Department of Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship Development

Department of Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship Development

Subordinate units

Management of Operation and Logistics

Department of Organization and Monitoring of Public Procurement

Management of Marketing and investment projects

History of creation:

Since the founding of the Medical Institute in 1964, economic activities have been organized, since 1997 it was called the Administrative and Economic Department (AHCh), in 2004 - the Economic Department, in 2009 the Service and Economic Department, from February 1, 2011 the Service and Economic Department, from March 1, 2015, it was renamed to the Department of Service and Economic Services, from September 9, 2019, it was renamed to the Infrastructure Development Department.

Since August 2022, the Department of Infrastructure Development has been renamed the Department of Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship Development.


Development and maintenance of the University infrastructure and work environment in working condition; uninterrupted maintenance of the operation of buildings and facilities; management of rental processes for non-residential premises; organization and conduct of public procurement of goods and services to improve the conditions of the educational process.

Provision of structural units of the University with material and technical resources, vehicles; improvement and implementation of new methods of work organization, including using of modern information technologies; expand and strengthen the material and technical base of the University; ensuring the efficient use of material and labor costs for the production of printed products; ensuring the organization of production and sale of printed products (printing house);

Implementation of the most effective and comprehensive investment policy of the University to achieve the objectives stipulated by the Charter of the University, the Development Strategy and the Development Plan.


Maintaining the infrastructure and working environment of the University in working order; maintenance at a high level of administrative, educational and residential premises in accordance with the approved budget and public procurement plan of the University; uninterrupted supply of the University buildings with electricity, heat, cold and hot water supply; improvement and introduction of new methods of organizing work, including through the use of modern information technologies; ensuring the organization of the release and sale of high quality printed products; organization of work on the introduction and improvement of software used in modern electronic publishing systems in order to improve the quality of printed products; compliance with the requirements of labor protection, safety of equipment and safety; Ensuring that applications are completed on time; ensuring the effectiveness of the management process of publishing and printing activities; control, monitoring and maintenance of the technical condition and insurance of motor vehicles; organization of holding and registration of festive events and national holidays; conduct work under a civil law contract; ensuring compliance with public procurement legislation and monitoring the Republic of Kazakhstan; organization and conduct of public procurement in accordance with the Public Procurement Plan of the University in accordance with the Law "On Public Procurement", the Rules for Public Procurement; observance of the principles of legality, publicity, transparency, fair competition, equal conditions for participants in public procurement; preventing the possibility of abuse and corruption in public procurement; improving the effectiveness and efficiency of indicators of the process "Procurement Management" of the University; prevention of risks associated with the organization of the public procurement process, including the failure of suppliers to fulfill their obligations under the public procurement contract; providing the most effective ways to implement the marketing and investment strategy; development of public-private partnership at the University; achievement of high economic rates of development of the University through effective marketing and investment activities; ensuring the maximization of income from marketing and investment activities or other financial benefits aimed at raising the prestige of the University, solving social problems and achieving the necessary social effect; sources of financing for marketing and investment activities may be the University's own funds, borrowed funds, as well as funding received from the state; implementation of the QS Sustainability project - the sustainable development of the university.

Contact information:

city Astana, Beibitshilik street 51, building 51, 2 floor 210 office

phone: 8 (7172) 53-95-46, int: 308. 2 floor 210 office 203. phone: 577 896 (235)

building 51, 2nd floor, office 211, Рhone number: 8 (7172) 577896

2nd floor, 205-office.

tel.: 8(7172) 577 896 int. 530

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Astana city, Beybitshilik street 49a
phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47