On November 29, 2024, at the Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasova, as part of the month dedicated to World AIDS Day, which is annually celebrated around the world on December 1, student debates were held on the topic "HIV and its impact on society" in order to popularize science among students, discuss medical problems.

Organizers: NJSC "Astana Medical University", student scientific circle of the department. The persons responsible for the debate were the head of the department, MD, Professor Dusmagambetov M.U., professor of the department, PhD Baiduissenova A.U., 2nd year students of the medical and preventive faculty.

Conference participants: faculty of the Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasova, curators and students of the NJSC "Astana Medical University", representatives of the "Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection" of Astana, the School of Public Health and Management.

An action was organized with express testing for HIV infection with mandatory pre- and post-test counseling from specialists on HIV infection. More than 50 students were tested anonymously of their own free will. All participants received handouts of an informational nature. More than 150 students from the School of Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health and Management took an active part in the event. The express test was conducted by the nurse of the Trust Point of the Center for HIV Infection Prevention M.A. Moshkalova.

The debate was attended by 2nd-year students of the School of Public Health and Management and the School of Dentistry.

The "Sanitas Praeventiva" team, slogans "Prevention is a good thing, it is good for you" - 201st group of MTD (consisting of Altai Amina, Bakytov Zhanbota, Baktiyar Akniet, Karabek Inabat)

Team “Potential”, slogans “HIV – degen diagnosis emes, omirge degen kozkaras. Uakytynda tekserileyik zhane birge kureseyik" - 202nd group of MTD (consisting of Orynbai Aidana, Kuanysheva Gulnur, Kenzhegalieva Toleu, Madenova Aisha, Sembi Balnur)

Team “Panacea” slogans – “The word is not meaning, but power” - 203 MPC (composed of Kenzhebay Maral, Mkrtchyan Andronik, Sauelova Akbota, Shaimurat Azamat)

Team “Pathogen pioneers”, slogans - “We explore the invisible, we conquer the microscopic” - 202nd group of dentistry (consisting of Berdibek Dinmukhamed, Daniyarbek Alibi, Isakhan Nuray, Kurbanali Erasyl, Moldazhanova Dilyara).

The debate was assessed by a jury consisting of:

1. Dusmagambetov Marat Uteuovich - Head of the Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasova, MD, Professor.

2. Beksultanova Dana Taygoshkarovna - Epidemiologist of the Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection

3. Utelova Elvira Kydyralievna - Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department of the Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection

4. Zharykbasova Fariza Zhanibekovna - Deputy Dean of the School of Public Health and Management of NJSC "AMU"

5. Baiduisenova Aliya Uteshovna - Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasova

6. Urekeshov Baktybergen Sadykovich - Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasova

The first debate was held between groups 201 and 203 of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention on the topic: "Does HIV test require testing? Is it mandatory for everyone to take an HIV test?" The "Panacea" team won, their "for" arguments were more convincing. The second debate on the topic "How can HIV status be justified? Can disclosing another person's HIV status be justified?" was held by students of group 202 of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention and group 202 of the Faculty of Dentistry. In the second debate, the team of dentists "Pathogen pioneers", who represented the opposition, was more convincing. The winners of the first two debates: team 203 MPC and 202 Stomatology competed in the third debate on the topic "Can a manager fire an HIV-positive employee if, in his opinion, there is a risk of infection for others?" The winners of the debate were the team "Pathogen pioneers", dentists of group 202 - 1st place, 2nd place - team "Panacea", 3rd place - teams "Sanitas Praeventiva" and "Potential".

The debates were interesting, with heated confrontations and arguments. The modern youth of our University realize that this topic is important not only for the health of an individual, but also for the formation of a positive and inclusive society, where people have the right to life and a decent existence regardless of their medical status. According to the World Health Organization, today more than 38 million people in the world live with HIV. Despite advances in medicine and increased attention to the problem, stigmatization and discrimination still persist, hindering the fight against the epidemic. Over the first nine months of this year, 327 new cases of HIV infection were identified in the capital. Of those identified, 75.2% are men, 24.8% are women, 62.4% are aged 20-39. During the debate, students tried to analyze current approaches to combating HIV infection, discuss the social and economic consequences of this problem, and consider ways to overcome the stigma and misunderstanding that accompany this disease. Various opinions were presented, arguments were exchanged and attempts were made to develop joint solutions to create a safer and more supportive society for all. For their active participation in the debates, the students received certificates of honor: 201 MPC - Altay Amina, Bakytov Zhanbota, 202 MPC - Murat Zhanel, Sembı Balnur, Kuanysheva Gulnur, 203 MPC - Metaeva Anel, Kenjebai Maral, Sauyelova Akbota; 202 Dentistry group - Kurbanali Yerasyl, Moldazhanova Dilyara.

Summarizing our discussion, we can highlight the main points regarding the impact of AIDS on society. Firstly, unfortunately, despite significant achievements in medicine, the problem of HIV/AIDS remains relevant and requires attention. Disagreements between supporters of active treatment and those who advocate prevention highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to this problem. We see that in order to solve this difficult situation, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all interested parties. It is important to understand that increasing tolerance in society, improving the level of education and ensuring access to treatment are key ways to solve problems related to HIV/AIDS. Society should strive to create not only an accessible, but also a safe environment for all people. Awareness of the methods of transmission and prevention of the disease will help to destroy the myths and stereotypes that give rise to stigmatization.

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