Zhunussova Aigul Bitimbayevna

Born in Semipalatinsk region

Education: higher

1) Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics, pediatrician, 1992;

2) Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, Financial Management, 2001;

Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences, 2004.

Scientific publications: author of more than 90 publications (theses and articles in the field of pediatrics, medical genetics, organization of medical education)


Laureate of the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for talented and young scientists 2004-2006;

badge M3 RK "Excellent health worker" - 2010.

Work experience:

September 1992 - September 1994 – Clinical Resident of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics of the SSMI

September 1994 - September 2006 - Assistant of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the SSMA

March 2006 - September 2007 – Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies and Quality Monitoring of Training

March 2007 to September 2012 – Head of the Educational and Methodological Center of the Semey State Medical University.

September 2012 - August 2018 – Vice-Rector for Educational, Methodical and Educational Work of Semey State Medical University

August 2018 - April 2019 – Head of the Center for International Innovative Education of the Semey State Medical University

April 2019 to May 18, 2022 – Director of the Department of Academic Work of the NAO "Semey Medical University"

 Since 08/23/2022 – Head of the Center for Accreditation and rating of the NAO "Astana Medical University".

She was repeatedly a member of the state attestation commissions for the inspection of medical universities. She was the Chairman and a member of the external expert commission of institutional and specialized accreditation, national medical centers, research institutes and universities, a member of the working group at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development of SES.

She was trained in the management of medical education in Israel, Turkey. On accreditation issues in Denmark at the office of the World Federation of Medical Education.


Zain ul Abideen Muhammad - Обучающийся [Astana]
02.02.2023 16:03:01
Greetings i have a request regarding final medical diploma of General medicine. On WDOMS and IAAR our course tittle and duration is as: Bachelor of General Medicine (5 year). It is the same title we get upon completion of our course. Unfortunately we are not being accepted for USMLE. As on ECFMG platform the Mentioned title of eligible program is "Physicion" which program was ended in 2007 according to WDOMS.org It is an humble request to please update ECFMG regarding our current program and degree title. So that they can start accepting "Bachelor of GeneRal Medicine". It will make our degree accepted for USMLE. Kind Regards!
02.02.2023 16:03:01
Dear students, thank you very much for your inquiry. We are very pleased to know that you are striving to continue your studies and become a qualified doctor after completing your basic education at our University. After reviewing your request, we inform you that the University has sent a letter to ECFMG (ecfmg.org) notifying that, in accordance with the State Compulsory Education Standard (Order of the Minister of Health No. 647 dated July 31, 2015, with additions and changes dated February 21, 2020 No. ҚР ДСМ-12/2020 with additions and changes), a graduate who completes the educational program "General Medicine" is issued a bachelor's degree in public health under the educational program "General Medicine". The letter also contains information about the availability of a certificate of accreditation of the educational program. The educational program 6B10107 General Medicine was accredited by the IAAR (IAAR) on April 29, 2022 with the validity of the certificate until April 28, 2027. The ECFMG authorized person should reply to us as soon as possible. You can find out about the status of our request by contacting us by e-mail: iro@amu.kz Dear students, you can familiarize with the Educational Program B086 - "General Medicine" on the website amu.edu.kz., where a passport of the educational program is provided indicating the qualification characteristics of the graduate. https://amu.edu.kz/upload/iblock/a74/a7405983a150cd5b084cc4bb54920d29.pdf
Батыров Тулеубай Уралбаевич - Сотрудник [Астана ]
18.01.2023 15:06:09
Сәлеметсіз! Мен 2 УМЛ өткізіп едім,академсоветте литература жаңартуын деген ескертпесін орындадым, бас маман Асель Қайргелдиноваға 29.12.2022 ж. қайта өткіздім. Қандай шешімге келген туралы хабар ала алмай отырмын. Көмектесіңіз. Рақмет.
18.01.2023 15:06:09
Сәлеметсіз бе, Төлеубай Уралбаевич! Академиялық қызметті дамыту орталығы Сіздің 2 оқу-әдістемелік әдебиеттеріңізді қайта тексеріп, “Стоматология” білім беру бағдарламасының сапасын қамтамасыз ету жөніндегі комитетінің отырысында қайта талқылануына жіберілді. Одан әрі Академиялық кеңесте кайта қарастырылады. Содан кейін Шешімін Сізге хабарлаймыз.
© 2022. Astana Medical University
Astana city, Beybitshilik street 49a
phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47