SSS "Surgery Trends"

SSS "Surgery Trends"

Khassen Yerassyl Yerlanuly

2-year intern (7th year of the School of Medicine)


Base: Department of surgical diseases named after Tsoi Gilen Vasilievich


Head of the Department: Saken Kairullinovich Kozhakhmetov – Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Date of creation: September 2022


Head: Aksarin Askhat Kapezovich - assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases named after G.V. Tsoi, head of the surgical department of the City Hospital No. 2


●       increasing the scientific research and practical potential of NAO “MUA”;

●       forming an intellectual environment at the University;

●       strengthening the motivation for scientific research and practical activities of students;

●       forming the needs and conditions for students in scientific research and practical work outside the educational process, activating intellectual search;

●       identifying the most promising students in scientific research for the realization of their scientific and practical potential.


●       uniting students with common research and practical interests;

●       creating conditions for interaction between students and the University's research and teaching staff in order to enhance their research potential;

●       creating conditions for closer research interaction between students from different faculties;

●       information technology support for students' research and practical activities;

●       promoting cooperation between University students and students from other universities within the framework of student societies;

●       organizing and holding research events and Olympiads.


●       13.05.22-15.05.2022 – participation in the International Student Olympiad in Surgery at KSMA named after K.I. Akhunbaev

o   1st place in the competition "Achilles tendon suture"

●       04.05.23-05.05.23 – International Olympiad for students "First among equals" in MUA

o   2nd place in the "Surgery" section of the "Balfour Gastric Resection" competition

●       April 13-14, 2023 65th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, dedicated to Science Day

o   2nd place in the section "Diet and Nutrition"

●       Scientific activity, examples:

o   2nd International Congress of the Asian Oncology Society – “Kidney cancer incidence in Kazakhstan: Age and gender structure”

o   Bobek Bulletin - "Modern concepts of the influence of diet on the incidence of colorectal cancer: a review of the literature"

o   APASL STC 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Liver cirrhosis: common and rare complications - “Surgical management of patients with variceal bleeding in portal hypertension”

Contact info:

WhatsApp: 8-702-590-1377 – Yerassyl

 Instagram: surgery_trends


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