Training on environmental aspects of sustainable development for University administrative staff

Training on environmental aspects of sustainable development for University administrative staff

On May 23, the Strategic Development Center and the Chair of Public Health and Hygiene, conducted a training for the University’s administrative and management staff on environmental aspects of sustainable development. Associate Research Professor of the Chair Bakhtiyar Serik held the event.

In his speech, B. Serik focused on the impact of environmental problems on health and suggested ways to solve them. Special attention was paid to the consequences of reducing energy costs and their impact on climate change. The lecturer presented the main ways to solve these problems, including the allocation of funds for environmental restoration, the use of modern technologies based on alternative energy sources, landscaping of adjacent territories in residential areas and other measures.

At the end of the training, the participants got acquainted with international experience in combating environmental problems, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development as a key step towards restoring the ecological balance on the planet.

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