- Planning, organisation and implementation of teaching, methodological, clinical, scientific and educational work;
- Training of highly qualified scientific-pedagogical staff, improvement of their qualification in master's, doctoral and residency programs;
- Planning and realization of scientific researches on fundamental and priority directions for practical health care, introduction of the received results of research work and innovative technologies.
History of creation
The course of anesthesiology and resuscitation was organized in 1975 at the Chair of hospital surgery No.1, the head of Chair was professor G.V. Tsoy.
The course of anesthesiology and reanimatology was headed by candidate of medical sciences Vitenbek I.A., who worked as the practical doctor in BSP in Tselinograd, defended his master thesis in 1975.
In 1987 after full-time post-graduate study and defense of thesis for academic degree of candidate of medical sciences, Zhakupov R.K. was admitted to the post of assistant of anesthesiology-resuscitation course.
In 1995, the course of anesthesiology and resuscitation was reorganized into the Chair of anesthesiology and resuscitation, which was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Lysenkov S.P. The subject of his thesis work was devoted to the research of problems of post-anesthesia disease in experiment. After changing the place of residence, head of Chair is Dr.M.S. Lysenkov S.P. Head of Chair since 1998 was elected associate professor, c.m.s. Zhakupov R.K. In 2004 he defended his doctoral dissertation, later awarded the title of professor.
The Chair's bases were the anaesthesiology and resuscitation departments of the regional hospital in Tselinograd and the children's city hospital. The ranks of the Chair's staff were supplemented with scientific personnel who came from other cities. So, on sub-Chair staff came from Almaty, candidate of medical sciences Maltabarova N.A., doctor of medical sciences V.M. Israilova. The scientific potential of the chair was also replenished by newly defended staff members - assistants Razumov S.A. and Kokoshko A.I., who have scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences. The main scientific direction of the staff of the Chair during this period was studying the problem of optimisation of central and regional neuroaxial blockades. In 2007 the assistant of the chair, candidate of medical sciences Konkaev A.K. defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of medical sciences on speciality 14.00.37.
In 2005, the Chair of Emergency Medicine was affiliated to the Intensive care course. In 2014, the Chair was renamed to the Chair of Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine. In 2017, the Chair was renamed the Chair of Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Over the past 6 years, the Chair has been the graduating Chair for bachelors in General Medicine.
The Chair staff graduated in specialization in cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to international standards (BLS, ACLS).
According to the new structure of the University in 2020, the Chair was renamed to the Chair of Pediatric Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.
- Conducting all types of classes, supervising the research work and dissertations of PhD students and doctoral students;
- Implementation of the results of scientific research in practical health care (obtaining acts of implementation in the practical health care, patents);
- Publication of methodical manuals, educational textbooks based on the results of scientific research of the staff and students of the University;
- Publication of manuals, teaching aids and other scientific/academic, educational and methodical literature;
- Ensuring the possibility of coverage at national, international meetings of experts in the profile and publication of achieved scientific results in peer-reviewed journals on specialty;
- Ensuring the effectiveness of research activities: publication of monographs of national importance (with the index ISBN); publication of articles in journals with impact factor; publication (articles) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS, foreign countries, international editions;
- Realization of complex educational-methodical and organizational-methodical maintenance of educational process on a profile of faculty;
- Realization of control of quality and execution of individual plans of lecturers and other works of the staff members;
- Implementation of the therapeutic work according to the profile;
- Involvement of students in research work (SSS, SMU, ongoing research projects); ensuring publication of scientific works of students, including in international peer-reviewed journals; obtaining protection documents with the participation of students; ensuring the participation of students in competitions, scientific conferences and contests of scientific works;
- Conducting Chair meetings to discuss planned and current issues of educational, methodical, clinical, scientific work of staff and educational work with students;
- Conducting research work in the Chair and approbation of innovative technologies;
- Developing work plans for the Chair and individual work plans for the teachers of the department;
- The elaboration of the strategy of development of the Chair in the directions and specialties of training, strengthening and development of external relations with employers and educational authorities;
- Elaboration of teaching programmes for the disciplines of the chair;
- Realization of educational programs of higher professional and postgraduate education in the profile of the department;
- Participation in social and cultural events organised by the dean's offices and the University administration;
Currently, the Chair of pediatric anesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medicine is based in 10 medical institutions of Astana. During the last years by efforts of staff of Chair were trained and graduated residents, who successfully implement learned knowledge and mastered skills in practical health care. The chair is organizational and methodical centre on introduction of new educational technologies in educational process. So, employees of Chair developed and introduced methods of reference symbols and signals for mastering the material on the module "First aid". An act of implementation was obtained. By the Head of the Chair Maltabarova N.A. conducted a master class for training of teaching staff of the University on the application of this technology at the departments of the university. To date, more than 10 departments of the University have successfully implemented our method. One of the innovative methods of education is solving VEB quests, which are also implemented at our Chair and received an act of implementation on this technology. An innovative technology under the working name "Institute of Moderating" is in the process of development. Together with the Chair of Biochemistry, we have been practicing a modular programme for residents of the specialty "Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation, including Pediatric" on "Biochemical Aspects of Inflammation" for several years.
Employees of the Chair also implement innovative technologies in practical health care. Thus, employees of the Chair successfully implement in practice of anesthesiology-anesthesiology departments modern achievements of the world anesthesiology-anesthesiology, such as low-flow anesthesia with modern inhalation anesthetics, intelligent modes of mechanical ventilation, blood-saving technologies, hardware monitoring of vital functions of the body, objectification scales for assessing the condition in sepsis in children and adults. Employees of the Chair have repeatedly made reports at international conferences in Prague, Bratislava, Amsterdam, Berlin, Salzburg, Vienna and Moscow. Six staff members of the Chair had internships in Israel, USA, Austria.
The Head of the Chair, N.A. Maltabarova and Associate Professor A.I. Kokoshko are members of the International Association of Researchers, Teachers and Specialists. In 2013 they were awarded the title of professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Head of the Chair Maltabarova N.A. is the owner of the silver medal of Vernadsky. Employees of the Chair are members of the republican public association "Federation of anesthesiologists-resuscitators of RK".
Employees of the Chair take an active part in the development of standards of anesthesiology and resuscitation service organization, clinical protocols for emergency medical care.
The main direction of scientific and clinical work of the Chair is the development of ways to improve emergency care in emergencies, optimization of anesthesiology and resuscitation care.
In 2017, our staff: Maltabarova N.A., Ivanova M.P., Kokoshko A.I., Smailov J.T. were trained in the State of Israel and became certified trainers of the American Heart Association to conduct training on BLS, ACLS.
There are 3 PhD students in the Chair of Medicine - Nabiev D.E., Makhmutova D.R., Omarova M.D.
Employees of the Chair take an active part in the annual International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists NJSC "Astana Medical University". Also, students of the Chair participate in the conference, according to the results of which students have repeatedly won prizes and demonstrated non-trivial and innovative methods of information processing and statistical data processing.
The staff of the Chair published more than 200 publications in the direction of scientific activity of the department. In order to increase the number of Chair staff with a degree, the Chair is planning to implement an educational programme for Master's degree.
The Chair has successfully completed the accreditation of the Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Paediatric Residency Programme. Every year, the educational programme of the residency is evaluated by external stakeholders. There are letters of appreciation from employers, addressed to the Head of the Department, for the training of highly specialised staff during the residency. Positive feedback and reviews on the working curriculum developed by the Chair for the residency specialty "Anesthesiology, resuscitation, including pediatrics" have been received.
The staff of the Chair provides consultancy in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the period of pandemic 100% staff of the Chair participated in practical health care, both consultatively and directly participated in intensive care of critical states associated with coronavirus infection. In connection with this, I have both industry and republican awards and commendations.
The development plans of the Chair of pediatric anesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medicine include expansion of clinical bases, admission of graduates for further studies in residency, master's and PhD studies.
Astana, st. Koshkarbaeva, 64
Children's hospital No. 2, polyclinic, 4th floor, block B