School of pharmacy

School of pharmacy

Aziza Omari
Dean of the School of Pharmacy


History of School

The school was established in 2002. The main department of the school is the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines.

The history of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines originates from the organization in 2005 of a course of pharmaceutical disciplines as part of the Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology. Since March 2007, it has existed as an independent department of pharmaceutical disciplines.

In 2019, it was transformed into a separate faculty of Pharmacy. By the decision of the Board of Directors of Astana Medical University No. 17 dated 30.05.2022, it was transformed into a school of pharmacy.

The activities of the school are fully consistent with the strategic goals of the state and the university.

Educational programs:

Bachelor course

  • Pharmacy, 5 years;

  • Pharmacy, 2 years on the basis of higher education in Pharmaceutical production technology;

  • Pharmacy, 2 years on the basis of higher medical education;

  • Pharmacy, 2 years on the basis of secondary professional pharmaceutical education;

  • Pharmacy, 3.5 years on the basis of higher technical and pedagogical education.

Double degree education:

In 2023, two double-degree educational program "Pharmacy" was approved jointly with the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.


  • Extend the list of educational services;

  • Improving the competitiveness of ongoing educational programs;

  • Optimization of research works of the teaching staff of the departments of the school;

  • Increase of publishing activity of teachers;

  • Increasing the activity of student scientific societies;

  • The expansion of the list of the paid services provided;

  • Improving the absolute academic performance of students;

  • Optimization of the work of the Dean's office and the teaching staff of the departments of the school;

  • Attraction of young personnel from among undergraduates, doctoral students of school;

  • Entry into the world ranking of QS educational programs.

Principle of development:

Practical orientation;

Personality-oriented approach;

Dean's office – teacher – student integration.

Mission and goals

Mission: ensure the provision of educational services that meet national and international standards of quality and safety through the integration of education, science, practice and innovative approaches in the interests of the individual, society and the state.


The purpose of the school – development of original educational programs that combine the modules of general education, basic and major disciplines, allowing to form competencies that contribute to the competitiveness of future professionals in the field of professional activity.


The state educational standard of education " Bachelor's degree "in the specialty "pharmacy" allows in the framework of this specialty to prepare specialists in two most popular areas (the trajectory of training): General practice pharmacist and clinical pharmacist.

Upon completion of the bachelor's degree, the graduate receives a diploma with an academic degree-bachelor of health in the specialty 6В10104 pharmacy, qualification-pharmacist.

The startup project "Mobile Application for drug Interactions" is being implemented jointly with Astana IT University.

Contact data

Astana city, Beibitshilik str. 49/a, 3rd floor, 301-office

Tel. / Fax: 8(7172) 53-94-32



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