For future doctors initially-about their career

For future doctors initially-about their career

Employment of graduates of our university is the most important milestone in the fate of a future doctor. A responsible approach to this issue is the key to success in the future of each of them.

A meeting was held on employment issues for graduates of the specialty «Pharmacy» and «Dentistry» with employers and the Career and Employment Center.

The annual meeting is held on the initiative of the Center for Career and Employment. Their goal is to connect graduates with employers.

During the current meeting at the Astana Medical University NJSC, representatives of the pharmaceutical companies «МедСервис LLP and «Стофарм» LLP gave detailed explanations to graduates of the school of pharmacy.

During the meeting, the heads of pharmaceutical companies familiarized the graduates with the structure of their companies and the qualification requirements for employees. Graduates got acquainted with the stages of employment and career opportunities.

Employees of the Career and Employment Center explained to graduates of 2024 in the specialties «Dentistry» and «Pharmacy» the issues of distribution and referral to work; submission of petitions; opportunities for working out state grants and rural quotas; granting exemption from training duties; provision of deferral, reimbursement of expenses incurred at the expense of budgetary funds related to their training.

Future graduates were introduced with information on the availability of vacancies offered by employers by region and specialty

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