Council of Young Scientists

Council of Young Scientists

Council of Young Scientists (hereinafter ‒ SMU) Astana Medical University (hereinafter ‒ MUA) is a youth meeting of authorized representatives of the University, which forms and conducts youth policy, protects the interests of young scientists in the professional sphere and social problems

The main purpose of the activity of the Council of Young Scientists is to diagnose and develop the scientific potential of undergraduates and doctoral students, to preserve and replenish the intellectual potential of the MUA on this basis, to stimulate the work of departments to organize research work, to promote the work of Astana Medical University to improve the quality of training specialists with postgraduate education, further development of integration of science and education.

To achieve this goal , the Council of Young Scientists solves the following tasks:

- formation of motivation among young scientists for a more in-depth and creative development of educational material through participation in research work;

- fostering the creative attitude of young scientists to their specialty through research activities, promoting the development of personal and professional qualities of future specialists;

- development of interest among young scientists of Astana Medical University in research as a basis for creating new knowledge;

- dissemination of various forms of scientific creativity among young scientists of Astana Medical University in accordance with the principles of unity of science and practice;

- assistance in publishing and putting into practice the results of scientific works of young scientists;

- assistance of young scientists of Astana Medical University in participating in international and interuniversity scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, scientific congresses;

- assistance in presenting scientific works of young scientists for grants, scholarships, prizes and other forms of moral and material encouragement;

- implementation of the results of MU research into the practice of scientific and pedagogical activity;

- promoting the image of the Astana Medical University;

- as well as other tasks contributing to the achievement of the above goal.


To realize their goals and objectives of the Council of Young Scientists of Astana Medical University:

Participates in the planning and organization of research, coordination, scientific project and other activities of young scientists of Astana Medical University.

Conducts scientific events at the Astana A Medical University (conferences, round tables, seminars, contests of scientific papers, discussion clubs, etc.).

Establishes contacts with the Council of Young Scientists of other Higher Educational Institutions, studies their experience in organizing research work in order to implement joint projects and introduce new forms and methods into the work of the Council of Young Scientists of Astana Medical University.

Develops and implements programs aimed at increasing the scientific potential of young scientists of Astana Medical University.

Supports scientific projects aimed at studying the problems of internal development of the Astana Medical University, and proposals for their implementation in the practice of educational and organizational work of the departments of the Astana Medical University.

Attracts young scientists to scientific-organizational, research, coordination, scientific-design, implementation activities.

Attracts young scientists to participate in intra-university, regional, regional and international scientific events, as well as in the organization and conduct of such events in the MUA.

Prepares materials for the scientific section of the Internet portal and periodicals of the Astana Medical University.

Supports the feedback system of the Council of Young Scientists with young scientists of Astana Medical University, structural divisions of the MUA in order to improve the efficiency of research work.

All interested young scientists can join by following the link

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phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47