Results of the First Stage of the Republican Student Research Competition

Results of the First Stage of the Republican Student Research Competition

Results of the First Stage of the Republican Student Research Competition

Astana Medical University has announced the results of the first stage of the Republican Student Research Competition. The competition aims to support scientific initiatives, promote research activities among students, and identify promising scientific projects in the fields of medicine, public health, pharmacy, and related disciplines.

Based on the results of the competition committee's meeting, the winners in the following categories were determined:

Category: Medicine

  • 1st place – Alisher Maksutuly Ibraev
    Topic: "Measuring Well-Being: The Role of Quality of Life Assessment in Kidney Transplant Recipients and Hemodialysis Patients"
    Scientific Advisor: Natalia Sergeevna Zemlyanskaya
    Scientific Consultant: Gulzhan Arystanovna Alibekova
  • 2nd place – Aida Aidosovna Dosanova
    Topic: "Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Classical and Modified Ponseti Methods in the Treatment of Severe Forms of Typical and Atypical Clubfoot in Children Under 5 Years Old with an Analysis of Recurrence Factors"
    Scientific Advisor: Vitaly Alexandrovich Trofimchuk
    Scientific Consultant: Medet Kushirbaevich Khamitov
  • 3rd place – Ansar Vakhauly Akaev
    Topic: "Investigation of the Potential of Bacteriophages Against Streptococci"
    Scientific Advisor: Gulzhan Dankybekkyzy Asemova
    Scientific Consultant: Saliya Komaridenovna Bisimbaeva

Category: Public Health

  • 1st place – Alina Sabyrbekovna Adilgereyeva, Amina Chingizovna Amirkhanova
    Topic: "The Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Development"
    Scientific Advisor: Zhanargul Shakeikyzy Shakei
  • 2nd place – Akdaulet Eldosuly Idagat, Madiyar Kabysuly Shaikhov
    Topic: "Digital Technologies as a Tool to Address Legal Illiteracy in Healthcare"
    Scientific Advisor: Margulan Ualkhanovich Uazhanov
  • 3rd place – Togzhan Almatkyzy Altai
    Topic: "Toxic Positivity: When Optimism Becomes Harmful"
    Scientific Advisor: Zhanargul Shakeikyzy Shakei

Category: Pharmacy

  • 1st place – Aruzhan Ramazankyzy Kaidarova, Zarina Deuletovna Kadralinova
    Topic: "Development of Methods for the Qualitative Determination of Ketotifen Extracted fr om Biomaterial"
    Scientific Advisor: Alma Boranbekovna Shukirbekova
    Scientific Consultant: Kundyzai Murapbaikyzy Mirzakir
  • 2nd place – Nazym Samatkyzy Alieva, Madiyar Kabysuly Shaikhov
    Topic: "Comprehensive Assessment of Antioxidant, Antiradical Activity In Vitro and Hepatoprotective Potential In Vivo of Prunella Vulgaris Extracts"
    Scientific Advisor: Saniya Bauyrzhanovna Dyusekeeva
    Scientific Consultant: Ardak Onalbekovna Sapiyeva

Category: Pediatrics

  • 1st place – Asem Askankyzy Mukhamadova
    Topic: "The Impact of Screen Time on Cognitive Function Development in Children"
    Scientific Advisor: Raushan Kuzhatovna Baigenzheyeva
  • 2nd place – Diana Kairatkyzy Kypshakbai
    Topic: "The Role of Psychosomatic Factors in the Development of Chronic Dermatoses in Children"
    Scientific Advisor: Torgyn Berikzhankyzy Ibraeva

The winners of the first stage will advance to the next round, wh ere they will present their research before an extended expert commission.

Astana Medical University expresses gratitude to all students who participated in the competition, as well as to their scientific advisors and consultants for their dedication and hard work. We firmly believe that student research plays a crucial role in driving innovation and advancing medicine. We wish all participants success in their future research endeavors!

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