахстана, станет ежегодное перечисление не менее 7% от чистого дохода фонда «Самрук-Казына» в общественный фонд «Қазақстан халқына».

Кроме того, уверен, что успешные предприниматели и состоятельные граждане продолжат вносить средства в данный фонд.

В целом, для развития человеческого потенциала, важно привлекать в страну талантливых специалистов из-за рубежа, особенно тех, кто добился успеха в сферах творчества и предпринимательства.

Речь об эффективной миграционной политике. Необходимо снизить дефицит наиболее востребованных и высококвалифицированных кадров.

Для ценных профессионалов в сфере науки, здравоохранения, промышленности, IT государство будут введены послабления и предоставляться визы с правом получения вида на жительство.

У зарубежных бизнесменов, инвестировавших в нашу экономику более 300 тысяч долларов, появится возможность получить десятилетнюю визу и вид на жительство.

Кардинальной реформе подвергнутся политика переселения кандасов и регулирование внутренней миграции.

В этом вопросе принципиально важно использовать подходы, учитывающие демографические и экономические тенденции, а также общенациональные интересы.

Сила нации заключена в людях, в их здоровье и глубоких знаниях. Крайне важно, чтобы в нашем обществе высоко ценились профессионализм и трудолюбие.

Еще раз повторю: трудолюбивые граждане, настоящие профессионалы своего дела должны быть самыми уважаемыми людьми в стране. Именно такие граждане укрепляют наше государство.

На заседании Национального курултая и съезде молодежного крыла партии Amanat «Жастар рухы» я особо выделил эту тему.

Мы должны почитать людей труда. Каким бы делом ни занимался человек, главное, чтобы он выполнял свою работу добросовестно.

Важно, чтобы молодежь стремилась постичь все тонкости одной конкретной профессии, поскольку труд профессионалов всегда высоко ценится.

Наше подрастающее поколение должно быть конкурентоспособно не только в Казахстане, но и за его пределами.

Граждане соседних государств трудятся за границей, не пренебрегая никакой работой. Среди них немало профессионалов, которые добиваются больших успехов и в нашей стране. 

Самое главное – честный труд. Нам необходимо воспитать поколение, которое хорошо понимает это. Большое внимание данному вопросу следует уделить в идеологической работе.



Намеченные структурные экономические реформы требуют перезагрузки системы государственного управления.

Люди устали от пустых деклараций и бесконечных презентаций светлого будущего. Граждане ждут от госорганов фактического, а не формального исполнения своих обещаний.

Акцент необходимо сделать на децентрализации системы госуправления при одновременном повышении персональной ответственности политических служащих.

Часть компетенций Правительства следует передать министерствам – за конкретную отраслевую политику должен отвечать конкретный министр, а не «коллективный кабинет».

Правительство же сосредоточится на решении межотраслевых вопросов. Первым шагом в этом направлении станет трансформация Канцелярии Премьер-министра в компактный аппарат Правительства, соответствующий передовым стандартам госуправления. Дело не в смене названия, а в реальной реформе.

Через оптимизацию вертикали центральных ведомств нам нужно существенно расширить полномочия местных исполнительных органов.

Это позволит приблизить решение насущных вопросов к регионам, к людям.

Нужно обратить самое пристальное внимание на вопросы местного самоуправления, переформатирование деятельности общественных советов, КСК и ОСИ.

Предстоит заняться обустройством жилых домов и инфраструктурой городов. Их внешний вид и функционирование внутренней инфраструктуры не отвечают ожиданиям граждан и, честно сказать, дискредитируют страну в глазах иностранцев.

Поручаю Правительству разработать новую административную реформу для повышения результативности и ответственности государственных органов.

Новому Казахстану нужны новые государственные управленцы.

С учетом требований времени следует перестроить систему отбора и увольнения госслужащих. Важно, чтобы государственная служба стала максимально открытой для профессионалов из частного сектора.

Нужно усилить кадровый резерв. Агентство по делам государственной службы должно стать полноценным институтом стратегического HR.

Правительству совместно с Агентством следует запустить специальную платформу для консолидации потенциала сограждан по всему миру.

Особое внимание следует уделить повышению эффективности управления в квазигосударственном секторе. Работа в этом направлении началась, нужно довести ее до искомого результата. Для этого необходимо окончательно определить новую модель работы фонда «Самрук-Казына». За ориентир нужно взять лучшие инвестиционные и производственные компании мира.

Управление государственными активами должно стать более прозрачным. Правительство обеспечит ежегодную подготовку Национального доклада и будет направлять его в Парламент.



Необходимо обеспечить верховенство права и качество отправления правосудия. Для этого требуется срочное обновление и оздоровление судейского корпуса.

Судьи должны быть высококвалифицированными, честными и неподкупными. В первую очередь, предстоит обеспечить равный статус всех судей, снизив их зависимость от вышестоящих коллег.

Многие позиции председателей судов будут преобразованы в судейские должности. Предлагаю применить выборные механизмы при отборе самими судьями кандидатур на должности председателей судов и председателей судебных коллегий.

Необходимо приступить и к внедрению элементов выборности судей Верховного Суда. Для этого Президент будет вносить в Сенат кандидатуры на альтернативной основе.

Важно создать соответствующие стимулы и условия для привлечения в сферу сильных юристов.

Для повышения самостоятельности судей необходимо укрепить статус Высшего судебного совета. В ведение Совета будут переданы вопросы подготовки кандидатов в судьи, повышения квалификации, продления предельного возраста, приостановления и прекращения полномочий действующих судей.

Данный государственный орган должен стать полноценным институтом с четкими кадровыми функциями, начиная с отбора и заканчивая рекомендациями по назначению судей всех уровней.

Принципиально важно искоренить влияние силовых органов, исключив все инструменты их административного давления на судей.

Вместе с ограничением вмешательства в деятельность судей будет усилена их ответственность за серьезные нарушения.

Каждый отмененный судебный акт, при вынесении которого судья допустил грубую ошибку, должен проверяться Судебным жюри. Предстоит также пересмотреть институт оценки и привлечения к ответственности судей по критерию «качество отправления правосудия».

Требует реформирования институт апелляции. Здесь решения должны выноситься по существу, без возврата в первую инстанцию.

Необходимо также расширить сферу административной юстиции. Передача в процедурно-процессуальный кодекс широкого круга административных проступков и гражданско-правовых споров с государственными органами сделает отечественное правосудие гуманным и справедливым.

Одновременно надо проработать вопросы доступа к правосудию на уровне районных и областных судов.

Бизнес справедливо считает серьезным ограничением в защите своих интересов чрезмерные ставки судебной пошлины. Поэтому следует установить разумные размеры пошлины по имущественным спорам вместо существующих процентов от суммы иска.

Надо сокращать участие государства в судебных процессах. Пора уже разобраться с судебными спорами государственных органов между собой.

Если два министерства по-разному понимают закон, то точку в этом вопросе должно ставить Правительство. Такой подход применим и к спорам госорганов с государственными организациями. Нередко в разных регионах принимаются различные решения по аналогичным делам.

Сейчас разрабатывается цифровой аналитический инструментарий, который призван обеспечить единообразие в отправлении правосудия. Верховному Суду следует ускорить полноценное внедрение данной интеллектуальной системы.

Разумеется, на этом реформа судебной системы не заканчивается, она будет разрабатываться силами специалистов уже вне Верховного Суда. Это позволит сделать процесс более состязательным, открытым для общественности, независимых экспертов, а значит – более эффективным.

Далее остановлюсь на реформе правоохранительного блока. Эта сфера традиционно находится под пристальным вниманием общественности.

Серьезным испытанием для системы правопорядка стали дни «Трагического января». Тогда под влиянием провокаторов митинги переросли в массовые беспорядки, которые затем обрели характер антигосударственного мятежа.

Многие из подстрекателей отделались условными или мягкими приговорами. Однако степень их вины гораздо выше, поскольку эти люди сознательно нагнетали обстановку и сыграли ключевую роль в эскалации ситуации, которая закончилась трагедией.

Ко мне неоднократно обращались правозащитники, представители адвокатского сообщества с обоснованиями необходимости ужесточения наказания за призывы к массовым беспорядкам. Их доводы вполне резонные, поэтому поручаю уполномоченным органам проработать этот вопрос и принять конкретные меры.

Мы должны жестко реагировать на любые публичные провокации и противозаконные действия. Люди, которые совершают подобные деструктивные действия и призывают к нарушению закона, не смогут избежать сурового наказания.

Хочу напомнить всему обществу наш общий принцип: «политическому плюрализму мы говорим да, экстремизму, бандитизму, хулиганству мы говорим решительное нет».

Там, где начинаются целенаправленные провокации, не может быть и речи о свободе слова и плюрализме мнений. Это посягательство на стабильность и безопасность общества, попытка расшатывания устоев государства.

Сегодня нам как никогда нужно единство. И участники протестов, и сотрудники силовых органов – это наши сограждане, которые надеются не только на объективное правосудие, но и на милосердие общества.

Государство уже смягчило наказание для тех участников январских событий, которые не совершили серьезных преступлений.

Многие из нарушителей закона осознали свою вину и раскаиваются в содеянном. Думаю, они заслуживают второго шанса. Поэтому я принял решение провести единоразовую амнистию участников январских событий.

Разумеется, амнистия не затронет главных фигурантов, причастных к организации беспорядков, а также обвиняемых в государственной измене и попытке насильственной смены власти.

Под амнистию не подпадут и лица, совершившие террористические и экстремистские преступления, рецидивисты, а также применявшие пытки.

Проявив гуманизм, мы, как нация, извлечем уроки из этой трагедии и не допустим ее повторения.

Семьи погибших в ходе январских событий, находящиеся в сложной финансовой ситуации, получат материальную поддержку. Считаю, фонд «Қазақстан халқына» также внесет достойный вклад в это благородное дело.

Важным уроком январской трагедии стало осознание необходимости значительного усиления общественной безопасности.

В последнее время учащаются случаи тяжких преступлений – убийств и бандитских разборок. Они совершаются с особым цинизмом и являются вызовом всему нашему обществу.

Эту опасную тенденцию нужно пресечь на корню – ужесточить наказание и исключить условно-досрочное освобождение за подобные преступления.

В обществе уже долгое время поднимается вопрос о криминализации насилия в семейно-бытовой сфере.

Правоохранительные органы сомневаются в необходимости данного шага, поскольку считают, что он приведет к снижению выявляемости таких правонарушений.

В этом есть доля истины. Однако как бы то ни было, нам нельзя закрывать глаза на многочисленные случаи семейно-бытового насилия.

Безнаказанность дебоширов развязывает им руки, фактически оставляет их жертв беззащитными. Считаю, что пришло время ужесточить ответственность за подобные деяния.

Нельзя, чтобы пострадавшие от семейно-бытового насилия боялись осуждения общества или давления с чьей-либо стороны. Для этого полицейские должны очень деликатно работать с ними, принимая все необходимые меры.

Большую угрозу здоровью нации несет растущее потребление синтетических наркотиков.

Динамика резко отрицательная: за последние три года объем изымаемой из оборота «синтетики» вырос в 10 раз. Синтетические наркотики с каждым годом становятся дешевле и доступнее. Они практически беспрепятственно продаются через социальные сети, мессенджеры и даже доставляются на дом.

С учетом масштаба этой крайне опасной социальной болезни борьба с производством и распространением синтетических наркотиков должна принять общенациональный характер. Поэтому необходимо разработать Комплексный план по борьбе с наркоманией и наркобизнесом.

Отдельное внимание следует уделить валу интернет- и телефонного мошенничества.

Правоохранительным органам нужно усилить информационно-аналитическую работу по выявлению и нейтрализации подобных угроз. Следует также системно повышать правовую и финансовую грамотность граждан.

Важно последовательно наращивать усилия по вскрытию глубинных механизмов, поиску истинных организаторов коррупционных и теневых схем расхищения бюджетных средств и общенационального богатства.

Следует провести ревизию Уголовного и Уголовно-процессуального кодексов, избавиться от всего, что фактически не работает или препятствует правосудию.

Не менее важно, чтобы после внесения соответствующих поправок они не подвергались бесконечным корректировкам.

С 2015 года в Уголовный и Уголовно-процессуальный кодексы внесено уже более 1200 изменений. Недопустимо, чтобы законы менялись в угоду сиюминутной конъюнктуре или узким корпоративным интересам.

Поэтому полномочия по коррекции уголовного и уголовно-процессуального законодательства необходимо передать Министерству юстиции. Это потребует укрепления кадрового потенциала и повышения качества законотворческой деятельности ведомства.


Уважаемые соотечественники!

Сегодня мы обозначили ключевые направления предстоящих реформ.

Нам предстоит перезагрузить все сферы государства и общества.

Мы осуществляем политическую модернизацию в соответствии с основополагающей формулой «сильный Президент – влиятельный Парламент – подотчетное Правительство». Реформы в этом направлении продолжатся.

Мы будем укреплять общенациональное согласие, партнерство власти и общества, следуя концепции «слышащего государства».

Мы должны фокусироваться не на разделительных линиях, а, наоборот, консолидироваться ради достижения масштабных целей.

Именно в этом глубинный смысл идеи Нового Справедливого Казахстана.

Перед нами стоит особо важная задача – сохранить суверенитет и территориальную целостность страны.

Для дальнейшего укрепления государственности нам необходима сплоченность. Другого пути нет.

Единство народа всегда было нашей самой главной ценностью, которая сегодня приобретает еще большее значение.

Наш народ всегда ставил превыше всего мир и стабильность.

В это непростое время мы должны стать еще крепче в своем единстве. Поэтому важно прекратить сеять взаимное недоверие и вносить раздор в общество.


Уважаемые депутаты Парламента,

дорогие соотечественники!

Хочу поделиться с вами соображениями, имеющими прямое отношение к будущему нашего государства.

В современных геополитических условиях нам нужно последовательно укреплять свою государственность, твердо следовать курсом реформ и обновления.

В своих действиях мы должны быть предельно прагматичными и исходить из долгосрочных интересов страны. Крайне важно сохранить набранный темп реформ, решить все политические вопросы, не откладывая их в долгий ящик. Для этого нужно рационально выстроить предстоящие электоральные циклы.

Как вы знаете, очередные выборы Президента должны состояться в 2024 году, а Парламента – в 2025 году.

Считаю необходимым приступить к комплексной перезагрузке ключевых государственных институтов в соответствии с новой стратегией. Это позволит нам активизировать совместную работу во имя благополучия каждого гражданина и процветания всей страны.

Политическая традиция, когда власть держала свои планы в секрете от общества, должна уйти в прошлое. Поэтому сегодня я намерен всенародно представить график будущих избирательных кампаний.

Предлагаю осенью текущего года провести внеочередные президентские выборы.

Для успешной реализации кардинальных и всесторонних реформ, направленных на построение Справедливого Казахстана, требуется новый мандат доверия народа.

Для меня интересы государства превыше всего. Поэтому я готов пойти на досрочные президентские выборы, даже несмотря на сокращение собственного срока полномочий.

Кроме того, после долгих размышлений я пришел к выводу, что назрела необходимость пересмотра количества и длительности сроков полномочий Президента.

Предлагаю установить ограничение мандата Президента в один срок продолжительностью 7 лет без права переизбрания.

На чем базируется эта инициатива?

С одной стороны, 7 лет – это достаточный период для реализации любой амбициозной программы.

С другой, ограничение президентского мандата одним сроком обеспечит максимальную нацеленность Главы государства на решение стратегических задач общенационального развития.

Жизнь не стоит на месте, динамика глобальных процессов и общественного развития внутри страны ускоряется с каждым днем. Вы это видите.

Предлагаемая мной конституционная новелла значительно снизит риски монополизации власти. Именно поэтому я предлагаю внедрить норму однократного президентства.

Мы должны установить цивилизованные принципы формирования, функционирования власти.

Новая президентская система укрепит политическую стабильность, устойчивость казахстанской модели общественного устройства.

После выборов я вынесу инициативу, ограничивающую полномочия Президента одним сроком, на рассмотрение Парламента. В случае ее принятия, в Казахстане начнется новая политическая эпоха.

В рамках политической модернизации в нашей стране центральное место занимает развитие парламентаризма.

Обновленная Конституция задает совершенно новые стандарты политической системы с честными и открытыми правилами игры.

Процедуры регистрации политических партий уже значительно упрощены.

Заработают новые механизмы формирования Парламента и маслихатов по партийным спискам и одномандатным округам.

В целом, все институциональные изменения, предусмотренные конституционной реформой, необходимо законодательно завершить уже до конца года.

Они приведут к увеличению количества политических партий, усилят политическую конкуренцию, будут способствовать появлению новой волны народных избранников.

Избранные по старым лекалам представительные органы власти должны закономерно обновиться, пройдя через внеочередной электоральный цикл.

Поэтому предлагаю провести выборы в Мажилис и маслихаты всех уровней в первой половине следующего года.

Мы получим новый состав депутатов, представляющих интересы широких групп граждан. Уверен, это повысит эффективность работы маслихатов и Парламента.

В будущем в состав Правительства смогут войти представители не только политических сил, получивших большинство голосов избирателей, но и других парламентских партий. Это позволит исполнительной власти принимать более сбалансированные решения, отвечающие запросам всего общества.

Таким образом, в этом году состоятся выборы Президента, в следующем году – выборы депутатов Мажилиса и маслихатов, а затем будет сформировано Правительство.

В итоге, к середине 2023 года будет осуществлена перезагрузка и обновление всех основных политических институтов: Президента, Парламента, Правительства.

Мы строим Справедливый Казахстан с открытой конкуренцией и равными возможностями для каждого.

Принципиально важно осуществлять масштабные политические преобразования в режиме транспарентности, честности и взаимного доверия.

Публичное обнародование сроков и последовательности нового электорального цикла отвечает принципам открытости в принятии решений.

Все эти шаги поэтапно наполняют реальным содержанием нашу главную формулу «сильный Президент – влиятельный Парламент – подотчетное Правительство».

Будущее Казахстана рождается сегодня – в наших словах и делах, намерениях и поступках.

Каждый день мы делаем выбор между старым и новым, застоем и развитием.

Призываю всех сограждан сплотиться вокруг общенациональных интересов.

Мы станем сильной и успешной нацией, когда каждый из нас будет всемерно укреплять единство и твердо следовать принципам справедливости.

Построение Справедливого Казахстана только начинается. Впереди тернистый путь. Этот курс незыблем и будет продолжен при любых обстоятельствах внутреннего и внешнего характера. Безделью и саботажу места не будет, мы не свернем с намеченного пути!

Вместе мы построим Справедливый Казахстан!

Светлое будущее нашей священной Родины – в наших руках!

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s State of the Nation Address, September 1, 2020

The work of the next session of Parliament begins at a challenging time.

Our country continues to confront the pandemic that threatens the entire global community.

We have joined all our efforts to protect the life and health of our citizens.

At this critical time, our friendly people have rallied together as one.

The fight against coronavirus was conducted thanks to the essential features of our people. It showed the importance of mutual assistance, compassion and readiness to jointly confront an unprecedented disaster.

I express my sincere gratitude to doctors, law enforcement officials, military personnel, volunteers, entrepreneurs, conscientious citizens and all concerned for the steadfastness and responsibility they have demonstrated. You have been a vivid example of resilience and great commitment. I consider this a manifestation of genuine patriotism.

In such difficult conditions, our main task is to maintain social and economic stability, employment and income for the population.

Two packages of emergency anti-crisis measures have been adopted. More than 4.5 million Kazakhs, who temporarily lost their income, have received assistance in the amount of 42,500 tenge ($1.1billion). More than 450 billion tenge ($1.1 billion) have been allocated for these purposes. In neighbouring states and even in other developed countries this kind of assistance has not been provided.

Over a million people have received food and household packages.

On the initiative of the Leader of the Nation, the Chairman of the Nur Otan party, more than 550,000 families were covered by the one-off financial support from the Birgemiz Fund.

The pandemic has become a stress test for all states. They are undergoing many difficulties in combatting the virus. One moment the situation stabilises, and the next moment new outbreaks appear.

The government has learned from its mistakes, and managed to reorganise, literally on the run.

The main thing is that we did not hide anything from our citizens, we speak openly about our losses. We tell the truth no matter how bitter these losses may be. This distinguishes Kazakhstan from some other states.

The improvement in the epidemiological situation, however, is no reason for complacency. The fight goes on. According to the forecast of the World Health Organisation, it will take at least two years to defeat the pandemic.

The coming months will be devoted to increased mobilisation. We must be ready for this.

We must act not when a problem appears, but take measures in advance, and work thoughtfully.

All decisions must be based on evidence-based forecasting.

The Government is introducing targeted restrictions and an adaptive quarantine mechanism. A Comprehensive Programme to fight the pandemic will be developed.

All the State’s obligations in the social sphere and in terms of supporting the economy will be fulfilled. For these purposes, 1 trillion tenge ($2.4 billion) has been allocated from the National Fund.

Indexation of social payments will continue. By 2023, it is planned to allocate over 1 trillion ($2.4 billion) tenge to this end.

There is no doubt that we will overcome the current difficulties. But we must not forget about the long-term development of our state in the new geopolitical circumstances around us.

Today, the world has plunged into the deepest recession in a century. The restoration of the global economy, according to experts, will take at least 5 years.

Meanwhile, the competitiveness of future leading states emerges in these times of crises and fundamental change. Kazakhstan must find its decent place in the new world.

Thanks to the far-sighted policy of our First President – Leader of the Nation, Nursultan Nazarbayev, a solid foundation has been created for economic development, and the country has earned its name on the world stage.

In the context of a new global order being forged, it is essential we give substantial impetus to reforms, the quintessence of which is the Plan of the Nation and the Five Institutional Reforms.

It is our duty to ensure a decent life for our citizens, protect their rights, strengthen the rule of law, and reinforce the fight against corruption.

So, what is our plan of action?


Reforms in this area should be carried out systematically.

Let us start by changing the approach to public administration, human resources policy, the decision-making system and the responsibility for their implementation.

In the context of a pandemic and crisis, the current public administration system is operating at full speed. Solving operational tasks takes time and resources. But in no case should you lose sight of the distant horizon. I have therefore decided to create an Agency for Strategic Planning and Reform, which will report directly to the President.

Such a body did exist in the past and indeed successfully carried out the tasks it was assigned. Now it will once again become the central link in the entire system of state planning. The reforms developed by the Agency must be specific, realistic and, most importantly, mandatory for all government agencies.

A Senior Presidential Council for Reform is being established, the decisions of which will become obligatory. In the interests of greater integrity in assessing the rapidly changing situation, the Statistics Committee is being transferred to the Agency.

It has so evolved that in the system of state planning, the state apparatus acts as the main planner, executor and evaluator. This is not right.

The state planning system should ensure the mobilisation of all human resources and involve the private sector and society as full partners at all stages: planning, execution, evaluation.

We must stop drawing up state programmes with a large number of indicators. It is time to move on to a new format, one of concise national projects, understandable to all citizens. In terms of goal-setting, the result should hold primacy over the process.

Carrying out such radical reform will require revision of the activities of the entire state apparatus. Synergy in the planning and implementation of reforms takes on particular significance here.

It will require a rebooting of the entire system of the civil service. The pandemic and the transfer of most government officials to working remotely showed that the state apparatus can and should be reduced.

I instruct that there should be an acceleration in the timing of the reduction of the state apparatus and quasi-public sector empolyees. This year they should be cut by 10%, and next year by another 15%. Thus, we will solve the problem of reducing officials by 25% in 2021. Depending on the results and taking into account digitalisation, we will then decide on further reduction necessity.

The funds thus saved will increase the salaries of the remaining employees. Low-paid public service is too expensive for society. Misunderstanding of this issue leads to negative selection, loss of competencies, initiative and, most importantly, to corruption. Therefore, from July 1, 2021, a factor-point scale should be introduced. This will lead to increased responsibility and motivation of civil servants.

We are in dire need of new personnel - professionals with fresh views and initiatives. The civil service cannot be allowed to turn into an exclusive caste.

At the same time, it is important to ensure continuity and institutional memory without letting professional and ethical demands fall. Here I would like to touch upon the question of the institution of executive secretaries.

With the introduction of this institution, it was assumed that their unchanging nature would release ministers from administrative and personnel work and ensure the stability of the apparatus. In fact, however, this did not happen. Moreover, there are frequent cases of lack of mutual understanding between ministers and executive secretaries. As a result, the common cause suffers.

Only one person should bear an overall responsibility - a minister appointed by the President. It follows therefore that the institution of executive secretaries should be abolished, their responsibilities being assigned to the heads of staff in the various the ministries.

To implement the above proposals, I am instructing the adoption of a package of amendments to civil service legislation by the end of the year.

Law-making issues should also be reviewed.

During the quarantine, the sluggishness of the legal system gave rise to a "bottleneck" effect. I had to introduce a state of emergency and adopt the so-called "Emergency Decree". But such measures cannot be a systemic response to crisis situations.

The main problem lies in the excessive legislative regulation of the executive branch. We make demands of ministers and governors, but their powers are limited by detailed legal and regulatory norms. This slows down the work not only of the state apparatus, but also overburdens Parliament. Its Chambers are forced to work on detailed rules, which should become the competence of executive bodies.

In a rapidly changing world, slow decision-making becomes a threat to national security. Therefore, within the framework of the Concept of Legal Policy, in changing the legislation, a balance should be ensured between the various levels of legal regulation. We must not hesitate in doing this.

Improving the corporate governance of quasi-state companies is another important problem to be addressed.

There are dozens of national companies and tens of thousands of state-owned enterprises operating in the country. At the same time, large quasi-state organisations are joint stock companies, the purpose of which is to ensure profit. But if part of the state functions is transferred to them, then their activities should be of a purely service, auxiliary, nature for citizens and the economy.

In many joint stock companies a conceptual confusion has occurred. Corporate governance can become an additional bureaucratic procedure.

The reform of the entire quasi-public sector must be continued. Some decisions will be announced today, the rest will be submitted to me in the form of Government proposals.


The long oil super-cycle appears to be over. We should be prepared for a completely new world market environment.

The creation of a truly diversified, technological economy is not just a necessity for us, but a scenario where there is no other alternative.

At the same time, the economy must work to improve the well-being of the people. We must find a positive answer to the growing public demand for a fairer distribution of benefits arising from the growth of national income and for effective social “lifts".

The new economic course of our country should therefore be based on seven basic principles:

  1. Equitable distribution of benefits and responsibilities.
  2. The leading role of private enterprise.
  3. Fair competition, opening markets for a new generation of entrepreneurs.
  4. Increased productivity, complexity and technological efficiency of the economy.
  5. Development of human capital, investment in a new type of education.
  6. A "Green" economy, environmental protection.
  7. Adoption of well-grounded decisions by the state and responsibility to society for them.

In doing so, we must base ourselves on our competitive advantages and real capabilities.

The most important task facing Kazakhstan is the full deployment of its industrial potential.

Despite successes in this area, we have not yet managed to realise the full potential of the domestic market; about two-thirds of processed goods are imported from abroad.

To ensure the strategic self-sufficiency of the national economy, we must urgently start the development of new procession stages in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, petrochemicals, automotive industry and mechanical engineering, the production of construction materials, food products and other sectors.

The development of a qualitatively new national industry requires a modernised legal framework.

Regulatory and support issues for industry are contained in many disparate pieces of legislation. However, they fail to define cross-cutting goals: there is no link between policies and measures.

There are many laws that govern specific sectors or industries. For example, the Law "On Electricity" or the Law "On Transport".

By the end of the year, a unified Law "On Industrial Policy" should be developed, which will define the basic principles, goals and objectives of the manufacturing industry.

To support industry we also need to improve measures with concrete content. We do not have enough consistency, there is no holistic approach. Because of this, we are dispersing resources on too many projects.

We will continue of course to maintain broad “horizontal” measures in support the industry. At the same time, the Government will have to identify strategically important production facilities, key export priorities, and significantly expand the toolkit of support measures.

For strategic projects, a package provision of grants in kind, concessional financing, partial guarantees and export support mechanisms should be envisaged. Some of the capital expenditure of investors can be recovered by offsetting these against tax liabilities.

It is important to ensure guaranteed procurement from the state, quasi-state sectors and subsoil users.

The main novelty will be the stability of legislative conditions for the entire duration of the project.

It goes without saying that these measures are not exhaustive. The specific level of support will depend on the volume of capital investment and the priority of the project.

In order to fix the agreements between the state and investors, a new instrument will be introduced - a strategic investment agreement.

This initiative should be implemented by the end of the year through elaborating a draft law on economic recovery. The pool of projects that will be included in strategic agreements will be drawn up by the Government by April 2021.

The issue of full access of processing enterprises to domestic raw materials at affordable prices requires a systemic solution.

I instruct the Government to develop regulatory mechanisms by the end of the year to ensure full supply of Kazakh manufacturing industries with raw materials.

Regulated purchasing has a direct effect on industrial development. Their volume is about 15 trillion tenge ($35.7 billion), or a fifth of GDP. The task of the Government and governors is to maximise this potential.

On my instructions, a new law was adopted that improved the procurement system of government agencies. However, procurement by national companies is still non-transparent and inaccessible to ordinary entrepreneurs.

I am instructing that a unified law covering all purchases of the quasi-public sector be developed by the end of the year. All regulated procurement should be carried out as transparent as possible and exclusively through the Single Procurement Window.

Any improvement in legislation will be useless unless there is an appropriate law enforcement practice.

It is not uncommon for cheap and low-quality imported goods to be passed off as domestic produce, which go on to win procurement bids. The register of domestic manufacturers and industrial certificates has not yet become a real barrier for counterfeit manufacturers.

By the end of the year, the Government, together with the Atameken National Chamber, shall submit specific proposals to increase the domestic content.

Our common task in the sector is to increase production in the manufacturing industry by at least 1.5 times over the next five years.

However, significant progress in industrialisation cannot be achieved through industrial policy measures alone. It is imperative that monetary, fiscal and other key policies should not isolated from the needs of the real sector. I will discuss this further.

A competitive economy cannot be created without a developed agriculture.

In this area, such key problems as limited access to land, lack of available long-term financing and a shortage of professional personnel still remain unresolved.

Measures are urgently needed to develop warehouse and transport infrastructure, in order to avoid being limited by the increasing production of raw materials.

In our country, we can establish 7 large ecosystems for the production and processing of meat, fruits, vegetables, sugar, cereals, oilseeds, dairy products. The fishing industry deserves close attention.

Large projects have a key role to play as the centerpiece of value creation.

Within the framework of vertical cooperation, we should also make effective use of the potential of personal subsidiary plots.

A private household can provide an opportunity for millions of villagers to receive income. We need to involve them in the creation of regional food hubs.

We need to be mindful of potential and horizontal cooperation. Without it, there will be no breakthrough in the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Scattered personal subsidiary plots are at present on the brink of survival. There can be no talk of high productivity, product quality, or regularity of commodity deliveries. Hence our low-level competitiveness and the dominance of imports.

With cooperation, all rights to land and assets are retained and at the same time the efforts of many farms in the purchase of raw materials and  production and sale of products can be consolidated.

It is no secret that hard rural labour is extremely underavalued, and retailers derive the main profit.

Therefore, within the framework of subsidies and tax remissions programmes, a package of measures should be prepared to stimulate cooperation in the countryside.

Another important question relates to the fact that at the end of next year, the moratorium on certain norms of the Land Code on the Use of Agricultural Lands will come to an end.

Our land will not be sold to foreigners. But the Government has to develop other ways of involving agricultural land as a real driving force of economic growth. Investment in the agricultural sector is critical.

The systemic problems in the agro-industrial complex are lack of professional personnel, as well as the low level of development of agricultural science. Here decisive measures are needed from the executive branch.

Technologically outdated irrigation systems remain a serious barrier. Water loss reaches 40%. For water-scarce Kazakhstan, such indicators are unacceptable.

We need to ensure legal regulation in this area, as well as develop economic incentives for the introduction of modern technologies and innovations.

The current state programme for the development of the agro-industrial complex will be completed next year. I instruct the Government, together with business, to start developing a new National Project for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex over a five-year period.

Our main tasks are:

  • self-sufficiency in socially significant food products;
  • stable increase in the income of millions of rural residents;
  • increase in labour productivity by a factor of 2.5;
  • doubling the export of agricultural produce.

The development of the transport and logistics industry remains an urgent issue.

The implementation of the first stage of the “Nurly Zhol” programme has been successful, enabling the capital of the country to connect up with the regions according to the “sunray” principle. A new infrastructure framework for the transport system has been formed, the country's integration into global transport corridors has been ensured and the historical status of Kazakhstan as a connecting link between Asia and Europe has been restored.

However, competition in this area is very high. Alternative projects have appeared in the Central Asian region that could reduce the transit potential of Kazakhstan.

The second stage of "Nurly Zhol" should therefore be aimed at consolidating the leading role of the transport and transit sector of our country.

Kazakhstan's competitiveness should grow due to breakthrough infrastructure projects, attracting new countries and companies, upgrading the level of service and the speed of transit routes.

The task is to reconstruct and load road services with over 24,000 kilometres of roads by 2025, that is, all roads in the country.

Small and medium-sized businesses are going through difficult times. In fact, they are bearing the brunt of the pandemic.

To overcome the negative economic consequences, tax breaks were provided to more than 700,000 entrepreneurs, payments have been deferred and an opportunity has been given to refinance loans on favourable terms. However, the situation remains difficult.

As an additional aid to small and medium-sized businesses, I am instructing to provide state subsidies for interest rates of up to 6% per annum on all existing loans to SMEs in the affected sectors of the economy. The subsidy will cover a period of 12 months, starting from the moment of the announcement of the state of emergency, that is, from March 16 of this year.

The National Bank is implementing a special working capital replenishment programme for SMEs in the most affected sectors. Previously it was assumed that it would terminate its operation this year.

In the current crisis conditions, I instruct that this programme be extended until the end of 2021, and that its coverage be expanded. For these purposes, an additional 200 billion tenge ($476 million) should be provided, bringing the total volume of the programme to 800 billion ($1.9 billion) tenge.

I also instruct the suspension until the end of the year of charging rent from SMEs for real estate objects owned by government agencies and the quasi-public sector.

In the current conditions, maintaining employment and the population’s income is an absolute priority. It is therefore important over this period to reduce the burden on the wages fund for SMEs in the most affected industries. For this category of business, I instruct that deductions from wages to extra-budgetary funds be suspended for the period until the end of the year.

The next question is business climate. This area needs reform, since the regulatory system remains cumbersome, even punitive.

The basic principles of regulatory policy need to be changed. State regulation can only be justified by protecting the health of citizens and the environment.

Both on a legislative level and in practice, the predominance of essence over form should be fixed: common sense and content should prevail over strict legal norms. The three-year moratorium on inspections provides a good opportunity to introduce such regulation from scratch.

We should start with the most corrupt spheres: architectural and construction activities, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, veterinary medicine, certification and others. I am instructing that a new regulatory framework for small and medium-sized businesses be developed within the next year.

I repeat: any unlawful interference of state structures in entrepreneurial activity, obstruction of the work of businessmen, should be perceived as the gravest crime against the state. In the event of illegal pressure on them by officials, businesses should not hesitate to contact the prosecutor's offices.

Supporting entrepreneurship also means paying special attention to medium-sized businesses, which contain the key components of market success. Such companies should be focused not only on the domestic but also on foreign markets. Their export support should be strengthened.

I instruct the Government to launch an export acceleration programme aimed at medium-sized non-resource enterprises in order to provide targeted support from the concept stage right through to implementation.

The main result of work on the development of SMEs should be an increase by 2025 of its share in GDP to 35%, and the number of employees - to 4 million people.

Reconfiguring cross-cutting government policies will be a critical factor in the success of our work.

A new approach to monetary policy needs to be taken.

We are faced with a crisis of confidence in the tenge on the part of national and international investors. The low level of economic diversification and high volatility of the exchange rate restrict the inflow of foreign investment, especially in non-resource sectors.

Problems of regulating the foreign exchange market and capital movements also play a negative role. A significant part of export earnings does not even reach the domestic foreign-exchange market, it remains abroad. The Government and the National Bank should motivate exporters to sell foreign-exchange earnings.

The stimulating role of monetary policy needs to be strengthened as well. Today, it is largely constrained by fears of an overflow of funds to the foreign-exchange market. Banks are in no hurry to lend to the real economy, since they have a good opportunity of earning money on the foreign-exchange market and on the instruments of the National Bank.

I am instructing that measures be taken to reorient this liquidity towards lending to businesses and thus putting a stop to currency speculation. The powers and functionality of the Financial Markets Regulatory Agency and the National Bank are sufficient to solve this problem. I expect a significant improvement in the situation by the end of the year.

The imbalance between lending to the consumer segment and business also remains a negative factor in the financial sector. Reckless, sometimes irresponsible, lending to consumers, which is fraught with serious social consequences, should be regulated. Lack of financial literacy on the part of citizens should not be a reason for imposing credit products on them.

This year, on my instruction, the legislative and regulatory framework was changed and the requirements for assessing borrowers’ solvency were significantly tightened. Microfinance organisations, pawnshops and other financial institutions that previously issued consumer loans without control came under state regulation. But risks remain. Especially during the crisis and falling incomes.

The Financial Regulatory Agency and the National Bank need to take additional regulatory measures in terms of increasing the responsibility of credit institutions, as well as differentiating and lowering marginal interest rates on loans.

We must in addition increase confidence in monetary policy. It has therefore been decided to create a Monetary Policy Committee within the structure of the National Bank. It will also include independent members.

Since we are talking about the importance of a fair redistribution of national income, then a uniform tax policy should be developed, one which is understandable to all citizens of the country.

Today, about 40 different taxes and fees are levied, administration is complicated and it has moreover a pronounced compulsory character.

I instruct the Government, together with the National Chamber of Atameken, with the involvement of the deputy corps, to revise the Tax Code and by-laws. The goal is to radically simplify the fulfilment of tax obligations and minimise the number of taxes and payments.

We should also think about the differentiation of tax rates as an additional lever for diversifying the economy and replenishing the budget.

In the SME sector, I consider it possible to empower entrepreneurs working in the sectors most affected by the pandemic to pay retail sales tax.

International taxation rules require special attention. They should do maximum to stimulate the influx of foreign investment and the reinvestment of profits in Kazakhstan.

At the same time, reliable control over transfer pricing and capital withdrawal from the country is needed. According to expert estimates, about a third of the country's GDP is in the shadow economy - a huge potential for increasing budget revenues.

Digitalisation of the tax and customs spheres will seriously contribute to combatting the “shadow economy” in all its manifestations. Moreover, corruption is fuelled by the shadow economy.

Therefore, I instruct the Economic Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance to largely reorient its activities to fighting the shadow economy.

We have to work out a new budgetary policy that is lean and responsible. Only priority areas and projects should be financed. The period of monetary excesses has sunk into oblivion. It is necessary to develop a set of key budget coefficients and rules.

To give a complete picture, it is necessary to introduce the so-called "extended budget", in which, in addition to the state budget, extra-budgetary funds should be taken into account.

The new budget planning system should support national priorities and become a subordinate part of the national planning system.

Government agencies should be given budgetary independence. This will enable swift resolution of problems and move away from collective irresponsibility and red tape.

Demand, however, should also be tightened. To this end, I am instructing that the functionality of the Accounts Committee be strengthened. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, a separate procedure for its financing should be envisaged through the specialised committees of Parliament, and not through the Republican Budget Commission under the Government.

Competition policy is becoming increasingly important. It is necessary to seriously diversify the competitive field, create truly equal opportunities for every entrepreneur and stop monopolising markets.

It is no secret that many market niches are densely "concreted" by far from market methods. Entrepreneurs cannot enter the market, and if they do manage to enter, they are forced to obey private monopolists.

Anti-competitive situations persist everywhere: the market for coal, electricity, oil products, communications, pharmaceuticals, airport services, housing and communal services and logistics. The list goes on.

At regional level, the administrative resource is often the main component of commercial success.

It is essential that we deal with the so-called "monopoly players" - public and private. It is important to accept clear rules: in what cases and in what form they are created, where the profit is spent. Strong public monitoring is needed.

We need to put things in order with exchange trading, and, first of all, in the field of oil products, electricity and coal. Imitation of transparency on the part of large players is unacceptable.

A strong and independent body for the protection and development of competition is therefore required. I am instructing the creation of an Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition which will report directly to the President.

Denationalisation of the economy plays an important role in the development of equal competition.

The central government agencies, governors’ offices and holdings still own about 7,000 non-social facilities.

But the notion that the state is not the best business executive is already an axiom.

The Government needs to adopt a new privatisation plan. The state should cover only social aspects, as well as aspects related to ensuring the security and functioning of the state.

In the quasi-public sector, work should continue to reduce administrative and management personnel, unproductive costs and redundant subsidiaries.

I would also like to touch upon the role of the Baiterek and KazAgro holdings. They have made a significant contribution to the industrialisation and development of the agro-industrial complex and have in addition streamlined the activities of previously scattered financial institutions.

Now, however, we find ourselves in a different reality that requires a change in institutional structure. I consider it expedient to unite these two organisations and create a single development institution with essentially increased financial capabilities.

At the same time, the number of portfolio companies should be reduced by half, and the number of staff should also be reduced by 50%.

It is also necessary to be more active in our approach to the promotion of the economic interests of our state in the international arena, to defend national interests in a pragmatic and professional manner.

We need to maximise for the good of the country the use of extensive opportunities associated with Kazakhstan's participation in the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as in the "Belt and Road" project.

Work on attracting investments and promoting the export of Kazakh goods and services in the newly changing world is fast becoming a priority for the Government.

It is also necessary to effectively use the potential of the Astana International Financial Centre. This platform should become a key tool for attracting direct and portfolio investments.

Concluding this topic, I want to say that people will not be blessed by the abstract growth of GDP; they need permanent jobs, good roads, hospitals and schools and quality food.

Economic reforms are justified and supported only when they increase the income of a country’s citizens and ensure higher standards of living. We must always keep this in mind.


It is essential that we substantially restructure our approaches to the country's territorial and spatial development.

Our regions differ in economic and industrial specialisation, living standards, and the quality of public services. Territorial development should therefore be conducted, mindful of the competitive advantages of different regions.

The industrial potential of the south and southeast of the country should be more actively developed. It is here that half of the state's labour resources are concentrated and high-quality jobs are critically important for the development of these regions.

In addition to traditional support for the agricultural sector, substantial attention should be paid to the thorough processing of agricultural products, the development of the food and textile industries, the production of building materials and other industrial sectors.

Industrialisation is important not only for solving social issues and raising the level of income; it also forms a new mentality in citizens, adapting them to the modern world. And this is one of the basic factors determining the nation's competitiveness.

A new vision of the development of regions where major metallurgical enterprises operate is required. These are, first and foremost, the East Kazakhstan, Karagandy and Pavlodar regions. These regions could become centres of high-tech, science-intensive industries and technical services.

The western regions of Kazakhstan should become the centre of attraction for investments in the construction of petrochemical complexes, the creation of new production cycles of high added value. The fact that we still do not have petro-chemistry and high-value gas processing is, "does not fit into any door" (is senseless), as the saying goes.

It is especially important to give "a second lease of life" to our single-industry towns. Here, great responsibility is assigned to city-forming enterprises. This task will not be achieved without their active participation.

Almost 30 million people live in the border regions of Kazakhstan and Russia, where there are several million-plus cities. Close interaction with Russian authorities and organisations to promote Kazakh goods and attract investment is a very important factor in the development of Kazakh border regions.

The problem of fully realising the potential of villages remains strategically important. The implementation of the "The Village is the Cradle of the Country" programme, aimed at solving the most acute problems in the countryside, will continue.

A new approach to regional development will help manage the process of urbanisation, thus ensuring the phasing of "migration waves" and avoidance of over-population and social tension in large cities.


The social well-being of citizens is inextricably linked, first of all, with the housing issue.

In market conditions, the affordability of housing for citizens is based on the availability of income and the ability to resolve this problem independently. As part of my instructions, the issue of the population being able to use a part of their pension savings was devised. This is especially relevant now.

Already in 2021, 700,000 Unified Accumulative Pension Fund contributors will be able to use part of their savings for the purchase of housing, medical treatment or for transferring it to the management of financial companies. I instruct the Government, together with the National Bank, to adopt all the necessary regulations and carry out preparatory work by the end of this year.

This reform will also become an effective tool for “whitewashing” labour relations, creating incentives for participation in the pension system.

Effective social support will be provided to citizens with insufficient income to resolve housing issues independently. 

This year the programme "5-10-25" came into operation. 390 billion tenge ($928 million) was allocated. The implementation of this programme must be constantly monitored by the Government.

The housing problems of those on the waiting list need to be resolved more quickly. Currently local governments are building rental housing for them on their own budget. Due to budgetary and procurement procedures, this is a lengthy process. The time has come to make changes to this scheme.

Funds should be directed not only to construction, but also to subsidising rent. In the first year, the coverage of this measure will increase 10-fold, more than 100,000 families will receive specific assistance. I have instructed Otbasy Bank to streamline this work, which is being created on the basis of Zhilstroysberbank. The bank's management bears personal responsibility in this matter.

In terms of the construction of individual housing, the Nurly Zher programme is being implemented at a slow pace. This is mainly due to the low rates of development of territories, since, according to the legislation, land can be provided only if there is water and electricity supply.

A house is not only housing; it can become an economic aid for low-income citizens, especially for large families. The Government and local governing bodies are obliged to accelerate the provision of communications for plots for social private houses, including through public-private partnerships.

I ask members of Parliament to take the solution of this important problem "under their wing". Is it the case that we cannot provide affordable housing for rural workers, force employers to build rented accommodation by subsidising costs and thus ultimately improve the quality of life of our many fellow citizens?!

The family and the demographic situation is a matter of serious concern.

Unfortunately, every sixth family in Kazakhstan cannot have children. Opinion polls show that about 20% of Kazakhs consider this a substantial reason for divorce.

The UN forecasts for the growth of the population of Kazakhstan in comparison with our neighbours in Central Asia are disappointing. I instruct the Government to launch a special "Longing for a Baby” programme starting 2021. We need to increase the number of quotas for IVF programmes to 7,000, that is, seven-fold.

Special attention should be paid to issues relative to the safety and protection of children's rights.

We have significantly increased criminal liability for sexual abuses against minors. But the problem remains acute.

Such criminals deserve more severe punishment, without the right to pardon and early release. They should be kept in maximum security facilities.

Each such case should be under the special control of the Office of the Prosecutor. Inaction or negligence on the part of social or law enforcement agencies will be severely punished.

Overall, we need a new paradigm of social policy.

The social security sphere is regulated by 17 laws and dozens of bylaws. This has led to the complexity and fragmentation of regulation. The result is a blurring of the responsibility of the state and a lack of understanding by citizens of their own rights. I instruct the Government to start developing a Social Code for the country.

Measures should be taken to digitalise welfare payments. To this end, there is a need to introduce a digital citizen’s "social wallet", as well as create an appropriate distribution system.

Our society will have to change its perception regarding the value of labour, and teach the young generation to value work, not to separate it into the prestigious and non-prestigious. 

Unfortunately, young people want to get rich quick, hence their passion for lotteries and betting. Inappropriate anecdotes about immigrant workers and a derogatory attitude towards their work have become popular in everyday life.

During these troubling months, we saw first-hand the enduring value of work. A huge effort has been made by junior medical personnel, utility and service workers. This is a real feat of labour. The people who carried it out will not be left without the attention of the State.


In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the vast majority of schoolchildren and students in the world have switched to distance learning. This entails a completely different style and content of work.

The government's miscalculations in organising distance learning are well known.

There is still essentially no operational online platform. Teachers, students and their parents have to use WhatsApp for days.

There is an urgent need to develop a unified educational online platform complete with a full set of all the necessary functions for a full-fledged educational process.

At the same time, quality education implies traditional lessons, communication with teachers and peers. We need therefore to consider procedures for returning to the traditional form of full-time education in compliance with epidemiological requirements. This is especially important for schools.

In addition to addressing pressing issues, we need to develop systemic measures to ensure equality of opportunity for children. Our children should receive quality education, regardless of where they live and the language in which they are being taught.

One of the main problems of our education is the low salaries of teachers.

I have already made a decision to increase the salaries of teachers by 25% as from January 2021. This will be increased in the future.

For these purposes, an additional 1.2 trillion tenge ($2.8 billion) will be allocated over the next three years.

We need to solve the problem of the all-round development of children before they enter school. I have set the task of ensuring that by 2025 there will be 100% coverage of pre-school education and teaching for children under six years of age.

Merely building state kindergartens will not solve this problem. We need to attract private business, find new forms of support, including a voucher- financing mechanism. Parents will be able to choose any kindergarten or school and pay with a voucher from the state.

Experts reasonably argue that state support only for gifted schoolchildren would increase the societal distance between children. This would be unacceptable.

In this regard, the state will support the so-called "ordinary" schools. It will also help bridge the gap between urban and rural areas in education.

In order to increase the level of citizens’ literacy and digital knowledge, I instruct the Government to develop a Concept of Lifelong Education. This document should ensure the active introduction of alternative options for non-formal education, recognition of the results of independent learning and the certification of professional skills.

We must also reorient the entire vocational education system towards the formation of competencies that are in demand in the labour market.

The main thrust here will be on preparing a new wave of entrepreneurs. The subject "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" should therefore be studied at all levels of education - from schools to universities.

It is essential that we pay the most serious attention to sports and the creative potential of the younger generation.

In times when there is a shortage of funds, it makes no sense to support professional sports clubs entirely at the expense of the state. Billions of tenge from the state budget and quasi-state companies are being spent inefficiently.

Priority should be given to mass sports, physical education and, of course, to children. In each region, sports facilities should be opened in large district centres.

We also need to resume the activity of "children's circles", where representatives of the young generation can learn the basics of creativity and handicraft.

Modern realities can be so dangerous for children: their energy and curiosity need therefore to be guided in the right direction. After all, children are the future of our state. This will be a criterion by which we will evaluate the work of governors.

I should like to say a few words about the quality of education. Last year, I ordered the closure of educational institutions involved in the "printing" of diplomas.

The implementation of this is challenging because of the resistance of influential people involved in this lucrative educational business. But the problem needs to be solved. This issue should be taken under special control by the Prime Minister.

I would also like to touch upon the issue of the development of science.

Here we need a fresh look, new approaches, reliance on international experience.

I instruct the Government to provide internships in leading research centres of the world for 500 scientists annually, as well as provide 1000 grants for young scientists for research under the Zhas Galym project.

An important source of funding and support for science is through the largest enterprises, especially in the raw materials sector.

The current norm on the deduction of 1% of capital investments for the development of science and technology is not transparent. Often these funds are simply redistributed within companies. I instruct the Government to ensure the centralisation of collection and distribution of these funds through the budget, based on national scientific priorities.

A good move on the part of big business would be to take over the "patronage" of regional universities in terms of their scientific activities.

We need a separate programme document on the scientific and technological development of the country. Its primary task will be to attract science to solving problems at national level.


The pandemic crisis has taught us a lot. For example, to appreciate the work of a doctor. But health workers were once on the periphery of state attention.

It goes without saying that given the importance of the medical profession, it must be supported financially. I instruct the allocation of 150 billion tenge ($357 million) for the payment of incentive bonuses to medical workers for the second half of the year under the soon-to-be revised budget.

We are doing this now during the crisis, and we must continue to do so on a systematic basis. By 2023, wages for medics and health care workers will be twice the national average wage.

The issues of the supply of medicines has been resolved, but the domestic pharmaceutical industry needs to be set on a secure footing. All basic medicines and medical devices must be manufactured in Kazakhstan. This is a national security issue. From next year I expect concrete results in this area.

Another issue is the development of medical infrastructure.

By the end of the year, 13 new hospitals focusing on infectious diseases will be built in various regions of the country. And by 2025, 20 modern multi-functional healthcare facilities will be commissioned. This means an inflow of about one and a half trillion tenge of investments in health care.

On the initiative of the Leader of the Nation, two multi-disciplinary medical centres will appear in Nur-Sultan and Almaty. They will become the flagships of our medicine, growth points for innovation and the development of applied medical science.

The government will have to radically reconsider approaches to the organisation of primary health care. It should become more mobile and accessible to a wide range of the population, including those living in the countryside.

Measures should be taken to revive the transportation of medicine to remote regions. To create effective rural health care within three years, we will need to provide all rural villages with feldsher-obstetric stations and medical outpatient clinics.

The pandemic has acutely pointed to the issue of training doctors in rare specialties: epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, intensive care staff, pulmonologists, and cardiologists. I instruct the Government to draw up a long-term forecast (10 years) of staffing medical institutions.

Measures for the further development of national health care will make it possible to fully equip all medical organisations with the necessary equipment, to update the hospital beds fund by 50%, replace outdated infrastructure, and increase life expectancy to 75 years.


Environmental protection and ecological development are at the forefront of Kazakhstan’s agenda. The whole civilised world is dealing with this issue, and we should not lag behind this main trend.

A draft for a new Environmental Code has been developed to solve a number of systemic problems. I ask Parliament to consider and adopt this important document by the end of the year.

I instruct the government to start implementing practical measures to improve the environmental situation. Long-term plans for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity should be approved.

Over the next five years, more than two billion trees will be planted in the countryside and 15 million in cities and towns. This initiative will lead to a large-scale greening of our country.

There is the now acute issue of building up a green belt around the capital.

Legislatively and normatively, it is essential to protect the national parks and other natural resources of Kazakhstan, as well as to toughen up the criminal and administrative prosecution of citizens who commit offences in this area.

We must equally pay due attention to the ecological education of the younger generation in schools and universities. The "Together for a Cleaner Kazakhstan” environmental campaign, designed to strengthen environmental values ​​in society, should be carried out on a systematic basis.

An important task is the active development of a culture of ecological tourism within the country.

In the medium term, economic growth should become increasingly green. The foundations for deep de-carbonisation should therefore be laid now. I instruct the Government, in cooperation with the scientific community and the private sector, to develop a package of proposals for "green growth".

The government, together with the civil sector, will also have to develop a draft law on the protection of animals. The attitude to animals is a measure of the civilisation of any state, and we are far from perfect in this regard.


No aspect of socio-economic development can be successfully implemented without the rule of law and guaranteeing the safety of our citizens.

A "Listening State" is, in fact, essential to the concept of building a "Fair State". It is not enough just to hear and see the problems of citizens, the main thing is to respond to them both correctly and objectively.

There is a lot of work ahead to develop new standards for serving the interests of citizens. The law enforcement and judicial systems play a key role in this respect. Reforms are absolutely necessary here.

Reality is changing rapidly. The more security forces rely on best practices, the more likely they are to fit into the context of international practice.

The current situation in the country imposes new requirements on law enforcement agencies, which must meet the demands of citizens.

However, due to the inertia of the past, an accusatory bias still prevails in the work of the law enforcement system. There are frequent cases where citizens are unfairly drawn into the orbit of criminal prosecution.

Operational officers, who detect crimes, and investigators, who make procedural decisions, both report to the same superiors, for whom the main task is to solve the crime and send the case to court. But the rights and freedoms of citizens should not suffer for the sake of indicators.

As for the prosecutor's supervision, this comes too late. Prosecutors become acquainted with the circumstances of a case only before being sent to court.

The criminal sphere should be modernised, following the example of the developed OECD countries. We need a model that ensures timely protection of citizens' rights and meets high international standards. I consider it necessary to introduce to Kazakhstan a three-tier model with a clear division of powers.

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s State of the Nation Address, September 2, 2019

Dear compatriots!

Dear members of parliament and government!

Congratulations on the beginning of the new parliamentary season!

We are approaching the important part in the newest history of our country.

Approximately thirty years ago, we proclaimed our independence thus fulfilling the dream that our ancestors had for centuries.

Since that time, under the leadership of the First President of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev, our country has become a stable and reputable state in the world.

Thanks to the solid unity of our nation, we have strengthened our independence and created opportunities for improving the wellbeing of our people.

It was a time of creation and progress, peace and harmony.

The whole world recognized the way of development of the country and called it the Kazakhstan model or the Nazarbayev model.

Today, we are able to double the achievements of our independence and to bring our country to a qualitatively new stage of development.

We can achieve this by maintaining the continuity of the policy of the Leader of the Nation and through systemic reforms.

As you know, this was the basis of my pre-election programme.

At the moment state bodies are doing the necessary work to implement it.

I will definitely fulfil my promises to the people.

Our work should proceed from the need for the full implementation of the Five Institutional Reforms and the Plan of the Nation developed by Elbasy. The work of the National Modernisation Commission that he created should be resumed.

Furthermore, I would like to express my thoughts on the implementation of our common tasks, in particular, my pre-election platform.


The political transformation I promised will be gradually and steadily carried out taking into account the interests of our state and people.

World experience shows that explosive, unsystematic political liberalisation leads to the destabilisation of the domestic political situation and even to the loss of statehood.

Therefore, we will carry out political reforms without “running ahead of ourselves”, but consistently, persistently and thoughtfully. Our fundamental principle: successful economic reforms are no longer possible without the modernisation of the country’s socio-political life.

“A strong President – an influential Parliament – an accountable Government.” This is not a fait accompli, but a goal towards which we must move at an accelerated pace.

This formula of the political system is the basis of state stability.

Our common task is to implement the concept of the “Listening State”, which quickly and efficiently responds to all constructive citizen requests. Only through a constant dialogue between the Government and society can a harmonious state be built in the context of modern geopolitics.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain and strengthen civil society, to involve it in the discussion of the most urgent national tasks in order to solve them.

It is for this purpose that the National Council of Public Trust, representative in composition, was created, which will work on a rotational principle.

In the near future, we all have to implement the following measures.

First. Continue the process of party building.

The Nur Otan party, thanks to our Leader and its Chairman, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, is consistently carrying out the difficult and responsible mission of the country’s leading political force.

We must cooperate with other political parties and movements that pursue a constructive policy for the benefit of society.

The main problems that concern our society should be discussed and their solutions should be found in Parliament and in the framework of civil dialogue, but not on the streets.

Deputies can and should use their legal rights, including by sending inquiries to the Government on pressing issues and requiring it to take specific measures.

At the same time, relations between the legislative and executive powers should be mutually respectful, business-like, without artificial confrontation.

As Head of State, I see my task as contributing to the development of a multi-party system, political competition and pluralism of opinions in the country.

This is important for the stability of the political system in the long run.

The upcoming elections to the Mazhilis of Parliament and maslikhats should contribute to the further development of the multi-party system in the country.

Second. Effective citizen feedback.

Public dialogue, openness, quick response to the needs of people are the main priorities for the activities of state bodies.

A department has been created in the Presidential Administration that will monitor the quality of reviewing citizens’ requests by state bodies and take prompt measures on them.

Often people are forced to turn to the President because of the “deafness” and closed-off national and local officials.

Repeated complaints about the unfairness of decisions in a particular area mean systemic problems in a particular Government agency or region. Now this should be viewed in this way, and appropriate actions should be taken.

In order to increase the efficiency of the work of civil servants, it is necessary to attract trained young personnel into their ranks.

At the same time, starting in 2020, we will begin to gradually reduce the number of civil servants, and we will use the released funds to provide material incentives for the most useful staff.

By 2024, the number of civil servants and employees of national companies should be reduced by 25 percent.

Third. Improving the legislation on rallies.

According to the Constitution, our citizens have the right to freedom of expression.

If peaceful protests do not pursue the goal of violating the law and the peace of citizens, then they should be embraced and given approval for them to be carried out in the manner prescribed by law, to allocate special places for this. And not in the outskirts of cities.

But any calls for unconstitutional and hooligan actions will be dealt with within the framework of the law.

Fourth. Strengthening the public consensus.

The harmony between social and ethnic groups is the result of the joint work of the whole society.

In this regard, it is necessary to analyse political tendencies and take concrete measures to strengthen our unity.

We need, taking into account the role of the Kazakh people as a nation-building people, to continue building inter-ethnic concord and inter-religious understanding

Our position: the unity of the nation is in its diversity!

We will continue to provide conditions for the development of languages and cultures of all ethnic groups in our country.

I believe that the role of the Kazakh language as a state language will grow and the time will come when it becomes a language of interethnic communication.

But, to reach this level, what is needed is not loud statements, but our common work.

In addition, it must be remembered that language is an instrument of big politics.

I believe it is necessary to enhance the image of non-governmental organisations in the creation of an active civil society.

Therefore, in the near future, we need to elaborate and adopt the Concept of Civil Society Development until 2025.

Preparations for important jubilees and significant events that will be celebrated next year have begun.

Next year, all of us will celebrate Al-Farabi’s 1150th anniversary and the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly.

During the anniversary celebrations, we should glorify the works of these genial personalities for our people, without allowing squandering of resources.

We also need to implement the most important celebration – the 30th anniversary of our Independence.

I am convinced that such significant events will contribute to the education of the young generation in the spirit of genuine patriotism.


A key factor in enhancing the protection of citizens’ rights and their security is the substantial reform of the judicial and law enforcement systems.

A number of serious measures must be taken to improve the quality of court decisions.

The right of a judge to make a decision based on law and internal convictions remains unshakable. However, a thorough analysis of court decisions should be carried out and the uniformity of judicial practice should be ensured.

In public law disputes, when appealing against decisions and actions of authorities, citizens are not on equal footing. Their capabilities are incommensurable with the resources of the state apparatus.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce administrative justice, as a special dispute resolution mechanism, levelling this difference.

Henceforth, when resolving disputes, the court will have the right to initiate the collection of additional evidence, the responsibility for the collection of which lies with the state body, and not with the citizen or business.

All contradictions and ambiguities of the legislation should be interpreted in favour of citizens.

I would also like to dwell on the following important issue.

We have moved away from excessive repressive measures and harsh punitive justice practices. However, numerous serious crimes still occur in the country.

We got carried away with the humanisation of legislation, while losing sight of the fundamental rights of citizens.

We urgently need to tighten the penalties for sexual violence, paedophilia, drug trafficking, human trafficking, domestic violence against women and other grave crimes against the individual, especially against children. This is my task to Parliament and the Government.

Recent tragic events have also revealed the problem of poaching, as a most dangerous form of organised crime.

Poachers are equipped, armed and feel their impunity. This year alone, two wildlife inspectors died at their hands.

Recently, the criminal activity of a gang of poachers on Lake Markakol in the East Kazakhstan region was stopped.

These are only isolated cases, but poaching has taken deep roots, including with the connivance of law enforcement agencies. Poachers ruthlessly destroy nature – our national wealth.

I instruct the Government to take urgent measures to tighten the relevant legislation within two months.

The issue of a systemic fight against corruption is also on the agenda.

It is necessary to restore anti-corruption expertise of draft regulatory legal acts of national and local authorities with the participation of experts and the public.

It is necessary to use legislative and normative means to regulate the responsibility of the first head of the department where the corruption related crime takes place.

It is also necessary to ensure strict liability of employees of the anti-corruption bodies for any illegal methods of work and provocative actions. They should not have a place in investigative practice.

The principle of the presumption of innocence must be fully respected.

One of the most pressing tasks remains a full-fledged reform of the law enforcement system.

The image of the police, as a power tool of the state, will gradually become a thing of the past; it will become a body providing services to citizens to ensure their safety.

At the first stage, it is necessary to reorganise the work of the Committee of Administrative Police by the end of 2020. This must be done qualitatively and without a gung-ho approach.

The effectiveness of the work of the police depends on the reputation of the police service itself.

Over the next three years, 173 billion tenge will be allocated to reform the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

These funds will be used to increase wages, provide accommodation, and the creation of modern front-line police offices on the principle of public service centres.

Particular attention will be paid to issues of protecting citizens from natural disasters and technological accidents, which, unfortunately, have become a frequent occurrence not only in our country, but throughout the world.

Professional staff should work in this area.

I instruct the Government to increase the salaries of civil protection employees within the framework of the funds allocated to reform the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and to allocate around 40 billion tenge for these purposes.

We are also faced with the task of establishing a combat-ready army based on a new concept.

The events in Arys showed that serious problems have accumulated in the armed forces.

Finally, it is necessary to streamline all military expenditures and strengthen financial and general discipline in the army. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the prestige of the military service and the material support of the armed forces.

Equipped by professionally trained, loyal officers and military personnel, our army should be prepared to repel threats to the country’s security in new geopolitical realities.


Kazakhstan’s economy is moving forward despite the global challenges.

From the start of the year its growth has been higher than the world average.

If necessary structural adjustments can be implemented, by 2025, annual sustainable growth of gross domestic product can reach 5% or higher.

In order to give a new impetus to the development of the economy, the Presidential Administration and the Government should carefully analyse the work of domestic and foreign experts.

We need to implement a number of structural tasks in line with the Long-term Development Strategy 2050 and the Plan of the Nation proposed by Elbasy.

First. Abandonment of the raw material-based mentality and diversification of the economy.

The “knowledge economy”, increased labour productivity, innovation development and the introduction of artificial intelligence have become major factors in global progress.

In the course of the third five-year plan of industrialisation, we should take into account the mistakes and shortcomings that have been made earlier.

The Government should take into account all my comments and fully implement the relevant instructions in these matters.

We need to increase real labour productivity by at least 1.7 times.

Raising our reputation in Central Asia as a leader in the region is a strategic task.

This is our political course determined by Elbasy.

Second. Increased returns from the quasi-public sector.

Our state-owned companies have become bulky conglomerates whose international competitiveness is in doubt.

In order to reduce the unjustified presence of the state in the economy, I decided to introduce a moratorium on the creation of quasi-state-owned companies.

We need to understand the genuine contribution of the Sovereign Wealth Fund to the growth of the welfare of the people over the past 14 years since its creation.

The Government, together with the Accounts Committee, must conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of state holdings and national companies within three months.

Quasi-state companies often compete with each other on the same field. In the field of housing policy, for example, seven state operators are operating simultaneously, and this is only at the national level!

The number of state-owned companies can and should be reduced.

At the same time, one should carefully approach the activities of state-owned companies operating in strategic sectors.

State control over them should be maintained. Otherwise, instead of state monopolists, we will get private monopolists with all the ensuing consequences.

The Government needs to systematically and substantively deal with pricing and tariff issues. This also applies to the goods and services of natural monopolists. It is no secret that prices in our country are high – from food and clothing to the cost of various services.

For example, there are questions as to why the flights of the main air carrier on the most popular routes are much more expensive, sometimes by up to 30%, than in Europe?! What is the reason for the relatively high cost of services at our airports?

Why is the cost of jet fuel for foreign carriers at Kazakhstan airports higher than for domestic?

As a result, the aviation industry of Kazakhstan is losing its international competitiveness, and the country’s transit potential is decreasing.

With the connivance of the relevant ministry and departments, an artificial shortage of rail tickets has been created.

Order should be restored in these areas urgently.

Our goal is to ensure the full development of market institutions and mechanisms with the stabilising role of the state.

At the same time, one should not forget about the “economy of simple things”. This is a priority area of ​​our work.

Third. Effective small and medium sized businesses are a solid foundation for the development of cities and villages.

Small enterprises, especially micro-businesses, play an important role in the socio-economic and political life of the country.

Particularly, first of all, they provide rural residents with stable jobs, thus reducing unemployment. In addition, the tax base is created while the local budget is strengthened.

Furthermore, the development of mass entrepreneurship helps overcome paternalistic attitudes and dependence.

Therefore, the state will continue to support businesses.

Around 100 billion tenge has been allocated from the National Fund for this purpose.

However, according to experts, financial support is only received by the businesses affiliated with local authorities.

In fact, new companies and jobs should have been created within the new projects.

This is directly related to “the economy of simple things.”

However, local akims have not fulfilled the organisational work.

As a consequence, conditions were not created to increase the tax base, pension contributions, and strengthen the local budget.

In this regard, I instruct the Accounts Committee and the Ministry of Finance to take strict control over the expenditure of funds.

There are plenty of examples of entrepreneurship development in our country. Our whole society needs to support small businesses.

I instruct the Government to develop a legislative framework to exempt micro and small business companies from paying income tax for a period of three years.

Corresponding amendments to the legislation should enter into force from 2020.

My decision for a three-year ban on inspections of micro and small business entities will come into force from January 2020.

We believe in the integrity and law-abiding nature of our businesses, which should have responsibility towards consumers and citizens. During the moratorium, it is necessary to activate the tools of self-regulation and public control.

In cases of violation by business entities of the prescribed norms and rules, especially in the sanitation and contagious diseases sphere, such companies will be closed, their owners will be held accountable.

We are thus reducing the burden on businesses.

At the same time, there are still numerous problems associated with the actions of law enforcement and regulatory authorities.

Cases of raiding against SMEs have become more frequent.

My position on this issue is well known: any attempts to hinder the development of business, especially small and medium-sized ones, should be considered crimes against the state.

In this regard, additional legislative measures are needed. Parliament and the Government should propose a solution to this problem.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen opposition to the shadow economy, to tighten the fight against the capital flight and tax evasion.

Furthermore, the system of state financial support for SMEs needs to be “rebooted”, giving priority to new projects.

I instruct the Government to allocate an additional 250 billion tenge for the next three years under the new “Business Roadmap”.

It is necessary to actively introduce new forms of business support with an emphasis on social aspects – the creation of family businesses, primarily for large and low-income families.

Particular attention should be paid to the development of tourism, especially eco- and ethno-tourism, as an important area of ​​the economy.

The 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde should be commemorated in terms of attracting the attention of tourists to our history, culture and nature.

For the development of tourism, it is important to ensure the construction of the necessary infrastructure, primarily roads, as well as the training of qualified specialists.

Fourth. Support for national businesses in international markets.

It is necessary to drastically increase the effectiveness of state support for exporting companies.

I speak, first of all, about medium-sized business.

Meanwhile, we do not have effective state support measures for this particular segment of entrepreneurs, especially regarding the sale of products. We need to support our SMEs.

I instruct the Government, within the framework of the State Programme for Industrial and Innovative Development, to develop a set of measures to support high-performance medium-sized businesses, including through tax, financial, and administrative incentives.

It is necessary to seriously intensify efforts to attract foreign direct investment, without which the potential for further economic growth will be limited. This is one of the priority tasks of the executive branch.

Within the framework of the Strategic Plan for the Development of Kazakhstan until 2025, appropriate targets are set for each industry and region.

Their achievement is the direct responsibility of the heads of state bodies, especially regional akims.

Kazakhstan has embarked on developing a digital economy.

There is a lot of work to do. Our task is to strengthen our leadership in the region in terms of the development of info-communication infrastructure.

The Government will have to adapt the legislation to new technological innovations: 5G, Smart Cities, Big Data, blockchain, digital assets, and new digital financial instruments.

Kazakhstan should have the reputation as an open jurisdiction for technological partnership, construction and placement of data centres, development of data transit, participation in the global digital services market.

The Government should continue to support the activities of the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), which, in essence, has acquired constitutional status. The AIFC could become a platform for the development of the latest digital technologies together with the Nazarbayev University.

Fifth. Developed agricultural industry.

Agriculture is our main resource, but it is far from being fully utilised.

We have significant potential for the production of organic and environmentally friendly products that are in demand not only in the country, but also abroad.

We must gradually increase the amount of irrigated land to 3 million hectares by 2030.

This will ensure growth in agricultural production by 4.5 times.

The Ministry of Trade and Integration and the Ministry of Agriculture should strongly support farmers with the marketing of their products in foreign markets.

The Government has already been tasked in this regard. This is a priority.

Furthermore, we need to move away from only exporting raw materials, which reached 70%, while the load of processing enterprises is only 40%.

An urgent task is to attract foreign investors to the agricultural sector. Discussions are already underway; the Government needs to achieve concrete results.

I would like to specifically address an issue that is of public concern.

As Head of State I repeat: our land is not for sale to foreigners. This is not allowed.

All insinuations on this issue must end. At the same time, our task is to ensure the effective use of land.

The issue of inefficient use of land resources is becoming increasingly relevant.

The situation is compounded by the low level of direct taxes on land.

Many of those who received land leases for free from the state keep the land for future use without working on it. A whole layer of so-called “latifundistas” has developed in the country. They behave like a “dog in a manger.”

It is time to begin the seizure of unused agricultural land.

Land is our common wealth and must belong to those who work on it.

The Government and Parliament should propose appropriate mechanisms.

This is all the more important because without a solution to this issue, it is already impossible to have a qualitative development of domestic agribusiness.

Today, the increase in meat production rests not so much on the problem of breeding stock but on the problem of the lack of land for farmers to grow fodder crops. Feed availability is less than 60%.

Improving agricultural productivity is impossible without ensuring appropriate conditions for a quality rural life.

We will continue to implement Elbasy’s special project “Auyl – El Besіgі”.

We have to solve the extremely difficult problem of maintaining small villages. Regional standards have been developed, which should now be implemented in more than 3,000 rural settlements.

I instruct the Government to allocate 90 billion tenge in the next three years in addition to the 30 billion tenge allocated this year for the implementation of Auyl – El Besіgі.

These funds will be used both for solving infrastructure issues – transport, water supply, gasification, – and for the repair and construction of schools, hospitals and sports facilities.

The expenditure of these funds should be under the strict control of all Government agencies.

Sixth. Fair taxation and sound financial regulation.

Despite the growth of GDP and incomes of the population, inequality within Kazakhstan society still remains and is even increasing.

This is an alarming factor that requires special attention.

I believe it is necessary to modernize the tax system with a focus on a more equitable distribution of the national income.

The Government should also pay attention to the growing volume of social contributions.

On the one hand, they ensure the stability of social and pension systems.

However, there are risks that employers will lose incentives to creating jobs and increasing wages. Businesses will go into the shadow.

Therefore, I instruct the Government to postpone the introduction of additional pension contributions in the amount of 5% until 2023. We will then return to this question.

During this time, the Government, business representatives and experts should calculate the options and come to an agreed decision taking into account the interests of both future pensioners and employers.

The Government must impose a ban on all payments and fees that are not provided for by the Tax Code. These are, in fact, additional taxes.

A separate problem is improving the quality of the current tax system.

It should stimulate companies to invest in human capital, in raising labour productivity, technical re-equipment and exports.

Non-cash payments should be introduced everywhere, eliminating the constraining factor – a high banking commission. To achieve this, it is necessary to actively develop non-banking payment systems with relevant regulatory rules. With the obvious simplicity and attractiveness of this segment, it should not become a channel for money laundering and capital flight from the country. The National Bank should establish effective control in this area.

The next issue is the support for the export of non-oil products. The issue of applying simpler and faster VAT refund procedures needs to be considered.

One of the most problematic issues in our economy is the insufficient volume of lending. Over the past five years, the total volume of lending to legal entities, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, has decreased by more than 13%.

Second-tier banks cite a shortage of good borrowers and make provisions for excessive risks in the cost of credit.

The problem of quality borrowers, of course, exists. But you can’t just pass on your responsibility and take only the easy route.

I expect the well-coordinated and effective work of the Government and the National Bank on this issue.

Another problem – debt load, especially of socially vulnerable segments of the population, – has led to the need for emergency measures. You are aware of this.

This problem has gained social and political urgency.

Therefore, I entrust the Government and the National Bank to prepare within two months for the implementation of mechanisms that are guaranteed to prevent the repetition of this situation.

The lack of effectiveness of monetary policy is becoming one of the obstacles to the country’s economic development.

Lending to businesses should be ensured by second-tier banks on acceptable and long-term terms. By the end of the year, the National Bank needs to complete an independent assessment of the quality of assets of second-tier banks.

Seventh. Effective use of the National Fund.

It is necessary to reduce expenditures from the National Fund on solving current issues.

These are the resources of future generations.

The use of the National Fund should be allocated only for the implementation of programmes and projects aimed at the formation of a competitive economy.

The amount of guaranteed transfers used should gradually decrease to 2 trillion tenge from 2022.

It is necessary to significantly increase the effectiveness of the Fund’s investment.

I task the Government, together with the National Bank, to elaborate concrete proposals to improve the mechanism of the use of the National Fund by the end of the year.

Eighth. Increase of salaries.

As the success of large mining companies increases, we see that the wages of our citizens have not significantly grown.

As this concerns the social welfare of the population, the Government must remain persistent in this regard.

I instruct the Government to consider the issue of incentives for employers to increase wages.


The country’s budget should be focused on two main objectives – the development of the economy and solving social problems.

The social sphere should focus on the following areas.

First. Improving the quality of education.

The effective methodology of accounting for the balance of labour resources has not yet been developed in our country.

In fact, the domestic training system is out of touch with the real labour market.

Around 21,000 school graduates annually do not have access to vocational and higher education.

This group of young people is the basis of the unemployed and marginalised. Many of them are exposed to criminal and extremist movements’ influence.

We need to identify the pupils’ abilities and move towards a career guidance policy.

This policy should be the basis of the national standard of secondary education.

Demand for technicians in our economy is very high, but capabilities of the national education system are low. Enterprises have to invite relevant professionals from abroad. We need to correct this situation quickly.

The difference in quality of secondary education is growing between urban and rural schools.

The main problem is the deficit of qualified teachers in rural areas.

Therefore, we need to expand the scope of the program “With diploma to the village” and continue the work on a new level. I task the Government to finance the programme with up to $20 billion tenge next year.

It is necessary to select talented rural youth and prepare them for domestic and foreign higher education institutions.

I task the Government to develop a roadmap to support gifted children from less well off and large families.

Governments and akims should have the opportunity to make such children attend youth clubs and centres and summer camps.

Now I want to focus on the quality of the higher education.

Only half of the country’s higher education institutions ensure a 60 per cent employment rate for their graduates.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider the reduction of their number.

It is no secret that there are universities that are engaged in selling diplomas instead of quality education.

By banning them, we should strive to improve the quality of the teaching in educational institutions.

Another problem with education is the uneven financing and the inefficiency of the modern regional governance system.

It is necessary to transfer the functions of managing the education departments and administration of budgetary funds from the district level to the regional level.

It is necessary to introduce a special financing order at all levels of education.

The poor quality of textbooks is another urgent problem.

Providing students with quality textbooks is a direct responsibility of the relevant ministry.

These measures are not going to have an effect if we do not improve the social standing of teachers.

That’s why I have instructed, at the August conference, the doubling of teachers’ salaries over the next four years. This means that next year salaries of teachers will grow by 25%.

The situation in science requires special attention. Without it, we cannot ensure the progress of the nation. Another question is to what extent is our science high quality and effective?

The Government should consider this problem from the point of view of increasing the level of scientific research and its practical application.

Second. Support for the institution of family and childhood, the creation of an inclusive society.

Protecting the rights of children and combating domestic violence should be our priority.

It is necessary to deliberately address the problem of high suicide rates among adolescents.

We have to create a holistic programme to protect children affected by violence, as well as their families.

Particular attention should be given to families with children with disabilities. According to official statistics, over 80,000 children are registered as having a disability.

The Government should develop measures to improve the medical and social support of children with cerebral palsy.

It is necessary to expand the network of small and medium-sized rehabilitation centres for children within walking distance.

We must create equal opportunities for people with special needs.

I talked about this during my election campaign. Now I instruct the Government to allocate at least 58 billion tenge for these purposes over three years.

Particular attention is required to strengthen the health of the nation. It is important to develop and promote sport among all age groups.

It is necessary to ensure the maximum availability of sports infrastructure for children.

The development of a mass sporting culture needs a pyramid structure. On top there will be new champions, and at its base a healthy and active youth and, ultimately, a strong nation.

Legislative support for this course is required, as well as the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Mass Sports.

2020 is declared the Year of the Volunteer. The urgent task is to expand the participation of citizens, especially youth and students in volunteer activities, to instil in them the skills for an active life. This is an important part of our work to strengthen civil society.

Third. Ensuring the quality and accessibility of medical services.

We are still seeing regional imbalances in the health of our population, especially in maternal and infant mortality.

Yes, these gaps are decreasing, but they remain large and significantly exceed those in developed countries.

The Government must create a list of health priorities for each region and introduce a budget based on such a list.

On January 1, 2020, Kazakhstan will launch a system of compulsory social health insurance.

I want to re-assure everyone: the state will maintain a guaranteed amount of free medical care. More than 2.8 trillion tenge will be allocated for its financing over the next three years.

The implementation of the compulsory social medical insurance is designed to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services.

Under the three-year budget, an additional $2.3 trillion tenge will be allocated for the development of our healthcare system.

The Government needs to be extremely responsive in implementing the social health insurance scheme to prevent its further discrediting.

We no longer have room for mistake.

Fourth. Support for those who work in culture and the arts.

We have not paid sufficient attention to those working in the field of culture including library, museum and theatre staff.

Their salaries have not increased in recent years.

As a consequence, workers in this field, especially young professionals, cannot participate in affordable housing programmes.

Such a situation is undermining the reputation of the profession, the lack of relevant staff has become obvious.

Next year, the Government should increase the salary of those working in the cultural sector.

Besides, social benefits that apply in the fields of education and health should also be provided to the workers of the cultural sector.

Fifth. Further development of the social support system.

The state is taking measures to support citizens in need.

But a number of decisions were not fully thought through.

As a result, we face a serious increase in dependency attitudes. Over the past 5 years, the number of recipients of targeted social assistance in Kazakhstan has grown from 77,000 to more than 1.4 million.

The amount of funds allocated from the budget for social support since 2017 has increased more than 17 times.

In other words, more and more people choose not to work or, even worse, hide their income to receive social assistance. Cases of wealthy families receiving social assistance have been covered in the media.

Once again, I note. As set out in our Constitution, the state is focused on social welfare and must fulfil its obligations to citizens.

The Government is obliged to proceed from this principle in its work, and additional funds must be found by eradicating wasteful expenditure and by increasing revenues.

Reserves for this, of course, are available. The Ministry of Finance is working to increase revenue. But more effort is needed including in areas such as customs.

Elbasy at a meeting of the Nur Otan political council drew special attention to streamlining the public procurement process. The Ministry of Finance has begun improving procurement, but legislative measures are also needed.

Public procurement is a field where money is wasted – according to some estimates, up to 400 billion tenge per year – which could go towards finding the solution of acute social issues.

In 2018, 4.4 trillion tenge was spent on public procurement, of which 3.3 trillion tenge or 75% took place in a non-competitive way with only one supplier.

It is time to end this “feeding trough” for officials and “clingers-on” of various kinds.

Returning to targeted social assistance, the Government should adjust the way it is allocated so that it becomes transparent, fair and encourages people to seek work rather than pursue an idle lifestyle.

Assistance should mainly be given to those who work.

At the same time, we need to take care of children from low-income families.

They require the introduction of a guaranteed social package. This should include help for preschool children, free hot meals for all schoolchildren, the provision of school supplies and uniforms, payment of medical, including dental care and reimbursement of public transport travel expenses.

All these measures should come into effect on January 1, 2020.

The Government, together with the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, is required within a month to develop a special programme for the participation of mothers of large families in micro and small businesses, including through home working.

Sixth. I would also like to draw attention to the development of our domestic pension system where serious problems have accumulated.

At the moment, the funding of pensions is sufficient. But in 10 years, this situation may change.

The number of working citizens making pension savings will decrease significantly while the number of pensioners will increase.

At the same time, the amount of investment income received from pension assets remains low.

Therefore, the Government, together with the National Bank, should carry out substantial work to increase the effectiveness of the pension system.

Currently, a working person can only access his pension savings on retirement. But the desire of people to use these funds during their working lives is understandable.

I instruct the Government by the end of the year to consider how the targeted use by working citizens of part of their pension savings, for example, for buying a house or getting an education might be achieved.

In order to reduce costs and improve the quality of investment asset management, I instruct the Government to look at consolidating the extra-budgetary social security system by creating a unified social fund and introducing one social payment.


In this area, we need to focus on the following tasks.

First. Improving the efficiency of local authorities.

People should always have access to local authorities. This is an axiom but not a reality.

I consider it possible to introduce, as a pilot project, a system for assessing the effectiveness of local authorities.

For example, if, as a result of a survey or online voting, more than 30% of residents believe that the akim of a city or a village is ineffective, this could be the basis for the creation of a special commission by the Presidential Administration to study the problem and make relevant recommendations.

Second. Reform of the system of interbudgetary relations.

The current system of interbudgetary relations clearly is not stimulating akimats of all levels to create their own development base of small and medium-sized businesses. The regions are poorly motivated to search for additional sources of income.

Starting next year, additional tax revenues from SMEs will be transferred to the regions.

But this is not enough. The time has come to review the organisation of the budget process at all levels. A major role should be played by the genuine involvement of the population in the formation of local budgets.

District, city and rural levels of Government should become economically more independent in solving problems of local importance. Their rights, duties and responsibilities should be clearly regulated in legislative acts.

Third. Managed urbanisation and a unified housing policy.

The previously adopted laws “On the status of the capital” and “On the special status of the city of Almaty” played a positive role, but today they need improvement.

It is necessary to expand the competencies of the akimats of the three largest cities, including in the field of urban development policy, transport infrastructure, and the formation of an architectural vision.

The large population of a number of cities is no longer a matter of pride, but a reason for concern in terms of meeting fully the socio-economic needs of residents.

We can see the pressures of overpopulation on our largest cities and at the same time a lack of human and labour resources in cities such as, for example, Pavlodar and Petropavlovsk, where proper conditions are created to welcome new residents.

The Government must take effective measures to manage migration processes.

In my election programme, I noted the need to develop a unified housing policy.

The basic principle is to increase housing affordability, especially for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

The Government needs to develop a unified model of housing development in the country to move away from the practice of adopting disparate programmes.

For example, within the framework of the “7-20-25” programme which was originally supposed to be based on social security, the average level of the borrower’s family income is expected to be around 320,000 tenge per month. People with low incomes could not afford to participate in it.

Therefore, this year, on the initiative of Elbasy, a new programme “Baqytty Otbasy” was launched with a preferential rate of 2% and an initial payment of 10%. These are very favourable conditions.

By the end of the year, at least 6,000 families will purchase housing under this programme, primarily large families and those raising children with disabilities. As of 2020, 10,000 such families will be provided with housing annually.

The Government should define clear criteria for participating in the programme and ensure its strict administration. Support should be provided exclusively to those who need it.

My instruction to the Government is to resolve within three years the backlog of low-income large families that are currently waiting for housing. Their number is around 30,000.

Citizens who do not have an income for the purchase of housing must be given the opportunity to live on a social benefit lease.

For these purposes, by 2022, the state will allocate more than 240 billion tenge.

New measures should be developed to involve the private sector in this work and to use the mechanisms of the public-private partnership.

People are dissatisfied with the opaque way akimats decide priority for social housing.

By the end of the year, the Government should create a unified national accounting system for waiting lists for rental housing, as well as for obtaining preferential housing loans under the “Baqytty Otbasy” programme.

Despite the reduced wear on utility mains from 65% to 57%, this indicator remains high.

In addition, out of 78,000 apartment buildings, more than 18,000 require repairs.

It is necessary to allocate at least 30 billion tenge to the regions over two years in the form of budget loans for the modernisation and repair of housing.

I instruct the Government to provide for this mechanism and tightly control the effectiveness of the development of these funds.

Regional development budgets by 2022 will exceed 800 billion tenge.

I instruct the akims, together with local maslikhats, to provide half of these funds for co-financing the modernisation of housing and communal services and solving urgent social problems of residents from the regions.

Fourth. Infrastructure development.

Obviously, residents of different regions of the country have different levels of access to clean drinking water, natural gas and transport infrastructure.

It is necessary to intensify the work on levelling this inequality.

At the instruction of Elbasy, the construction of the first phase of the Saryarka gas trunk pipeline network is nearing completion.

From next year, work will begin on the construction of distribution networks in the cities of Nur-Sultan and Karaganda, and later in the Akmola and North Kazakhstan, regions.

For these purposes, the state will allocate 56 billion tenge. As a result, more than 2.7 million people will have access to natural gas.

Over the next three years, around 250 billion tenge will be allocated to provide our citizens with clean drinking water and sanitation.

The full and high-quality implementation of the Nurly Zhol programme should be monitored closely by the executive branch.

This is a strategic project whose effective modernisation will improve the entire transport infrastructure.

For these purposes, until 2022, the state will invest more than 1.2 trillion tenge.

The Government had allocated huge amounts of money before. But these funds overwhelmingly disappeared into the air, or rather, into the pockets of officials, which is why there is still not enough clean water or modern roads and other infrastructure.

This time, the Government and Parliament, together with the Accounts Committee, must ensure the absolute efficient use of budget funds.

The Government needs to intensify efforts to improve the environment, expand the use of renewable energy sources, and cultivate a respect for nature. In this regard, the campaign “Birge – Taza Kazakhstan!” deserves approval and must be continued.

Parliament is to discuss and adopt a new version of the Environmental Code.

In general, the Government in the coming period should increase the efficiency of its activities. The people of Kazakhstan are waiting for concrete results.

Dear compatriots!

We have entered a new stage in reforming the country. We must fulfil these important tasks to a high standard.

Every citizen of the country should feel positive changes.

I demand Government agencies work rapidly and achieve real results.

It is unacceptable to carry out reforms for the sake of reforms.

Each minister and akim should have a list of key performance indicators.

It determines the level of their achievement.

Government ministers, heads of state bodies and regions, state-owned companies and institutions are personally responsible for the relevant reforms.

To ensure accountability for progress, I have recently signed a decree to gauge the situation in the country, including in each region through regular surveys.

Government agencies responsible for social and economic policy should work to meet the needs of society now and in the future. For this purpose, it is necessary to strengthen the system of monitoring, analysis and forecasting.

Therefore, I ask Parliament to establish the Institute of Legislative Research and Expertise at the request of our deputies.

This new institute should help improve the quality of our laws.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!


State of the Nation Address of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, October 5, 2018

Dear Kazakh citizens!

Over the years of our independence we have achieved a great deal.

Having created a modern progressive state with a dynamic economy, we have ensured peace and public harmony.

We have made qualitative and historically significant structural, constitutional and political reforms.

We have managed to strengthen the international standing of Kazakhstan and its geopolitical role in the region.

We have proved to be a responsible and international partner, in-demand to address regional and global challenges.

Kazakhstan has become the first state among the CIS and Central Asian countries to be chosen by the global community to host the international exhibition - EXPO 2017.

We have built a new capital, Astana, which has become a financial, business, innovative and cultural centre of the Eurasian region.

The population of the country now exceeds 18 million people, with life expectancy reaching 72.5 years.

We have established a strong economic framework.

Over the past 20 years, the country has raised $300 billion of direct foreign investment.

We see the development of small and medium-sized enterprises serving as the foundation for our economic prosperity.

Kazakhstan now ranks 36th among 190 countries in the World Bank Doing Business index.

We have always responded to external challenges in a timely manner and have been prepared for them.

In this regard, I have put forward relevant policy initiatives to modernise the country. Their implementation has become the main factor of our successful development.

Our strategic goal is to join the club of 30 developed countries of the world by 2050.

In 2014, we started implementing a comprehensive programme Nurly Zhol designed to modernise the country’s infrastructure.

Three years ago we announced the Plan of the Nation – 100 Concrete Steps.

Furthermore, we launched the Third Modernisation of the country. Its main aim is creating a new model of economic growth ensuring Kazakhstan’s global competitiveness.

The sustainable development of our country inspires great hope to further increase our quality of life.

We are ready to tackle new challenges.

Dear compatriots!

Recently we have seen the strengthening of the world’s political and economic transformation.

The world is changing rapidly.

The foundations of the global security system and international trade rules that seemed unshakable are now crumbling.

New technology, robotics and automation complicate the requirements for labour resources and the quality of human capital.

A completely new financial system architecture is being built. At the same time, stock markets are creating another “bubble” that may provoke another financial crisis.

Today, global and local problems are intertwined. In this context, the development of the state’s main asset – an individual – is the response to challenges and the guarantee of its success.

The Government, each and every head of a state agency or state company needs to reconsider their work approaches. The growing welfare of Kazakh citizens must be the highest priority.

This is the criterion I will refer to in assessing personal performance and compliance with the office.

Well-being of Kazakh citizens depends, first and foremost, on the steady growth of income and quality of life.


Income grows if a person is a hard-working professional in his or her area, has a decent salary or has an opportunity to start and develop his or her own business.

Only by concerting our efforts can we create the Universal Labour Society.

First, I instruct the Government to raise the minimal salary by 1.5 times from 28 thousand to 42 thousand tenge from January 1, 2019.

This will directly cover 1.3 million people, who work in enterprises of different types of ownership in all industries.

The increase will apply to 275 thousand workers of state-funded organisations, whose salaries will grow on average by 35%.

For these purposes, we have to allocate 96 billion tenge annually from the republic’s budget for 2019-2021.

From now on, the minimal salary will not depend on the subsistence level. In general, the amount of the new minimal salary will boost the labour remuneration covering the whole economy.

I hope this initiative will be supported by large companies in terms of increasing the salaries of low-paid workers.

Second, we need to create stable sources for business growth and foster private investment and facilitate freedom of the market.

It is business that creates new jobs and provides higher income to the majority of Kazakh citizens.

FIRST. In 2010, we launched the Business Road Map - 2020 Programme.

I realised its effectiveness while visiting regions of the country.

The programme should be prolonged until 2025.

An additional 30 billion tenge has to be annually allocated to implement the programme.

In three years this will allow the additional creation of at least 22 thousand new jobs, ensure 224 billion tenge of taxes and production of goods for an amount of 3 trillion tenge.

SECOND. We need to take decisive measures to develop economic competition and get utilities tariffs and natural monopolies under control.

Tariff setting and spending of consumers’ money are still not transparent in the field of utilities and regulation of natural monopolies.

We lack the efficient monitoring and control over investment obligations of monopolies.

The Government needs to address this issue within three months and reform the anti-monopoly agency, significantly strengthening functions for competition protection.

This is important because this leads to the growth of business costs and reduction of real income for people.

THIRD. We need to enhance the protection of business from unlawful administrative pressure and criminal prosecution threats.

I am instructing to raise from January 1, 2019, the threshold of criminal liability with regard to tax violations up to 50 thousand MCI and increase fines.

In addition, we need to reorganise the Service of Economic Investigation by transferring its functions to the Financial Monitoring Committee that should be focused on the fight against the shadow economy.

We need to move towards a cashless economy. Here we have to be guided by not only repressive tools but also incentives, for example, by encouraging business to use cashless transactions.

Completion of the integration of tax and customs information systems will make administration more transparent.

The Government needs take effective measures to reduce the shadow economy by at least 40% within three years.

To give business an opportunity for a fresh start, I instruct to launch tax amnesty for SMEs starting from January 1, 2019 by cancelling fines and penalties provided the principal tax amount is paid.

FOURTH. Export-oriented industrialisation should be a central element of economic policy.

The Government must focus on supporting exporters in the manufacturing sector.

Our trade policy needs to stop being passive.

We need to make it vigorous in order to effectively promote our goods at regional and global markets.

At the same time, we need to support our enterprises in developing a wide range of consumer goods and promote the so-called “simple things economy”.

This is essential not only to develop export potential, but also to fill the internal market with domestic goods.

I instruct the Government to allocate additional 500 billion tenge to support the manufacturing industry and non-commodity export in the next three years.

To address the issue of affordable loans for priority projects I task the National Bank to allocate long-term tenge liquidity of no less than 600 billion tenge.

The Government together with the National Bank needs to ensure strict control over the targeted use of these funds.

To implement big breakthrough projects we need to consider the establishment of a direct investment fund in the non-commodity sector that will function based on the principle of co-investing with foreign investors.

We also need to intensify our activity to develop transport, logistics and other service sectors.

We need to pay special attention to the development of inbound and internal tourism to use our rich natural and cultural potential. The Government should adopt a sectoral programme at short notice.

FIFTH. We need to fully develop our agricultural and industrial potential.

The main objective is to increase labour productivity and export of processed agricultural products 2.5 times by 2022.

All state support measures should be focused on the large-scale attraction of modern agricultural technology to the country.

We need to use the best experience in managing the sector by introducing flexible practical standards and attracting reputable and experienced foreign experts to oversee agriculture specialists.

We need to build a system of comprehensive teaching of new management skills among rural entrepreneurs.

For these purposes, I instruct the Government to additionally allocate at least 100 billion tenge annually in the next three years.

SIXTH. Special attention should be paid to the development of innovation and service sectors.

First of all, we need to ensure the development of areas of the “future economy” such as alternative energy, new materials, biomedicine, big data, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, block chain, etc.

They determine the global position and role of the country in the future.

I instruct the Government together with Nazarbayev University to develop special programmes with specific projects for each area.

The opening of a think-tank for the development of artificial intelligence technology within the university may be one of them.

SEVENTH. We need to strengthen the role of the financial sector in developing the real economy and ensure long-term macroeconomic stability.

Now people are mainly concerned with the rise in prices, access to financing and banks’ stability.

The National Bank together with the Government has to finally start using a systemic approach to make the financial and real sectors of the economy healthy and to carry out a comprehensive anti-inflation policy.

Given the current situation, it is crucial to increase loans for the economy, especially for the manufacturing sector and SMEs.

We also need to enhance the efficiency of managing pension assets and social insurance system resources, and effectively develop alternative financial tools – securities market, insurance, etc.

The Astana International Financial Centre should play a pivotal role in providing business with foreign investment and access to capital. To this end, we have created a separate court, financial regulator and stock exchange.

All state agencies and national companies should actively use this platform and facilitate its rapid evolvement and development.

The effective implementation of the above-mentioned measures will boost the income of Kazakh citizens thanks to the growth of salaries and creation of new jobs.

These processes should constantly be in the focus of the Government.


The second component of wellbeing is the growth of quality of life.

Quality and access to education, healthcare, housing, comfortable and safe life concerns every Kazakh family.

In this regard, the Government should review priorities of budget expenditures focusing on the social sector, security and infrastructure.

FIRST. We need to increase expenditures on education, science and healthcare from all sources up to 10% from the GDP within 5 years.

The funds should be used to carry out the planned reforms ensuring significant improvement of quality of services for the population.

SECOND. We need to drastically improve the quality of pre-school education.

The thinking framework, intelligence, creativity, and learning new skills are built in early childhood.

The emphasis in education is shifting towards the 4C model: creativity, critical thinking, communication skills and co-working.

In this area we need to review qualification requirements, training methods, the labour remuneration system for teachers and other employees of kindergartens.

This year the Ministry of Education and Science together with akimats needs to draft a relevant road map.

THIRD. We have defined the major approaches to secondary education, and at the current stage we need to focus on them.

The teaching system and methods of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools must  become a single standard for state schools. This will be a final stage in reforming school education.

The system of knowledge evaluation should be based on international standards.

Professional analysis and guiding of children in terms of choosing the most in-demand professions should be carried out starting from secondary school. This will help to shape an individual education track and reduce the academic load on students and teachers.

Given the importance of child safety, I task to equip all schools and kindergartens with video surveillance systems, to optimise activities of school psychologists and to adopt other consistent measures.

To make education more accessible, I instruct the Government to allocate an additional 50 billion tenge from the republic’s budget for 2019-2021 to support regions facing the biggest deficit of school places and problems with three-shift schools or those in critical condition.

FOURTH. I suggest it is necessary to develop and adopt a Law on the Status of Teachers next year.

It should envisage all incentives for teachers and employees of pre-school organisations, to reduce workload, protect from unscheduled inspections and uncharacteristic functions.

FIFTH. We need to raise the bar to the quality of education in academic institutions in the higher education system.

We have increased the number of scholarships, now the time has come for greater responsibility.

The main criterion of a successful university is the employment of graduates and high-paid jobs.

We need to conduct a policy of the integration of higher educational institutions.

Only those providing high quality education should remain in the market. It is crucial to establish partnerships with the world’s leading universities while attracting best foreign senior managers as Nazarbayev University does.

I find it necessary to open a new regional higher education institution following the example of the Nazarbayev University based on the existing education infrastructure.

SIXTH. The quality of medical services is a key component of social well-being of the population.

First of all, we need to make primary health care more accessible, especially in rural areas.

To motivate PHC workers, from January 1, 2019, I task to gradually increase by 20% the salary of district medical workers that introduced new approaches for treating diseases.

Next year 5 billion tenge will be allocated for these purposes.

All hospitals and clinics need to switch to paperless digital medical documentation from January 1, 2019.

This will allow the creation of electronic health passports for the whole population, eliminating queues and bureaucracy, and improving quality of services by 2020.

In 2019 we need to start the construction of a National Oncology Research Centre in Astana using the experience of operating cardiological and neurosurgery clusters.

By doing so, we will save many human lives.

SEVENTH. We need to find reserves at the regional level to increase the access to sport and physical education.

I instruct the Government and akims to construct at least 100 physical and health facilities.

In addition, we need to effectively use existing sports facilities, in particular in schools, and to equip outdoor areas, parks and squares for physical education purposes.

EIGHTH. The health of the nation is the main priority of the state. This means that Kazakh citizens should consume good-quality products.

Currently, we lack a comprehensive policy aimed at protecting our population from low-quality goods and services and those posing a threat to health and life.

I task the Government to take measures and get this activity under control.

A Committee on the Control over Quality and Security of Goods and Services should start operating from the next year.

It will be responsible for expert examination of food products, medicines, potable water, children’s goods and medical services.

For this, we need to establish state-of-the-art laboratories and to build teams of skilled specialists.

Furthermore, public associations protecting consumer rights should be institutionally strengthened and actively involved.

We always support business, but for a human being, his or her rights and health are more important.

As part of the reduction of administrative barriers, the state has cancelled numerous inspections, permits, etc.

That is why the business community also bears responsibility for the quality and security of offered goods and services.

In general, business should think not only about profit, but together with the state should ensure security and a comfortable environment for our citizens.

Qualitative social services provided for the population should be harmoniously complemented by broad opportunities to improve housing conditions, ensure comfortable and safe living in any residential area of the country.


A comfortable environment means, first and foremost, affordability of housing, a beautiful and safe outdoor area, and a residential area that is convenient to live and work in as well as having qualitative infrastructure.

FIRST. Qualitative and affordable housing.

Today, we are successfully implementing the Nurly Zher Programme that gives a powerful impetus to the housing construction.

We have launched a new large-scale programme 7-20-25 that enhances the affordability of housing mortgages.

I instruct akims to work on a partial subsidising of down payments according to mortgage benefits from the local budget.

The allocation of such housing certificates will enhance the affordability of mortgages for highly-skilled teachers, medical workers, police officers and other experts the region needs.

In addition, we need to enhance the construction of rental housing for socially vulnerable population in big cities.

These measures will help more than 250 thousand families to improve their housing conditions.

Taking into account the construction of utility infrastructure for massive housing areas, in five years the state will help 650 thousand families or more than 2 million of our citizens.

SECOND. We need to ensure the introduction of new approaches to the territorial development of the country.

Currently, economies of leading countries are mostly represented by global cities and megalopolises.

Over 70% of global GDP is generated in cities.

Throughout history, we have developed our own way of life dominated by agricultural economy with mono-cities and small regional centres.

Therefore, it is a great achievement for a country with 18 million people to have three cities with a million-plus population, two of them having become so during Kazakhstan’s independence.

Astana and Almaty already generate over 30% of the country’s GDP.

However, the city infrastructure does not always correspond to the rapidly growing needs of enterprises and population.

In recent years, we have built infrastructure of republican importance in line with the Nurly Zhol Programme.

Since 2015, we have built and reconstructed 2.4 thousand kilometers of roads. This work is ongoing, and we will commission an additional 4.6 thousand kilometers of roads by 2020.

Now, we need to ensure the systemic development of regional and urban infrastructure.

To this end, this year financing for local roads has been increased up to 150 billion tenge, and funds for rural water supply up to 100 billion tenge.

Akims should focus on addressing the most acute problems in the regions using these funds.

The Government also needs to develop a systemic approach to this task, draft a list of additional infrastructure issues, assess projects and find sources to finance them.

The construction of new schools, kindergartens and hospitals needs to be synchronised with plans on the development of residential areas, it is also necessary to create conditions to bring private investors to this sector.

At the same time, we need to gradually transit from the “infrastructure-people” model to the “people-infrastructure” model.

This will facilitate the development of residential areas, enhancing the efficiency of using the allocated funds.

Each region and big city should develop based on their own model of sustainable economic growth and employment taking into account the current competitive advantages.

In this regard, we need to develop a regional standards system for different residential areas – from backbone villages to cities with the republican status.

The standard should include specific indicators for the listing and accessibility of social benefits and public services, transport, cultural, sport, business, production and digital infrastructure, etc.

We need to intensify activities aimed at improving the environmental situation, including polluting emissions, soil condition, land, air, waste disposal, as well as developing environmental monitoring systems with free online access.

Special attention should be paid to the creation of a “barrier-free environment” for people with disabilities.

I task the development of a Predictive Scheme for Territorial and Spatial Development of the Country until 2030 that will serve as a New Map of Administered Urbanisation of the Country until September 1, 2019.

To implement practical steps, I task the draft of a pragmatic Regional Development Programme until 2025 outlining specific events, projects and financing.

The above-mentioned aspects of regional development should be taken into account in Nurly Zhol and Nurly Zher state programmes, their implementation terms should also be prolonged until 2025.

The first programme should focus on the development of transport infrastructure. The second one should centre on utilities and housing construction.

We need to give these programmes “a new lease of life”.

THIRD. We need profound and qualitative transformations in the activity of law-enforcement agencies.

Security is an integral part of quality of life.

Internal affairs officers are at the forefront of the fight against crime and protect citizens from it, quite often risking their lives.

At the same time, society expects a drastic improvement in the work of law-enforcement agencies, mainly, of the police.

I task the Government together with the Executive Office of the President to adopt a road map to modernise internal affairs agencies.

These reforms must be launched on January 1, 2019.

First, we need to optimise the staffing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and relieve the police of uncharacteristic functions.

The funds saved should be allocated to raise the salaries of police officers, solve their housing and other social problems.

Second, we need to adopt a new standard for police officers and change the system of career advancement, as well as training and selecting personnel in police academies.

All officers must be recertified. Only the best ones will continue to serve.

Third, we need to introduce new modern formats of working with the population, drastically changing police assessment criteria.

We need to switch the police to a service model.

It should be ingrained in the minds of citizens that a police officer does not punish but helps in a difficult situation.

We need to create comfortable conditions for receiving citizens in city and regional internal affairs agencies on a Public Service Centre basis.

All cities of Kazakhstan must be equipped with public security monitoring systems.

Public trust and a sense of security among the population should become the key parameters for assessing the work of the police.

FOURTH. Further judicial system modernisation.

We have achieved a lot over the past years, but we have not tackled the main problem: ensuring a high level of trust in courts.

Moreover, the rule of law is a key to success of our reforms.

First, we should continue introducing modern formats of the work of courts and advanced electronic services.

Every year 4 million of our citizens are dragged into litigations.

We invest so much effort and funds!

We need to reduce the number of excessive judicial procedures, which require an unreasonable spending of time and resources. Processes which used to require personal presence can now be implemented remotely.

Second, we need to ensure a qualitative development and an upgrade of judicial personnel management system, providing incentives so that the best lawyers would strive to become judges.

Third, we need a clear and predictable legal practice, especially for legal disputes between business and state agencies, as well as excluding the possibilities of having an unlawful influence on judges.

I task the Supreme Court, together with the Government, to develop a relevant set of measures by the end of the year.

A smaller and efficient state apparatus, which should consider all of its actions through the prism of increasing the wellbeing of the nation, will play a crucial role in the implementation of any reforms.


How should the state apparatus change in a new reality?

FIRST. Drastic increase in the effectiveness of state agencies

“Quality” should become a new lifestyle of civil servants, and personal growth – their main principle.

The new kind of civil servants should shorten the gap between the state and society. This means regular feedback, lively discussion and explaining specific measures and results of the state policy to people.

The Public Administration Academy together with the Nazarbayev University needs to develop a “Brand-new Leader” programme and special retraining courses when appointing to senior positions.

It is important to attract specialists from the private sector that have work experience in the best foreign companies or graduated from leading universities of the world.

This year we have introduced a new remuneration model in four state agencies.

All pilot projects have achieved good results.

We made the civil service more attractive, which is especially relevant at the regional level.

By optimising ineffective expenditures and reducing the number of senior positions, salaries of lower and mid-level civil servants grew 2-2.5 times.

The so called brain drain decreased by two times. The intake of highly-skilled professionals from the private sector increased by three times, including graduates of top higher education institutions.

The competition to the central administration at the Agency for Civil Service Affairs has increased up to 28 people per job position, at the regional offices – up to 60 people per job position.

16 people apply for one vacant position in the akimat of Mangystau, and 13 people on average in the Ministry of Justice.

We managed to save up over 30 billion tenge in Astana thanks to new approaches to financing PPP projects alone.

In order to move to a new remuneration model I granted heads of state agencies the right to make a budget and personnel maneuver.

They gained an opportunity to use the funds saved to increase the salaries of civil servants.

Now, many state agencies want to switch to a new model.

However they must understand that it is not a mere automatic increase in salaries, this means, first of all, the increase in effectiveness of their performance.

I task to ensure that the growth of expenditure on remuneration is compensated by optimisation and saving of budget expenses including the expenses of subordinate organisations.

Red tape and egalitarianism must not be allowed to keep this project from being discredited.

SECOND. In this challenging time, we need to ensure the maximum return for each tenge allocated.

Inspections show that the cost of construction is set too high as early as at the drafting stage of the project documentation.

There are projects that have not been finished or those that had no future in the first place.

If we take a responsible approach to the task assigned, we can free hundreds of billions of tenge from the budget and channel them to the real needs of population.

The Government needs to take systemic measures to optimise spending and save funds by excluding ineffective and untimely expenditures.

THIRD. Active fight against corruption will be continued.

First, we need to decrease direct interaction of civil servants with the population when providing public services.

One of the issues that concern people is red tape around land and construction.

This area lacks transparency, requiring full access for the population and business to information.

I task to create a single information database on land reserves and real estate properties.

We need to take this issue under control and give land to real investors!

This is just one example.

We also need to carry out relevant activities on other remaining areas criticised by people and business communities.

In 2019, 80% and in 2020 at least 90% of public services must be digitalised.

To this end, the Law on Public Services should be updated as soon as possible.

Second, we need to address the increase in personal disciplinary responsibility of senior officials when committing corruption-related offences by their subordinates.

At the same time, diligent workers should not be afraid of inspectors.

Third, we need to spread the capital’s experience in implementing the anti-corruption strategy as part of “Corruption-free Regions” projects.

FOURTH. We need to reduce formality and red tape in the work of the Government and all states agencies.

Recently, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of lengthy meetings and sessions in the Government, state agencies, as well in the paperwork.

Sometimes the Government holds up to seven meetings attended by akims and their deputies per day.

When should they have time to work?

We need to put an end to this practice and take this issue under control.

We need to give decision-making freedom to ministers and akims, who should undertake specific responsibilities and be publicly accountable.

This should be based on the developed map of indicators of the Strategic Country Development Plan until 2025.

FIFTH. To effectively implement the objectives set, we need to strengthen the mechanism of control over reforms.

By the end of the year the Government and state agencies must develop specific indicators and road maps covering all mentioned development issues, as well as submitting all necessary reforms-related bills to the Parliament in due time.

Parliament, in turn, should consider and adopt them in a qualitative and timely manner.

To monitor and assess the implementation of reforms and main strategic documents, I task to create a National Modernisation Office in the Executive Office of the President and grant it the relevant mandate.

Apart from monitoring statistic indicators, it will be responsible for conducting regular opinion polls among the population and business regarding issues of interest to the population as it is done in the OECD.

The Office will regularly report to me on the situation in each area.

Each Government member, head of a state agency, head of a state company will be personally responsible for achieving the objectives set.


We need to further implement a proactive foreign policy in order to ensure the successful modernisation of Kazakhstan.

Our peaceful vision and clearly defined principles in this area prove their worth.

Interaction between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation is exemplary for interstate relations.

The Eurasian Economic Union is successfully functioning as a fully integrated association and an active participant of global economic relations.

A new chapter of cooperation in the Central Asian region has been opened.

A comprehensive strategic partnership with the People’s Republic of China has been gradually developing.

The One Belt - One Road programme gave a new impetus to our relations with China.

During my January official visit to Washington and negotiations with President Donald Trump, we reached an agreement on an enhanced strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and the USA in the 21st century.

We will continue our dynamic collaboration with the EU as our biggest trade and investment partner.

Mutually beneficial bilateral ties with CIS countries, Turkey, Iran, Arab and Asian countries have also been advanced.

The Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea adopted on the Aktau Summit opens new opportunities for cooperation with other Caspian states.

Kazakhstan is successfully completing its mission within the UN Security Council.

The Astana Process on Syria is nearly the only effective working format of talks on a peaceful settlement and recovery of this country from the crisis.

Additionally, in the context of difficult modern conditions, the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan requires adaptation and promotion of national interests based on the principles of pragmatism.

The Strong will to succeed and people’s unity have always shaped the future of countries.

Only by uniting our efforts can we reach great heights.


Every Kazakh citizen should clearly understand the essence of the conducted reforms and their significance for prosperity of our Homeland.

To successfully implement them, it is important as never before to consolidate the society around common goals.

The Rukhani Zhangyru Programme was widely supported and gave a powerful impetus to modernisation processes in society. 

This initiative should not only be continued, but also filled with new content and directions.

Comprehensive support to youth and institution of the family should become a priority for state policy.

We need to create a wide platform of social mobility, which will cover a full set of support measures for all youth categories.

I suggest declaring the next year as the Year of Youth.

We should start the modernisation of the social environment in rural areas.

This will be facilitated by the launch of a special project “Auyl – Yel Bessigi” (“Village is the cradle of the nation”).

This project will help us to promote a labor ideology in the regions.

We need to establish child and youth associations Sarbaz similar to the Boy Scout movement, and to strengthen the role of military and patriotic education in schools.

We should restore mass school tourism in the regions of the country within the new “Discover Your Land” initiative.

Today, unique measures are offered in the main fields determining the social well-being of the population.

The financial value of the initiatives is over 1.5 trillion tenge, and their aggregate effect is even more ensuring a huge leap in the quality of the population’s life.

This is the most reliable and beneficial investment.

Dear Kazakh citizens!

Well-being of the population and accession of Kazakhstan to the list of 30 developed countries are the long-term goals of our independent state.

We always adequately respond to the challenges of the time.

We manage to do so, primarily, thanks to our unity.

As we say, “A rich country is the country where people live in harmony”.

We face complex challenges at this current time.

If we have harmony, there are no heights we cannot reach.

In all my addresses I pay special attention to improving social conditions and people’s quality of life.

The main purpose of today’s 7-20-25, Nurly Zhol, Nurly Zher and other state programmes is the improvement of the population’s quality of life.

Kazakhstan still has a lot of heights to climb.

People’s trust raises our spirits and gives us strength on this path.

There is nothing greater than this noble goal!

State of the Nation Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, January 10, 2018

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

Today the world is entering the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era of profound and rapid changes: technological, economic and social.

The new technological order significantly changes the way we work, exercise our civil rights, and raise children.

The need to be prepared for global changes and challenges has prompted us to adopt the Kazakhstan-2050 Development Strategy.

We have set the goal of entering the top thirty most developed countries in the world.

The Plan of the Nation – 100 Concrete Steps – is being implemented. Sixty steps have already been executed. The rest are mostly long-term and are being systematically implemented.

The Third Modernisation of Kazakhstan was launched last year.

The Industrialisation Programme is being successfully implemented.

The Digital Kazakhstan comprehensive programme has been adopted.

A comprehensive Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 was developed.

Our long-term goals remain unchanged. We have all the necessary programmes.

This Address determines what we have to do for the successful navigation and adaptation in a new world – the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Dear compatriots,

We created an independent Kazakhstan, which became a brand that inspires trust and respect in the world.

In 2017, our country became a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

In January 2018 we preside over it.

We became the first state among the countries of the CIS and Eastern Europe to be chosen by the world community to host the International Specialised Exhibition, EXPO 2017.

A successfully functioning model of a market economy has been built in Kazakhstan.

In 2017, the country, having overcome the negative consequences of the global crisis, returned to the trajectory of strong growth.

At the end of the year, the GDP growth was 4%, and industrial production grew by more than 7%.

In addition, the processing sector exceeded 40% in the total volume of industry.

Kazakhstan’s successful development has allowed the formation of the middle class.

Poverty declined 13-fold, the unemployment rate fell to 4.9%.

The country’s social and economic successes are based on civil peace, interethnic and interfaith accord, which continue to be our main values.

Nevertheless, we should clearly realise that Kazakhstan’s achievements are a reliable foundation, but not a guarantee of tomorrow’s success.

The era of “oil abundance” is almost coming to an end. The country needs a new quality of development.

Global trends show that it should be based primarily on the broad implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution elements.

This brings both challenges and opportunities.

I am confident that Kazakhstan has all the necessary attributes to join the ranks of leaders of the new world.

Thus, it is essential to concentrate on the following objectives.

FIRST. Industrialisation should become the flagship of the introduction of new technologies.

Its results became one of the main stabilizing factors in the crisis years of 2014-2015, when oil prices fell sharply.

Therefore, the focus on the processing sector with high labour productivity remains unchanged.

At the same time, industrialisation should become more innovative, taking advantage of the new Technological Order 4.0.

It is necessary to develop and test new instruments aimed at modernising and digitising our enterprises with a focus on exporting products.

They should primarily stimulate the transfer of technology.

A pilot project on the digitisation of several of Kazakhstan’s industrial enterprises should be implemented, and then this experience should be widely expanded.

The most important issue is the development of our own ecosystem of developers of digital and other innovative solutions.

It should take shape around innovation centres, such as the Nazarbayev University, the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) and the International Technology Park of IT Startups.

A serious revision is required of the organization of the activities of the Alatau Park of Innovative Technologies.

The main factors for the success of the innovative ecosystem are stimulation of the demand for new technologies by the real sector and the functioning of the private venture financing market.

This requires appropriate legislation.

In addition, the development of IT and engineering services is of particular importance.

Digitisation of the economy brings dividends, but there are also risks of a large-scale release of workforce.

It is necessary to work out in advance an agreed policy on the employment of the released workforce.

It is necessary to adapt education, communication and standardisation systems to the needs of the new industrialisation.

In 2018, it is necessary to begin the development of the third five-year industrialisation period devoted to the emergence of the “digital age” industry.

SECOND. Further development of the resource potential.

The world of the 21st century still needs natural resources, which will have a special place in the development of the global economy and the economy of our country in the future.

It is necessary, however, to critically rethink the organisation of commodity industries, approaches to the management of natural resources.

It is necessary to actively implement integrated information and technology platforms.

It is important to increase the requirements for energy efficiency and energy saving of enterprises, as well as the environmental friendliness and efficiency of the energy producers themselves.

The EXPO 2017 Exhibition held in Astana showed rapid progress in the sphere of alternative and clean energy.

Today, renewable energy sources (RES) account for a quarter of the world’s electricity production.

According to forecasts, by 2050 this figure will reach 80%.

We have set the goal to increase the share of alternative energy in Kazakhstan to 30% by 2030.

Today, we already have 55 renewable energy facilities with a total capacity of 336 MW, which generated about 1.1 billion kWh of green energy in 2017.

It is important to stimulate business, to invest in green technologies.

Akims (governors) of the regions should take measures on the modern disposal and recycling of solid domestic waste with a broad involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises.

These and other measures will require the updating of legislation, including the Environmental Code.

THIRD. Smart technologies are a chance for a breakthrough in the development of the agricultural industry.

The agrarian policy should be aimed at a radical increase in labour productivity and growth in exports of processed agricultural products.

We have learned how to grow various crops and produce grain.

We are proud of this.

But this is not enough.

It is necessary to ensure the processing of raw materials and enter the world markets with high-quality end products.

It is important to radically reorient the entire agricultural industry to solving this task.

The development of agrarian science is a priority and requires significant attention.

It should focus primarily on the transfer of new technologies and their adaptation to domestic conditions.

In this regard, we must modify the role of agrarian universities.

They should not just issue diplomas, but prepare specialists who will work in the agro-industrial sector or engage in scientific activities.

These universities need to update training programmes and become centres for the distribution of the most advanced knowledge and best practices in the agro-industrial sector.

For example, a significant increase in productivity can be achieved through the adoption of technologies which predict the optimum time for sowing and harvesting, along with those that provide “smart irrigation”, intelligent mineral fertilisation systems, and targeted pest and weed control.

Unmanned technology can significantly reduce the cost of farming, minimising human elements.

The introduction of new technologies and business models and an increase in the scientific content of the agro-industrial sector reinforces the need for cooperative farms.

It is necessary to provide comprehensive support to agricultural cooperatives.

The State, together with the private sector, should find strategic niches in international markets and promote domestic production in these areas.

Intensification of agriculture should take place in line with the preservation of quality and mindful of the ecological compatibility of products.

This will create and promote a brand of natural food products “Made in Kazakhstan”, which should become recognisable across the world.

In addition, it is necessary to encourage those who use the land with the best returns, and take measures to address inefficient users.

It is necessary to overhaul ineffective subsidies to reduce the cost of bank loans for agribusiness entities.

I hereby give the order to ensure the increase of labour productivity in the agro-industrial sector and the increase of the export of processed agricultural products by at least 2.5 times within the next 5 years.

FOURTH. Increasing the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure.

Today several transcontinental corridors pass through Kazakhstan.

Much has been said about this.

In general, the transit of goods through Kazakhstan in 2017 increased by 17% and amounted to almost 17 million tonnes.

The task is to bring annual revenues from transit in 2020 to US$5 billion.

This will make it possible to return the funds spent by the State on infrastructure within the shortest possible timeframe.

It is necessary to ensure the large-scale introduction of digital technologies, such as blockchain, to track the movement of goods online and to ensure their unhindered transit, as well as to simplify customs operations.

Modern solutions allow us to organise the interactions of all links of the logistics.

The use of “big data” will help provide high-quality analytics, identify areas of growth and reduce excess costs.

To achieve this, it is necessary to introduce an Intelligent Transport System.

This will allow us to effectively manage transport flows and determine the requirement for further infrastructure development.

To improve intra-regional mobility, it is important to increase funding for the repair and reconstruction of the local road networks.

The total budget allocated annually for this should be increased to 150 billion tenge in the medium term.

It is necessary to ensure active participation of all regional akimats (governments) in this work.

FIFTH. The introduction of modern technologies in the construction and communal sectors.

Thanks to the programmes being implemented, the volume of housing construction in Kazakhstan exceeded 10 million square metres commissioned per year.

The financial system for house savings is effective and has made housing affordable for the general public.

The provision of housing per capita has increased by 30% in the last 10 years and now stands at 21.6 square metres.

It is necessary to bring this figure to 30 square metres by 2030.

To achieve this goal, it is important to apply new construction methods, utilise modern materials, and adopt fundamentally different approaches to the design of buildings and urban planning.

It is necessary to establish increased requirements for the quality, environmental friendliness and energy efficiency of buildings.

New buildings, existing houses and infrastructure should be equipped with intelligent management systems.

This will increase comfort for the citizens, reduce the consumption of electricity, heat and water, and will encourage natural monopolists to increase their efficiency.

It is important to introduce appropriate changes in legislation, including regulating natural monopolies.

Akims (mayors and governors) need to more actively address issues of modernisation in housing and communal infrastructure on the basis of public-private partnerships.

To solve the issue of providing rural settlements with high-quality drinking water, the Government needs to provide at least 100 billion tenge annually from all funding sources.

SIXTH. “Reloading” the financial sector.

It is necessary to clean out “bad” loans from the bank portfolios.

At the same time, the owners of banks should bear economic responsibility, accepting losses.

The withdrawal of funds from banks by shareholders for the benefit of affiliated companies and individuals should be considered a serious crime.

The National Bank should not be an observer of such practices.

Otherwise, why do you need such a government agency?

Supervision of the activities of financial institutions by the National Bank should be tough, timely and effective.

The State will continue to guarantee the interests of ordinary citizens are observed.

It is necessary to expedite the adoption of the law on bankruptcy of individuals.

In addition, I instruct the National Bank to finally resolve the issue of mortgage currency loans that were provided to Kazakhstan citizens before January 1, 2016, when the law to prohibit their issuance to individuals was introduced.

The National Bank and the Government should jointly address the issue of providing long-term business lending at rates that take into account the real profitability in the sectors of the economy.

It is important to further improve the investment climate and the development of the stock market.

This is one of the main tasks of the Astana International Financial Centre, which began its work this year.

Using best international practices, it should become a regional hub, applying English law and adopting modern financial technologies.

The successful listing of the “Samruk-Kazyna” Sovereign Welfare Fund companies in IPO will also contribute to the development of the stock market.

SEVENTH. Human capital is the basis of modernisation.

A new quality of education.

It is necessary to accelerate the creation of our own advanced education system, covering citizens of all ages.

The key priority of educational programmes should be the development of the skills which allow students to constantly adapt to changes and assimilate new knowledge.

Preschool education should, by September 1, 2019, have uniform standards for early childhood development and provide enhanced social and self-learning skills.

In secondary education, we have launched a transition to updated content and will complete it in 2021.

It includes completely new curricula, textbooks, standards and human resources.

It is necessary to further examine approaches to training and raising the qualifications of teachers.

At the higher education institutions across the country, it is necessary to develop pedagogical departments and schools.

It is necessary to strengthen the quality of teaching mathematical and natural sciences at all levels of education.

This is an important condition for preparing young people for a new technological order.

To increase competition between educational institutions and attract private capital, per capita financing in urban schools will be introduced.

It is necessary to reduce our students’ academic load taking into account that it is the highest among the CIS countries and on average by more than a third higher than in the OECD countries.

In all regions, it is necessary to set up a network of children’s tech parks and business incubators on the premises of schoolchildren’s centres, with all the necessary infrastructure, including computers, laboratories, and 3D printers.

This will help successfully integrate the younger generation into the research and industrial and technological environment.

The future of the people of Kazakhstan lies in the fluent use of Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

A new methodology for studying the Kazakh language at Russian-language schools has been developed and is being implemented.

If we want the Kazakh language to live in the centuries, it is necessary to modernise it, without loading it with excessive terminology.

In recent years, however, 7,000 well-established and globally accepted terms have been translated into the Kazakh language.

Such “innovations” sometimes go to ridiculous lengths.

Among them are “ғаламтор” (“Internet”), “қолтырауын” (“crocodile”), “күй сандық” (“piano”) and there are many other examples.

It is necessary to revise the approaches to the validity of such translations and to bring our language terminologically closer to the international level.

The transition to the Latin alphabet will help to resolve this issue.

A clear timetable for the transition to the Latin alphabet up to 2025 should be established at all levels of education.

Knowledge of the Russian language remains important.

Since 2016, in updated curricula, Russian is taught in Kazakh-language schools already from the first grade.

The transition to teaching certain natural science disciplines in English in the tenth and eleventh grades will start in 2019.

As a result, all our graduates will master three languages ​​at the level necessary for life and work in the country and in the global world.

Then a genuine civil society will emerge.

A person of any ethnic group will be able to choose any kind of work, up to the extent of getting elected as the President of the country.

The people of Kazakhstan will become one nation.

The content of training should be harmoniously complemented by modern technical support.

It is important to continue work on developing digital educational resources, connecting to broadband Internet and equipping our schools with video facilities.

It is necessary to update the training programmes in technical and vocational education with the involvement of employers and taking into account international requirements and digital skills.

It is necessary to continue the implementation of the “Free Vocational Education for All” project.

The State gives the young person the first profession.

The government must fulfil this task.

Video lessons and video lectures from best teachers of secondary schools, colleges and universities should be posted online.

This will allow all people of Kazakhstan, including those living in remote areas, to gain access to the best knowledge and competencies.

In higher education, it is necessary to increase the number of graduates trained in information technology, artificial intelligence and “big data”.

In addition, it is necessary to develop university science with a priority placed on research in metallurgy, oil and gas chemistry, agro-industrial complex, bio- and IT technologies.

It is necessary to implement a phased transition of applied scientific research in English.

Higher education institutions need to actively implement joint projects with leading foreign universities and research centres, large enterprises and multinational corporations.

Co-financing from the private sector should become a mandatory requirement for all applied research projects.

We need to marshal a consistent policy to support our young scientists by allocating quotas within the framework of scientific grants.

It is time to treat education as a separate branch of the economy with its investment projects and export potential.

It is necessary to legislatively consolidate academic freedom of universities by giving them more rights to develop educational programmes.

It is necessary to strengthen the retraining of teachers, to attract foreign managers to universities, and to open campuses of world universities.

The building up of the nation’s potential requires further development of our culture and ideology.

This is precisely the purpose of the Rukhani Zhanghyru programme.

Our society’s role model should be a citizen of Kazakhstan who knows his or her history, language, culture but who is also modern, fluent in foreign languages and has progressive and global worldview.

First class healthcare and a healthy nation.

With an increase in the life expectancy of our people and the development of medical technologies, the volume of consumption of medical services will grow.

Modern health care should focus more on disease prevention rather than on expensive hospital treatment.

It is necessary to strengthen public health management by promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Particular attention should be paid to protection and strengthening of the reproductive health of young people.

It is necessary to transition from an ineffective and costly for the state medical examination to managing major chronic diseases with the application of remote diagnostics, as well as outpatient treatment.

This approach has long been practiced in the world.

It is necessary to implement it boldly and actively.

It is necessary to adopt a comprehensive plan to combat cancer, to establish a scientific oncological centre.

Highly effective early diagnosis and treatment of cancer should be provided on the basis of international best practices.

It is necessary to carry out the same work that we conducted in cardiology, tuberculosis control and obstetrics.

Public health will gradually transition to the system of compulsory social health insurance based on the joint responsibility of the population, the State and employers.

The need for its implementation is beyond doubt.

However, a more thorough preparatory work is required, which has not been carried out by the Ministry of Healthcare and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

It is necessary to develop a new model of the guaranteed scope of free medical care by defining clear boundaries of state obligations.

People will be able to receive services not guaranteed by the state by becoming a member of the system of compulsory social health insurance or through voluntary medical insurance as well as co-payment.

It is necessary to increase the availability and effectiveness of healthcare services through the integration of information systems, the use of mobile digital applications, the introduction of electronic health passports, and the transition to “paperless” hospitals.

It is necessary to introduce genetic testing and artificial intelligence in medicine which will significantly improve the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment.

An important issue is the availability and quality of healthcare personnel training.

An integrated university medical centre is now operating at the unique Nazarbayev University School of Medicine.

This approach should be emulated across all medical schools.

To implement these and other measures, a new edition of the Code on Public Health and Health Care System should be developed.

Qualitative employment and an equitable welfare system.

It is critical to ensure the efficiency of the labour market by creating conditions that enable everyone to fulfil their potential.

It is necessary to develop modern standards for all major occupations.

In these standards, employers and the business community will clearly stipulate the knowledge, skills, and competencies required of employees.

It is necessary to develop new or update existing educational programmes in line with professional standards.

The self-employed and unemployed represent the reserves of economic growth.

I have repeatedly asked for a solution on the issue of the self-employed.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population has shown irresponsibility and superficiality in this matter.

It is necessary to provide greater opportunities for productive employment – whether through starting a business, obtaining new qualifications, or entering the workforce.

The work of the “Atameken” National Economic Chamber on business training deserves support.

It is important to extend coverage of these demographics through the Programme for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship by strengthening its instruments.

The process for registering the self-employed should be simplified as much as practically possible. Conditions which will encourage faithful fulfilment of obligations to the state must be created.

The people of Kazakhstan should have the opportunity to find new employment relatively quickly, including in other localities of the country.

The full-scale implementation of an online labour exchange database is required, where all information on vacancies and job-seekers will be collated and presented.

Citizens will be able to take vocational guidance tests, learn about training courses and state support measures, and find interesting work without leaving their homes.

Employment record books should also be converted into an electronic format.

The Law on Electronic Labour Exchange must be adopted before April 1, 2018.

Social policy will be implemented by involving citizens in a fully-fledged economic life.

The pension system is now fully dependent on the length of service.

Those who have worked longer will receive larger pensions.

In this regard, all Kazakhstan citizens should seriously consider legalising their labour activities.

In terms of social insurance, there will also be a strengthened relationship between the length of service and payment.

Starting in 2018, we have shifted to a new method of providing targeted social assistance to low-income population groups.

The threshold has risen from 40% to 50% of the living wage.

Able bodied low-income citizens will receive financial aid provided they participate in employment promotion measures.

State support measures for disabled citizens will be strengthened.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

All social obligations of the state will be fully realised.

I would like to remind the people of Kazakhstan that in 2016-2017, pensions and allowances were increased three times.

The basic pension rose in total by 29%, the solidary pension rose by 32%, the childbirth allowance rose by 37%, and allowances in the case of loss or disablement both rose by 43%.

The salary of healthcare workers increased by up to 28%, the salary of education workers increased by up to 29%, the salary of social protection workers rose by up to 40%, the salary of Corps B civil servants rose by 30%, and scholarships increased by 25%.

Few other countries around the world have managed to increase their social spending, during what is a crisis.

National budget expenditure on the social sector in 2018 were increased by 12%, exceeding 4.1 trillion tenge.

An increase in social benefits, including pensions, will raise the income of more than three million Kazakhstan citizens.

From January 1, 2018, solidary pensions have risen by 8%.

A 16% increase in allowances for disabled people, families who have lost their primary income, and families raising disabled children has been realised.

From July 1, 2018, the basic pension will increase by an average of 1.8 times, depending on the length of service.

In addition, I order the introduction of state allowances for parents taking care of Category 1 disabled adults from childhood as of July 1, 2018.

Approximately 14,000 families will receive these monthly benefits, which will exceed one subsistence wage.

Up to three billion tenge will be required to fund these benefits in 2018.

To raise the prestige of the teaching profession, I order a raise in the salary of teachers who are versed in the updated contents of teaching materials by 30%.

The updated contents are modern curricula which meet international standards and have been approbated in the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools.

They give our children the necessary functional literacy and skills for critical thinking.

I also order the introduction of a new structure for teachers in 2018, which will take into account levels of qualifications and the increase in gaps between levels.

Qualifications should be awarded through a national qualifications test, as is the model all over the world.

This will encourage teachers to continue to improve their teaching abilities.

As a result, teacher’s salaries will grow in total from 30% to 50%, depending on the qualification obtained.

In 2018, the state will allocate an additional 67 billion tenge for this purpose.

EIGHTH. Effective public administration.

It is necessary to continue work to reduce the expenses of the business community and the wider population, when providing public administration.

It is therefore important to expedite the adoption of a law aimed at further deregulation of the business sector.

It is necessary to ensure the digitalisation of public services for businesses, and their rendering on a “one-stop-shop” principle.

Integration of state information systems will help to move from the provision of an individual public service to the provision of a set of services on the “one application” principle.

Further work should be carried out to improve the quality of services of natural monopolies.

It is important to establish reasonable tariffs for these and for energy producers, taking into account investment programmes.

Decisive actions are needed to improve the business climate, especially at the regional level.

The Government should prepare a new package of systemic measures to support business and to bring it out from the shadow and into the light.

It is important to accelerate the implementation of the privatisation plan, expanding it by reducing the number of subordinate organisations of state agencies.

Those subordinate organisations, which are genuinely necessary, should be consolidated as much as possible to reduce administrative costs.

The funds which this releases should be directed towards the introduction of a new system of remuneration for civil servants based on a factor-point scale.

This will reduce the imbalance in civil servants’ salaries in the regions and the centre and take into account the nature and effectiveness of their work.

I instruct the Government, together with the Agency for Civil Service Affairs, to implement pilot projects in central and local state bodies to introduce this system in 2018.

It is necessary to unlock the full potential of the effectiveness of the public service in the regions through increasing their economic independence and responsibility.

In general, the focus of regional policy should be shifted away from equalising expenditures and towards stimulating the growth of the regions’ own revenues.

In particular, one of the most promising sources for any region is the development of inbound and domestic tourism, which today creates every tenth job in the world.

The government, in turn, must take a package of measures, including simplifying visa procedures, developing infrastructure and removing other barriers in the tourism industry.

Within the framework of fiscal decentralisation, it is necessary to solve the issue of transferring corporate income tax from small and medium-sized businesses to regional budgets.

Starting from January 1, 2018, in cities of district significance, as well as villages and rural districts with a population of more than two thousand people, the legislation provides for the introduction of an independent budget and municipal ownership of local government.

From 2020, these norms will operate in all settlements across the country.

Seven types of tax and other non-tax revenues, as well as 19 directions of expenditures, have been transferred to village budgets.

This will involve the population in solving local issues.

In addition, state bodies should use modern digital technologies to listen to citizens’ criticism and suggestions in real time and provide prompt responses.

Through the implementation of new technologies, the state and companies should ensure reliable protection of their information systems and devices.

Today, the notion of cyber security includes protecting not only information but also access to the management of production and infrastructure facilities.

These and other measures should be reflected in the National Security Strategy of Kazakhstan.

NINTH. The fight against corruption and the rule of law.

A preventative fight against corruption will continue.

Much work is already being done.

Over the past three years alone, more than 2,500 people, including top officials and state-owned company executives, have been convicted of corruption.

During this period, damage caused by them to a value of around 17 billion tenge was reimbursed.

The digitisation of processes in government bodies, including their interaction with the public and business, is important.

In particular, citizens should see how their appeals are reviewed, and receive timely and qualitative answers.

Institutional reforms of judicial and law enforcement systems are being carried out.

Norms providing for strengthening the protection of the rights of citizens in criminal proceedings, reducing their repressiveness have been introduced to legislation.

The rights of lawyers have been expanded, as well as judicial control at the pre-trial stage.

The powers and areas of responsibility of law enforcement bodies have been delineated.

The work on strengthening the guarantees of the constitutional rights of citizens, ensuring the rule of law, and humanising law enforcement must continue.

In the field of protection of public order and security, it is necessary to actively implement intelligent video surveillance and recognition systems on the streets and in places of mass gatherings, as well as providing control over traffic.

TENTH. Smart cities for a smart nation.

2018 is the 20th anniversary of our capital – Astana.

Its formation as one of the most important centres of Eurasia’s development is a source of our common pride.

Modern technologies provide effective solutions to the problems of a fast-growing metropolis.

It is necessary to introduce comprehensive management of the urban environment based on the Smart City concept and the development of competences of those people moving to the city.

The world has come to an understanding that it is cities that compete for investors.

They choose not a country, but a city in which it is comfortable to live and work.

Therefore, based on the experience of Astana, it is necessary to form a “benchmark” standard for a Smart City and start expanding best practices and an exchange of experiences between the cities of Kazakhstan.

Smart Cities will be the engines of regional development, spreading innovations and improvement to quality of life throughout the country.

These are the 10 objectives. They are clear and understandable.

Dear people of Kazakhstan,

Thanks to our political stability and public consensus, we began to modernise our economy, our policy and national consciousness.

The impetus for a new stage of technological and infrastructural development has now been provided.

The constitutional reform has established a more precise balance of power between the different branches.

We have launched the process of modernising our national identity.

In fact, these three basic aspects are a comprehensive triad of Kazakhstan’s modernisation.

To fit with the new times, we must unite as a single nation – a nation on the verge of a historic ascent under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Article by the Head of State "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness"


Kazakhstan has entered a new historical period.

This year, with my Message, I announced the beginning of the Third Modernization of Kazakhstan.

Thus, we launched two important processes of renewal – political reform and modernization of the economy.

The goal is known – to enter the top thirty developed countries of the world.

Both modernization processes have clear goals and objectives, priorities, and methods of achieving them. I am sure that everything will be done on time and as efficiently as possible. But this is not enough.

I am convinced that the large-scale transformations that we have begun should be accompanied by an advanced modernization of public consciousness. It will not just complement political and economic modernization - it will act as their core.

It should be noted that over the years of Independence, we have adopted and implemented a number of major programs.

Since 2004, the Madeni Mura program has been implemented, aimed at restoring historical and cultural monuments and objects on the territory of Kazakhstan.

In 2013, we adopted the program "Halyk Tarikh Tolkyninda", which allowed us to systematically collect and study documents from the world's leading archives dedicated to the history of our country.

And today we must start a more ambitious and fundamental work.

Therefore, I decided to share my vision of how we can take a step towards the future together, change the public consciousness in order to become a united Nation of strong and responsible people.


Before our eyes, the world is beginning a new, largely unclear, historical cycle. It is impossible to take a place in the advanced group while maintaining the previous model of consciousness and thinking. Therefore, it is important to concentrate, change yourself and, through adaptation to changing conditions, take the best of what the new era brings.

What, in my opinion, was the main drawback of the Western models of modernization of the XX century in relation to the realities of our time? The fact that they transferred their unique experience to all peoples and civilizations without taking into account their peculiarities.

Even largely modernized societies contain codes of culture, the origins of which go back to the past.

The first condition for the modernization of a new type is the preservation of its own culture, its own national code. Without this, modernization will turn into an empty sound.

But this does not mean preserving everything in the national consciousness – both what gives us confidence in the future, and what leads us back.

The new modernization should not, as before, look arrogantly at historical experience and traditions. On the contrary, it should make the best traditions a prerequisite, an important condition for the success of modernization.

Without relying on national and cultural roots, modernization will hang in the air. I want her to stand firmly on the ground. This means that history and national traditions must be taken into account.

This is a platform that connects the horizons of the past, present and future of the people.

I am convinced that the most important mission of spiritual modernization is also to reconcile the various poles of national consciousness.

I would highlight several areas of modernization of the consciousness of both society as a whole and every citizen of Kazakhstan.


Today, not only an individual, but also the nation as a whole has a chance of success only by developing its competitiveness.

This means, first of all, the ability of the nation to offer something advantageous in price and quality in regional and global markets. And this is not only a material product, but also knowledge, services, intellectual products, and finally, the quality of the labor resource.

The peculiarity of tomorrow is that it is the competitiveness of a person, and not the availability of mineral resources, that becomes the success factor of a nation.

Therefore, any citizen of Kazakhstan, as well as the nation as a whole, must have a set of qualities worthy of the XXI century.  And among the unconditional prerequisites for this are such factors as computer literacy, knowledge of foreign languages, cultural openness.

Therefore, the Digital Kazakhstan program, the trilingualism program, and the program of cultural and confessional harmony are part of the preparation of the nation (all Kazakhstanis) for life in the XXI century. This is part of our competitiveness.


Modernization is impossible without changing a number of habits and stereotypes. There are many examples of genuine pragmatism in our history.

For centuries, our ancestors have preserved a unique environmentally correct way of life, preserving the habitat, the resources of the earth, very pragmatically and economically spending its resources.

And only in a few years in the middle of the last century, the irrational use of resources led to the disappearance of the Aral Sea, turning thousands of hectares of fertile land into zones of ecological disaster. And this is an example of an extremely non-pragmatic attitude to the environment. Thus, the former national pragmatism turned into extravagance.
On the way to modernization, we should remember the skills of our ancestors. Pragmatism means an accurate knowledge of your national and personal resources, their economical spending, the ability to plan your future.

Pragmatism is the opposite of extravagance, arrogance, life for show. The culture of modern society is a culture of moderation, a culture of prosperity, not luxury, it is a culture of rationality.

The ability to live rationally with an emphasis on achieving real goals, with an emphasis on education, a healthy lifestyle and professional success – this is pragmatism in behavior.

And this is the only successful model in the modern world. When a nation and an individual are not focused on concrete practical achievements, then unrealistic, populist ideologies appear, leading to disaster.

Unfortunately, history gives us many examples when entire nations, led by unrealistic ideologies, were defeated. We have seen the collapse of the three main ideologies of the last century-communism, fascism and liberalism.

The age of radical ideologies has passed. We need clear, understandable and forward-looking attitudes. Such an attitude can be an orientation towards achieving specific goals with a calculation of their capabilities and limits, both by a person and by the nation as a whole. Realism and pragmatism are the slogan of the coming decades.

Preservation of national identity

The very concept of spiritual modernization implies changes in the national consciousness. There are two points here.

First, it is a change in the national consciousness.

Secondly, it is the preservation of the inner core of the national " I " when changing some of its features.

What is the danger of the prevailing modernization models today? The fact that modernization is considered as a transition from a national model of development to a single, universal one. But life invariably proves that this is a mistake! In practice, different regions and countries have developed their own models.

Our national traditions and customs, language and music, literature and wedding ceremonies, in a word, the national spirit, should remain with us forever.

The wisdom of Abai, the pen of Auezov, the heartfelt lines of Jambul, the magical sounds of Kurmangazy, the eternal call of aruakh are only part of our spiritual culture.

But modernization also consists in the fact that a number of archaic habits and addictions that do not fit into the global world should be left in the past.

This also applies to such a feature of our consciousness as the regional division of a single nation. Knowing and being proud of the history of your region is a necessary and useful thing. But it is impossible to forget about much more – about belonging to a single and great nation.

We are building a meritocratic society where everyone should be evaluated according to their personal contribution and personal professional qualities. Such a system does not tolerate nepotism. This is a form of career development in backward societies.

The task is not to enumerate the positive and negative in the accumulated experience. The task is to understand two immutable rules.

First. No modernization can take place without preserving the national culture.

Second. In order to move forward, it is necessary to abandon those elements of the past that do not allow the nation to develop.

The Cult of Knowledge

The desire for education has always been characteristic of our people.

Much has been done during the years of Independence. We have trained tens of thousands of young specialists at the best universities in the world. The beginning, as you know, was laid by the Bolashak program back in the early 90s of the last century. We have created a number of very high-level universities, a system of intellectual schools and much more.

But the cult of education should be universal. And there is a hard and clear reason for this. The technological revolution is leading to the fact that in the coming decades, half of the existing professions will disappear. No era has ever known such a speed of change in the professional appearance of the economy.

And we have entered this era. In such conditions, only a highly educated person can successfully live, who can change his profession relatively easily thanks to a high level of education.

Therefore, today Kazakhstan is among the most advanced countries in the world in terms of the share of budget expenditures on education.

Every citizen of Kazakhstan should understand that education is the most fundamental factor of success in the future. In the system of priorities of young people, education should be the first number.

If education becomes the main value in the value system, then the nation will succeed.

Evolutionary, not revolutionary development of Kazakhstan

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the radical changes in a huge part of Eurasia that took place in October 1917. The entire twentieth century was marked by revolutionary upheavals.

Each nation draws its own lessons from history. This is his right, and you can not impose your point of view on others. But also no one has the right to impose their subjective vision of history on us.

And the lessons of the twentieth century for our people are in many ways tragic.

First, the natural path of national development was broken and alien forms of social structure were imposed.

Secondly, a terrible demographic blow has been inflicted on the nation. A blow that has affected for a whole century.

Thirdly, the Kazakh language and culture were almost lost.

Fourth, the territory of Kazakhstan has turned into an ecological disaster territory in many regions.

Of course, there is no such thing as black and white in history. The XX century brought a lot of positive things to Kazakhstan.

This is industrialization, the creation of a social and industrial infrastructure, the formation of a new intelligentsia.

A certain modernization has taken place. But it was the modernization of the territory, not the nation.

We must clearly understand the lessons of history. The era of revolutions has not passed. They have changed a lot in form and content. But our entire recent history speaks directly and unequivocally: only evolutionary development gives a nation a chance to prosper. Otherwise, we will again fall into a historical trap.

Evolutionary development as a principle of ideology should be one of the guidelines at the personal, individual level for every citizen of Kazakhstan.

Of course, the evolutionary development of society as a principle does not mean eternal conservation, but it is important to understand not only the lessons of history, but also the examples of the present and the signals of the future.

The nature of revolutions has changed. They acquire a distinct national, religious, cultural or separatist coloring. But in the vast majority of cases, everything ends in violence and economic collapse.

Therefore, a serious rethinking of what is happening in the world is part of a huge ideological and ideological work that society as a whole, political parties and movements, and the education system must carry out.
Openness of consciousness

Many problems arise due to the fact that the big, global world is rapidly changing, and the mass consciousness remains in the "home framework".

It would seem that there is nothing to prove about the need for mass and accelerated teaching of English, when more than a billion people around the world study it along with their native language as a language of professional communication?

Do more than 400 million citizens of the European Union not respect their native German, French, Spanish or Italian or any other language? Are hundreds of millions of Chinese, Indonesians or Malays just learning English?

This is not someone's subjective desire, it is a condition for working in the global world.

But the question is not only in this particular. Openness of consciousness means at least three features of consciousness.

First, an understanding of what is happening in the big world, what is happening around your country, what is happening in your part of the planet.

Secondly, the openness of consciousness is a willingness to change, which brings a new technological way. It will change huge layers of our life in the next 10 years – work, everyday life, recreation, housing, ways of human communication. You need to be prepared for this.

Thirdly, the ability to adopt someone else's experience, learn from others. The two great Asian powers Japan and China are the classic embodiment of these abilities.

Openness and receptivity to the best achievements, and not the deliberate repulsion of everything "not your own" - this is the key to success and one of the indicators of open consciousness.

Why is an open consciousness so important in the future world?

If Kazakhstanis judge the world from the windows of their homes, they may not see what storms are coming in the world, on the mainland or in neighboring countries. You may not see the forest for the trees, you may not even understand the external springs that sometimes force us to seriously change our approaches. 


Public consciousness requires not only the development of the principles of modernization, but also specific projects that could allow us to respond to the challenges of the time without losing the great power of tradition.

I see several specific projects that can be deployed in the coming years.

First, it is necessary to start work for the gradual transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet. We have approached this issue very carefully and tactfully. Here we need a calm step-by-step approach. And we have been preparing for this with caution all the years of Independence.

The history of graphics of the Kazakh language has deep roots.

In the VI–VII centuries, in the early Middle Ages, the ancient Turkic Runic script, known in science as the Orkhon-Yenisei script, originated and operated on the territory of Eurasia.

In the VI–VII centuries, the ancient Turkic script appeared – one of the oldest types of alphabetic writing of mankind.

From the V to the XV century, the Turkic language was the language of interethnic communication in most of Eurasia.

For example, in the Golden Horde, official documents and international correspondence were conducted mainly in the Turkic language.

Starting from the X to the XX century, almost 900 years, Arabic graphics were used on the territory of Kazakhstan.

The departure from the Runic script, the spread of the Arabic language and Arabic graphics began after the adoption of Islam.

On August 7, 1929, the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR and the SNK of the USSR adopted a resolution on the introduction of a new Romanized alphabet, the "Unified Turkic Alphabet".

The Romanized alphabet was officially used from 1929 to 1940, after which it was replaced by Cyrillic.

On November 13, 1940, the Law "On the translation of the Kazakh script from the Latinized to the new alphabet based on Russian graphics"was adopted.

Thus, the history of changing the alphabet of the Kazakh language was determined mainly by specific political reasons.

In December 2012, in my annual Address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan-2050", I said: "We need to start translating our alphabet into Latin from 2025."

This means that from now on we must begin the transition to the Latin alphabet in all spheres.

That is, by 2025, we will start publishing office work, periodicals, textbooks and everything else in Latin.

And now we will start preparing the beginning of the transition to the Latin alphabet.

The transition to the Latin alphabet also has its own deep historical logic. These are the features of the modern technological environment, the features of communications in the modern world, and the features of the scientific and educational process in the XXI century.

Therefore, the year 2025 is not far off, and the Government needs to have a clear schedule for the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet.

In our schools, all children learn English. This is the Latin alphabet. That is, there will be no problems for young people.

I believe that by the end of 2017, it is necessary to adopt a single standard version of the Kazakh alphabet in the new schedule with the help of scientists and the general public. Starting in 2018, we will start training personnel for teaching the new alphabet and preparing textbooks for secondary schools.

In the next 2 years, carry out the necessary organizational and methodological work.

Of course, during the adaptation period, the Cyrillic alphabet will also work for a certain time.

Secondly, this is the project " New Humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language " on social and humanitarian sciences.

Its essence is as follows:

We must create conditions for a full-fledged education of students in history, political science, sociology, philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, philology. Our humanitarian intelligentsia should be supported by the state by restoring humanitarian departments in the country's universities. We need not just engineers and doctors, but also people who understand the present and the future well.

We need to translate 100 of the best textbooks in the world from different languages in all areas of humanitarian knowledge into Kazakh in the coming years and give our young people the opportunity to study according to the best world standards. Already in the 2018/2019 academic year, we should start teaching our students according to these textbooks.

For these purposes, on the basis of existing translation structures, it is necessary to create a non-state National Translation Agency, which, by order of the Government, would start this work in the summer of 2017.

What will we achieve with this program?

First of all, this is a qualitatively different level of training for hundreds of thousands of our students.

Next, it is the training of personnel adapted to the global competition in the field of knowledge.

Finally, these are the people who will become the main conductors of the principles of modernization of consciousness – openness, pragmatism, competitiveness. The future is created in classrooms.

Our social and humanitarian knowledge has been preserved for many years within the framework of one teaching and within the framework of one view of the world. The publication of the 100 best textbooks in the world in the Kazakh language will have an effect in 5-6 years. It is necessary to take all the most modern and have translations into the state Kazakh language. And this is the task of the state.

The Government needs to work out this issue and solve it taking into account translation personnel, copyright, educational and methodological programs, teaching staff, etc.

Thirdly, patriotism begins with love for your land, for your village, city, region, with love for your small homeland. Therefore, I propose the program "Tugan Zher", which will easily switch to a broader installation – "Tugan el".

"Tugan zherin suye almagan suye alar ma tugan elin?" or " Where does the Motherland begin?" There is a lot of meaning in these works.

Why is it a small homeland? Man is not only a rational being, but also an emotional one. A small homeland is a place where you were born and grew up, and sometimes lived all your life.

There are mountains, rivers, stories and myths about their origin, the names of people who have remained in the memory of the people. You can continue the enumeration. All this is important.

A special attitude to the native land, its culture, customs, traditions is the most important feature of patriotism. This is the basis of the cultural and genetic code that makes any nation a nation, and not a collection of individuals.
For centuries, our ancestors have protected specific places and areas, preserving millions of square kilometers of fertile land for us. They saved the future.

What does love for a small homeland mean in practice, what does the "Tugan Zher" program mean?

First, it is necessary to organize serious local history work in the field of education, ecology and landscaping, the study of regional history, the restoration of cultural and historical monuments and cultural objects of local scale.

For example, the best form of patriotism is the study of the history of the native land in secondary schools.

Second: this is assistance to businessmen, officials, intellectuals and young people who, having moved to other regions of the country, would like to support their small homeland. This is a normal and patriotic desire, and it should be supported, not banned.

Third, local authorities need to approach the Tugan Zher program in a systematic and organized manner.

It is impossible to let this work take its course, because it requires balance and correctness in understanding.

We must find various forms of support and social respect that will help the small motherland, including a sponsorship mechanism. There is a huge field for work here.

We can quickly green up our cities, significantly help computerize schools, support regional universities, art funds of local museums and galleries, etc.

In short, the "Tugan Zher" program will become one of the real foundations of our national patriotism.

From a small homeland begins the love for a big homeland – your native country (Kazakhstan).

Fourth, along with the Tugan Zher project, which is aimed at local, local objects and settlements, we need to strengthen another thing in the minds of the people – national shrines.

We need the project "Spiritual shrines of Kazakhstan", or. as scientists say, "The sacred geography of Kazakhstan".

Every nation, every civilization has holy places that are of a national nature, which are known to every representative of this people.

This is one of the foundations of the spiritual tradition. This is especially important for Kazakhstan. We are a huge country with a rich spiritual history. Sometimes our sizes played a different role in history. But the people have never broken the connection in this spiritual geographical zone.

However, at the same time, throughout history, we have not created a single field, a single chain of these holy places that are important from the point of view of culture and spiritual heritage.

The question is not even about the restoration of monuments, buildings, structures.

The question is to link together in the national consciousness the complex of monuments around Ulytau and the mausoleum of the Skin of Akhmet Yassaui, the ancient monuments of Taraz and the burials of Beket-Ata, the ancient complexes of East Kazakhstan and the sacred places of the Semirechye, and many other places. All of them form the framework of our national identity.

When people talk about the impact of foreign ideological influences today, we should not forget that they are backed by certain values, certain cultural symbols of other peoples. And only their own national symbols can resist them.

The cultural and geographical belt of the shrines of Kazakhstan is such a symbolic protection and a source of pride that invisibly carries us through the centuries.

This is one of the elements of the framework of national identity, so for the first time in our thousand-year history, we must develop and implement such a project.

During the year, the Government needs to develop this project in a dialogue with the public and link three elements in it:

  1. We need educational training for every citizen of Kazakhstan on the role and place of this "Cultural and geographical belt".
  2. Our mass media should seriously and systematically engage in national information projects in this regard.
  3. Internal and external cultural tourism should be based on this symbolic heritage of the people. According to their cultural significance, the same Turkestan or Altai have not just national or continental significance – they are global values.
Fifth, competitiveness in the modern world and the competitiveness of cultures. A huge part of the success of the United States in the era of the "cold war" is the success of Hollywood. If we want to be a nation with its unique place on the global map of the XXI century, then we must implement another project – "Modern Kazakh culture in the global world".

We are talking about getting the world to know us not only by oil resources and major foreign policy initiatives, but also by our cultural achievements.

What should this project be about?

First, we need a targeted approach so that the national culture sounds in six UN languages: English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, French.

Secondly – it should be precisely modern culture, the one that was created and is being created by our contemporaries.

Third – it should be absolutely modern in the form of presentation of the material methodology. For example, these are not just books, but the entire set of multimedia accompaniment.

Fourth – there should be serious state support. In particular, the systematic work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Ministry of Information and Communication.

Fifth – the huge role of all our creative intelligentsia, including the Writers ' Union and the Academy of Sciences, universities and public organizations.

What of our modern culture should be promoted in the world?

This is a very serious and time-consuming work, which includes not only the selection of the best works of national culture, but also their presentation abroad.

This is a huge translation work and special methods of promoting our cultural achievements – books, plays, sculptures, paintings, musical works, scientific discoveries, etc.

All this is a constructive and noble task. I believe that 2017 should be a decisive year: we must clearly define what we want to show the world in the field of culture. And you can implement this unique program in 5-7 years.

For the first time in our thousand-year history, our culture will sound on all continents and in all the main languages of the world.

Sixth, I propose to direct the attention of society to the present, to the history of our contemporaries. This can be implemented in the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan".

The history of Independence is only a quarter of a century. But what! The historical scale of the achievements is beyond doubt. However, often a number of figures and facts do not show the living human destinies. Different, bright, dramatic and happy.

The project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan" is the story of 100 specific people from different regions, different ages and nationalities who have achieved success over these rapid years.

These should be specific stories of specific people, this is the image of modern Kazakhstan. There are so many outstanding contemporaries next to us, who were born during the era of Independence. Their story about life is more convincing than any statistics. We must make them the heroes of our TV documentaries. We must make them a role model, for a sober and objective view of life.

Modern media culture is built not on "talking heads", but on the creation of authentic life stories. It is the creation of such authentic stories that should become the subject of the professional work of our mass media.

This project should be focused on solving three tasks:

To show the society the real face of those who create modern Kazakhstan with their mind, hands and talent.

To create a new multimedia platform for information support and popularization of our outstanding contemporaries.

Create not only national, but also regional projects "100 new faces". We must know those who make up the golden fund of the nation.


The state and the nation are not a static structure, but a living, developing organism. To live, you need to have the ability to meaningfully adapt.

The new global reality has come without knocking and permission to everyone – that is why the tasks of modernization are facing almost all countries today.

Time does not stop, which means that modernization, like history itself, is an ongoing process.

At the new break of epochs, Kazakhstan has a unique historical chance to build its own better future through renewal and new ideas.

I am sure that Kazakhstanis, especially the younger generation, understand the importance of offering our modernization.

In the new reality, the inner desire for renewal is a key principle of our development. To survive, you need to change. Anyone who does not do this will be covered with the heavy sand of history.

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev’s Address to the Nation of Kazakhstan. January 31, 2017

Dear People of Kazakhstan!

I am addressing the people of Kazakhstan as we approach the new era.

The country has honorably passed its 25-year development phase. We are proud of our country. As part of the festivities on the 25th anniversary of Independence we have highlighted Kazakhstan’s achievements and progress. They are well known and appreciated by the world community.

Kazakhstan has become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council since the beginning of 2017.

"EXPO-2017" international exhibition will be held in Astana this year. We are the first among the CIS countries and Central Asia to hold such an important global event.

Sports events within the Universiade-2017 have started in Almaty, with the participation of over 2,000 athletes and delegates from 57 countries.

All that is the result of a correct political path and Kazakhstan’s high authority in the international arena.

Kazakhstan shall join the world’s top 30 developed countries by 2050. We will surely go for this purpose.

In conditions of growing competition and the lack of stability in the world relevance of my proposed Strategy-2050 to the people in 2012 is increasing. We have been able to timely anticipate the forthcoming hard time.

Due to "Nurly Zhol" Economic Policy and "100 Specific Steps" Nation’s Plan we are worthily going through the initial stage of a complex global transformation. Additional KZT 1.7 trillion have been allocated to support the economy only during 2014-2016. That provided an opportunity for economic growth and business support, and creation of more than 200 thousand new jobs.

The result ensured the gross domestic product growth by 1% in 2016. That is particularly important under the current difficult conditions.

The world situation is changing rapidly. That is a new global reality, and we have to accept it.

 Dear Compatriots!

Only those nations, which manage to get ahead of the future and decisively meet the challenges, without standing and waiting, are the winners.

The next and fourth industrial revolution starts in the world.

Universal economic digitalization will lead to disappearance of entire industries and creation of fundamentally new ones. Great changes before our eyes are both a historic challenge and opportunity for the nation.

Today I pose a challenge of carrying out the implementation of Kazakhstan’s third modernization. It is necessary to create a new model of economic growth that will provide the country's global competitiveness.

Currently, many countries are trying to solve the same problem. I am sure that the transition recipes to the new growth model are not equal. We should have regard to our strong points and not to lose our opportunities that we have together created over 25 years of our Independence.

We all remember the 1st modernization of Kazakhstan. We have a memory of starting our way a quarter century ago on the ruins of the Soviet Union. Then from the foundation our generation created a new state, which was not on the world map.

There was a transition from a planned to a market economy. It is crucial for me that together we have then managed to hold the country from the turmoil of internal conflicts and economic collapse. Kazakhstan came out of that period with minimal losses and the largest acquisitions.

The 2nd modernization began with adopting  the Strategy-2030 and creating a new capital city Astana. The results are undeniable. The country broke away from the economic crisis zone and joined the world’s 50 most competitive economies.

Two successful modernization processes have given us invaluable experience. Now we need to boldly step forward and start the 3rd upgrade.

This upgrade is not as plan of combatting the current global challenges, but a reliable bridge to the future, to fulfil the Strategy-2050 objectives. It will be held based on the "100 Specific Steps" Nation’s Plan.

I see its five key priorities. They are designed to ensure the economic growth above the world average, and steady advance to the 30 leading countries.

The 1st Priority is the accelerated technological modernization of the economy.

We should cultivate new industries, which are created involving the use of digital technologies. That is a far reaching complex task.

It’s critical to cultivate such sunrise industries as 3D printing, online commerce, mobile banking, digital services, including health and education sectors, and others. These sectors have changed the economic structure of the developed countries and have given a new quality to senile industries.

In this regard, I charge the Government to work out and adopt a separate program called "Digital Kazakhstan".

It is necessary to fit our legislation to the new realities.

It is also important to make provision for development of communications and ubiquitous access to a fiber-optic infrastructure. The digital industry development will provide impetus to all other sectors. Therefore, the issue of IT-sphere development should be kept under special control of the Cabinet.

Factor of great significance in forming new industries is to support innovation and fast introduction into production.

I entrust the Government with establishing the IT-startup International TechnoPark on the basis of one of EXPO-2017 facilities. It has to become a platform for attracting entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. That requires appropriate infrastructure and the enabling environment, including tax breaks, simplified visa and labor regimes.

We also need to develop the research and innovative potential of universities based on Nazarbayev University and "Alatau" Innovation Park.

The 2nd complex task. In parallel with creating new industries, we should give impetus to the development of traditional basic industries.

They are industry, agriculture, transport and logistics, construction and other sectors.

Firstly, it is important to boost productivity.

The main factor here should be the widespread introduction of elements of the 4th industrial revolution. They are automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, exchange of "big data" and others.

I entrust the Government, together with business, with working out a package of measures on technological re-equipment of basic industries until 2025.

Secondly, there is a need to continue industrialization with emphasis on the development of competitive export industries in priority sectors.

I entrust the Government with the task of increasing non-oil exports in half by 2025.

To activate the work in this direction is necessary to concentrate the tools of development and promotion of exports in the same department. Exporters need to provide support for the principle of "single window", including in the regions.

I entrust the Government with creating a Council for Export Policy. It should include the business community representatives.

Prior to September 1 this year, the Government together with the akims and businesses need to develop a unified export strategy.

Kazakhstan should keep the leading position in attracting foreign investment. "Astana" International Financial Center should play an important role in attracting financial resources in the country’s economy.

It is critical to fit into global chains of production and distribution of goods and services. This should be done primarily by attracting multinational companies.

It is necessary to effectively implement a joint investment program with China to establish production facilities in Kazakhstan. The agreements have been inked with the Chinese side. The facilities have been identified. We need to work specifically.

That will be modern production with creation of about 20 thousand new jobs for Kazakhstan. For the present the actualization of six projects has started and two projects have already been launched. One of them is a plant for large-assembly of JAC hybrid and all-electric vehicles.

I instruct to study the issue of further development of electric vehicle production with export orientation, making provision for the necessary infrastructure.

In general, Kazakhstan should have its own investment strategy. The government should prepare it before September 1 of the current year.

Protection and promotion of national economic interests in the framework of international cooperation shall be provided. This includes, before everything else, the activities within the EAEC, SCO, interfacing with the Economic Belt of the Silk Road. Economic diplomacy work shall be rebuilt and strengthened.

Thirdly, the country’s mining and oil and metallurgical complex shall retain its strategic importance for the economic growth sustainability.

In the context of global demand slowdown it is critical to enter new markets and expand the geography of supplies. Much attention shall be given to expanding the mineral resource base. Active exploration is necessary to be held.

Further development of these industries should be strictly linked to the deepening of raw materials complex processing.

I entrust the Government with ensuring the adoption of a new Code on Mineral Resources and making the necessary amendments to the tax legislation by the end of the year.

Fourthly, the agricultural sector shall become the new driver of the economy.

Kazakhstan’s agriculture has a promising future. Upon many items, we can be one of the world's largest manufacturers of agricultural exports, especially for organic food production. ‘Made in Kazakhstan’ brand shall become the standard of such products.

At the same time we have to be a so-called "bread basket" for grain production for the entire Eurasian continent. A shift from primary production to the production of high-quality and processed products shall be provided. Only then will we be able to compete in international markets.

In this regard, the Government and the governors are instructed the following:

Firstly, the principles of allocation of subsidies and gradual move to production insurance shall be reconsidered;

Secondly, during the 5 years all conditions for combining more than 500 thousand households and small farms into cooperatives shall be created;

Thirdly, the level of product processing shall be increased, and the effective storage, transportation and distribution of goods shall be created;

Fourthly, the level of productivity shall be increased and production costs shall be reduced;

Fifthly, we must improve the efficiency of land use. Within 5 years, the area of ​​irrigated land shall grow by 40%, thereby raising it to 2 million hectares;

Sixthly, investment in agricultural research shall boost, to be in demand in a business environment.

I instruct to make provision for the export of food products increase by 40% by 2021 through the agricultural production diversification.

These tasks should be fulfilled within the framework of the new agriculture development state program.

Fifthly, the new Eurasian logistics infrastructure development is an important priority.

Substantial investment has already been made. Now economic returns are necessary.

I instruct the Government in 2020 to provide an increase in the annual volume of transit:

  • 7 times for goods, carried in containers - up to 2 million containers;
  • 4 times for passenger transport by air - up to 1.6 million passengers in transit.

It is necessary to increase earnings from transit traffic by 5.5 times - up to $ 4 billion a year.

In 2015, I initiated "Nurly Zhol" infrastructure development program. Over the past two years, the program has fully justified itself.

During the current year 4,400 kilometers of roads of national importance will be covered by construction and reconstruction. Among them, no less than 600 kilometers with the staged at a fee implementation will be put in before the end of the year.

Coordination with neighboring countries is critical to unlock the country’s transport and transit potential. It is necessary to ensure the goods transit freedom, creation and modernization of transport corridors. Particular attention should be paid to the transport infrastructure management, service level increase and elimination of administrative barriers.

Due to the increasing traffic volume along the Trans-Caspian corridor it is necessary to proceed with the second phase of Kuryk port construction, a car way.

Sixthly, urbanization processes necessitate the construction sector development. It shall become a full driver of the domestic economy.

Remember that investing in construction of roads, buildings and other infrastructure we define the physical and technological shape of our cities for years to come. It is therefore important to ensure the transfer of the latest technologies both to the construction and manufacture of building materials. At present we have good opportunities to accomplish that

By my instructions, "Nurly Zher" Housing Program realization begins since the current year. It addresses a critical goal - housing provision for 1.5 million households in the coming 15 years.

The program includes comprehensive measures of housing market development. It is cheaper bank loans for constructors by providing grants through "Damu" JSC.  Subsidizing mortgage loans, issued by banks, for the population will take place through "Kazakhstan Mortgage Company" JSC. Construction of credit housing for ZhilstroySberBank depositors by Akimats will continue. Previously allocated funds by a "revolving" principle will be reused for that purpose.

For vulnerable social groups the Akimats will continue developing rental housing without the right of redemption. For mass housing the akims should allocate appropriate land plots.

We will strive to ensure that the construction of individual houses in the cities is carried out in a single architectural style. With this aim in view the government will assist with the necessary infrastructure.

The Government together with the akims shall take measures for developing transport links with the nearest large city settlements.

The 3rd complex task is the labor market modernization.

Human resources will become available with technology implementation in senile industries. However, creation and development of new industries should become an additional source of employment and real income growth.

I instruct the Government and governors to create the conditions for a controlled flow of workers into other sectors.

Our sizeable enterprises should, jointly with akimats, develop appropriate "road maps". They need to provide co-investment in retraining downsized workers and their further employment. We need to support the labor mobility processes from labor-surplus regions, and from rural to urban areas as well.

The Government should reform the employment centers and create a single online platform for all vacancies and all settlements.

The 2nd Priority is massive improvement and the business environment expansion.

One of our strategic goals is ensuring the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP of at least 50% by 2050.

It is an ambitious but achievable goal. To achieve it at that stage the following is needed.

Firstly, by my instructions, since this year the Government has launched a program of effective employment and business activity growth.

Now the citizens of Kazakhstan in rural regions and towns can get a microloan of up to KZT 16 million for business operations.

It is meaningful to broaden the geography of micro-lending, actively using tools to guarantee and service support of entrepreneurs. These measures should be accompanied by organization of business training and financial literacy.

It is necessary to further improve support tools for business activity. Each region of Kazakhstan has to offer complex measures to develop mass entrepreneurship, including family businesses.

The number of created new jobs, as before, is one of the key criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the Government and akims’ activities.

Secondly, the Government and "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs shall  take measures on front end reduction of all kinds of costs for businesses. That especially refers to cost of services in the energy, transport and logistics, and utilities as well.

Public services procedures should be optimized as much as possible. It is necessary to reduce the time and a list of documents and eliminate duplicate procedures. Thus it is necessary to change them over fully to electronic format, without physical presence.

In addition, the existing regulatory burden on business is incompatible with the task of creating a new model of growth.

I challenge the Government and akims to elaborate the action framework on business deregulation by July 1 of this year.

It is necessary to implement the best standards and practices of developed countries. It is especially important to carry out this work at the regional level.

Akims and the Government shall develop detailed plans to improve the conditions for doing business in the regions based on the World Bank ranking.

Rating of regions and cities on the ease of doing business is critical to be introduced. We will institute a special award for the best. It shall be awarded once a year, on Industrialization Day.

Thirdly, a reduction in the share of the state in the economy to 15% of GDP, up to OECD levels should give a new impetus to economic growth.

Previously there was a list of about 800 enterprises for privatization until 2020. The work is in progress.

The Government is assigned to speed up and complete the privatization of companies in this list until the end of 2018.

There is also need of accelerating the preparation and output of our largest companies on the IPO. Introduction of Yellow Pages has reduced the types of activities for the state in the economy by 47% (from 652 to 346).

The next stage is transfer to the private sector or elimination of all state-owned enterprises and organizations, which do not conform to these principles until 2020. And these are several thousand enterprises.

The practice, when we created legal entities under each program or task, is meant to finish.

It is critical to ensure privatization’s transparency and efficiency. There is also need of reconsidering the role of state holdings.

The Government is tasked to provide a qualitative transformation of "Samruk-Kazyna" holding. It is necessary to conduct a thorough audit and optimization of both managerial and production business processes. As a result, it shall become a highly efficient, compact and professional. Management and corporate governance needs to get improved to the international level.

It is necessary to clearly define what to leave for the state, in which important sectors and with what degree of participation.

Natural monopolies and implementation of strategic projects, including with the participation of TNCs, shall be for the state to be left. These projects should give a multiplier effect.

"Baiterek" and "KazAgro" are to be exposed to organizational change without fail. They must be operators on the implementation of government development programs. At the same time it is necessary to optimize their functions. All that can be done by the private sector is necessary to transfer to the business.

They should also deal with the involvement of funding from non-state sources for program implementation.

Fourthly, public-private partnership outspread is a strong potential for promotion of entrepreneurship. This refers to transfer of a number of government services to business.

We already have good results on their involvement in preschool education. If during previous 3 years the state has built 189 kindergartens with 40 thousand places, the private sector has opened more than 1 300 per 100 thousand people. South Kazakhstan (397), Almaty (221), Kyzylorda (181) regions have opened more of private kindergartens.

For me the PPP example in this sector is of fundamental importance. It shows how government and business together solve one of the most important national problems – to completely cover 3-6 year old children with pre-school education by 2020.

The PPP growth depends on the akims’ specific and professional activities.

All possible kinds and forms of PPP are critical to be used for utilization of private funds: trust management of state property, service contracts and otherы. Thus it is necessary to simplify and speed up all the negotiation procedure, particularly in relation to smaller projects.

PPP is set to become a primary mechanism for infrastructure development, including the social one.

To modernize housing and utility infrastructure it is critical to transfer it in trust or to PPP with feasible pending privatization. The government shall stop going rounds in circles. We need to become active in that process.

Fifthly, it is important to prevent price and tariff fixing.

The Government is assigned, together with "Atameken", to carry out "audit" of all legislation to identify regulations that hinder competition.

The 3rd priority is macroeconomic stability.

The key objective here is restoration of the monetary policy incentive role and  involvement of private capital in financing the economy.

Firstly, at present the National Bank has an important task for inflation targeting regime development. It is necessary to achieve the phased reduction of inflation to 3-4% in the medium term.

Secondly, the financial sector’s "reset" is necessary.

The National Bank is assigned to work out a set of measures for the banking sector enhancement.

It is necessary to step up activities for clearing the banks' balance sheets from the sub-prime loans and, if needed, to make provision for their follow-on capitalization by the shareholders. The National Bank needs to be given more rights for the state banks’ operational control. It must move from a formalized approach to a risk-based in order to take measures of influencing the banks, without waiting for technical infringement on their part.

It is also necessary to strengthen the responsibility of audit companies, to ensure transparency and shareholders and, as a whole, to improve corporate governance. All that should be fixed in terms of legislation.

With a focus on handling a problem of money stringency in the economy and high interest rates on loans the National Bank and the Government are assigned to take measures for ensuring availability of medium- and long-term funding in KZT.

The National Bank shall be responsible not only for inflation but also for economic growth together with the Government.

Thirdly, the stock market’s further development.

Privatization should give impetus to its development. It is necessary to float "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund, as I have said before. Further increasing the opportunities for people to invest their savings primarily in various types of securities is critical.

At the end of 2016 we completed the legalization process. More than 140 thousand citizens of our country have taken part in it. In total KZT 5.7 trillion have been legalized, including KZT 4.1 trillion in cash.

The task of the Government is that these funds work in the economy, through participation in privatization as well. At the same time there is also a need to consider issues of subsidizing private bond issues of Kazakhstani enterprises.

The Government, together with the National Bank, is assigned to take measures aimed at enhancing the domestic stock market.

Another key challenge lies in bringing the fiscal policy to the new economic realities.

Firstly, it is necessary to radically improve the efficiency of budget spending.

We fully provided the national programs with the necessary resources in 2017. The ministries and departments shall check the use of funds’ effectiveness.

The Ministries of Labour and Social Welfare, Health, Education and Science should be the first, as they account for over 40% of the national budget. The reports are to be presented upon the results.

It is critical to reallocate funds from ineffective programs on the program, making provision for accomplishing the tasks of the 3rd Modernization. Besides, the budgetary procedures shall be simplified for faster and more effective bringing of the funds to the real economy.

Fiscal decentralization policy is critical to be carried on. In previous years a large number of functions and powers have been delivered from the central to the local level. Now they need to back up sufficient financial autonomy. At the same time it is important to avoid concentration of spending authority at the regional level. It is necessary to pass them on to the district and village levels. Akims must decide the issues of regional and local importance, and the Government is to focus on the national issues.

Secondly, it is essential to more efficiently deal with the National Fund.

The size of the guaranteed transfer from the National Fund must be gradually reduced to KZT 2 trillion by 2020.

Tax policy should focus on stimulating business exit from the "shadow" and the tax base expansion in the non-primary sector. Optimization of the existing tax incentives is critical. New special tax regimes shall be taken into consideration in a new angle on the eve of the universal declaration.

Tax administration arrangements remain wanting. First of all, it concerns VAT.

Thirdly, the government needs to build monitoring and control system for the external and internal loans of the quasi-public sector and bring it to order.

The 4th Priority is improvement of human capital in quality.

Firstly, the role of the education system shall change. Our task lies in making education central to a new model of economic growth. Training programs should focus on the development of critical thinking abilities and skills of independent search for information.

At the same time, IT-knowledge formation, financial literacy and education of youth patriotism shall be focused on. Reducing the gap in quality of education between urban and rural schools is critical.

The Government is assigned to submit relevant proposals.

Gradual transition to trilingual education.

The Kazakh language retains its dominant position. Much attention shall be paid to its further development. Today, however, English is the language of new technologies, new industries and new economy. Currently, 90% of the world information is in English. Every two years its volume doubles. Kazakhstan cannot reach national progress without mastery of the English language.

Since 2019 teaching in some subjects for the tenth- and eleventh-graders will be conducted in English. It is necessary to carefully consider this issue and take reasonable solution on it.

Schools and teachers’ level in urban and rural areas differ greatly. Problem of competent teachers’ shortage is relevant. Therefore, considering all these aspects, introduction of the English language should be in a phased approach.

Relevant proposals are to be submitted.

"Free Vocational Education for All" Project implementation starts on my initiative since the current year.

Free education, first of all, should cover unemployed and self-employed young people and people of working age who do not have professional education. It is necessary to give impetus to the development of vocational education system for training human resources for new productions within the marked economy.

In pursuing these aims the professional standards’ upgrade in accordance with labor market requirements and best international experience of in-service training is essential.

At the same time special attention shall be paid to the higher education system quality. It is necessary to enhance monitoring and requirements for the staff of higher education institutions, their level of business logistics and educational programs.

Secondly, the health care system must change along with the educational system.

From July 1 this year, a system of compulsory social health insurance starts to be implemented based on joint and several liabilities of the state, employers and citizens. This system’s effectiveness has been proven by the world’s practice.

Participants in the health insurance system will be given a wide range of medical services. Participation of socially vulnerable groups in it will be supported by the government.

The government needs to provide the health service informational support. Promotion of competition among private health institutions should be provided equal conditions within the CSHI (compulsory social health insurance) system.

The Government and governors are assigned to conduct broad awareness-raising activities.

It is also necessary to introduce medication price management legislation.

Thirdly, the social security.

Under my instructions, pensions for 2.1 million retirees will be increased by 20% compared to 2016 to July 1, 2017.

In addition, the basic pension appointment will be based on the new methodology from July 1, 2018. Its size will depend on the length of participation in the pension system.

All of these measures in 2018 will provide an increase of 1.8 times of the new basic pension size as compared to 2017.

About 400 thousand children are annually born in the country, which is higher than the 1999 level by almost two times. This good trend should be backed up.

Upon my instructions, the size of a lump sum birth benefit will increase by 20% from 1 July 2017.

The living minimum wage shall be reviewed. It is supposed to accord with the actual consumer spending of Kazakhstan’s population. This will allow increasing for 3 million people the size of the basic pension benefits for people with disabilities and families without supporters, targeted assistance and benefits for disabled children to January 1, 2018.

Starting January 1, 2018 the threshold has to raise for providing targeted social assistance from 40 to 50% of the subsistence minimum and implement its new format. At the same time all those who can work should be supported only on the condition of participation in the employment program.

The 5th Priority is the institutional transformation, security and anticorruption efforts.

Firstly, as part of the 3rd Modernization the Government needs to ensure the work on implementing the best practices and the OECD recommendations.

Secondly, we carry out reforms aimed at protecting private property, the rule of law and equality before the law. The activity needs to be continued.

The Government, together with "Atameken" NCE (National Chamber of Entrepreneurs)  and civil society, are assigned to conduct an audit of all legislation to strengthen protection of property rights.

The administrative and criminal law also needs to be humanized. Administrative fines should be fair and proportionate to the offense committed.

It is necessary to carry out further work to reduce the penalties for offenses in the sphere of business. It is necessary to decriminalize economic compositions with a low degree of public danger.

It is necessary to achieve greater confidence in the judicial system. It is important to avoid any undue influence on the work of judges.

Thirdly, the security status becomes the measure of a strong and capable state.

In modern conditions the humanity is faced with terrorism growth. The key here is the fight against financing the destructive forces and links with foreign terrorist organizations.

It is critical to prevent religious extremism propaganda, including on the Internet and social networks. It is necessary to form a society of zero tolerance for any action related to radical manifestations, especially in the sphere of religious relations.

The prisons should carry out organized purposeful activity of theological rehabilitation services to convicted persons. It is necessary to take additional steps to spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

Non-governmental sector and religious associations should be actively connected to that sort of activity.

All these measures have to be taken into account in the worked out, on my behalf, State Program on combating religious extremism and terrorism for 2017-2020.

Fight against cybercrime becomes more urgent.

The Government and the National Security Committee are assigned to take action to create a "Cyber Shield of Kazakhstan" system.

Fourthly, we have made significant steps to reduce the level of corruption in the country. At the same time, the main focus is on combating the effects of corruption.

It is necessary to intensify efforts to identify and eliminate the causes of corruption and assumptions.

One key issue is the procurement sector improvement.

I instruct the Government to introduce a unified public procurement system on the principle of centralized services.

The approaches for conducting procurement in the quasi-public sector, natural monopolies and subsoil sector also need to turn them around.

Much in anticorruption efforts shall depend on the whole society’s active participation. With the social networks and other media resources growth the unified non-admission should be a powerful tool in combating corruption.

Dear People of Kazakhstan!

By this Address I would like to convey to every citizen my view of development trends in the new reality.

I instruct the Government to develop a strategic plan for development until 2025 for the country’s 3rd modernization titled “Kazakhstan’s National Technology Initiative".

We have no other choice but meet the challenge gracefully and solve the problem for the country’s further modernization.

I believe our great nation fully takes advantage of the unique historical chance.

Dear Friends!

Kazakhstan is a new multi-ethnic, confident in its future, and dynamically developing country! We have passed the 25-year-old path of development. In the next 25 years we expect even higher frontiers.

By accumulating a unique wealth of experience when creating a state, we have entered a new stage. I am sure that no matter what difficulties are ahead of us, we will overcome them. Our main strength is unity.

We will turn Kazakhstan into a more prosperous country for our descendants!

Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. November 30, 2015

Dear Kazakhstanis!

Dear Members of Parliament and 

 Members of the Government!

Ladies and gentlemen!

In a few days, we will raise the banner of freedom and enter the 25th anniversary of the establishment of an independent state.  This is a significant moment that sums up a quarter of a century of our invaluable work to strengthen independence. Consolidating independence is even more difficult than achieving it. In order to strengthen the unshakable foundations of our statehood, we still have to go through many difficult, winding roads.

You see the trends of our time. We have entered a more difficult, difficult period. The global situation with new challenges and new opportunities is changing before our eyes. The confrontation between the giant countries and the mutual sanctions exchange are becoming more and more deadlocked. Prices for our main export products on the world market have fallen significantly. Today's situation is a time when we criticize our achievements and raise our country. At a crucial moment, we must remain united and selflessly work for the benefit of our country. We must work, adhering to the principle of "for all", "for all". 

Every time we change, there must be a modern approach. The best plan is a plan that can adapt to the demands of the time. We also set our goals and adjust our plans depending on the trends of the time. Our goal is to make Kazakhstan "Mangilik El" - our sacred homeland, where the country is happy, where it thrives! 

Linking shoulders with the rich and powerful countries that are among the 30 most developed countries in the world. We will definitely achieve this goal. Today I intend to publish my Message to the people of Kazakhstan, which will determine the main directions of development in the new global reality, where new challenges and new opportunities are developing.

Dear Kazakhstanis!

Dear members of Parliament, members of the Government!

Ladies and gentlemen!

In a few days, history will begin counting the 25th year of the country's Independence. In just a quarter of a century, Kazakhstan has taken place both as a sovereign national economy, included in global economic relations, and as a state that has become a full-fledged member of the world family of nations. Together we have withstood many trials, hardened and strengthened. We have achieved unprecedented rates of successful economic development in our entire history. Never before have our people lived as well as they do now. We have achieved a lot.

Now the world is changing rapidly. Another era is coming. A new global reality with different opportunities and risks is emerging before our eyes. Today, the economy of Kazakhstan is negatively affected by a number of external factors caused by the collapse in world markets. The origin of global crises does not depend on us. No one is immune from the impact of global crises. 

I. Challenges of the new global reality

Now it is also important for us to see all the challenges of the world's development.

First,the current global crisis is all-encompassing. Almost all world markets are unstable - financial, hydrocarbon, metals, food and others. This is the main reason for the decline in demand for our export products.

Secondly, economic growth is slowing down in all economies of the world. No one is surprised by the constant decline in forecasts for global GDP growth. Since the fall of 2011, the International Monetary Fund has already revised its forecast indicators 6 times, reducing them from 5 to 3 percent. And, apparently, this is not the limit.

Thirdly, there are no oil super-profits today.

Fourth, the global economy is under pressure from political factors. The world has become unstable. The leading powers have imposed sanctions against each other. Trust between them has sharply decreased. Instability and conflicts in the region of the Middle East, North and Central Africa have led to large-scale flows of refugees. Every day brings reports of terrorist acts and the death of dozens of people. International terrorism now poses a serious threat to peace. This is the result of the destruction of statehood through the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

The development of the world will take place against the background of fierce competition between world and regional centers of power. We must oppose the challenges of the new global reality with a holistic strategy of actions based on our real capabilities. 

II. Anti-crisis opportunities of Kazakhstan

The global crisis is not only a danger, but also new opportunities. Most of the world-class companies have become successful during the crisis periods of development. Almost all the countries that have achieved success over the past half century have started literally from scratch. And our Kazakhstan was born in a crisis era. The first decade was the most difficult period of Independence-we lived mainly "without oil". Independent Kazakhstan has always developed in spite of external economic elements. Was the first half of the 90s of the last century favorable for us, when we declared our Independence? At that time, production stopped, people were left without work and means of livelihood. We have overcome this crisis with dignity, step by step. As soon as our country began to feel the first results of changes, the financial crisis in Southeast Asia of 1997-1998 broke out.

The strategic decisions and actions taken at that time had an important positive significance. This is a large-scale privatization and the arrival of most multinational companies in our economy. At that time, we took up the construction of a new capital - Astana, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium began to work, the Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2030"was launched. The importance of the decision to create a National Fund became absolutely clear when the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 broke out. Almost $ 20 billion - 14 percent of Kazakhstan's GDP-was allocated for maintaining employment, repairing and building roads, improving cities and villages. The banking sector, farms, small and medium-sized businesses received assistance. Thousands of participants of shared-equity construction who were deceived by unscrupulous developers were able to get new housing thanks to the goodwill of the state.

We have developed and consistently implemented two Anti-Crisis Plans. This is our huge and successful experience of overcoming economic difficulties. The current global crisis has not suddenly fallen on our heads. I have repeatedly said that a new wave is almost inevitable. This time, Kazakhstan is applying a proactive anti-crisis strategy for the first time.

First, we have already started the second five-year plan of industrial and innovative development, that is, we are creating an economy independent of raw materials.

Secondly, we have adopted the State Program of infrastructure development "Nurly Zhol". An important aspect of anti-crisis measures is associated with the transition of the national currency tenge to a floating exchange rate.

Thirdly, we are implementing the " National Plan. One hundred concrete steps to implement 5 institutional reforms". The Parliament is working on the legislative support of the National Plan. This is more than 80 laws. They will start working from January 1, 2016, as we planned. Administrative barriers for small and medium-sized businesses are being eliminated, public administration, education and healthcare are being improved. All these measures will also give a margin of safety to the state, society, and our economy.

Fourth, we have accumulated the necessary state fund and gold-currency reserves.

Fifthly, on my instructions, well-thought-out options for actions have been developed, as I said earlier, in the event of a decline in oil prices to both $ 30 and $ 20 per barrel.

Sixth, the drivers of economic growth in Kazakhstan are new sectors of the economy created within the framework of innovative industrialization. Many manufacturing industries are showing growth. In five years, the manufacturing industry has grown by 1.3 times, the chemical industry and the production of building materials - by 1.7 times. The output of mechanical engineering products increased by 2.2 times, and exports-by 3 times. More than 800 industrial projects have been implemented. This year, the metallurgical industry grew by 15 percent at once, and the chemical industry-by 3.2 percent. Production of mineral products - by 3.2 percent, clothing-by 4 percent. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank forecast higher economic growth rates for Kazakhstan in 2016.

Seventh, the economic behavior of Kazakhstanis is changing. There is an increase in labor productivity, by more than 60 percent.
Our people have never lived as richly as they do today. Since gaining independence, we have built more than 1,300 healthcare facilities and more than 1,700 educational institutions. All the latest ones are of the zhabdyktadyk type. We have come to a situation where the most complex operations are performed by our doctors in our country. As a result of the growth in the number, correction of life, health of the population as a whole, the average life expectancy of Kazakhstanis has reached 72 years.  

In any case, the state fulfills its social obligations. "I don't know," he said. Starting from the New Year, the salaries of state employees, social benefits and scholarships will increase to an average of 30 percent. All this gives every reason for the people to confidently go into the future and live carefree.

Dear Kazakhstanis!

Two years ago, I published the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". During this time, we have already achieved outstanding results in its implementation, even despite the negative impact of the global crisis.

First, according to the Global Competitiveness Index of the Davo Economic Forum, Kazakhstan ranked 42nd in the world.

Secondly, Kazakhstan took the 41st position in the world ranking of countries that create the most favorable conditions for business.

Thirdly, today, on November 30, Kazakhstan de jure becomes a full member of the World Trade Organization. This will be officially announced at a meeting of the WTO General Council. This event is an important milestone in the history of independent Kazakhstan. It testifies to the recognition of our country as an equal trade and economic partner. Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO opens up new opportunities for both our exporters and foreign investors who will come to key sectors of our economy.

III. Our main anti-crisis stratagem

Today, a lot depends on us, who started our Great Kazakh Path and the idea of Mangilik El. We have long-term, medium-term and short-term action strategies.

Now and at any other time, our main anti-crisis stratagem is identical to three simple but important concepts: growth, reforms, development.

The first is growth. First of all, we are talking about economic growth. With regard to the current tasks, we need to restore such economic growth rates that will ensure Kazakhstan's entry into the top thirty most developed countries in the world. We must find new internal sources of growth through the disclosure of private initiative.

The second is reforms. They ensure the stability of the economy, society and the state. Now we are implementing the " National Plan. One hundred concrete steps". They are comparable in scale to the large-scale reforms that we carried out in the 90s. We need a deeper reform of the state and corporate management, financial and fiscal sectors.

The third is development. In the XXI century, the main factor of development is the continuous modernization of all spheres of society. We are working on a large-scale transformation of all state, public and private institutions based on the principles of a Society of Universal Labor, high social responsibility, targeted assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population.

IV. Five directions of anti-crisis and structural reforms

In the near future, we need to implement comprehensive anti-crisis and structural reforms in the following five areas.

FIRST. Financial sector stabilization

Our most important task is to quickly stabilize the financial system and bring it into line with the new global reality.

First, it is necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the financial sector in the conditions of a floating tenge exchange rate. The fundamental point is that there will be no return to the practice of endless maintenance of the national currency exchange rate at the expense of the National Fund. The National Bank needs to conduct stress testing of all subjects of the banking sector for non-performing loans. Based on its results, it is necessary to take measures to recognize them and write them off. Banks that have failed to solve the problem of capitalization should "leave" the financial system. Kazakh banks must comply with all international standards, including the Basel Committee and the International Monetary Fund. It is important to strengthen confidence in the national currency through the expansion of "de-dollarization" tools.

Secondly, within the framework of inflation targeting, the National Bank should reduce the inflation rate to 4 percent in the medium term. To do this, the mechanism of flexible changes in interest rates should be fully used.

Thirdly, it is necessary to eliminate the existing institutional defects of the National Bank. It is necessary to withdraw the Unified Pension Fund, the Problem Loans Fund and other financial institutions from its control.

Fourth, in 2016, pension assets should be transferred to the management of private Kazakhstani or foreign companies. In order to increase the profitability of pension savings, it is necessary to reconsider approaches to investing pension funds. It is necessary to treat and manage the Pension Fund in the same way as the National Fund.

The National Bank should regularly provide the company and financial institutions with comprehensive information on its activities. It is important to establish a normal working dialogue with all participants in the financial sector. Only after all these urgent measures have been taken, it is possible to start stimulating the economy, including by monetary methods. I believe that the new leadership will competently manage the National Bank. We all need to believe in the national currency - tenge. Deposits in tenge are now the best means for storing citizens ' savings.

SECOND. Optimization of budget policy

"Living within our means" is our proven principle and the correct model of budget policy, especially under the influence of the global crisis.

Now we note a decrease in tax revenues to the budget by almost 20 percent. The volume of VAT payments fell by a quarter, and for corporate income tax-by 13 percent. Raising taxes is not the way out of this situation. This will only mean additional pressure on the business. It is short – sighted to cover budget expenditures at the expense of the National Fund. We do not know what other side the next years will turn to us. Therefore, my position is principled – the use of funds from the National Fund for current expenses should be stopped. The only mechanism should remain an annual guaranteed, fixed transfer from the National Fund to the republican budget. I instruct the Government to develop a new concept for the formation and use of the National Fund's funds in the context of a new global reality.

We need to review the entire system of state revenues and expenditures. First of all, it is necessary to expand the revenue base of the budget. In 2017, it is necessary to introduce a sales tax instead of the current VAT. All inefficient tax benefits should be abolished. Tax regimes should be optimized - only three levels should be left. This is a general patent for individual entrepreneurs and a special tax regime for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the agricultural sector. Such a mechanism will bring the "shadow economy" to light.

The main task of the Government should be to increase the transparency of the tax sphere. This is the only way that every economic entity will be interested in paying taxes in full.

The government should ensure the efficiency of tax administration. Now the terms of property legalization have been extended until December 31, 2016. Additional incentives have been adopted to return property and money to legal circulation. Confidentiality and protection from prosecution are guaranteed. I instruct the Government to once again analyze the conditions of legalization and, if necessary, strengthen the guarantees for its participants. I urge everyone who is still thinking about participating in the legalization of property to take advantage of this opportunity.

The universal declaration of income and expenses will come into force on January 1, 2017. After that, measures will be taken to disclose accounts and assets, wherever they are, to find out their origin and taxation, including with the help of the OECD.

Now about measures to optimize budget expenditures. I instruct the Government to conduct a full audit of all budget programs. In a crisis, every tenge is important. Inefficient expenditures or those that can be covered by the private sector should be excluded from the budget. We need to review the costs of regional and industrial development programs.

The system of public expenditures and subsidies should be reviewed. Now a number of industries live at the expense of the state. At the same time, for example, state support tools through the KazAgro Corporation are not available for half of all agricultural producers. To" unload " budget expenditures, it is necessary to actively use the mechanisms of public-private partnership. We need to work out additional measures to encourage private investment in priority areas of the economy. It is important to attract more private investors not only to the construction of roads, gas pipelines, hospitals, schools and other facilities, but also to their reconstruction and maintenance. All the funds released during the optimization of budget expenditures should be directed, first of all, to projects that will bring real results for the population.

THE THIRD. Privatization and promotion of economic competition

Today, it is important to free up domestic resources as much as possible to ensure stable economic growth. To do this, we must use two effective tools – large-scale privatization and increased competition. What is holding back growth and competition today?

First of all, there is a large public sector - more than 7 thousand enterprises. Samruk-Kazyna and KazAgro holdings ineffectively control huge industrial and agricultural assets. The assets of the Samruk-Kazyna Fund account for more than 40 percent of GDP, include more than five hundred " granddaughters "and"great-granddaughters". KazAgro and Baiterek holdings have become inefficient intermediaries between the budget and banks. All this is accompanied by bloated staff and the consumption of huge budget resources, and at the same time leads to the displacement of private investment and initiative.

Now it is important to remove restrictions on the privatization of public sector facilities. It is necessary to revise a number of provisions of the Law "On State Property" and the Civil Code, to reduce the list of strategic objects that are not subject to privatization. I instruct the Government to develop a new privatization program, including all state-owned organizations in it. Including those belonging to "Samruk-Kazyna", "Baiterek" and "KazAgro". After privatization, all three management holdings should be transformed into compact organizations.

Privatization should be carried out at a fair market value, openly and competitively. The key mechanisms should be the placement of shares on the stock market and open auctions. It is necessary to create conditions for maximum participation of Kazakhstani and foreign investors in it. I instruct the Government to cancel the pre-emptive rights of all shareholders to purchase alienated assets.

Further, the Government should create conditions for free and healthy competition.

First, I instruct the Government to develop concrete proposals to strengthen antimonopoly activities. We need a separate law on the antimonopoly agency, with a clear regulation of its status and working procedure.

Secondly, it is necessary to eliminate the distortion of market incentives in the form of artificial price regulation. I instruct the Government to continue the further transition to market pricing in all sectors of the economy.

Third, competition policy should go hand in hand with effective regulation of bankruptcy processes and rehabilitation of inefficient companies. A market economy is a competition of the strong. Losers should be able to leave the market or start over. We don't have such a thing. Inefficient companies are lining up for various kinds of subsidies and benefits from the state. In no developed country does the bankruptcy of a company lead to the collapse of the industry or the shutdown of the enterprise with the dismissal of employees. Inefficient managers are replaced by new owners who bring investments with them. We should not "pull" non-competitive companies at the expense of the state. I instruct the Government to develop clear and understandable bankruptcy procedures for individuals and legal entities. It should be as easy as possible.

Entrepreneurs, enterprising citizens!

The state has created all the conditions for you to develop your business and stand firmly on your feet. At such critical hours, you have a great responsibility. Actively participate in the new stream of privatization, legalize funds and work openly. Being a strong country means being competitive. Each product "made in Kazakhstan" should have four qualities – high-quality, convenient, beautiful and inexpensive. Only then will our business be productive, our business will be liquid. We have to take care of ourselves, no one blesses us coming from outside.
I want to address the entrepreneurial class, all wealthy Kazakhstanis, all businessmen and business people. The state is taking unprecedented measures in our history for privatization and economic liberalization. The country has already given many of you the opportunity to earn money and be on the front pages of business magazines. I urge you to actively participate in the legalization of capital, privatization tenders. By doing this, you will help yourself and Kazakhstan, all our people.

FOURTH. Fundamentals of the new investment policy

In the next decade, Kazakhstan needs:

  • to ensure the annual growth of the economy at the level of 5 percent;
  • to increase the export of processed goods by at least 2 times compared to 2015 and bring it to $ 30 billion per year;
  • to increase the annual volume of investments in the economy by more than $ 10 billion, and in general, by at least $ 100 billion over 10 years;
  • create more than 660 thousand new jobs, increase labor productivity by 2 times.
Such economic growth rates can be achieved only through the formation of new drivers that ensure the inflow of export revenues.

The axiom of the new global reality is that only a diversified economy can effectively withstand the consequences of the global crisis. Therefore, we are implementing an industrialization program. We need a new investment policy.

First, it is important to attract private investment with an emphasis on multinational corporations. We must create a favorable environment for attracting "complex investments". This year, it was decided to create the Astana International Financial Center. It will become a regional hub in the field of Islamic finance, private banking and reinsurance. Kazakhstan should become a leading country in the region with strong institutions, a competent, effective and predictable government. We must have the best technical personnel, world-class infrastructure, public order and personal safety of people are ensured.

Further reforms aimed at improving the investment climate should be carried out jointly with the OECD and other international financial institutions. I instruct the Government to submit a detailed plan to improve the investment climate within three months. In addition, to intensify work with investors, I instruct to create a Government Council focused on attracting investors and improving the investment climate. It is necessary to create similar Councils in the regions to attract investment for the implementation of local projects.

Secondly, it is important to form regional drivers of economic growth. All investment projects are implemented directly in the regions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop separate programs for 6 macro - regions-Southern, Northern, Central-Eastern, Western, Almaty and Astana. It is necessary to develop small and medium-sized businesses around large regional projects. Therefore, the entrepreneurship support program "Business Roadmap 2020" should become part of the investment programs of macro-regions. It is necessary to provide for measures to increase the mobility of labor resources, primarily aimed at stimulating migration from labor-surplus to labor-deficient regions.

Macroregions should be united by a single transport, logistics and communication architecture created within the framework of the Nurly Zhol Program. Currently, 11 projects are being implemented in the key areas of "Center-South", "Center-East", "Center-West". The construction of the railway lines "Borzhakty - Yersai", "Almaty - Shu" and a ferry crossing in the port of Kuryk is underway. These projects have already provided 72 thousand people with jobs. I instruct the Government to step up the implementation of this program.

At the same time, taking into account the economic situation, it is necessary to diversify the sources of financing. During my visit to China, agreements were reached with Eximbank on attracting loans in the amount of $ 2.6 billion. Now many roads are being built at the expense of the state budget. But we need to attract foreign and local investors to these projects. In the near future, the projects of the Nurly Zhol program should be brought to a financing model with the involvement of private capital.

Third, it is now necessary to actively explore export niches in the global and regional markets. We must effectively use the economic potential of neighboring countries. First of all, these are China, Russia, Iran, Mongolia, India, Pakistan, the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. These countries import goods and services worth more than $ 3.5 trillion annually. It is necessary to conclude free trade agreements of the Eurasian Economic Union with key regional markets. The government should work out these issues with our partners and solve them for the benefit of everyone. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to connect all the resources of Kazakhstan's foreign institutions to this task.

Fourth, we need to develop the system of training technical personnel as much as possible. Technical and vocational education should become one of the main directions of investment policy. To do this, it is necessary to create training centers together with Germany, Canada, Australia and Singapore. They will become a model of the system of technical and vocational education for the whole country.

Fifth, it is necessary to increase the innovative potential of the Kazakh economy. It is important to lay the foundations for building the economy of the future. It is necessary to develop competencies in the field of smart technologies, artificial intelligence, integration of cyber-physical systems, energy of the future, design and engineering. This can be done only through the construction of an effective scientific and innovative system. It will be based on powerful research universities and innovative clusters formed on the basis of the high-tech park "Astana Business Campus" of Nazarbayev University and the technopark "Alatau" in Almaty. The holding of the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO – 2017 in Astana gives us a good opportunity to actively develop new energy based on"green technologies".

FIFTH. New social policy

For many years, dynamic economic growth has allowed us to pursue an active social policy and improve the quality of people's lives several times. Despite all the difficulties that our economy has experienced due to the negative impact of all global crises, we have always increased the well-being of Kazakhstanis. Over the past ten years, public spending on the social sphere has increased almost 3 times in real terms. The number of people employed in the social sphere and in public administration exceeds 1.2 million people. The State provides a large amount of benefits and payments. More than 1.5 million citizens receive them.

Against the background of economic risks, despite everything, we will continue to implement measures of social support for the population. I am announcing that starting from January 1, 2016, salaries for healthcare workers will be increased to an average of 28 percent, education to 29 percent, and social protection to 40 percent. At the same time, it is advisable to apply a differentiated approach to different categories of state employees. Next year, a 25% increase in the amount of social benefits for disability and loss of a breadwinner, as well as scholarships, will be provided. Since January 1, 2016, we have been indexing the solidary pension ahead of the inflation rate by 2 percent. In 2016, the salary of civil servants of the "B" corps will be increased by 30 percent. We will save money for these purposes after optimizing budget expenditures. Thus, we find the means to increase wages and fulfill our social obligations to the people!

I appeal to all socially vulnerable segments of the population. We have always helped those in need. But at the same time, social justice should not be distorted. After all, each social payment is an additional burden not just on the budget, but on every working citizen of Kazakhstan.  It should be clearly understood that the idea of social justice should not turn into social injustice in relation to working Kazakhstanis. It's their money!

Today, only a Society of Universal Labor can become a real basis for an effective economy that is resistant to external shocks. In order to expand social support for citizens, I instruct the Government to develop a new Employment Roadmap by the end of the first quarter of 2016. The amount of funding for the program should be increased in comparison with a similar Roadmap implemented in 2009-2010. This will ensure the stability of the labor market through projects for the development of local infrastructure and the improvement of settlements. Large-scale short-term retraining of personnel and advanced training will be organized again. Microcredit for the development of entrepreneurship will be expanded.

Today I set the task to develop a new social policy. The role of the State in the social sphere should be limited to supporting socially vulnerable citizens and ensuring investment in human capital. State targeted support will be provided only to citizens in need, based on an assessment of their real incomes and living conditions. Everyone else should earn by themselves, by their own labor. Taking into account the special needs of certain categories of our citizens, it is necessary to establish different values of the subsistence minimum with a revision of its structure. I instruct the Government to make proposals for optimizing the social security system within three months.

State support for those who can work should be provided only on the basis of their participation in retraining or employment programs. I instruct the Government to introduce such types of social assistance, starting from 2017. The state's priority in social policy should be large-scale investments in the development of human capital. We must continue to modernize the spheres of education and healthcare, according to previously adopted programs. I am announcing that a new project - "Free Vocational Education for All"-will be launched in 2017. I instruct the Government to start developing it.

Young citizens of Kazakhstan!

Get used to being educated, hardworking, proactive, active right now. Feel free to go to the region where there is work and demand.   If you reach the top of your skill, everything will be fine. Now is the birthday of technical specialties, science and innovation. A person who worked hard, tirelessly searched for science, tirelessly mastered technology.  "Yes," he said, " I don't want to. The fundamental reforms that we are implementing, and everything that we are doing, is being done for you, for the future.
I urge our young people to actively master working specialties. It is necessary to master working professions. At one time, I also started with working overalls, stood at the furnace of a blast furnace. Take an example! Years will pass, but this life experience will definitely be useful to you, no matter what fate you choose.

In general, all the measures put forward in the Address are of a real nature and, as always, are provided with reliable funding. In 2014-2015, 1 trillion tenge has already been allocated for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. For the projects of the "Nurly Zhol" program - 2.7 trillion tenge. Another 2.7 trillion tenge has been allocated to Kazakhstan by international financial organizations. The People's Republic of China has provided a loan of $ 2.7 billion. In general, 7.5 trillion tenge is attracted for the implementation of projects of this Address. The main task and responsibility of the Government is to use these funds effectively.

We are not alone in overcoming difficulties. Through our balanced foreign policy activities, we have gained many friends around the world. They support us. You have witnessed my visits and negotiations with the leaders of the leading countries of the world. An agreement was reached with China on cooperation in the non-resource sector for $ 23 billion. This is the construction of more than 40 new enterprises. The visits to London and Paris were also successful in terms of economic cooperation. The total amount of contracts concluded is $ 11.5 billion. The visit of the Russian President to our country showed the stability and strength of our traditional good-neighborly relations and the development of economic integration. The visit of the Prime Minister of Japan expands the prospects for investment and technological cooperation. For the first time, the Toyota concern comes to us, which will produce cars in Kazakhstan.

One of the main results is the high confidence of international financial institutions in us. In this difficult time, by supporting our reforms, they have given us access to financial resources in the amount of $ 9 billion. We have signed an agreement with the European Union on deep partnership and cooperation. We are united with the international community in the fight for a nuclear-free world, against terrorism and extremism. We stand for the peaceful resolution of any conflicts and do everything that depends on us for this.

The world is well aware of the reforms we have initiated, about 100 steps, and supports them. We must not disappoint our friends. These reforms, as well as the implementation of the interrelated tasks that I have set in this Message, will not be easy and, perhaps, even painful. But there is no alternative to them. If we do not do all this, we will fall hopelessly behind the world development. But, as always, we will do what we have planned.

Dear compatriots!

Since the beginning of the new 2016, new laws adopted within the framework of the National Plan will work. Today I announced new measures that are designed to strengthen our economy, state and society. Today, we all have a huge responsibility for the future of the country. We have a difficult job ahead of us. I assign a special role to the Nur Otan party in the implementation of all the tasks of my Address to the people of Kazakhstan. The message should become the basis for the actions of all party members and the program for the coming years. It is necessary to conduct extensive explanatory work, to mobilize people, to rally them to fulfill all the tasks set. Deputies from the party should legislatively ensure anti-crisis and structural reforms. I call on all political parties, public associations, and all citizens to feel a common concern for the well-being of our Motherland, to take an active part in the implementation of this Message.

The difficult stage that is coming will be a time of overcoming for us. We will definitely overcome the new global crisis. To do this, we have a united will, strong traditions of the unity of the people. We will bring our Kazakhstan to new frontiers of development!
Dear people of Kazakhstan!

 All crises are fleeting, pass and pass. Only such great values as the independence of the country, the ideals of the nation, and the future of generations are eternal. All that I have said is a barrier that can be overcome, that we can overcome. We are moving towards the goal of joining the top 30 developed countries without delay to the obstacles that arise horizontally.    

We have everything to become a high-spirited, hardworking, United Mangilik El. In the face of our history, which has raised the flag of independence and strengthened its pedestal, our face is bright! Our support is independence, our desire is stability, our desire is unity!

I believe in my people. Let our country spread its wings like a golden eagle on a blue flag and look from the heights!  Let the blue flag of our creative people always fly high! Forward Kazakhstan!

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the nation. January 17, 2014

Kazakhstan’s way – 2050:

common aim, common interests, common future

Dear fellow citizens!

Distinguished Members of Parliament!

A year ago I announced the new political course for Kazakhstan until 2050.The main goal is to join the group of 30 most developed countries.This project is called “Eternal Kazakhstan”. It is a mature vision of a new era in the history of our country.

Over the last 22 years Kazakhstan has accomplished a great deal. We have created our own successful model of development. Every citizen is immensely proud of their country. They have faith in tomorrow and believe in the future of Kazakhstan. 97 percent of our citizens recognize the stability of their social-economic condition and its continuous improvement year to year.

Today the achievements of our country are the national pride of every citizen. Strong and powerful countries are formed on long-term vision and stable economic development. Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050” is a modernization path for all areas to provide sustainable growth. It is a big challenge, which will test and strengthen our country, our unity, our courage and our efforts. Our common duty and responsibility is to implement the strategy flawlessly and overcome this test without failures!

Dear fellow citizens!

Kazakhstan of the 21st century is a country created from scratch in just two decades by talented, hardworking and tolerant people! This is our creation in which we take huge pride! It is our great creation that we wholeheartedly love!

We’ve adopted Strategy-2050 so that Kazakhstan’s people can hold firmly in their hands the helm of the country's future. Today, many successful countries – China, Malaysia and Turkey – follow their long-term strategies. Strategic planning is a ‘number one’ rule in the 21st century, because no wind will be favorable unless a country does not know its route and destination harbor. Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050”, as a guiding beacon, allows us to solve our people’s everyday issues, while also keeping our priority aims in mind. This means that we should improve the life of our nation not in 30 or 50 years’ time, but do so every year. 

The Strategy is a program of concrete practical actions, which on a daily basis will improve our country and the life of every citizen of Kazakhstan. However, everyone must understand that, in market conditions, we must work effectively, rather than wait for “manna from heaven”. The government’s task is to provide all conditions for this. 

I am convinced that the prosperous future of our homeland lies among developed countries. Achieving this ambition will unite the people of Kazakhstan forever.

Today, I want to present our plan for joining the 30 most developed countries of the world.  On my instruction, the Government has drafted a detailed plan for Kazakhstan to take its place among the top 30 countries. I gave my overall endorsement to this document, which will be finally approved after revision to fit my instructions in this Address.

According to many forecasts, the next 15-17 years will be a “window of opportunity” for large-scale breakthrough development of Kazakhstan.

During this period, we will have a favorable external environment, rising demand for resources, energy and food, and the growth of the Third Industrial Revolution.We should make benefit of this time.

The process of achieving the goals for 2050 will proceed against the background of intense global competition. Forthcoming decades will bring many well-known challenges, as well as numerous unexpected situations, new crises in global markets and world politics. There will be no “easy ride” in the 21st century. The middle of the century is already not too distant. Developed countries take this into account in their specific strategies. The second third of the 21st century will definitely be more difficult, and the number of candidates to the global list of top 30 will be very limited. I have repeatedly noted that the concept of a “developed country” is a category that changes over time. In developed countries, we see fundamentally new qualities in the life of people.

Today the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) represent basic indicators of developed countries. This organization brings together 34 countries that produce more than 60 percent of global GDP. There are six more candidates to join the OECD: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa. The OECD member countries have undergone the path of deep modernization. They now demonstrate high rates of investment, scientific research, productivity, a large share of small and medium-sized businesses, and high standards of living. These indicators of OECD countries provide a natural benchmark for Kazakhstan on our way to joining the top 30 developed nations of the world.

I set the task to introduce in Kazakhstan a number of principles and standards of the OECD. They are reflected in the draft Plan. In our economy, we plan to reach annual GDP growth not less than four percent. We should increase the volume of investment from the current 18 percent of the country’s GDP to 30 percent. The development of knowledge-based economy aims to see the share of non-oil products in Kazakhstan's export potential rise to 70 percent.

The development of new high-tech sectors of the economy will require increase in financing of science to the minimum level of 3 percent of GDP. It is necessary to halve the energy intensity of the GDP. By 2050, small and medium-sized businesses will produce at least 50 percent of Kazakhstan's GDP, instead of the current 20 percent. Labor productivity should grow five-fold, from the current $24,500 to $126,000.

The main benchmarks of the SOCIAL SECTOR development until 2050 are provided in concrete indicators. We should increase by 4.5 times our GDP per capita, from $13,000 to $60,000. Kazakhstan will become a country where the middle class makes up a predominant share of the population. Following the global trend, the share of our urban population will increase from the current 55 percent to roughly 70 percent. The cities and settlements of Kazakhstan will be linked by high-quality roads and high-speed transport.

The maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, and advances in medicine will help increase the life expectancy in Kazakhstan to 80 years and above. Kazakhstan will become one of the leading Eurasian centers of medical tourism. The building of an advanced and competitive national educational system will be completed. Kazakhstan has to become one of the most SAFE AND COMFORTABLE COUNTRIES FOR LIVING. Peace and stability, justice and rule of law are the basis of a developed country.

Fellow citizens!

Our Plan for Kazakhstan joining the top 30 developed countries of the world includes long-term priorities for our activity. It requires us to address a number of challenges in the following priority areas.

FIRST. It is important to adjust and strengthen the trend of innovative industrialization. I gave instructions to the Government to design a draft of the Second Five-Year Plan for Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development for 2016-2019. We need to limit the number of priorities for industrialization.

It is important to increase the effectiveness of traditional mining sectors. They are our natural competitive advantage. We need to adopt new approaches to the management, production and processing of hydrocarbons, to maximize the export potential of the energy sector. We need to make final decisions on possible future scenarios for oil and gas production. It is important to increase the development of rare earth metals, taking into account their importance for knowledge-based industries – electronics, laser technology, telecommunications and medical equipment.

Kazakhstan should enter the world market of geological exploration. We need to attract investment from foreign engineering companies to this industry by simplifying legislation. In general, we should have separate plans for the development of traditional industries. Each of the next five-year plans should end up with an emergence of new industries in our economy. During the first five-year plan, we developed production capability in the automotive and aircraft industries, as well as locomotives, passenger and freight car production. We should expand these products and export them to external markets.

So, the remaining years until 2050 are divided into seven five-year periods, each aimed at achieving the goal of becoming one of top 30 developed countries.

During the second and subsequent five-year plans, we should establish the industries of mobile and multimedia technology, nanotechnology and space technology, robotics, genetic engineering, and future energy exploration. The key priority of the Government’s work is to create most favorable conditions for Kazakhstan's business, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises. In the next 10-15 years, it is necessary to develop a knowledge-intensive basis for the economy. Without this basis we cannot join the group of developed countries. And it must be founded on advanced science.

SECOND. We need to ensure that our AGRICULTURE takes the path of innovations. This is our traditional industry. The global demand for food will increase. This sector will attract more investment. This will enable farmers to look beyond short-term weather-related achievements to the long-term growth of production. Competition in the global agro-production will intensify. Agricultural lands should be used by those who introduce new technologies, continuously improve productivity, and perform on the basis of the best international standards.

First and foremost, it is important to develop an effective land market, particularly through transparent pricing mechanisms. Once investment and introduction of advanced technologies become pre-requisites for farmland leasing, it will increase competition. We should remove all barriers that impede business development in agriculture, farmers’ cooperation and efficient land use.

The future lies in the creation of a network of new processing enterprises in the agricultural sector, mainly in the form of small and medium-sized businesses. In this area we should provide loans to business. Farmers should have direct access to long-term financing and markets without intermediaries. Also important is the creation of an effective system of guarantees and insurance of loans to rural producers. Kazakhstan should become a major regional exporter of meat, dairy and farming products. In crop farming, we should reduce the volume of unprofitable water-intensive crops cultivation and switch to vegetable, oilseed and forage production. We need a set of measures to drive the efficient use of agrochemicals, and increased use of modern technology of zero tillage and other innovations in arid regions.

According to the Plan for the transition to the “green” economy by 2030, 15 percent of acreage will be converted to water-saving technologies. We need to develop agricultural science and create experimental agro-innovation clusters. It is important to keep up with the pace of time, and along with the production of natural food, develop drought-tolerant, genetically modified crops. Given the designated tasks, I charge the Government to adjust the planning for agriculture development.

THIRD. The development of knowledge-based economy is, above all, the increase of the capacity of science in Kazakhstan. In this area we should improve legislation on venture financing, intellectual property protection, research and innovation support, as well as commercialization of research. I charge the Government before September 1 of this year to develop and submit to the Parliament a package of relevant bills. We need a concrete plan for the gradual increase of science financing for specific research and scientific discoveries. These are essential to the country and we need to bring them to the level of developed countries.

To accelerate the transfer of knowledge and new technologies to the country, we need to fully use the potential of foreign direct investment. In cooperation with foreign companies we need to set up design and engineering centers. We need to invite the leading transnational companies operating in major oil and gas and mining facilities to establish production facilities for their own needs and services here, in Kazakhstan. I know some large companies are ready for this. The Government must elaborate on this issue and provide favorable conditions for the process if necessary. There is no need to import equipment from abroad, if we can produce it in our country.

It is important to improve the efficiency of the national innovation system and its basic institutions. Their activities should be oriented to supporting start-ups and venture deals at early stages. It is necessary to increase activity in technology parks, mainly in large urban agglomerations, primarily in Astana and Almaty. In Astana, the first intellectual innovation cluster is already successfully operating around Nazarbayev University. In Almaty there is an “Alatau” Information Technology Park. We need to think about bringing spin-off production sites of large local companies into the clusters.

FOURTH. We have to ensure dynamic development of the infrastructure triad — AGGLOMERATIONS, TRANSPORTATION, AND ENERGY. Agglomerations are the foundation of the knowledge-based economy of Kazakhstan. Their creation and development are an important challenge given the vast territory of our country and its low population density. The largest cities of Kazakhstan, Astana and Almaty, Shymkent and Aktobe must become contemporary urban centers driving economic growth. They should become centers of science and investment, attract talent, and provide high-quality education, healthcare, social, and cultural services.

Transport infrastructure is at the heart of industrial economy and society. I have said many times that it is impossible to reach the level of a developed country without modern high-quality highways. As we are located between Europe and Asia, between the North and the South, transportation remains of great importance to Kazakhstan. To set up a network of internal roads, we have initiated construction of highways “Astana-Karaganda-Almaty”, “Astana-Pavlodar-Ust’-Kamenogorsk”, “Almaty-Kapchagay-Ust-Kamenogorsk”. These routes are already used by trains that are twice as fast.

We need to develop the logistics services sector. First of all, it is a question of the maximum use of the Customs Union territory for transportation of our goods. The construction works of the “Western Europe – Western China” corridor are coming to an end. We have built a new railway to Turkmenistan and Iran with an access to the Persian Gulf. In the future, Kazakhstan must invest in the creation of logistics centers in countries with access to the sea. It is necessary to reduce the customs clearance time for goods, increase the capacity of border checkpoints, strengthen the efficiency of the Aktau seaport, and simplify exporting and importing procedures.

We are constructing the new 1200 km long railway Zhezkazghan – Shalkar – Beineu. This railway will connect the country’s west and east, reviving activities in the regional centers. This grand construction is to be completed in 2015. These routes will enable us, through the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus, to reach Europe and, in the East, the Lianyungang seaport bordering the Pacific Ocean, upon which there is an agreement with the People’s Republic of China.

We are going to develop the traditional energy sector. It is necessary to support research in cleaning fossil-fuel power plants’ emissions and in energy saving, in industry and household, based on the most sophisticated technologies. Recently, ten largest companies of the European Union publicly opposed the EU energy strategy based on the well-known concept of the green economy. Over the four years of its implementation, the European Union has lost 51 gigawatt of energy power. In our green energy program, we have to take into account all of these mistakes.

Preparation for the international exhibition EXPO 2017 in Astana should be used to establish a center for the study and implementation of the world’s best research and the creation of future energy. A team of specialists, under the auspices of Nazarbayev University, should lead this work. We should create conditions for the transition of our public transport to environmentally friendly fuels, introduce electric cars, and create the necessary infrastructure for them. The country needs large-scale production of gasoline, diesel fuel, and aviation kerosene. We need to construct a new oil-processing refinery.

At the same time, we should not forget about development of nuclear energy. The demand for cheap nuclear energy, in the foreseeable future, will only increase. Kazakhstan is the world leader in uranium production. We have to develop our own fuel industry and build nuclear power stations.

FIFTH. SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS development is the main tool for the industrial and social modernization of Kazakhstan in the 21st century. In this respect my position, as it is known, is well-defined, and I have expressed it many times. The greater the share of small-to-medium-sized businesses in our economy is, the more developed and sustainable Kazakhstan will be. Currently we have more than 800,000 small-to-medium-size enterprises employing 2.4 million of our citizens. Production in this sector has increased 1.6 times over the past four years and equals more than 8.3 billion tenge.

According to the global ranking, Kazakhstan has joined the group of countries with the most favorable conditions for doing business.We have to reinforce this trend.Small and medium-sized business is the economic basis of our Universal Labor Society. For its development we need to comprehensively address private property rights. It is necessary to repeal all the outdated legal norms impeding business development. Small business should become a family tradition, passed down from generation to generation.

It is important to support the specialization of small business as they grow in size. We need clear bankruptcy procedures for such enterprises. Small and medium-sized business should develop around new innovative companies. I charged the Government to combine the next five-year industrialization plan with the “Business road map 2020”. The Government, together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, should establish effective support mechanisms for new entrepreneurs.

SIXTH. Our path to the future is related to creating NEW OPPORTUNITIES to UNLEASH THE POTENTIAL of our citizens. A developed country in the 21st century has active, educated, enterprising and healthy citizens. What do we need to achieve this?

First, all developed countries have a unique high-quality education system. We have a great deal of work to do to improve the quality of all parts of national education. By 2020 we expect all Kazakhstan’s children from three to six years to be in preschool education. Therefore it is important to provide these children with modern education methods and qualified personnel. In the secondary education, it is necessary to improve the standard of teaching in all schools to the level of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. High school graduates should speak Kazakh, Russian and English. The result of teaching should be mastery of critical thinking skills, independent research and in-depth analysis of information.

In the period up to 2017, we need to eliminate the lack of space in schools and convert schools to a two-shift study system where it is necessary. Government and akims (governors) should adjust the budgetary allocation to this task. In the next two-three years, we need to create a core of a national system of dual technical and professional education. We need to move to a guarantee by the government of a technical education for young people. I charge the Government to submit concrete proposals on this issue by June 1, 2014.

We need to start a gradual transition of our leading universities to academic and administrative autonomy. I believe it necessary to establish an effective system of student support for high performers. I charge the Government to provide the increase of scholarships by 25 percent from January 1, 2016.

Second, the main priority in healthcare is primary care services. The introduction of compulsory health insurance should be considered. The joint responsibility of the state, the employer and the employee for his/her health is the main principle of the entire health care system. Sports, proper diet, regular preventive examinations are the foundation of disease prevention.

Thirdly, we must provide new impetus for Kazakhstan’s cultural development. The long-term Concept of the cultural policy should be developed. It is necessary to identify measures aimed at creating a competitive cultural mentality of the Kazakhstan people and the development of modern cultural clusters.

Kazakh language has become the language of science, knowledge and Internet. The number of students studying in Kazakh has increased over the years. There are now 57 centers across the country that teach the state language. Thousands of citizens have learned Kazakh in these centers, and there are people who are in the process of learning the language. This year, the number of representatives of other ethnicities who speak Kazakh has increased by 10 percent, compared with last year. It reveals the important changes that are underway. Only over the past three years, 10 billion tenge was allocated across the country to develop the state language. There is one fact that no one can change! Our native language has become the Eternal Language in our Eternal Land. We should consider it not as a ground for debates, but as a foundation to unite our country.

Fourth, we should revise social packages for people working in education, healthcare and social security sectors. I charge the Government to develop and implement a new model of pay system for civil servants from July 1, 2015. It should provide an increase in the salaries of healthcare employees by 28 percent, in the education sector – by 29 percent, and in the social security sector – by 40 percent.

Fifth, we must do more to support our citizens with disabilities. Kazakhstan must become a barrier-free zone for them. It is our duty to take care of those people. The countries around the world tackle these issues. People with disabilities can work in the service sector, food processing and agriculture industries. I am calling upon our businesses to encourage the employment of people with disabilities. An introduction of a special quota of up to five-ten people should be considered.

We will incorporate these people into active life, and they will not only receive disability benefits, but also feel themselves full-fledged members of the society. All social institutions, non-profit organizations, and the Nur Otan party have to start addressing this issue. The Government needs to coordinate the process with other actors and make respective decisions. I charge the Government to increase by 25 percent the amount of social benefits for those with disabilities and those who lost their breadwinner, starting July 1, 2015. The legal framework for associations of disabled persons should be improved. All government entities - from the Central Government to the local akims – should intensify this work.

We must continue reducing poverty and tackling unemployment. At the same time, it is important not to allow welfare mentality to grow. For all recipients of state allowances and aid, it is necessary to introduce a rule for mandatory participation in employment programs and social adaptation.

SEVENTH. Improving PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. As we move towards the top 30 developed countries, we need an atmosphere of creativity, fair competition, rule of law, and high standards of legal culture. We need renewed instruments of interaction between the state, the non-government sector and business.

Equality before the law should become the real basis of the law and order. The judicial system should become transparent and accessible in practice, resolving all disputes in a simple and rapid manner. It is necessary to increase the quality of the entire law enforcement system. Men in uniform, provided with great authority, have to demonstrate high standards of behavior and professionalism.

An important task is to create and implement the new anti-corruption strategy. Administrative reform should not turn into a cumbersome process of unnecessary paperwork and document circulation. We should give more independence to local authorities, while increasing their responsibility for results and their accountability to the people. I charge the Government, together with my Administration, to submit a set of proposals on all these issues by 1 July 2014.

It is necessary to keep on putting into practice the meritocracy principles in the management of human resources in state-owned enterprises, national companies, and state budget-financed organizations. I charge the Government to ensure the wages of the “B” corps civil servants grow by 15% since 1 July 2015, and by another 15% since 1 July 2016.

These are clear goals our country and our society will face on their way to the top 30 developed countries. We will have to translate them into relevant legislation and concrete actions.

Distinguished Members of Parliament and Government!

Our movement towards the top 30 developed countries should proceed in two stages.

The first stage embraces the period before 2030, during which we will have to make a modernization breakthrough using a “window of opportunity” in the 21st century. It requires Kazakhstan to achieve what the developed countries accomplished during the industrial boom of the last century. This is feasible. South Korea and Singapore followed this path. At this stage, we will ensure dynamic growth of our traditional sectors and create a strong manufacturing industry.

During the second stage, between 2030 and 2050, we need to ensure sustainable development of the country on the principles of the knowledge-based economy. We will build a strong manufacturing industry. In our traditional sectors, we will move to high-end products. Engineering services will be developed as a basis for the knowledge-based economy.

Now I want to focus on what has to be done this year, taking into account that our future achievements depend on how well we begin. I am charging the Government and the National Bank with seven specific tasks.

First. The Government has to ensure the economic growth of 6-7 %. This year, GDP per capita will have to be not less than $14,500.

Second. By May 1, 2014, the National Bank, together with the Government, has to develop a set of measures to bring inflation down to 3-4% in the medium term.

Third. By June 1, 2014, the Government and the National Bank have to develop a comprehensive financial sector development program to run until 2030.

Fourth. The Government, together with the Fund “Samruk-Kazyna”, should analyse all state-owned companies, define a list of enterprises to be privatized. The same work should be done for the rest of the public sector. In the first quarter of the current year, a comprehensive privatization program for 2014-2016 has to be adopted.

Fifth. By the end of the year, the Government has to prepare draft strategies on the formation of agglomerations in Astana and Almaty for the period until 2030.

Sixth. By September 1, 2014, the Government has to prepare Kazakhstan’s transit potential development program until 2030, envisaging the removal of barriers to international trade.

Seventh. By the end of the first quarter of this year, the Government has to agree on the location, investment sources, and construction schedule for a nuclear power plant and fourth oil refinery.

Fellow citizens!

My comrades-in-arms!

All our actions designed to reach the main goal of the 2050 Strategy have to follow clear principles.

Firstly, pragmatism and the evolutionary nature of all decisions. No leaps, thoughtless experiments or adventures should be accepted in the economy, politics, or social life. Our country and society will change as fast as the surrounding world.

Secondly, mutually beneficial openness. We will attract a wide range of foreign investments, technologies, and innovations to our economy. We will create favorable conditions for the investors.

We see the deepening integration of our economy in regional and global economic systems as an important mechanism for joining the top 30 developed countries. This is, above all, linked to our participation in building the Eurasian Economic Union and joining the World Trade Organization.

Thirdly, reinforcing our citizens’ wellbeing. The social conditions of ordinary people should be the most important indicator of our progress towards the major goal.

Fourthly, nationwide support is very important. My Address to the people is in itself the main document explaining our goals and objectives. Each minister, local governor and company head has to explain and lead these activities and involve everyone they manage in this work. Each citizen has to be informed of specific measures that are taken in order to achieve the goals stated in the Address. To this end, first of all, public servants have to know and be imbued with the ideas of our Strategy.

The President’s Administration and the Government have to work to enable the achievement of all of these objectives.

On the whole, the structure of public institutions has to fit the achievement of the goals ahead of us and make sure we achieve the 2050 Strategy goals.

Fellow citizens!

We, the people of Kazakhstan, are a united nation! And our shared destiny - our Mangilik Yel or the Eternal Land – is our great country of Kazakhstan! Mangilik Yel is the national idea of our shared Kazakh home.

Over the past 22 years of our sovereignty and development we have formed our core values, they are the foundation of our country’s future and unite all the people of Kazakhstan. They are not taken from mystical stories or theories. These values are the embodiment of Kazakhstan’s Way, which has withstood the test of time.

First of all, it is the independence of Kazakhstan and our Astana.

Second, our national unity, peace and harmony are foremost in our society.

Third, it is a secular society with high spirituality.

Fourth, economic growth based on industrialization and innovation.

Fifth, it is the Universal Labor Society.

Sixth, we have a common history, culture and language.

Seventh, it is our country’s national security and its engagement in addressing global and regional issues.

With these values, we have triumphed, strengthened our country, multiplied our achievements.

There is an ideological foundation of the New Kazakhstan Patriotism in these state forming and nationwide values. I charge the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, together with the National Movement "Kazakhstan - 2050", to organize the drafting and adoption of a Patriot Act Mangilik Yel.

I call upon all political parties, public associations, all the citizens of Kazakhstan to actively participate in the achievement of the main goals of the Strategy - 2050!

I particularly appeal to our youth. This strategy is for you. You, who will participate in its implementation, and you will reap the benefits of its success. Get involved in these efforts, each in your workplace. Do not be indifferent. Help create the destiny of the country together with the whole nation!         

My dear fellow citizens!

Mangilik Yel (the Eternal Land) has been a precious dream for many thousands of years. It is a dream of becoming an Independent Country that has equal relations with other countries and has its own place on the world map. It is a dream of becoming a happy country that allows its citizens to have fulfilling lives and to look at the future with faith.

We have made our dreams come true. We have laid the foundation of the Eternal Land. I noticed people asking “What should be the national idea of the people ofKazakhstan?” There is an idea that shows us the direction to the future, that consolidates the nation and leads to the accomplishment of great ambitions. It is the idea of Mangilik Yel – the Eternal Land. With Independence, we have accomplished our Great Ambitions. We have founded our Eternal Capital - the heart of our country, the base of our independence.

The achievements of Kazakh people (Mangilik Gumur) will help us build The Great Future (Mangilik Bolashak). The next generation is the children of the Great Kazakh people. Therefore, the national idea of Kazakhstan is the Eternal Land!

The concept of the Eternal Land (Mangilik El) is the foundation of the nation’s great course – strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”. It is more difficult to sustain the independence than to achieve it. It is a centuries-old truth, proved by many nations in the world. Mutual hostility and lack of cohesion have caused the disappearance of many nations. Many nations are lost forever having been unable to withstand the tests of time. We must learn from the mistakes of others and draw lessons from the past. One lesson is that the creation of the Eternal Land lies in our own hands. We need to encourage ourselves to keep moving forward. We absolutely must preserve our Undeniable Independence, that is our wealth and our happiness.

“Kazakhstan – 2050” is the most honorary and the most decent way to lead to the Eternal Land. Let’s not move away from this path, my dear nation!

May everyday be festive and every effort be beneficial!

May the development be rapid and the future be prosperous!

May our country continue to surprise the world with its great achievements!

Long live, Kazakhstan!

Astana, January 17, 2014

Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan, January 27, 2012

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan

Socio-Economic Modernization as Main Vector of Development of Kazakhstan

January 27, 2012

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

Dear deputies and members of the Government!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Kazakhstan has bravely entered the third decade of independence.

The new Parliament and reshuffled Government have begun their work.

In 2011, the country’s economy grew by 7.5 per cent.

The gross domestic product per capita exceeded 11,000 USD.

A substantial part of previously sold assets has been returned to state ownership.

Now key assets of the “Bogatyr”, Karachaganak, Kashagan fields, ENRC and “Kazakhmys” companies will be in state possession.

In the past I said “We sell according to the situation, and now it’s time to privatize, but we will return it in proper time”.

Therefore, now it is being returned. The oversight of shares is in the hands of the government of Kazakhstan. Now we will manage everything by ourselves.

The people of Kazakhstan became united, mature and strong.

However, we are living in a complicated time full of difficulties and contradictions.

You can see that the predicted global crisis has become a reality.

According to the experts, the new world crisis may last for 5-6 years.

Our concern is to prepare the economy for this challenge, and continue its diversification.

We are a state who strives to join the ranks of the high-income countries by 2015.

We will achieve this goal maintaining the unity and working with the same dedication.

Dear compatriots!

The next stage of Kazakhstan’s development calls for new measures to strengthen the economy and improve the people’s welfare.

It is vital for Kazakhstan to find the optimal balance between economic success and providing public benefits.

This is a fundamental issue of socio-economic modernization in the modern world.

This is the main vector of Kazakhstan’s development in the next decade.

I dedicate my new Address to the people of the country to this important subject.

We need to implement a set of tasks in ten directions.

First. Employment in Kazakhstan.

I have instructed the Government to approve a radically new Employment Programme.

It sets three important tasks.

First, to create an effective system of training and employment assistance.

Second, to promote entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Third, to increase the mobility of human resources and prioritize employment in the centres of economic activity in Kazakhstan.

In 2011, the programme was tested in a pilot mode with the participation of almost 60,000 people.

All the preparatory work and legal framework has been completed.

Now we must move on to the implementation of this important programme.

I instruct the Government and Akims to begin a large-scale implementation of this programme starting this year.

It is also about providing micro-credits to those who work in the countryside. These people, who want to work in a city, must be trained and employed at the expense of the state. By the end of the programme in 2020, we must therefore provide qualitative jobs for 1.5 million people.

Second. Affordable housing.

We have begun to implement the programme of new housing construction.

Every year 6 million square metres of housing are put into service.

However, we must also provide housing to more than half a million young families.

For this purpose, we should bring rental housing space up to 1 million square metres.

We also should explore the two concepts of long-term lease and buying.

Those who have funds and have the opportunity can buy a house in the future.

And those who have no opportunity can take it for a long-term lease.  We should consider these two ways.

In addition, the payment for lease should be in line with the resources of an average-income family.

However, new opportunities will arise for housing construction.

As you remember, during the last crisis we increased housing construction across Kazakhstan, creating new jobs and providing many opportunities for business.

As it was before, the relevant funds will be allocated to the oblasts.

Housing will be constructed and leased.

All of this should be clearly shown in the ‘Affordable Housing’ Programme.

The state will supply this programme with appropriate funds.

I instruct the Government to prepare and adopt the mentioned document by no later than 1 July this year.

Third. Development of the regions.

Prosperous Kazakhstan means, first and foremost, strong regions.

The future of the country is connected with the development of the promising fields of the economy.

For this purpose, we must construct new factories, create new jobs and rapidly develop social infrastructure.

At present many countries around the world are acting this way.

A state must help its citizens move to promising areas.

Kazakhstan’s agglomeration of cities with bright future includes Astana, Almaty, Aktobe, Aktau, and Shymkent.

The Government must adopt a development programme for agglomeration of settlements.

The development of towns relying on one enterprise or a sector is a separate issue.

The situation in Zhanaozen has shown that one-industry towns are prone to social risks.

The Government had to declare a state of emergency in Zhanaozen and take comprehensive measures to stabilize the situation in the town.

At present, the situation there has returned to normal.

In the Majilis election, the majority of Zhanaozen citizens voted for the Nur Otan Party.

This indicates their full support for the state’s policies.

Therefore, I have decided that the state of emergency in Zhanaozen will not be extended any further.

However, we must draw the appropriate conclusions from this situation, learn from it, and always take it into account.

I instruct the Government to develop a special programme on the development of single-industry towns.

It must include the diversification of every specific direction of a town’s economy and social development.

In addition, great attention should be given to the support of local small and medium enterprises.

It is important to improve local self-government and increase the participation of citizens in considering issues of local development.

The Government must develop a Concept on the development of local self-government before July 1 this year.

Fourth. Improvement in the quality of public services.

This is an important aspect for combating corruption and improving public confidence in the activities of state bodies.

First, it is necessary to develop an E-government.

By the end of 2012, 60 per cent of socially relevant public services, including all types of licenses, should be granted only in the electronic form.

By 2013, the people of Kazakhstan should receive all permits from the state also in the electronic form or through the Population Service Centres (PSCs).

The PSCs should be also entrusted with registration of vehicles and issuing of driver’s licenses.

Second, an important aspect of modernization is the simplification of administrative procedures.

Following my instructions, the list of permits has already been reduced by 30 per cent.

The Government has prepared a draft Law, which will further reduce all types of licenses and permits by one third.

The next step is the introduction of new principles of enabling legislation.

Third, it is necessary to increase computer literacy of the population, including through various incentive programmes.

I urge the people of Kazakhstan to actively master information technologies.

Fifth. The 21st century imposes high requirements for the management of a modern state, which is more complicated.

Our most important task is to train a skilled political class of executives.

I instruct the Government and the Presidential Administration to prepare proposals on candidates for the presidential reserve of personnel before the end of the first half of 2012.

A special commission will select candidates according to the criteria of education and professionalism, high moral qualities, creativity and successful work in assigned office.

They will have a salary comparable to that of business entities according to the dynamics of economic development of the country.

They will form the basis of a new managerial elite, which is to worthily lead Kazakhstan in the 21st century.

Sixth. Modernization of the judiciary and law enforcement systems.

Judges must administer justice guided by the law and their conscience only.

It is necessary to radically revise the procedure for formation of judiciary.

We need to legally limit the possibility of unfounded decisions of appeal courts on the return of cases for new investigation in lower courts.

The entire judicial system, starting from the Supreme Court, is required to increase responsibilities and qualifications, and begin improving their work at their own discretion.

Any violation of law by judges will be treated as an emergency, and should be brought to the public’s attention.

We should strengthen the system of arbitration and tribunal courts.

It is required to complete the development of the new Criminal Procedure Code and the draft Law on private detective activity this year.

An important issue covers the qualitative personnel replacement in law enforcement and special agencies.

I set the task to hold re-certification of their personnel until 1 July 2012.

Only after that should we consider the increase in wages and extension of a social support package for law enforcement personnel, as well as technical provision.

To strengthen the fight against transnational organized crime in the Common Economic Space, I believe it is high time to create Euraspol, the Eurasian police, which is comparable to Interpol.

I instruct the Government to develop and submit relevant proposals to our partners in the CES.

One of the important aspects of modernization is the vigorous fight against corruption.

Our actions in this line have significantly reduced the level of corruption in the government. This is noted by the international experts.

However, we need to develop a new strategy to combat corruption.

It is necessary not only to detect and bring corrupt officials to trial.

We must use new legal tools, information capabilities, and greater involvement of society in order to prevent corruption offenses.

It is necessary to explore and use the experience of other countries. Public servants should be required to declare both their income and expenses.

It is necessary to adopt a law on this issue.

I instruct the Government to prepare and submit a Comprehensive Anti-Corruption Programme within three months.

Seventh. Qualitative growth of human capital in Kazakhstan.

This means, above all, education and healthcare.

During the modernization of the education system, it is important to take the following measures:

First, to introduce advanced techniques and technologies in the education process.

Today, Nazarbayev University and the intellectual schools work successfully in keeping with international standards.

A network of advanced institutions of vocational education is under development.

It is necessary to disseminate their experience across the whole education system inKazakhstan, and to bring all educational institutions up to their level.

Second, it is important to improve the quality of pedagogic staff.

It is necessary to strengthen the standards of basic pedagogic education and the requirements for the professional development of teachers in schools and universities.

Each region must have operating integrated centres for the professional development of teachers.

Third, we need to create an independent system of qualification verification.

The state should not provide educational services and at the same time assess their quality.

After finishing a medical school a graduate is not yet a doctor. After finishing a polytechnic university a graduate is not yet an engineer. A graduate will have to prove he or she is an expert. This is the order in the whole world.

I task the Government to establish this year a number of independent Centres for proficiency testing on the basis of branch associations in 1-2 areas in a piloted manner.

Fourth, there is a need for expanding access to education for youth through the mechanisms of public-private partnerships, travel and accommodation subsidies for youth from rural areas and lower-income families, and the development of a network of hostels.

Providing opportunities for young workers to get special education while remaining in employment is an important issue.

Today, many people migrate from rural to urban areas. It is difficult for them to find a job. Every young person should be able to get a profession and education while remaining in employment. The Ministry of Education should elaborate on this issue.

Fifth, education should provide young people not only the knowledge but also the ability to use it in the process of social adaptation.

I task the Government to adopt a five-year National Action Plan for the development of functional literacy of students.

Sixth, it is important to strengthen the educational component of the educational process.

Patriotism, morality and ethics, inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance, physical and spiritual development, and respect for the law are values that ​​should be instilled in all educational institutions regardless of the form of ownership.

Multinationality and multilinguality are parts of these values ​​and one of the main assets of our country. According to our Constitution, the Kazakh language is the state language. The Russian language is officially used in state bodies along with Kazakh.

These are the norms of our Constitution that cannot be violated.

The planned development of the Kazakh language will not be harmful for the Russian language.

What do we need for the state’s development and its future? For that, the state’s foreign policy priority must be friendly relations with neighbours. Without it the country’s future will be vague.

The Kazakh language, our state language, is growing and developing. By 2020, the number of people who will have mastered the state language will reach 95 percent.

A tendency for teaching in Kazakh is present in all of the schools and educational institutions of the country. Deputies and government workers should contribute to all of this. The problem must be solved this way.

I task the Government to develop a Comprehensive plan to ensure youth are instilled with these values ​​in all educational institutions.

We do not even have the books or teachers to work with youth on these issues.

It is vital for our youth.

Developing the availability and quality of medical services, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles is another important aspect for improving the human potential.

The state programme “Salamatty Kazakstan – 2015” is under implementation.

The healthcare system is qualitatively evolving. We have achieved positive trends in our nation’s health.

The birth rate and life expectancy increased.

The mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases was reduced 1.7-fold.

We are systematically working on this issue. The operations on the cardiovascular system are carried out not only in Astana, but almost in all regions of Kazakhstan.

Advanced diagnostic and treatment centres, and dozens of centres in the core disciplines of medicine, as well as new pioneering areas, have been established in the country; mobile clinic and medical provision is developing. We use medical trains, vehicles and aviation.

The Hospital of the future in Astana will be the locomotive of the modernization ofKazakhstan’s healthcare system.

The issue of reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer now comes to the fore.

I task the Government to develop a Programme for the development of cancer care facilities inKazakhstan within two months, as we did on cardiovascular diseases.

The establishment of a powerful National Scientific Cancer Centre in Astana based on the National Medical Holding should be also worked out.

Before 1 July this year, the Government should submit proposals on the development of the healthcare system with respect to the implementation of the mechanisms of joint liability of citizens.

The people must understand that it is not beneficial for them to be ill. We have free healthcare, but the future lies with health insurance, as it is now seen in pension funds. The person himself bears responsibility, along with his employer and the state. The worse health a man has, the fewer insurance amounts he gets. The better health a man has, the more amounts he gets. Now people choose those hospitals, where medical service is better. Let us say, they now decided on this issue, but now they need to move forward.

I instruct the Akims to address the issue of expanding access to sports facilities to encourage the large scale engagement of people in physical education and sport.

A number of sports facilities have been built in recent years – both in Astana and the oblasts. Some people complain that neither their children nor they can get there. All these sports facilities must be accessible to public. Let people do sport.

Eighth. Improvement in the pension system.

Kazakhstan was the first among the former Soviet countries to successfully implement the savings system.

The number of depositors is 8 million people.

The amount of savings exceeds 17 billion USD.

However, at the same time, the depositors are not able to influence the investment policy of the pension funds.

That is why people look at pension contributions as at a burden.

The authorities of certain pension funds manage them like their own, and serve the interests of the shareholders, sometimes covering their expenses.

The Government and the National Bank should elaborate appropriate proposals on improving the pension system till the end of the first half of the year.

Ninth. Industrial-innovation projects.

The social importance of the projects of industrial-innovative development is critical.

This programme remains the benchmark for economic modernization.

All state bodies should consider the work as their overriding matter of concern.

Last year alone, 288 projects were brought into operation to the total amount of more than 970 billion KZT.

As a result, 30,000 permanent jobs were provided.

We continue to create and develop leading clusters of our economy. The rate of these activities should not decrease.

I instruct the Government to set aside the required funds for developing infrastructure of innovative clusters.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

Today, I would like to announce the launch of new large-scale projects in the sphere of high processing of our natural resources and the infrastructure, which will provide this processing.

First. I instruct the Government to ensure the start of the construction this year of the first module of the Balkhash Thermal Station with the power of 1320 MW and worth 2.3 billion USD, in order to solve the problem of energy shortages and energy dependency of the southern regions. This is very important. The thriving southern region has a shortage of electricity. We should not depend on anybody. This issue will decide a lot. All issues on the Balkhash Thermal Power Station were solved. We should accelerate and begin the work.

The completion of the Kazakhstan’s section of the international motor road corridor “Western Europe – Western China” is very important. It is really the construction of the century. Where else have 2,700 kilometres of quality motor road been built in three years? We need to finish the job next year.

It is important to begin the construction of two new rail lines – Zhezkazgan-Beyneu (1,200 km) and Arkalyk-Shubarkol.

These projects will give major development to Zhezkazgan - Arkalyk region.

Second. I instruct the Government to continue the project on the production of complex mineral fertilizers in Zhambyl oblast, which is worth around 2 billion USD. These fertilizers are necessary for agriculture. The project will give an opportunity to raise the economy of Zhambyl oblast and the south region as a whole.

Third. It is necessary to establish the complex of deep refining at the Atyrau Refinery priced at 1.7 billion USD, which will increase production of petrol almost 3 times – up to 1.7 million tons, and diesel fuel - up to 1.4 million tons, and provide these fuels to Kazakhstan.

Fourth. We need to ensure the growth of project capacity of the Atyrau gas and chemical complex worth $6.3 billion, expecting the production of 500,000 tons of propylene and 800,000 tons of polyethylene annually. We have never produced such products inKazakhstan.

Fifth. It is necessary to complete the project design and begin construction of a gas processing plant with the capacity of 5 billion cubic metres a year on the Karachaganak field.

Sixth. I instruct the Government to plan and launch a pipeline system that will provide gas supply in the central region of the country, including its capital.

It is capital intensive and important work. We have to do it to get rid of dependence on natural gas. Kazakhstan is a country producing oil and gas. We are obliged to gasify our country.

All the investment issues regarding the majority of these projects are settled, while the rest must be addressed.

I am submitting a proposal to the Government and Parliament to revise the budget to allocate the necessary funds for implementing the above mentioned projects.

We will have to borrow loans from the National Fund for the implementation of the projects. This is right, I think. We will rather invest in our own economy than to keep money in foreign banks.

All these projects would dramatically change the makeup of our economy, our country.

All issues mentioned above will be our response to possible crises in the world.

We will convert the whole Kazakhstan into a giant construction site and create tens of thousands of jobs.

The construction industry, metallurgy and manufacturing industry will be developing around housing and large enterprises construction. Numerous opportunities are being created for aspiring young businesspeople. They should not miss this chance.

For control over expenses, I instruct to establish a special commission similar to one which had clearly and effectively worked during 2008-2009 crises and proved its effectiveness.

I emphasize that we will start all these projects later this year.

The Government needs to strengthen Kazakhstan’s innovation system.

It is important to increase budget spending to fund promising research through the provision of grants to encourage innovation.

The new law “On Science” lays the foundation for the systematic state support for science.

It is needed to support our scientists.

An innovative and intelligent cluster must be formed around Nazarbayev University, promoting the transfer and development of new technologies.

By creating high-tech enterprises in Astana, we will extend this experience to other scientific and educational centres in Kazakhstan. We have the legislative base.

On my instructions, a new law “On state support of industrial – innovation activity” was adopted.

On this basis we need to increase the innovative potential of the interaction between government, business and science.

I instruct the Government to develop a bill introducing new forms of public and private partnership.

One of the important challenges facing our current development is the need to diversify the flow of foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan’s economy.

They should be directed to the prospective industries, for instance, such as tourism.

In developed countries tourism clusters contribute up to 10 percent of GDP.

We have less than 1 percent.

We must examine countrywide the places of tourist growth, there are a lot of them.

In this regard, it is an important project to develop world-class ski resorts near Almaty.

Experts believe that a tourist who goes to the ski resort spends 6 times more than if he goes to the sea. The country may turn this into a great advantage.

I instruct the Government to elaborate a comprehensive Plan for the development of this unique area, as well as the Burabai resort zone in the Akmolinsk region.

As you well know, the consolidation of the business and investment climate in the country is a matter of special concern for me.

Kazakhstan has been successfully implementing the “Business Roadmap – 2020”.

Most people in Kazakhstan have already experienced the benefits of this programme.

I instruct the Government to make amendments to the programme that would reflect additional measures to support aspiring young businesspeople in introducing innovations to the market.

Today we need to continue our work to decriminalize economic, financial and tax offences.

The Customs and Tax Committees, as well as the Financial Police must be consistent in their actions, application of legislation, and in double taxation.

Protection and support of domestic and foreign investors, predictability of legislation and transparency should be the fundamentals of business climate in Kazakhstan.

I urge our government officials to support investors without putting obstacles in their way.

We must strengthen the mechanisms to enable us to conduct regular consultations with domestic and foreign investors while developing draft regulatory legal acts.

We need to establish National Contact Centres for the development and implementation of strategies to encourage enterprises to abide by the principles of domestic business.

In 2012, Kazakhstan is completing the negotiations on its accession into the World Trade Organisation.

This will substantially increase the investment attractiveness of our economy.

Tenth: The development of agriculture.

The agricultural sector of Kazakhstan has large export capabilities and high potential to introduce new innovations.

The demand for food will increase in the world every year. And we should not miss such an opportunity.

The government renders great support to the agricultural sector.

We need to develop and introduce a new government system of guaranteeing and insuring loans to diminish the risks for private investors in the agricultural production.

We need to find alternative ways to enhance the access of farmers to financing.

I instruct the Government to develop and introduce the mechanisms of governmental support for retail business without brokers.

The Government needs to organize the crop industry in a structured fashion, as well as to create a single grain holding.

It is necessary to boost the implementation of our project to develop the export potential of meat production.

I instruct the Government to ensure the elaboration of the appropriate programmes for the development of cattle breeding, including sheep raising, fodder production and distant-pasture cattle rearing.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

Today it is important for every nation around the world to find answers to huge global and domestic challenges.

The accomplishment of the tasks set out in these ten dimensions of social and economic modernization will let us strengthen our economy, stabilize our society and improve the welfare of our people.

At the same time, Kazakhstan, as a worthy participant of world politics, will continue to actively participate in finding ways to strengthen peace and security.

We have already launched initiatives on nuclear security and the adoption of the Universal Declaration on a Nuclear Weapons Free world.

This March, at the Global Summit on Nuclear Security in Seoul, they will be specified and updated.

This year’s Astana Economic Forum will have a significant importance, where, I hope, our idea of G-Global on overcoming the global crisis will be discussed.

Also, this year Astana will host the 4th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which has become an important platform for the international interfaith dialogue.

We must make every effort to implement the Global energy-ecological strategy initiated byKazakhstan.

We will continue to implement the Astana initiatives under the “Green Bridge” initiative aimed at the transfer of “green” technologies.

Kazakhstan’s proposals on external policy have received support in the international community.

They bear the essence of our foreign policy strategy for the next decades.

We will continue to carry out our balanced foreign policy, interacting not only with the West, but also with the Asian countries.

This year marks 20 years of my initiative to convene the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia.

This year, we have to successfully accomplish the chairmanships of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Organization of Collective Security Treaty.

In 2012, Astana is the cultural capital of the CIS and the Turkic world.

It is necessary to worthily carry out these activities.

We are responding to the global challenges of the 21st century by deepening Eurasian integration.

Along with Russia and Belarus, we have formed a Common Economic Space and head towards the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union.

This is an important factor in consolidating the overall regional stability and improving the competitiveness of our economies.

We are ready to support the aspirations of other CIS states to join in the Eurasian integration.

Dear compatriots!

Social modernization is the main task of the new Parliament and Government, and all the bodies operating in Kazakhstan’s society, including parties, NGOs, creative and professional associations, the media, and all the patriots of our country.

Moreover, I have tried to take into account the constructive suggestions of all of the parties that participated in the latest election for the Majilis.

We must unite all together for the benefit of the Motherland.

We have much work to do.

I urge all the people of Kazakhstan to step up to the challenge and play an active role in tackling these tasks!

Dear friends!

There is a large amount of work to do, which will be challenging and difficult, yet interesting to all, both for ordinary people and the Government, the Parliament, and for the state as a whole. Without setting such high goals, we cannot develop. We have always done what we said we would do. We have performed all of our plans.

Now we have a great deal of work ahead of us. Such is the world, such is the situation. Such is the current challenge.

Let us call upon all the people of Kazakhstan and mobilize ourselves in order to meet these daunting tasks, which will improve the lives of all the people of Kazakhstan!

Dear Fellow Citizens!

Our country has entered a new stage of development.

We are in the process of creating a competitive country with great potential and a strong economy.

We have already achieved a lot of success. We recalled them on our 20th anniversary.

Therefore, we are capable of achieving our goal.

We know the ways of reaching it.

The state has all the resources necessary for this.

I believe that our task is clear and our direction is right.

Kazakhstan’s unity and stability are the most important things for us on this journey.

Our wise people have a saying that the “well-being begins with unity.”

Therefore, may our independence remain stable and unity strong, brothers!

I wish you all great success at this glorious stage!

Thank you for your attention!

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the People of Kazakhstan, January 28, 2011

Building the Future Together

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the People of Kazakhstan

Astana, January 28, 2011

Dear compatriots!

Dear deputies and members of the Government!

Ladies and gentleman!

This year is especially valuable for us.

We have approached the 20th anniversary of our independence.

We have conquered significant tops along this way, which led dependent people to independent days of present time.

As you remember, in 1997, in my first address to the people of Kazakhstan, I said:

“By 2030, our next generations will live in a country which would not be left in the wayside of global events”.

At that time, there were many people who were doubtful about these words. However, we have achieved this desired goal not in 33, but in twelve years!

The Summit, recently held in Astana, convened the heads of the 56 states and governments and is an outstanding evidence of this.

And even before this major and glorious achievement, we have reached many goals.

We have become one of the three states in the world, which convened its compatriots, “scattered as millet” in different times of history.

In these years, more than 800,000 compatriots came back from foreign states and the number of population increased by one and a half million.

We have built a beautiful and prosperous Astana in the wide steppe of Sary-Arka. We have established the capital, which became the symbol of our dynamic development, on the banks of Yessil River.

Only the nation which lives in harmony and understanding will reach the fruitful future.

Today, Kazakhstan’s international reserves are about 60 billion USD.

Prosperity requires cooperation, and unity is the token of wealth.

In the years of independence, more than 120 billion USD in foreign investment were attracted in the economy of our country.

We also export more than 200 kinds of products to 126 countries of the world.

Today, one third of the national wealth is created by small and medium-sized businesses.

The agricultural sector is also developing.

In 2010, the GDP increased by 7 percent, industrial production – by 10 percent, while the growth in manufacturing industries reached 19 percent.

An average monthly salary increased from 53,000 in 2007 to 80,000 tenge (KZT) in 2010.

In terms of the national wellbeing, last year Kazakhstan made 26 steps forward and took the 50th place among 110 countries.

Overall, an average monthly salary increased by 5.5 times and the average pension increased fourfold.

We overcame the crisis, which shook the world, and bravely stepped onto a straight path of development.

We set ourselves ambitious goals, and we achieved them.

About 500 public health facilities were built during the years of independence.

The material and technical foundation of the medical institutions has significantly improved.

In developing education, our country takes leading positions among 129 countries.

Funds allocated to education increased tenfold during the last decade.

A total of 750 new schools were built in these years.

Also, 5,302 preschool facilities, 1,117 nursery schools and 4,185 centres were opened.

A new University, which in the new century will become the centre of science and knowledge, was opened in Astana.

In such a short period of time, we have become the country with many trophies and a strong nation.

All this was done to give our people opportunities to think globally.

1. Accelerated Economic Modernization – Continuing the Programme of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

We enter the twentieth year of Independence.

In December 1991, having chosen the strategic goals of sustainability and success, we moved forward, creating new programmes of development for each new stage.

We set ourselves ambitious goals, and we achieved them.

I will give only one integrated index of the country’s progress.

In 1994, Kazakhstan’s GDP per capita was slightly above 700 USD.

By January 1, 2011, it has reached per more than 12 times and exceeded 9,000 USD.

We had planned to reach such a level only by 2015.

The international experience shows that during their first 20 years of independence, no other country was able to achieve such a result.

For example, GDP per capita in South Korea in the first twenty years of its sovereign development has increased threefold, in Malaysia – twofold, in Singapore – fourfold, in Hungary – fivefold, and in Poland – fourfold.

In my address to the people in January 2010, I announced the Programme of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development.

There are already concrete results of the first year of its implementation.

We have already launched 152 enterprises, creating 24,000 jobs for the people ofKazakhstan.

In total, about eight hundred different enterprises were established in the country.

We have begun the process of active reconstruction and development of chemical and light industries; we have made a breakthrough in agricultural processing.

Until 2014, we plan to implement 294 investment projects worth 8.1 trillion KZT.

161,000 new permanent jobs will be created and 207,000 new jobs will be available for the period of construction.

The main outcome of the first year of the first industrial five-year plan is the commencement of serious structural changes in the economic growth thanks to the real economy sector.

I will reiterate the purpose of the Strategic Plan for the next decade.

By 2020, we must achieve the following indices:

Overall GDP growth will be no less than 30 percent.

Growth in processing industries will exceed or reach the level of extractive industries.

The National Fund assets will comprise no less than 30 percent of the GDP.

Domestic and foreign investments in non-raw materials economy sectors will increase by at least 30 percent.

The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the GDP will comprise 40 percent.

The population will grow to 18 million people.

The share of qualified specialists will make 40 percent.

The unemployment rate will stay under 5 percent.

Labour productivity in agriculture by 2014 will increase twofold, by 2020 – fourfold.

An unprecedented project to develop beef husbandry will be implemented in the agricultural sector.

Already in 2016, meat exports will comprise 60,000 tons, which is equivalent to exports of four million tons of grain.

For this purpose, the state will allocate 130 billion KZT as credits.

This will allow creating more than 20,000 jobs in the countryside, and will provide a source of income for more than one hundred thousand villagers.

This will allow increasing the number of breeding stock and breeder cattle of all kinds.

All this will stimulate the growth of production in related industries: agricultural engineering, chemical and food industries, feed production, and equipment repairs.

The government, the Akims [governors] of all regions should deal with this most important part of rural industrialization.

Competitiveness of our economy should be based on efficient technologies, which ensure reduction of energy consumption.

In order to develop non-raw materials sectors, I charge the Government with developing and adopting the Comprehensive Plan for Energy Efficiency.

Industrialization forms a new paradigm for regional policy.

The Government together with the Akims should develop and approve a Programme for Development of Regions.

All of this is part of our thought-out plans.

We are still in the beginning of our way.

If we want to live better and richer, we must implement this work.

I am a supporter of the principle: a strong business means a strong state.

For the first time, we adopted the Law “On State Control and Supervision”.

The uniform principles and procedures for monitoring by all state agencies are now established.

This is done in order to further reduce the administrative pressure on businesses.

Within the framework of reform of the law-enforcement system 16 laws were adopted.

Legal mechanisms for protection of property were introduced; humanization of criminal legislation on crimes, which do not pose a grave threat to society, was carried out; the scope of non-confinement punishments, as well as preventive measures alternative to arrest, was expanded.

Due to this, only this year about two thousand people convicted for crimes of small and medium gravity would be released from prison.

The staff of the law enforcement system was reduced per 15 percent.

Their structure was optimized.

The functions unusual for law-enforcement agencies were transferred to the private sector.

Significant changes are taking place in the judicial system.

An uncompromising fight against corruption is under way.

Currently, according to international experts, the anticorruption legislation in Kazakhstan is recognized as one of the most effective.

In total, for the last two years more than 40 officials at the national level, more than 250 officials at regional and city levels, including 39 Akims and their deputies, were charged with criminal offence.

Criminal cases were filed against a minister of environment protection and a minister of healthcare, a chairman of the statistics agency, vice ministers of the ministry for emergency situations and the ministry of defence, the chairmen of the “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”, “KazMunayGaz” and “Kazatomprom” companies, resulting in convictions.

In three years, our country’s rating in the global anticorruption index has improved by 45 points.

According to this index, we are at the top positions throughout the CIS.

This work will continue without compromise.

In the World Bank report, in 2010 Kazakhstan was recognized as the leader of reforms in the interests of businesses.

In the global ranking of countries with the most favourable business climate, Kazakhstan takes the 59th place among 183 countries of the world.

In general, the facts of unreasonable interference of state bodies in the activity of economic entities were minimized.

Last year, the Customs Union of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus was launched.

According to the results of the 10 months of 2010, the volume of trade with Russia andBelarus increased by 38 percent.

Exports of Kazakhstan’s goods to the Customs Union countries increased 52.4 percent. At that, contribution from customs duties to our budget increased by 25 percent.

All these facts objectively show that the Customs Union is a very pragmatic and concrete project, which solves the economic problems of our countries.

We have advanced to the maximum extent possible in the creation of a Single Economic Space.

It will provide a huge market for Kazakh producers.

It is a stimulus for our businesses to produce competitive goods and services.

2. Social modernization – a new social policy

We have clearly defined our plans for industrialization and technological development of economy.

The main objective of our programmes is to improve people’s wellbeing.

Therefore, I pay special attention in this Address to social modernization.

I have adopted three major state programmes: development of education, health and languages.

By May 1, I instruct the Government, together with Akims, to develop and adopt principally new programmes on:

  • new employment strategies;
  • modernization of housing and public utilities;
  • providing the population with quality drinking water.

These programmes are aimed at solving everyday problems of millions of ordinary people of the country.

They will improve the quality of life of the people of Kazakhstan.

I will concentrate on the main aspects of the new social policy.

2.1. Education.

We must continue to modernize education.

As of today, the computerization of schools is totally completed.

They are equipped with multimedia classrooms, interactive equipment.

The introduction of a 12-year secondary education model is under way.

Lifelong learning should be the motto for all the people of Kazakhstan.

We intend to completely update the content of vocational and technical education.

Today, for one million people in developed countries there are from one to six universities.

The total number of universities in Kazakhstan is 149.

200 scientific councils forge candidates and doctors of science.

Only one out of 60 candidates and one out of 37 doctors then work in the sphere of science.

From this year on, these councils will cease functioning.

Now, we will pursue training of Masters and PhDs.

We are obliged to provide a new level of development of university education and science.

Today, on the basis of the new Nazarbayev University an innovative model of higher education institution oriented at market demands is being formed.

It aims to become a model for all universities in Kazakhstan.

20 intellectual schools founded on my instructions throughout the country will become the main base for training gifted children for best universities.

I instruct the Government:

  • to develop a mechanism of transition of the universities to the innovation activity;
  • to introduce new financial and economic instruments to support education for improving the quality and accessibility of education;
  • for the levels of technical and higher education, to develop a savings system similar to that which is now realized by “Zhylstroisberbank” in mortgage construction. The people of Kazakhstan should have new opportunities to save funds for educating their children by means of obtaining interest bonuses from the state;
  • to establish a National Council for preparation of vocational and technical personnel with the participation of representatives of business associations and employers.

All the work in the education system should be aimed at achieving the following results.

Proportion of children covered by preschool education by 2015 will comprise 74 percent, and by 2020 – 100 percent.

As a result of the “Balapan” programme, adopted on my instructions, in 2010, 35 nursery schools were built, 1,534 mini-centres were founded, and 137 private kindergartens were established.

Due to the return of previously privatized preschool institutions, 172 kindergartens were re-opened.

Coverage of children by pre-school institutions increased from 30 to 55 percent.

By 2020, we will make a complete transition to a 12-year model of education.

For this purpose, by 2015 we will build no less than two hundred schools at the expense of the republican budget and the same number – at the expense of local budgets.

By 2015, 50 percent of educational institutions will use electronic training, and by 2020 their number will increase to 90 percent.

By 2020, the share of universities, which will pass an independent national accreditation of international standards, will comprise 30 percent.

The share of universities implementing innovative and research activity and introducing the results of scientific research into production will grow to five percent.

No less than two universities will be registered in the rating of the world’s top universities.

Quality education should be the basis of industrialization and innovative development ofKazakhstan.

2.2. Healthcare

All these years we have done everything necessary to improve the health of the people ofKazakhstan.

Healthcare financing has increased from 1.9 percent of the GDP in 2002 to 3.2 percent in 2010.

Today, for the first time, the most complex medical surgeries are done across the country.

A total of 150 tele-medical centres connected with the leading international hospitals were established.

Twenty years ago we could only dream about this.

As a result of the work done, we can note a 25 percent growth in birth rate, an 11 percent decrease in death rate, and the speeding of the population growth by 1.7 times.

By 2013, the Unified National Healthcare System will be fully introduced.

We must seriously deal with preventive medicine and improve the quality of primary medical care.

According to international assessment, about five percent of the population with the basic types of diseases use about 70 percent of all health services.

Under well-organized prevention activity, the diseases may be prevented at early stages.

Therefore, Kazakhstan should implement a set of national health surveillance programmes of targeted groups of population.

First and foremost, it relates to children, adolescents, and women of reproductive age.

A particular emphasis should be placed on expanding access to medical assistance for rural residents.

In the past year, a new social project was launched – two specialized treatment and diagnostic trains called “Densaulyk”.

They have examined and treated tens of thousands of people in the remotest corners of our country.

This kind of transport medicine is critical for Kazakhstan, and we will develop it.

This year another train will be launched.

It is necessary to bring the number of mobile medical complexes (auto clinics) up to 50 units.

We must produce them in Kazakhstan.

I instruct the Government to provide no less than 16 helicopters for air ambulance needs by 2015.

I also instruct to expeditiously explore the issue of creating medical and rescue points along highways.

They should be placed on emergency hazardous sections of major roads of nationwide significance.

Emergency medical services should be equipped with multi-profile mobile and airmobile hospitals.

I am confident these measures will save thousands of lives of our citizens.

Special attention should be paid to reduction of the level of morbidity and mortality of tuberculosis and HIV in the correctional system.

As a result of these tasks, by 2015 life expectancy of the people of Kazakhstan will increase to 70 years, and by 2020 to 72 years or more.

It is necessary to promote healthy lifestyle, use the created sports base everywhere.

By 2015, 350 medical clinics, medical and obstetric centres and clinics will be built.

2.3. Languages

My fellow people of Kazakhstan, peace and harmony in our multilingual and multi-faith society are our common achievement.

It is gratifying to note that the people of Kazakhstan, showing respect and dignity, began studying the state Kazakh language, which gave the name to the native land where we live and lead our country to wellbeing.

Now, the overwhelming majority of adults are fluent in the state language.

And this is a great achievement of independence.

Our task is to make sure that by 2017 the number of people in Kazakhstan who have mastered the state language reaches at least 80 percent. And by 2020 – no less than 95 percent.

In ten years, 100 percent of high school graduates will speak the state language.

We do our best to achieve that.

We will also develop Russian and languages of other ethnic groups in Kazakhstan.

I have always said that knowledge of three languages is an obligatory condition of one’s wellbeing.

Therefore, I believe that by 2020 a share of our population speaking English should be no less than 20 percent.

2.4. New Employment Strategy

For two years, within the framework of the anti-crisis “Road Map” programme, we have ensured employment of the population, reduced the level of unemployment and improved infrastructure in our cities and villages.

These programmes have received broad support and gratitude of the people of Kazakhstan.

Today, it is necessary to increase labour market efficiency, since the new economy requires a new generation of skilled personnel.

Self-employed population is a huge pool of talent for our economy.

We build new businesses so that the people of Kazakhstan can work there.

They should be prepared for this, learn new professions.

I assign the Government, together with the Akims of regions, and cities of Astana and Almaty, until May 1, 2011, to develop a brand new programme on employment of the population.

The Government, together with the business community, should provide free training for the people willing to work at industrial sites.

It is necessary to provide the possibility of participation of every citizen of Kazakhstan in the large-scale industrialization of the country.

A while ago, I set a goal that the anti-crisis “Road Map” programme reach every family inKazakhstan.

And this was successfully done.

Using this experience, now it is necessary to structure the work in such a way that industrialization is truly nationwide in scale, and a matter for each citizen of Kazakhstan!

For those citizens who choose to live in rural areas, the Government together with local authorities should work out a package of measures to promote rural entrepreneurship.

In the past year, the programme for rural territories development was completed.

Now, this work will continue under the Forecast Scheme of the territorial and spatial development of the country until 2020.

In urban areas with high development potential we will develop rural infrastructure, expand access to irrigation water, microcredit programmes and in-kind grants, and organize training in entrepreneurship.

Today, there is already a legal basis for microcredit organizations’ activity.

Today, there are almost twelve hundred of them on the market and they have given more than 110,000 loans to the population totalling more than 16 billion KZT.

However, in general, they go for consumer purposes at a rather high interest rate.

We need to change the situation and the emphasis towards employment rather than consumption.

Therefore, I charge the Government, along with financial regulators, to urgently develop appropriate legislation and a set of measures.

This year, we need to additionally provide three billion KZT.

In 2012-2015, we need to increase this funding up to 10-15 billion KZT annually.

A full one hundred percent of micro-credits granted from the state money should go to setting up one’s own businesses.

The implementation of a livestock development programme, which was mentioned above, will provide jobs for tens of thousands of villagers.

Therefore, a major outreach at all levels of the executive power and the Nur Otan party is required.

I instruct the Government from the next year to move to motivational cash payments.

The main issue is to overcome the dependency mindset.

An unemployed will receive a grant for obtaining a profession, not for being unemployed.

The problem of poverty must be addressed, rather than mitigated at the expense of governmental benefits.

The state will only help objectively disabled and needy people.

2.5. Modernization of Housing and Public Utilities

The best indicator of quality of life of citizens is the comfort level of housing.

Over the past 10 years, the housing fund expanded by 30 million square meters.

This means that more than one million of our citizens now live in new apartments.

This is an important result of our housing policy.

For many years, the public sector was financed by a leftover principle.

As a result, 72 percent of communications needed repair or replacement by 2008.

Within the framework of the “Road Map” in 2009 and 2010 we did a lot to repair housing facilities.

This work must continue.

It is necessary to conduct a large-scale modernization of water, heat, electricity and gas supply, and ensure creation of an optimal model of housing.

Proportion of facilities that require overhaul should be reduced from 32 to 22 percent by 2015.

The length of the upgraded network by 2015 on the whole across the country will comprise more than 31,000 kilometres.

The state, in coordination with international financial institutions and our banks, will offer private investors, businesses and individuals, special tools of co-financing repair and reconstruction of housing and public facilities.

The implementation of the Housing and Public Utilities’ modernization programme will allow creating up to 10,000 new jobs annually.

In general, 1.5 million people living in apartment buildings will take part in its implementation.

I instruct the Government to develop a mechanism for stimulating savings and co-financing repair and restoration of common property.

Only then will we be able to improve the living conditions and increase the citizens’ responsibility for the safety of their property.

2.6. Quality drinking water

The issue of providing quality drinking water to people in Kazakhstan is the most important task of improving people’s health, therefore, this will be our priority.

Work on ensuring quality drinking water started 8 years ago, and there are positive results.

Access to centralized water supply in rural areas rose to 41 percent, in cities – to 72 percent.

The number of people using imported water decreased fourfold.

At the same time, there are still many villages in need of improvement of water supply systems.

Deterioration of water networks in urban areas reaches 60 percent.

On average, across the country, the level of access to drinking water by 2020 should reach 98 percent, and water quality must meet all established sanitary standards.

I instruct the Government to develop effective incentives for maximum involvement of private capital in the hydro-economic sector.

It is necessary to make extensive use of potential of groundwater, apply a systematic approach in the construction of new water supply facilities.

In 2020, access to central water supply in urban areas should reach 100 percent. In the countryside, it should increase twofold, to 80 percent.

2.7. Increase of Revenues - a New Quality of Life

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

This year we will increase the amount of pensions, scholarships, salaries of public sector employees by 30 percent.

For two years in a row, we have been increasing them by 25 percent.

As it was planned in a People’s platform of the “Nur Otan” party, by 2012 the average size of pensions, salaries in the budgetary organizations and scholarships will increase twofold compared to 2008.

We had promised it, and we have done it!

On my instruction, a three-year budget provides the financial support of both industrial and innovative and social programmes, which I have reported.

Now everything depends on how the Government and local authorities will implement these tasks, how this activity will be organized.

This is the minimum that needs to be done in the next decade.

We should strive to overdo these plans.

This is the main social objective of the decade.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

By my Decree, 2011 was declared the year of the 20th anniversary of Independence.

The State Commission has been established, and the National Action Plan has been approved.

This is a matter for everyone.

I task the Government to unite efforts of investors, business community and the people ofKazakhstan to implement it.

The motto of our jubilee is “20 Years of Peace and Creation”.

Throughout the years of independence fundamental values of the Kazakhstan Way have been formed: Freedom, Unity, Stability and Prosperity.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

Dear deputies!

You and I have come across a difficult political collision due to the nation-wide initiative to hold a referendum on extending presidential powers until 2020.

I am sincerely grateful to all the people of Kazakhstan, as well as the initiators of this idea, for putting their signatures in support of the referendum.

On a wave of people’s will, by mid-January more than five million signatures were submitted to the CEC.

Within days the initiative on referendum has actually turned into the popular movement.

During this campaign the “Nur Otan” party has organized a public Coalition of democratic forces “Kazakhstan – 2020”.

People’s initiative showed unquenchable civil activity of the people of Kazakhstan.

It has intensified the political, intellectual life of the country.

This indicates great potential for development and progress.

You know all circumstances of this issue very well.

By my decree, I declined the proposal of the Parliament on holding this referendum, as I was planning to take part in the 2012 presidential election.

The Parliament, using its constitutional power, adopted the Law on amendments to the Constitution.

I have sent it to the Constitutional Council which should determine whether it is constitutional.

Only after this, the final decision will be made.

It should comply with the Constitution and our laws; it should also include long-term interests of our people.

In any case, the will of the people is above all.

Herewith, I declare that in our foreign policy we will ensure stability of our commitments around the world to investors, the business community.

Our policy will meet the hopes and expectations of all our partners.

Kazakhstan will remain committed to swift and efficient development of the Customs Union among Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

We will develop our cooperation with the CIS countries.

We propose our European partners to jointly develop and adopt, in a multilateral format, a “Kazakhstan-EU: 2020” Energy Charter.

This would ensure the guarantee of stability of energy supplies to the European markets, and the development of pipeline systems.

We initiate holding of a special donor conference on Afghanistan this year in Almaty.

Earlier I have proposed the idea of a Stability Pact for the Caspian Region.

This international instrument can lay a firm foundation for stability throughout the vast region of the Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Kazakhstan will continue efforts on the settlement of conflicts which we began as part of our OSCE chairmanship.

We remain leaders in the sphere of global nuclear security.

Kazakhstan proposes the UN to adopt a Universal Declaration of a Nuclear-Weapon Free World.

I consider it important as well to develop and adopt the Interstate programme of assistance toKyrgyzstan.

This year, Kazakhstan will assume the presidency of the Organization of Islamic Conference.

We have put forward the initiatives on strengthening the dialogue between the West and the Islamic world.

The presidency in the OIC should strengthen the Asian vector of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy.

The 10th anniversary summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be held in Astana this July.

The SCO was created with our active participation, and we must do our best to make it stronger.

All of this will be Kazakhstan’s important contribution to regional and global stability.

Dear audience!

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

You all know about the initiative of holding the referendum to extend the term of the office of the head of state.

The non-governmental organizations, representatives of the intelligentsia and deputies of the Parliament support this initiative.

I take this warm wish of the people as an appreciation of efforts to strengthen the independence and statehood of our country.

Love for the motherland means one has to meet all challenges that it sends.

My life is tied to the destiny of our country.

I was charged to take our independence and build the country during tough times.

Therefore, striving to justify the confidence, I took all responsibility upon myself.

I adopted difficult momentous decisions pouring all my heart into them.

For 20 years, I have been serving my country, sparing no efforts or experience.

In these years, all our achievements, which raised our status and reputation, have been our common success.

Therefore, I am grateful to the initiators and the people of Kazakhstan who expressed their wishes!

I have never had more happiness than to serve the interests of my country and welfare of my motherland.

We still have a lot of work.

Our most important value in this path is our cohesive unity.

I am sure that large-hearted people of my country who value unity will become a strong and prosperous nation.

There is a wise folk saying: “If the country has a blessing there will be wellbeing and its direction will be right”.

In this address, we summed up the results of the work, which had been done during a glorious stage and outlined a direction for the future.

I wish you all a great success in your noble work towards wellbeing in the interests of the country!

Let our noble activities, which brought us to these glorious days, be blessed, dear compatriots!

Thank you for your attention.

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the People of Kazakhstan, January 29, 2010

A new decade –

A new economic upswing –

New opportunities of Kazakhstan

El tarikhynyn XXI gasyrdagy asa bir kurdeli kezeni ayaktalyp keledi. Dunie zhuzinin ekonomikasyn turalatkan zhahandyk dagdarys dauyly ali basyla kuigan zhok. Alaida ol ozinin algashky alapat kuatynan ayyryldy. Biz tastuyin dayyn bolgandyktan, onynsaldary bizdin elimiz ush sonshalykty auyrga sokkan zhok.

Dagdaryska deyingi kezende biz Kytay, Undistan zhane ozge de ekonomikasy karyshtap alga baskan memleketter katarynda damudyn zhogary degeine koterildik. Oitkeni biz ogan kalay kol zhetkizuge bolatynyn bildik.

Barin durys zhosparlap, sauatty ike asyrgandyktan, bizdin damuymyz satti boldy.

Biz zhasampazdykka zhumyla kiriskendikten, damudyn dang yl zholyna tustik.

Tolagay tabystarymen dunie zhuzin moyindatkan Kazakstannyn aleueti artyp, ekonomikasy serpindi bola tusti. 

Damuymyzdyn manyzdy algyshartyna ainalgan Kazakstandyk birliktin onegeli ulgisi galamshardagi memleket bashylary men denomination zhetekshilerinen layykty bagasyn aldy.

Osylaisha Kazakhstan kuatty da tabysty memleketke ainalip, ozinin bastamalary arkyly zhogary halykaralyk bedelge ie boldy.

        Zhasampazdyk kuatymen dunie zhuzinde danky artkan Kazakhstan alemdi oz zhetitikterimen tan kaldyrdy.

        Sondyktan Kazakstanga Europadagi kauipsizdik zhane yntymaktastyk uyymyna toragalyk etu martebeli missiyasy senip tapsyryldy.

        Biz zhana onzhyldygymyzdy alemdik degeidegi osyndai abyroly tarikhi okigamen bastadyk.

Men bizdin aldagi barsha zhetitikterimiz osyndai zharkyn bolady dep senemin.

        Menin basty maksatym – elimizdin aldagi onzhyldyktagi ekonomikalyk orleuin kamtamasyz etip, zhana mumkindikterge zhol ashu. Bugingi Zholdauym osygan arnalgan. "Kazakhstan-2030" strategiyasyn orynday otyryp, biz algashky onzhyldykka bagdarlama zhasap, ony tamamdadyk. Endigi maksat-osy Strategiyanyn kelesi onzhyldygyna karay kadam zhasau.           

1. The implementation of the Strategic Plan 2010 is the most important milestone in the country's development

In 1997, having adopted the Strategy "Kazakhstan -2030", we formulated a long-term agenda, the main goals and priorities of the country, which then received logical development in the Strategic Plan until 2010.

And we began to live as planned and achieved the following results.

Back in 2008, in comparison with 2000, we doubled the GDP of the republic two years earlier than planned, and effectively fulfilled the social obligations of the state.

The average monthly salary has increased 5 times, and the average size of pensions has increased 3 times. 

The share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum has decreased by 4 times (from 50% to 12%).

The main indicators of public health have improved
. Life expectancy has increased from 65 to 68 years. Maternal mortality has decreased twice, the birth rate has increased by one and a half times.
In ten years, 652 schools and 463 health facilities were built.

Today we have world-class medical centers - the National Center for Motherhood and Childhood and the Institute of Neurosurgery.

This year we will introduce a Cardiac surgery center. Medical care of Kazakhstanis is improving in all areas.

Thanks to this, we will save thousands of lives of our citizens!

Recognizing our achievements, the UN in its Report in 2009 included Kazakhstan in the category of countries with a high level of human potential. This is an indisputable evidence of our increased prosperity! Over the past decade, 350 thousand families have become owners of housing – this is about 1.2 million people. 32 thousand kilometers of roads were built and repaired, this is one third of all roads in Kazakhstan.  

Following the letter and spirit of the Development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2030, we have solved all the tasks planned for the first decade of the XXI century.

2. The period of crisis is the time for making the right decisions

The global financial and economic crisis affected the growth rate of the economy, but did not stop our development. The accumulated economic potential has provided us with stability in the most difficult crisis battles of the last three years.

We have protected the country's financial system, saved the system-forming banks.

We have not left small and medium-sized businesses in trouble.

We have achieved an unprecedented growth of "Kazakhstan content" in public procurement of national and multinational companies.

Unprecedented assistance was provided to the agro-industrial complex.

The state has assumed all the costs of completing the shared-equity construction.

Thanks to the successful implementation of the "Road Map-2009" program, 862 housing and communal services reconstruction projects were implemented in the regions of the country, 737 kilometers of electric lines, 1029 kilometers of water supply networks, 284 kilometers of heating mains, highways, hundreds of schools and hospitals, cultural and sports facilities were repaired.

This is the first time we have carried out such an important work that has reached every village. The people are grateful to us - we did a good job.

Everything was done under my control,
promptly, publicly.            

We did not allow a recession, because we knew what needed to be done, and we did it quickly.

The great Nehru once said: "Success often falls to the share of those who act boldly." And we acted boldly.

In 2009, the economy grew by 1.1%, in industry by 1.7%. We were in the "breakthrough group" of countries with positive growth rates.

The gross international reserves and assets of the National Fund have already exceeded $ 50 billion, and have increased more than 25 times over the past ten years.

It is important to note that last year we spent part of the funds, and today the volume of the Fund is more than in December last year.

Thanks to the Fund, we not only carried out anti-crisis measures, but also returned important assets to the state that we had to sell when it was difficult for us. These are Ekibastuz GRES-1, the Bogatyr mine, our share in Kashagan, Mangistaumunaigas and all three refineries.

The unemployment rate was 6.3%, which is lower than in pre-crisis times.

Thanks to the effectively implemented Employment Strategy, more than 400 thousand jobs were created in the country.

We survived. Now we are starting to implement the Development Strategy until 2020.

3. Strategic Plan 2020-Kazakhstan's path to leadership

We will have to:

1. Prepare the economy for post-crisis development;

     2. Achieve sustainable economic growth through accelerated industrialization and infrastructure development;

     3. Actively invest in the future for the sake of increasing the competitiveness of human capital;

     4. Provide Kazakhstanis with high-quality
social and housing and communal

5. To strengthen interethnic harmony, improve national security, and further develop international relations.

3.1 Economic diversification is the key to success

Sustainable and balanced development in the
next decade will be ensured through
accelerated diversification and increasing the
competitiveness of the national economy.

The most important task is a comprehensive increase in labor productivity.

In Kazakhstan, if we look at the economy as a whole, one employee produces products worth 17 thousand dollars a year.   In developed countries, this figure exceeds 90 thousand dollars.

The conclusion is very simple - we need to correct the situation – to increase productivity and introduce innovations.

The assessment and financial support of the work of all levels of management and control according to these criteria will be the main task of the Government.

Only innovations will give a sharp increase in labor productivity.

On my instructions, the Government has developed a State program for accelerated industrial and innovative development and a detailed Map of the country's industrialization.

These two documents are a detailed action plan of what, where and how we will build in the next five years.
Today we are talking about the implementation of 162 projects with a total investment of 6.5 trillion tenge, which is more than 40% of the country's GDP, which will allow us to directly create more than 200 thousand new jobs in the next three years alone.

In the next five years, a powerful gas - chemical complex, plants for the production of mineral fertilizers, a number of large electric power stations-Balkhash TPP, Moinak HPP, a new block of Ekibastu GRES-2, and many others will be put into operation.

By 2014, we will reconstruct all 3 refineries and will be able to fully meet our domestic demand for the entire range of petroleum products.  

Each industrial project in each region should be taken under special control not only by the local authorities, but also by the public.         This work should become a nationwide task for the whole country in the next decade.

This is the only way we will be able to enter the top 50 competitive countries in the world.

For the NDP "Nur-Otan", the implementation of the 2020 Program should become the main core of the work. No one should stand aside, because this is the only way we will ensure a new economic growth of Kazakhstan. 

A single management center (headquarters) is being created, headed by the Prime Minister for the implementation of the Program, and centers in the regions are headed by akims. We need to work as we worked in 2009 under the "Road Map" program.

Ministers and akims are responsible for solving all current issues. They are mobilizing all the resources.

Industrial development is our chance in the new decade, new opportunities for the development of the country.

Kazakhstan will be a successful industrial power – I absolutely believe in this.

Another important segment of diversification
is the development of the agro-industrial complex. Its development should take place in three main directions.

First, the main emphasis should be placed on the growth of labor productivity.

Labor productivity in agriculture is the lowest in our country and amounts to about 3 thousand dollars per employee per year. While in developed countries, this figure is 50-70 thousand dollars.

That's where the growth prospects for the village are. Therefore, our task is to increase productivity in the agro-industrial complex at least twice by 2014. 
To solve this difficult task, only
agricultural and industrial diversification, that is, a sharp increase in the processing of agricultural raw materials, new equipment, new technologies and approaches in agriculture. We need to use the world experience and introduce it into our agriculture faster.

Secondly, ensuring the country's food security.

By 2014, more than 80% of the domestic food market should be made up of domestic food products. We have opportunities for this.

Third, the realization of export potential, primarily the markets of the countries of the Customs Union, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Middle East.

We are already building the railway lines "Zhetygen-Korgas" and "Uzen-the state border with Turkmenistan", which will actually open the access of our products to the markets of China and the Persian Gulf countries. The Western China - Western Europe highway, which we will start building, is an important highway for goods.

I would like to focus separately on the sectors of the "economy of the future". It should be based on an effective and effectively functioning national innovation system.

We already have developments in this direction. We are moving on. Three new research centers will be created within the framework of the New University in Astana.

The Center for Life Sciences will conduct joint research with the world's leading scientific centers in the field of organ transplantation, artificial heart and lungs, stem cells and longevity medicine.

The Center for Energy Research will deal with renewable energy, high-energy physics and technology.

The interdisciplinary tool center will be an engineering center, a laboratory base and a design bureau.

All three centers will be created this year.

I instruct the Government to develop an intersectoral plan for the scientific and technological development of the country until 2020, taking into account the priorities of our industry in 2010.

It is also necessary to accelerate the development of a new Law "On Science". 

This is important for our future development.

3.2 Sound trade policy-supporting the competitiveness of the economy

Kazakhstan is an active participant in the integration processes in the CIS. The creation of a customs union with Russia and Belarus, which came into force on January 1, 2010, is a breakthrough of all Kazakhstan's integration initiatives.

The next stage of integration of the three countries will be the formation of a Single Economic Space from January 1, 2012. This is a higher level of integration, when the free movement of capital and labor will be ensured. 

By supporting regional economic associations in the CIS, the Government should intensify the processes of joining the World Trade Organization on terms that meet the priorities of Kazakhstan's economic development.

I believe that it is already important for our entrepreneurs to correctly assess the emergence of new opportunities, to seriously develop effective strategies for entering new markets, and to increase their competitive advantages.

Of course, as they say, " where there is no competition, sleep is better, but life is worse." And Kazakhstanis intend to live better, and will not allow to interfere with the implementation of their plans.

3.3 Attracting investments

It is obvious that state resources alone will not be enough to implement our plans for diversification. Its main source should be foreign direct investment.

One of the main issues during my international trips was the issues of investment in Kazakhstan. Many states see the point of investing resources in our economy.

Today, the issues of attracting investments from China, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, as well as French, Italian, and Russian companies in the amount of $ 20 billion have been resolved.

These funds will go to the non-resource sector, will ensure the commissioning of dozens of objects of the industrial program, infrastructure and joint ventures.  

The issues of attracting investments for the highway "Western China – Western Europe" in the amount of about $ 3 billion and for the gas pipeline from the west to the south of the country- $ 2 billion have been resolved.

And all this is in addition to investments in the raw materials sector, which will amount to more than $ 10 billion. As you can see, a lot of work has been done to provide this Program with financial and material resources.

We must create the most attractive conditions in Kazakhstan for investors who are ready to work in our region.
Taking into account the priorities of industrial development, new approaches to the functioning of special economic zones and industrial parks are needed. I instruct the Government to develop a new draft law on special economic zones.

The mechanism of public-private partnership has a huge potential for attracting private investment.

We have launched this mechanism in Kazakhstan, but it needs to be improved in accordance with the best international practice.

I instruct the Government to make appropriate changes to the legislation on concessions in the first half of the year. In order to implement the principle of project financing, it is necessary to provide in our legislation the possibility of creating special project organizations with a special legal status.

3.4. Entrepreneurship is the driving force of the new economy

The core of diversification will be entrepreneurship.

We want to see a powerful entrepreneurial class that is ready to take risks, explore new markets, and introduce innovations.

It is entrepreneurs who are the driving force behind the modernization of the economy.

In this regard, I instruct the Government to ensure the introduction of a single budget program for the development of entrepreneurship in the regions from 2010.

I propose to call it the "Business Roadmap 2020".

The goal of this program will be to create permanent jobs through the development of a new layer of entrepreneurship in the regions, primarily small and medium-sized businesses.

The use of the funds of this program should be carried out in the following areas:

- subsidizing the interest rate on loans;

- partial guarantee of loans to small and medium-sized businesses;

- service support for doing business;

- retraining of personnel and advanced training, youth practice and social jobs.

The Business Roadmap 2020 opens up new opportunities for both entrepreneurship and banks and investors to finance non-resource projects.

The government, together with the akims, should develop, within the framework of the three-year budget, general funding limits broken down by year, based on calculations of the economic potential of each region. These funds are transferred to the regions.

Akims will be fully responsible for the SME projects financed under the program.

I instruct the Government to transfer the SEC to the local executive bodies, which will actually become regional corporations for the development of business.

3.5 Domestic goods-an indicator of the success of the implementation of the 2020 Plan

The key direction of industrialization should be the support of our raw material exporters.

Kazakhstan's industry in the export markets should be represented by a wide range of domestic brands.

Therefore, the Government's task is to create an
integrated system of support for exporters, which provides for financing the purchase of fixed assets, service support for exports, grants to exporters and export trade financing.

3.6 Regional development - country development

We will not be able to achieve accelerated diversification without the reform of regional development. Therefore, we need to start forming centers of economic growth. In the west of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to develop the oil and gas sector, the chemical industry, the production of equipment and transport capacities.

In the center, in the north, south and east - the mining and metallurgical complex, the nuclear, chemical industry and the agricultural industry.

Sectors based on domestic demand should be developed next to traditional industries, as well as in the cities of Almaty and Astana, which have a strong human resource potential.

It is impractical to develop non-resource sectors with high export potential and agro-industrial complex in the northern and southern regions of the country.

The sectors of the economy of the future should be developed in Almaty and Astana.

Special attention will be paid to the further development of our capital Astana – a city with a competitive economy, attractive for citizens of the country and tourists.

The new regional policy is an important part of the Strategic Plan 2020.

I instruct the Government, together with the akims of the regions, the cities of Astana and Almaty, to carefully work out the issues of investment policy in the regions.

3.7 Basic conditions of implementation

Strategic Plan -2020

To prepare the economy for a global recovery and increase its resilience to external challenges, we have to solve a threefold task:

first, to significantly improve the business climate;

secondly, to ensure the stable functioning of the financial system;

thirdly, to continue the formation of a reliable legal environment.

I instruct the Government to reduce by 30% the operating costs of business related to registration and running a business by 2011, and by another 30% by 2015.

By the end of the decade, the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP should be increased to 40%.

By 2020, Kazakhstan should become one of the 50 countries with the most favorable business climate.

It is important to ensure the stability and stable operation of the financial system.

It is necessary to make the domestic stock market work, which by 2020 should become a regional center of Islamic banking in the CIS and Central Asia and enter the top ten financial centers in Asia.

Regulation in the domestic financial system should adequately respond to the challenges and threats of the post-crisis world.

The financial regulator should ensure that the share of external liabilities of the banking sector in the total amount of its
liabilities is reduced.
At the same time, the vast majority of external borrowings should be aimed at creating efficient and competitive industries.

It is necessary to cut off banks from explicitly or covertly affiliated structures.

Strictly monitor that banks are engaged exclusively in banking activities, and that their activities are extremely transparent.

We helped the banks to survive during the crisis, now the banks must vigorously help the economy in its post-crisis recovery and development.

In the conditions of the crisis, the National Fund has become a kind of" safety cushion " for us. Now its task is to become a guarantor of stability and prosperity.

The government needs to seriously engage in building up the potential of non-resource budget revenues.

By the end of this decade, the non-oil budget deficit should not exceed 3% of GDP. In the future, it must be reduced to zero.

Starting from this year, the guaranteed transfer to the republican budget will be fixed in the absolute amount of $ 8 billion.

This transfer should be directed primarily to the implementation of industrialization.

There will be no loans from the National Fund, no other additional transfers to the budget.

Taking into account these approaches, the assets of the National Fund should increase to $ 90 billion by 2020, which will amount to at least 30% of GDP.

I instruct the Government to submit a new concept for the formation and use of the National Fund to me for approval in the first quarter of this year.

In general, by 2020, we should achieve the following main results of accelerated economic diversification.

The share of manufacturing industry in GDP should be at least 13%.

The share of non-primary exports in the total volume of exports should increase from 27 to 45%. Labor productivity in the manufacturing industry should be increased by 2 times, in agriculture - at least 4 times.

The energy intensity of GDP should be reduced by at least 25%. The share of innovatively active enterprises should increase from 4 to 20%. By 2015, the export potential of the agricultural sector should be increased from 4 to 8%, and the domestic construction needs should be provided with Kazakh building materials by 80%.

Here is a specific task that the Government and akims of all levels face. That's what we'll be asking for. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the responsibility of the heads of all companies and enterprises. This is a global issue, a question of statehood, a question of independence.     

In five years, the Government should ensure the doubling of production and export of metallurgical products, the tripling of production of chemical products. By 2015, budget revenues due to new projects should grow by 300-400 billion tenge, reducing dependence on the raw materials sector.

4. Man is the main wealth of the country

The success of the implementation of the country's modernization strategy depends, first of all, on the knowledge, social and physical well-being of Kazakhstanis.

4.1. Education

By 2020, all children, both in urban and rural areas, will be covered by preschool education and training. We have a huge potential for public-private partnership. Private family kindergartens and mini-centers are an alternative to public institutions.

I instruct the Government, together with the akims, to develop and start implementing a special program"Balapan" in the first half of this year, aimed at improving the provision of preschool education and upbringing for children.

The government should take all necessary measures to ensure that by 2020 a 12-year training model will successfully function in secondary education.

Vocational and technical education should be based on professional standards and strictly interrelated with the needs of the economy.

The quality of higher education must meet the highest international requirements. The country's universities should strive to enter the rankings of the world's leading universities.

By 2015, the National Innovation System should fully function, and by 2020, it should already produce results in the form of developments, patents and ready-made technologies implemented in the country.

Projects similar to the unique educational institutions being created in Astana - "New International University", "Special Fund" and "Intellectual Schools", which are already successfully operating, will have a special priority in the field of education.

I agreed that they should bear my name.

It is necessary to do everything so that they become the flagships of the national education system, act as the main platforms for the development and testing of modern educational programs with their subsequent implementation throughout the republic.

For the full functioning of these educational organizations, I instruct the Government to develop and submit a corresponding bill to the Parliament in the first quarter of this year.

4.2. Healthcare

The health of the people is an integral component of Kazakhstan's success in achieving its strategic goals.

Today, we are preparing for the implementation of a results-oriented system of financing and payment for medical services. We have created all the necessary basic conditions for an effective drug supply system.

50% of medicines will be produced in our country.

It is necessary to accelerate the introduction of amendments to the legislative acts of the republic on the activities of state-owned enterprises in the field of education and healthcare.

A healthy lifestyle and the principle of joint responsibility of a person for his health - this is what should become the main thing in the state policy in the field of healthcare, and the daily life of the population.

The sports infrastructure that we are preparing for the 2011 Asian Games will create the necessary prerequisites for the development of a mass physical culture sports movement, forcing the regions to keep up with Astana and Almaty.

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports, together with the akims, needs to identify joint activities for the development of mass sports in the country and translate them into real deeds.

Up to 30% of Kazakhstanis should be involved in mass sports.

Only in this case we will see progress.

This is the task of the entire Government.

A set of state measures for the construction and equipment of healthcare facilities, training of personnel, and a healthy lifestyle should double maternal and infant mortality by 2020, reduce overall mortality by 30%, and reduce the incidence of tuberculosis by 20%.

 At the same time, life expectancy will increase to 72 years. Behind these dry figures are thousands of saved lives of our citizens. This is the most important goal. And we must definitely achieve it!

4.3. Improving the quality of life and social protection

The most important task of the coming decade is to improve the quality and standard of living of all citizens of Kazakhstan, strengthen social stability and security. And the state will create all the necessary conditions to increase the country's population by 10% by 2020.

Our main priority in the state social policy is to ensure employment of the population.

Therefore, I set the task that by 2020 the unemployment rate should not exceed 5%, and the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum should not exceed 8%.

Social services should be provided only to citizens in need and meet modern standards and living standards in Kazakhstan.
By 2015, the amount of the basic pension payment should be increased to the level of 60% of the subsistence minimum, and the amount of state social benefits should be increased by 1.2 times compared to 2010.

We are consistent in our actions. Last year, the size of pensions, scholarships, and salaries of public sector employees were increased by 25%. Social benefits have been increased by an average of 9%.

The Republican budget for the current year also provides for a twenty-five percent increase in pensions from January 1, and scholarships and salaries for state employees-from July 1.

I believe that the positive dynamics of economic growth last year allows for a 25% increase in scholarships and salaries for state employees three months earlier - since April 2010. I instruct the Government to take the necessary measures for this.

4.4. Care for veterans

This year we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.   This is an important date in our common history.

Each participant and a disabled person of the war will be paid a one-time assistance in the amount of 65 thousand tenge from the budget.

Persons equated to participants and invalids of war, parents, spouses of servicemen who died during the Great Patriotic War, spouses of deceased war invalids and invalids equated to them, home front workers of the war years will also not remain without material support.

In addition, in connection with the wide celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, 383 million tenge is provided for the payment of preferential travel for participants and disabled people of the war.

This is a tribute to our fathers and grandfathers for their selfless struggle and victory, for providing us with a peaceful life. 

4.5. Policy in the field of housing and communal services

The lessons of the crisis require improvement of the housing development policy. I believe that the system of housing construction savings has a huge potential for this. It is necessary to use the principle of equal partnership of citizens, Zhilstroysberbank, the state and construction companies.

What does this mean?

Citizens accumulate part of the cost of housing in Zhilstroysberbank and have the opportunity to get an inexpensive mortgage loan.

Zhilstroysberbank forms a pool of citizens ' housing preferences,searches for construction investors and second-tier banks that are ready to finance housing construction, ultimately acting as a customer.

The state, represented by local executive bodies, ensures the allocation of land plots and the supply of engineering communications.

Thus, citizens will be able to participate fully in the construction of their housing. Both effective demand and controlled construction will be provided. I instruct the Government in 2010 to continue the reconstruction of housing and communal facilities started under the "Road Map 2009" plan, and by 2011 to develop a plan for large-scale modernization of housing and communal services until 2020.

Modernization of the infrastructure of housing and communal services should be accompanied by a reduction in specific operating costs and the introduction of resource-saving technologies.

Continue work on providing tap water in rural areas. In small towns, 100% of the population should have access to quality water.

5. Domestic political stability is a reliable foundation for the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2020

In the domestic political sphere and national security, the main goals until 2020 remain the preservation of harmony and stability in society, strengthening the country's security.

In the new decade, we will continue to improve our political system, supporting the success of our economic plans with consistent political modernization. And legal reform will play an important role here. 

We have serious work to do to
reform the law enforcement system. Today, unfortunately, we can all see its problems that have arisen due to inefficient management, the conflict of functions of law enforcement agencies, the lack of proper personnel work, as well as the lack of transparency and control over the activities of the country's law enforcement system.

This sector has retained many of the flaws of the previous system. In our punishment system, fines make up less than 5%, correctional labor-0.4%, community service-0%.

The main type of punishment remains imprisonment. No one is engaged in the rehabilitation of those released from prison.

As a result, they add to the number of criminals.

I would highlight several general areas of reform.

First of all, it is necessary to optimize the law enforcement system,to build a clear competence of each state body.

It is necessary to humanize our laws and improve their quality.

In the activities of the law enforcement system, the emphasis of the interdepartmental interests should be shifted to the protection of the rights of citizens and the interests of the state.

We will have to ensure strict
parliamentary and public control,
so we need to improve the system of reporting and evaluating the activities of each law enforcement agency.

The criterion of effectiveness should not be quantitative indicators, but the quality of work, the indicator of which will be the growth of trust of citizens, legal entities and foreign investors.

In other words, in the new decade, we need a new law enforcement system that meets the high international standards of law enforcement in a democratic state. On my instructions, a draft of the relevant document has been prepared.

Therefore, I instruct the Presidential Administration, the Government, the Supreme Court, and law enforcement agencies to start this comprehensive and systematic work to improve the legal space immediately.

I also instruct you to submit a bill to the Parliament this year on reforming the law enforcement system.

Kurmetti kazakstandyktar!

Elimizde azamattyk kogam instituttaryn odan ary koldauga bagyttalgan sayasi zhangyrtu zhalgasa beredi.

Buginde bizdin yntymaktastygymyz ortak tabysymyzdyn mindetti shartybola tusude. Osy onzhyldykta aldymyzda birlesip atkaratyn auqymdy ister tur.

Men Ukimetke Kazakhstan 2020 zhylga deyingi aleumettik-ekonomikalyk zhane sayasi damuyn negizgi erezelerin tusindiru maksatynda bukaralyk akparat kuraldary men ukimettik emes uyymdarga koldau korsetuge 1 billion tenge boluditapsyramyn. Bul memlekettik tapsyrys ayasynda zhuzege asyryluy tiis.

Atken zhyly men osy minberden elimizdin barlyk sayasi kushterine dagdarystyn kiyn kezeninde elimizge zhane kogamga koldau korsetu ushin partiyaaralyk dialogty ornyktyrudy zhane birigudi usyngan edim.

Menin bastamam koldau tauyp, 7 sayasi party ekonomikalyk dagdarys zhagdayynda aleumettik zhane sayasi turaktylykty kamtamasyz, turaly Memorumdy birles azirlep, ogan kol koydy.  Bugan ulken rizashylygymdy bildiremin.

Bul-mani zor eleuli okiga. Biz osy kezenegi sayasi rhetorikanyn bayypty, al synnyn kop zhagdaida syndarly ekenin korip otyrmyz.

Bulbiz omir surip, balalarymyz osip kele zhatkan elimizde beibitshilikti, tynyshtyk pen kelisimdi saktaudyn zhalpyulttyk kundylykka ainalganynbildiredi.   

Endi partiyaaralyk dialogtan nakty is-kimylga koshetin kez keldi. Oitken, tuptep kelgende, kez-kelgen party bolsyn, kogamdyk uyym bolsyn barsha kazakstandyktardyn myddesi usin zhumys isteidi emes pe? Sondyktan men barlyk sayasi partiyalar men kogamdyk birlestikterge eldin damuy men ulttyk birliktin tiimdi zholdaryn izdestiruge septesetin ozara is-kimyldyn zhana ulgisin azirleudi usynamyn.

Bul is zhuzinde barlyk sayasi kushterdi Otan igiligi usin zhumyska zhumyldyratyn bolady. "Nur Otan" partiyasy bul iste biriktirushi rol atkaruy tiis.

Bolashakka belgilengen orasan zor mindetterdi uyystrushy ulttyk strategiyasyzoryndau mymkin emes.

Jaeger biz tabyska zhetkimiz kelse, onda myna tort kagidatty bashylykka aluga mindettimiz:

Birinshiden, bizdin en basty kundylygymyz-ol Otanymyz, Tauelsiz Kazakhstan!

Ekinshiden, memleket zhane onyn arbir azamaty kay zherde de kogamnyn turaktylygy men eldin al-akatyna keri aserin tigizui mumkin kez kelgen kadamga barmauy tiis.

Ushinshiden, ekonomikalyk orleu-arkaisymyzga katysty bukilkhalyktyk is. Bul-kogamnyn aleumettik maselerin sheshudin zhane barshamyzdy tabyska bastaudyn kilti. 

Tortinshiden, onirlik zhane alemdik narykpen integratsiyalanu-damudyn asa manyzdy sharty. 

Dear Kazakhstanis!

It is impossible to fulfill the planned grandiose tasks of the future without a unifying national strategy.

If we want to succeed, then each of us must proceed from the following principles:

The first is our Motherland, Independent Kazakhstan-first of all!

The second is the state and every citizen
refuses to take any steps, both inside and outside the country, that can negatively affect the stability in society and the well-being of Kazakhstanis.

The third-the economic recovery-is everyone's business. This is the key to solving priority social problems, to the well-being of the whole society and every citizen of Kazakhstan.

Fourth, integration into the regional and global market is the most important condition for development.
6. foreign policy

Foreign policy course in Kazakhstan will be based on the concept of foreign policy.

Active, pragmatic and balanced foreign policy aimed at ensuring national interests, increasing the country's international authority and strengthening national, regional and global security will be held.

Kazakhstan intends to participate in the process of adopting global decisions when forming a new architecture of international relations and the contours of the World Trade and financial system.

Kazakhstan to actively promote
strengthening a strategic dialogue between all existing collective security systems.

Kazakhstan, in full measure, has its role as a responsible participant in regional and global economic processes and is inextricably fulfilling its independence for all years.

Therefore, the leaders of the world's leading countries and the heads of authoritarian international organizations - from economic to humanitarian - consider themselves friends of Kazakhstan.

We should be proud of it.

High international reputation of Kazakhstan has allowed our country to become a member of the organization for security and cooperation in Europe.

This is a great honor for us.

This is the highest responsibility to preside at the OSCE in the last period of modern human history.

The OSCE with its unique geographical composition of participants - 56 states, distributed on three continents, with the richest experience of interaction between states-is one of the key mechanisms of international security and cooperation.

We have already outlined our vision of chairmanship in the OSCE.

So I will not talk more.

"Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the most important security organization will go under the motto: "" Trust." Traditionalism. Transparency. Tolerance".

We will jointly look for ways to resolve many topical issues, we will develop joint mechanisms to prevent possible crisis situations.

We intend to expand and strengthen the consensus field on safety issues, as well as on the development of our organization.

We will do everything to ensure that the OSCE has become a structure that represents a large part of the world for the XXI century.

Many members of the OSCE supported the plan of Kazakhstan, as well as my proposal to hold the OSCE Summit in Astana this year.

I proposed to discuss the current security issues in the OSCE, the situation in Afghanistan and issues of tolerance at the summit.

Our chairmanship in the OSCE will be aimed at the development of security and prosperity of the people of the entire world.

Dear Kazakhstanis!

Dear Deputies of the Parliament!

As you can see, we are ready for a new stage of development of our country. Such a complex and huge scale of tasks we have not yet decided.

We have carefully analyzed and examined all our opportunities for ten years.

The development program will be published in writing until 2020. We know practically during the months, where and how it will be done and built. And the main thing, as it was said, is that all our activities are provided with the necessary financial resources.

We know what work we are doing. The world crisis has not yet ended, but its terrible phase has passed. As for last year, I anticipate that force majeure may include some changes in our plans, but our general line will continue.

This is the essence and importance of our program.

Each person will receive access to high-quality medical services.

High-quality education from the children's garden to the university will be accessible to every family in all countries.

The quality of Housing and communal services is significantly improving in the country.

Pensioners, disabled people and small families will be protected.

Young people-the basis of our future, will receive new opportunities to build their future.

These are new opportunities that open up every day from you, your family, and our country.

Committed to achieving our strategic goals, defined development strategies until 2030, we successfully fulfill our mission - to build an independent, prosperous, politically stable Kazakhstan.

We have great hopes for members of the Nur Otan Party, who need to mobilize all Society, All Party members to clarify and implement the tasks of the upcoming decade, to actually take this work and make it their program. 

Dear compatriots!

Having completed its appeal to you, I want to say: we have managed to make Kazakhstan successful and at the same time we can make it prosperous.

My dear compatriots!

Our people have a wise saying:" in the country of solidarity, there is a garden".

We are strong, statehood is strong, we have surpassed the glory of the Kazakh people in four respects, and we have made the title known to the world.

We have achieved great success and achieved great heights, but we still have a lot to overcome.

A country like us, with a small population and a developing economy, needs technology as much as air. Only then will the giant countries of the world and the surrounding countries take into account us.

The ultimate goal of this program is to promote the independence of our country, promote the development of the Kazakh nation, and promote its language and culture.

This goal, which will make the faces of future generations bright, can only be achieved by persistently preserving the unity of the country.

These days I receive thousands of letters and telegrams from all over Kazakhstan. I receive a lot of letters, especially on the occasion of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the organization for security and co-operation in Europe and my work. Let me read one of them so that you can understand the mood of the people:

 "Dear Nursultan Abishevich, today the Kazakh has come to Europe. This is the joy and pride of the entire Kazakh people. Security and cooperation are of particular importance for us, who are located on the border with a population of more than 85 thousand people, at the very edge of the country. This is the most important goal and goal of the people. "I don't know," he said, " but I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. In this regard, the head of state stressed the need to improve the quality of public services.

Our country is safe, our people are calm, and most importantly, the sleep of our children is not disturbed. In our mouths – repentance, in our hands-fear, solidarity and unity of our people have been formed. "I don't know," he said. Our field is full of grain, our field is full of cattle, and our house is full of Souls. May Allah be with you in all your endeavors." Honorary citizen of raiymbek District Sovet Orazayev.

Thousands of such letters of support from the south, north, west and east of the country express the breadth and patience of our people, literacy and understanding, correct understanding of the events taking place in the world, internal and external conditions.

Therefore, it is with the same consciousness, knowledge and perseverance that we must achieve the implementation of this program. It is not a single president or only a matter of Parliament and government.

We want to see our future bright. If this is the case, then we need to get to the bottom of this matter.       

I would like to wish you all good luck in a great work that will bring prosperity and prosperity to our country, dear brothers and sisters.

Thank you.

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