Obesity: A Global Problem That Requires Immediate Action

Obesity: A Global Problem That Requires Immediate Action

Obesity: A Global Problem That Requires Immediate Action

According to projections by the World Obesity Federation, by 2030, more than 1.5 billion people worldwide will suffer from obesity, accounting for over a quarter of the global population. In Kazakhstan, 29% of minors are overweight or obese. This is a serious signal that it is crucial to instill healthy eating habits and promote an active lifestyle from childhood.

Obesity is not just an aesthetic issue but a serious chronic disease that increases the risk of more than 200 health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

In 98% of cases, obesity is linked to an unhealthy lifestyle, including low physical activity and poor nutrition. The remaining 2% are caused by endocrine disorders and metabolic abnormalities.

Many people make common mistakes when trying to lose weight. They expect quick results, but weight loss is a process that requires time. Strict diets and starvation. A drastic restriction of food intake leads to breakdowns and regaining lost weight. Taking "magic weight loss pills" can cause increased heart rate, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and insomnia.

Key Recommendations for Preventing Obesity:

1.    Healthy nutrition: A daily diet should include vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein-rich foods.

2.    Regular physical activity: At least 10,000 steps per day and consistent exercise.

3.    Adequate water intake: Water boosts metabolism and reduces hunger.

4.    Quality sleep: Sleep deprivation leads to weight gain. The optimal sleep period is from 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM.

5.    Stress management: Studies show that stress increases cravings for sweets and fatty foods.

Zhanna Nurbegen, Lead Researcher at the

Research Institute of Preventive Medicine named after Academician E. Dalenov.

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