Chair of ENT Diseases

Chair of ENT Diseases

Rais Tulebayev
head of chair

R. Tulebayev is a well-known scientist in the field of otorhinolaryngology. He performed fundamental research on the occupational pathology of ENT organs. The influence of working conditions and occupational morbidity of ENT organs in workers of chemical and metallurgical enterprises of Kazakhstan has been studied. The results of many years of research are reflected in numerous scientific publications. Including, in the works of the VI, VII, IX All-Union Congresses of Otorhinolaryngologists, as well as in the original journals of the near and far abroad. R.Tulebayev published fundamental textbooks and monographs: "Occupational pathology of the VDP and the hearing organ" (Alma-Ata - 1982), "Chronic lead intoxication" ("Gylym" - 1995), "Pathology of ENT organs with phosphorus intoxication" ("Gylym" - 1995), "International Nomenclature of medicines" (Shymkent - 1996), "Medicinal plants in otorhinolaryngology and pulmonology" (Astana - 1998), "Kulak, muryn, tamak aurulary" ( Akmola - 1997), "Diagnosis and prevention of inflammatory and dystrophic changes in the respiratory tract" (Astana – 2000), "Spa therapy of respiratory pathology" (Astana - 2001), "Acute and chronic sinusitis" (Astana - 2004), "Assessment of hygienic risks in industrial regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Astana - 2004), "Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of sinusitis in outpatient settings" (St. Petersburg - 2007), "Muryn kuysy zhane onyn kosalky kuystarynyn aurulary" (Astana - 2007), "Handbook of classification of ENT diseases" ( Astana - 2008), "Otorhinolaryngology terminderin tusinderme sozdigi" (Astana - 2009). The department has published dozens of scientific collections and conference materials.


History of creation

The opening of the Chair of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases took place in October 1967, i.e., almost from the first days of the new academic year. In 2017, the Chair celebrated its golden jubilee. The creation of the Chair of Otorhinolaryngology coincided with the beginning of the study of clinical disciplines by students and took place exactly 3 years after the organization in Tselinograd of a new medical university of our republic. Therefore, the history of the Chair is, as it was, directly connected with the first years of the activity of the Tselinograd State Medical Institute (full history).

Objectives and achievements

  • Laser surgery in otorhinolaryngology

  • Endoscopic functional rhinosurgery

  • Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy

  • Reconstructive surgery of the larynx

  • Reconstructive otosurgery

  • Reconstructive rhinosurgery

  • Reconstructive sinus surgery

  • The study of combined pathology of the upper and lower airways

  • Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (snoring)

  • Cochlear implantation



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