From November 25 to 29, 2024, faculty members from the Department of General Medical Practice with a course in Evidence-Based Medicine participated in academic mobility at the NJSC "Semey Medical University." Associate Professor, PhD Kassym Laura, delivered lectures and conducted practical sessions on the discipline "Academic Writing" for first-year residents, master's, and doctoral students specializing in "Public Health" and "Medicine". The educational process covered relevant topics such as the methodology for writing review articles (systematic and narrative reviews), original research studies, selecting journals indexed in Scopus and WoS databases, and changes in dissertation defense requirements. Acting Associate Professor, PhD Kussainova Assiya, conducted a series of lectures on "Basics of Scientific Research" for the second- and third-year students specializing in "General Medicine" and "Dentistry". The lectures addressed topics such as the relevance and scientific novelty of research themes, the structure and main stages of scientific research, selecting a scientific advisor, and preparing student research projects. Feedback from participants highlighted that such initiatives strengthen academic collaboration between universities and contribute to building the scientific potential of young researchers.