Institute for Continuing Professional Education

Institute for Continuing Professional Education

Imandosova Isem Askhatovna
Deputy Director


History of creation:

The activities of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education were founded from the faculty of December 1, 2001 in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 12, 2001 No. 1068.

Since January 2009, in connection with the reorganization of the Kazakh State Medical Academy in Astana Medical University JSC, the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Continuous Professional Development and Additional Education.

In 2019, on July 24, in connection with the approval of the new organizational structure of NAO "Medical University of Astana," approved by the Decision of the Board of Directors, put into effect on September 9, 2019, the Faculty of Continuing Professional Development and Additional Education (FNPR and DO) was renamed the Center for Professional Development and Additional Education (CPR and DO).

In 2022, in connection with the approval of the new organizational structure of NJSC "Medical University of Astana," by the Decision of the Board of Directors, put into effect on May 30, 2022 No. 17, the Center for Professional Development and Additional Education (CPR and DO) was renamed the Center for Additional Education (CDO).

Since November 2023, in connection with the change in the structure of the university, the DO Center has been renamed the Institute of Continuing Professional Education (INPO).

The purpose of the Institute's

activities is educational activities aimed at implementing programs of continuous professional development and additional education. The NGO Institute has approved 527 educational programs to date. All departments of NAO "Medical University of Astana" participate in the implementation of additional education programs. Information about the departments is posted on the website of the University of, and in the section "Advanced training." Trainees are trained during the year in accordance with the Annual Plan for Advanced Training Cycles and Certification Courses, posted on the website, and in the Advanced Training section.

The NGO Institute provides all types of additional education for medical workers (full-time, distance learning): Advanced training - in the amount of 2 credits (60 hours) to 10 credits (300 hours), certification courses - from 15 (450 hours) to 60 credits (1800 hours). Master classes, seminars - at the request of medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Advanced training of medical workers is carried out in accordance with the orders: order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 218 dated November 30, 2020; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 303 dated December 21, 2020; Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 305 dated December 21, 2020 in 51 medical specialties:

1. Aviation and space medicine.

2. Obstetrics and gynecology adult, children.

3. Allergology and immunology adult, children.

4. Adult angiosurgery, pediatric.

5. Anesthesiology and resuscitation adult, children.

6. Gastroenterology is adult, pediatric.

7. Hematology (adult).

8. Geriatrics.

9. Adult and pediatric dermatovenerology.

10. Pediatric surgery.

11. Infectious diseases are adults, children.

12. Adult, pediatric cardiology

13. Adult cardiac surgery, pediatric

14. Kinesiotherapy.

15. Clinical pharmacology.

16. Occupational medicine (Occupational pathology).

17. Emergency and disaster medicine.

18. Medical genetics.

19. Adult neurology, pediatric.

20. Adult, pediatric neurosurgery.

21. Neonatology.

22. Emergency medicine is adult, pediatric.

23. Adult, pediatric nephrology.

24. General medical practice.

25. General surgery.

26. Oncology.

27. Oncology and hematology for children.

28. Radiation oncology.

29. Oncology is chemotherapeutic.

30. Otorhinolaryngology is adult, pediatric.

31. Adult and pediatric ophthalmology.

32. Pathological anatomy.

33. Pediatrics.

34. Adult, pediatric plastic surgery.

35. Adult psychiatry, pediatric.

36. Pulmonology is adult, pediatric.

37. Radiology.

38. Adult, pediatric rheumatology.

39. Family medicine.

40. Nursing.

41. Dentistry.

42. Forensic medical examination.

43. Therapy.

44. Traumatology - adult, pediatric orthopedics.

45. Urology is adult, children's.

46. Physical medicine and rehabilitation are adult, children's.

47. Adult phthisiology, pediatric.

48. Maxillofacial surgery is adult, pediatric.

49. Adult and pediatric endocrinology.

50. Occupational therapy.

51. Nuclear medicine.

Work process:

To enroll in the cycle of advanced training/certification courses, the student as an individual must provide documents at least 3 calendar days before the start of the cycle. As a legal entity (training from the organization), send a training contract from the organization 3 weeks before the start of the PC or SC cycle.

1) in paper version;

2) in electronic version (by e-mail of employees)

3) to Sirius automated system ( - (registration)

The basis for the provision of paid educational services, including with the use of pillboxes, is an agreement. The contract with the organization and through the portal of state procurement is concluded before the start of the provision of educational services. To conclude an agreement, including the use of PVT for advanced training and certification courses, the customer (sent by organization) requests: a quotation, a technical specification or a ticket to training indicating the topic, training terms, cycle cost, contact details, etc. A contract with an individual for advanced training and certification courses, training at a master class, training, seminar is drawn up in 2 copies, in accordance with the approved forms.

The cost of educational services is determined on the basis of the price list of NAO "MUA" for a specific type of services, taking into account the form of training and the volume of hours/loans. The price list for paid educational services, including the use of distance technologies for advanced training and certification courses for students, is approved by the decision of the University Board. Payment terms are spelled out in the contract forms posted on the website of the University of, in the section "Advanced training"

After filling out the application and concluding the contract, the student receives a referral for training. The student must comply with the requirements of educational regulations governing educational processes, their organization and conduct, systematically and deeply master theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the chosen specialty. Attend all types of training sessions and perform all types of tasks provided for by educational programs on time.

At the end of the training process, the student is issued a certificate of advanced training and a certificate of certification course with an appendix (transcript) containing a list of knowledge and skills mastered by a specialist according to the form of the established sample (according to the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 No. KP DSM303/2020 "On approval of the rules for additional and non-formal education of health professionals, qualification requirements for organizations implementing educational programs of additional and non-formal education in the field of health, as well as the rules for recognizing the results of training, obtained by specialists in the field of health care through additional and non-formal education "the document of additional education is issued on the basis of a positive result (above the threshold score) of the final control of educational programs for advanced training and (or) a certification course. The issuance of certificates of advanced training and certification courses in the healthcare sector is carried out through the state portal of the electronic licensing of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • Pedagogical skills are improved, flexible forms of training are used to expand ties with practical health care by introducing innovative educational approaches: modular construction of training programs, taking into account the regional consumer-oriented component (distance technologies in training).

    Information and communication communications are developing to ensure leadership in the regional education market and introduce innovations in the provision of high-quality educational services.

    The Institute of Continuing Professional Education continues to provide highly qualified specialists to the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries.


Contact data


Astana, st. Abay 47, 7th floor, office 723

 8 700 021 68 18; in Advanced Training

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phone: +7 (7172) 53 94 47; +7 700 153 94 47