Summer School at the Department of General and Biological Chemistry

Summer School at the Department of General and Biological Chemistry

   Immerse in knowledge, grow through practice, achieve new heights!

June has been eventful and vibrant for our Department of General and Biological Chemistry! Within the framework of the summer school, we developed and conducted programs in four directions, identified based on the needs and interests of the students of JSC "MUA" who strive to expand their knowledge and practical skills.

1. First Direction — "Studying Biochemistry through Advanced Learning". This course was designed for students who completed their first year of study in the "Medicine" program. Under the guidance of Associate Professor Gabassova A., participants delved into the fascinating world of molecules and their transformations. Using clinical cases, they step-by-step studied the mechanisms of metabolic disorders at the molecular level, enabling them not only to understand the theoretical aspects but also to apply their knowledge in practice.

2. Second Direction — "Studying Analytical Chemistry through Advanced Learning" for Pharmacy students who completed their first year of study. Under the guidance of Senior Lecturer Igenbayeva B. and laboratory assistant Zhaksibayeva U., participants mastered the entire process of preparing and conducting experiments for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of solutions. Notably, Dameli Ospanova successfully conducted a qualitative analysis of a control mixture of cations, which allowed her to systematize and deepen her knowledge and skills. It's important to note that performing analyses of control mixtures is typically not included in the curriculum due to limited hours.

3. Third Direction — "Modern Instrumental Methods in Chemical-Toxicological Analysis". Program participant Alikhan Aruel experienced real research objects for the first time and conducted measurements using modern equipment, performing the following studies:

   - Gas chromatographic studies: determination of "volatile poisons" in biological samples and gas chromatographic method for determining the presence and concentration of ethanol in biological media.

   - Spectrophotometric method: determination of the presence and concentration of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood.

   - Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with mass-selective detection: analysis of blood samples for the presence of narcotic and psychoactive substances, their analogues, and metabolites using chromatography-mass spectrometry.

   - Atomic absorption method in chemical-toxicological analysis: determination of "metallic poisons" in biological media.

Thanks to this program, "Pharmacy" students had a unique opportunity to develop practical skills under the guidance of Gulnar Jumataeva, a chief forensic medical expert of the highest category in chemical-toxicological research. The summer school was organized by the department at the Scientific and Practical Center of the Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Fourth Direction, though not typical for our department, but equally important, was dedicated to "Implementing Multilingualism for International Students of the University". The central event of this program was the Speaking Club "Language Breakthrough", organized in collaboration between JSC "MUA" and Nazarbayev University. The project's goal was to improve the communication skills of international students in society, which is crucial for their integration and successful practical training. The innovative approach and high quality of the course were ensured by its author Gaukhar Zhuzjasarova, a student specializing in World Languages, Literature, and Linguistics and a holder of the Certificate of Completion in the Position of Instructor of Foreign Languages. She brought innovative and effective teaching methods to the program, creating engaging and accessible content. Our international students highly appreciated the course, expressed gratitude to the author and our department for professionalism and creativity, and expressed a desire to develop this course further, emphasizing its importance for their successful communication with the local population and integration into society. They noted that the acquired knowledge and skills would be extremely useful in their future professional activities and daily life in a new language environment.

In conclusion, the programs developed allowed our students not only to deepen their knowledge through advanced learning methods but also to acquire valuable practical skills that will be useful in their further studies and professional activities. The summer school was a great success, and we eagerly anticipate new projects and opportunities for development!

Our motto for those who want to learn and improve:

Immerse in knowledge, grow through practice, achieve new heights!

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