Requirements for the previous level of education

Program cipher

Name of the program

Requirements for the previous level of education

Terms and form of training

Degree awarded

Areas of employment/list of positions




Secondary professional medical education "Dentist"

4 years, full-time

The degree awarded upon completion of training is a Master of Medicine in the OP "Dentistry", the qualification awarded upon completion of training is a doctor

Healthcare organizations.

Educational organizations (institutions of secondary and higher medical education)

A prerequisite for admission to independent clinical practice is the development of residency programs.


At the end of 5 years, upon successful completion of the comprehensive final certification exam, a student who has expressed a desire to work in a specialty unrelated to medical (clinical) practice (without defending a master's project) is awarded an academic Bachelor of Health degree.




Secondary professional pharmaceutical education

2 years, full-time

Bachelor of Healthcare in the Pharmacy educational program

-     Pharmacist (pharmacist);

-     quality management pharmacist;

-     pharmacist – manager;

-     clinical pharmacist;

-     Pharmacy business;

-     Industrial production of medicines;

-     Science and development of original medicines;

-     Quality and safety control of medicines;

-     Chemical and toxicological laboratories;

-     Clinics and medical organizations

Higher education in the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production"

2 years, full


Higher education

3 years, 6 months




Technical and vocational education, graduates of the medical college in the specialty "Nursing" and "Medical care", who have a certificate of a specialist in nursing and work experience of at least one year.

2 years, 6 months

Bachelor of Healthcare in the educational program 6B10101 "Nursing"

Medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (PHC, hospitals, medical universities, research institutes, NC, Higher medical colleges, medical colleges.

Positions held:

- Extended Practice nurse;

- Head Nurse;

- Deputy Director/Chief Physician for Nursing;

- Nursing Manager,

-Valeologist, statistician, methodologist;

-Teacher of the Higher Medical College, Medical College (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 No. KR DSM-305/2020)



Post-secondary education in the specialty "Nursing" with the qualification "Applied Bachelor of Nursing" without presentation of work experience requirements

10 months



Occupational therapy

Technical and vocational education in one of the specialties "Nursing" / "Medical care", higher education in the specialty "Physical culture and sports" "Pedagogy and psychology" "Public health" without work experience requirements

2 years, 6 months

Bachelor of Health in the program 6B10114 "Occupational Therapy"

In medical organizations where there are rehabilitation centers and sanatorium-type institutions, as well as organizations providing medical, social and vocational rehabilitation services.

Positions held:

-specialist in ergorehabilitation (ergotherapist);

- occupational therapy specialist


Occupational therapy

Higher medical education in one of the specialties "Nursing" / "General Medicine" / "Dentistry", Preventive medicine, Public health, "Kinesitherapy" without the requirement for work experience

10 months




Higher medical education in one of the specialties "Nursing" / "General Medicine" / "Dentistry", Preventive medicine, Public health, "Kinesitherapy" without the requirement for work experience

2 years, 6 months

Bachelor of Health in the educational program 6B10115 "Kinesitherapy"

In medical organizations where there are rehabilitation centers and sanatorium-type institutions, as well as organizations providing medical, social and vocational rehabilitation services. Sports and recreation facilities.

Positions held:

-doctor of therapeutic physical culture;


-Physical therapy instructor



Higher medical education in one of the specialties "Nursing"/ "General Medicine"/ "Dentistry"/ "Preventive medicine"/ "Public health"/ "Occupational therapy" without the requirement for work experience

10 months



Medical and preventive care

Based on TiPO 09880100 – "Hygiene and epidemiology"

4 years, full-time

Master of Health, qualification – "Hygienist, epidemiologist"

Field of professional activity:

Healthcare, sanitary and epidemiological control, education, science, public administration, state expertise, sanitary supervision in the operational level troops, food industry, labor protection.


List of specialist positions:

Doctor of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Committee (as well as territorial authorities);

The hygienist;


Hospital Epidemiologist;

Doctor of the sanitary-hygienic and toxicological laboratory;

An employee of bacteriological, virological and especially dangerous laboratories;

Lecturer at a medical college/university;

Researcher in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare;

Expert in expert works and engineering services with the right to carry out this activity: examination of urban planning, pre-design and design estimates for specialization: sanitary and epidemiological profile.


Medical and preventive care

On the basis of higher medical education in the specialties "Preventive Medicine",

"Public Health"

2 years, 6 months



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