Master's degree graduates received diplomas.

Master's degree graduates received diplomas.

On July 17, 2024, the University hosted the presentation of diplomas to graduates of the master's program.

There are 69 graduates in the educational programs “Medicine”, “Health Management”, “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Pharmacy” successfully defended their master’s thesis and received a diploma with the degree of Master of Medical Sciences.

Master's training at Astana Medical University has been conducted since the beginning of 2009, and over these years, 572 master's degrees in scientific-pedagogical and profile areas have been prepared.

Today, the master's program provides training in 8 educational programs of scientific-pedagogical and 6 profile programs, as well as EMBA and MBA programs. The range of educational services in master's programs is expanding; new educational programs are being developed and implemented in current areas of the healthcare system and medical science.

Master's students take an active part in scientific and practical conferences; publish in domestic and international journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

The obtained results of scientific research and experimental research work of undergraduates have practical significance for the introduction of new approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of certain nosologies, in the development of medical education, and in improving healthcare management.

Many masters of scientific-pedagogical fields remain at the university departments and contribute to the training of medical personnel.

The university administration, scientific supervisors, teachers and deans awarded diplomas and expressed parting words to the graduates of the master's program.

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